HomeMy WebLinkAbout80-32 r iOI' '1 I! . . . .... 'I'll E COHPO!lAT CON OF TJI J.: 'l'OW,N OF N};WCA;3TL1~ -------------.-----.---.....--- BY-LAW NO. gO. ~ A BY - L!\ W TO CONF I HM TIlE pnOCEEDI NGS OF THE COUNCI L OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AT TIllS MEETINC; HELD ON TilE lOth March DAY OF 19 80 i i ~:I ' WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Munj,cipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its Council; 'II, AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 oJ The Municipal Act, being Chapter 28.1 of the Hevised Stat.utes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by by-law; NOW THEREFORE THE CODNCI L OF THE TOWN OF NEII'CASTLE EN/leTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The actions of the Council of the Town of Newcastle at this meeting held on the 10th day of March 1980 in respect oJ each recommendation cont;tined in the reports of the Committe(;;; and e :1 c h mo t ion and r l; sol u ti 0 n p ;1,:; ~) c ci ; ~ n cl 0 the r act ion t a ken by the Council of the To\\'n of Nev,'castle at this meeting is hereby ado p t e d and co 11 fir m e d as j f a1 1 ~; u clip roc c~ r: cl i. n g s \I' ere (: ....: pre ~; ~; ! Y embodied ,i11 t.his by-law. 2. The ~1ayor ;tncl proper offi,cials of the Town of Newcastle are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the :1.ctions 01" the COllncil of the Town of Newcastle referred to in the preceeding section hereof. 3. The ~la::,'()r :l'lci Clc'1"J.; are :ulthorizccl and eli.reeLed to execute all documents necessary in that beha,lt and to afIi,:>: th(~reto the Seal of the Town of Newc:1.stle. PASSED IN OPEN COUNCIL this 10th day March 0," 1. J. 9 80. ~- ~l:lyor ell:rk ,j' ' "I7-'~"'!."'d' 1L ~.: ' 1!:"'i:\Ft~~ \.~.. ". ,. - 1~0lf,'lIIIUl,..'IIt!r":'1!I '..i':..i',iH..".\'..,..'.:,".\.."';,,,',.,.,,'-'.'~.',i~i.,"',"'~ .,'.'....,.,IIN'<,.. 'C-'..:("n::'!:',,",,:i::-',';,',:~:'iE'I';;;i-iWi~;.1;;j\iI:;;r;"1h~.~~.~ft\f.\t~\I~"'___''''_'tf&".",-,,-,~~----- - '~",;;",;, ,i~~--"'-'" """'''''''''''' 'i..""';~~~<<'" . .. 0, ~"~"