HomeMy WebLinkAbout80-104 . .. . THE CDRPORATION OF THE 'TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW ro. 80-104 Being a by-law to adopt Policies for Staging of Developnent in the Courtice Urban Area The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby ENACTS AS FOlJ.DWS: That Policies for the Staging of Development in the Courtice Urban Area in the Town of Newcastle be established and that the said policies shall be as . provided in Schedule "A" attached to this by-law. By-Law read a first and second time this 28th day of July 1980. By-Law read a third and final time this 28th day of July 1980. G. B. RiCkard.."../~ ~_~ Mayor Joseph M. McIlroy Clerk . . SeNtZ Ou'-€. t( /l'( POLICIES FOR THE STAGING OF DEVELOPMENT . in the COURTICE URBAN AREA As revised July, 1980 . .S:~.~ AF . Amendment No. to the Official Plan for the former Township of Darlington, now part of the Town of Newcastle PURPOSE OF AMENDMENT The purpose of this amendment is to introduce detailed policies for staging urban development within the Courtice Major Urban Area. BASIS OF AMENDMENT This amendment to the Official Plan for the former Planning Area of the township of Darl- ington is based upon a review of development proposals within the Courtice Major Urban Area and the need to ensure the orderly progression of that development in a manner which reinforces . development of the Courtice Community Central Area. LOCATION OF AMENDMENT The area subject to this amendment is defined as the Courtice Major Urban Area as delineated by Schedule 1 to the Official Plan for the former Township of Darlington. AMENDMENT The Official Plan for the former Township of Darlington is hereby further amended by: i) Deleting in its entirety Section 6.8.2 (iii) ii) Inserting the following Section 6.8.2 (iii) 6.8.2 (iii) The Council of the Town of Newcastle shall . consider the development of the Courtice Community Central Area as described in <:'.-" t <:1<'1 ,. -,) c t'.f2.~_A_A.-.j!.JZJ ' - 2 - . Section 6.5.2 as a first priority in the development of the Courtice Major Urban Area through such means as the approval of develop- ment proposals, the provision of public works and the provision of community facilities. Town Council shall annually review the rate of residential and non-residential development in the Courtice Major Urban Area with specific regard to its commitments and the potential fin- ancial implications of further development. a) Town Council may consider the approval of draft plans of subdivision in the Courtice Major Urban . Area at any time, subject to the policies of the municipality, Amendment 12 to the Darlington Township Official Plan and the other policies of this amendment, and may set an "annual limit" on the amount of development that may proceed to final approval. b) Town Council shall promote the development of neighbourhoods la, lb, 2a, 2b, and 3a as a firs t priority, and shall, if an "annual limit" is set as described in a) above, allocate a portion of the "annual limit" to each neighbourhood men- tioned. The portion of the "annual limit" to be allocated . to each neighbourhood shall be determined on the basis of the proportion of the neighbourhood pop- ulation to the total population of the neighbourhoods . ~/-' 4 '" .~ Lj,;>(_"-./'--~ . . . - 3 - . mentioned above, less the population of any draft approved plans within those neighbour- hoods. In those instances where more than one plan of subdivision has received draft approval within a neighbourhood, then the maximum allow- able number of units for that neighbourhood shall be allocated to those plans on the basis of the proportion of the population generated by a sub- division to the overall neighbourhood population. c) Town Council shall consider development within neighbourhoods 2c, 3b and 3c as a second priority, except where development will further the develop- ment of the Community Central Area. Town Council . shall have regard for such matters as the following in considering development proposals in neighbourhoods 2c, 3b and 3c: i) The type of development proposal, e.g. commercial, residential, institutional, etc. ii) The relationship of the proposal to the Com- munity Central Area. iii) The cost to the Town and the Region of Durham of providing municipal services, i.e., roads, piped services and community facilities. d) Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary, the policies of this subsection 6.8.2 (iii) shall not . apply to lands covered by plans of subdivision which have received draft approval prior to Council adoption of these policies.