HomeMy WebLinkAbout80-103 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE . BY-LAW NO. 80-103 being a by-law to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 2111 of the former Township of Darlington WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle DEEMS it advisable to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 2111 of the former Township of Darlington; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Section 9 of By-law 2111 is hereby amended by adding to Subsection (c) the following Subsection 2: "2) M2-3; Lot 31, Concession 1, Darlington . Notwithstanding any provisions of this by-law to the contrary, those portions of lot 31, designated "M2-3" on the attached Schedule "A" hereto, shall be used only in accordance with the provisions of this Subsection. In the event that this subsection is silent on any matter, then the provisions of By-law 2111, as amended, shall apply. (i) Definitions For the purposes of this subsection. (a) "BULK STORAGE TANK" shall mean a tank for the bulk storage of petroleum, petroleum products, chemicals, gases or similar substances. This definition shall not include a storage tank which is accessory to another use on the lot where such tank is located. . - 2 - . . (b) "FACTORY OUTLET" shall mean a building or part of a building, accessory to a permitted industrial use, where the products manufactured by that industry are kept for wholesale or retail sale. (c) "GARAGE, COMMERCIAL" shall mean an establishment or premises where vehicles owned by the general public are repaired or maintained. (d) GARAGE, MAINTENANCE" means an establishment or premises where vehicles owned or leased by the occupant of such premises are repaired or maintained. (e) "FLOOR AREA, GROSS" shall mean the aggregate of the horizontal area of each storey, measured between the exterior faces of the exterior walls at the floor level of such storey. (f) "FLOOR AREA, NET" shall mean that portion of the gross floor area of a building which is used by a Non-Residential use~ i) any part of such building used by another Non- Residential use; ii) any part of such building used for the parking or storage of motor vehicles; iii) any part of such building used for equipment to heat such building or a portion thereof; and iv) the thickness of any exterior walls of such building. . . - 3 - (g) "FRONTAGE, LOT" shall mean the horizontal distance between side lot lines, measured along a line 100 metres back from and parallel to the front lot line. (h) "OPEN STORAGE AREA" shall mean land used for the out- side storage of equipment, goods or materials. This definition shall not include a storage use located in a building, a salvage yard, a delivery space or a parking space. (i) "PUNTING STRIP" shall mean a row of trees or a continuous unpierced hedgerow of evergreens or shrubs, not less than five feet high, immediately . adjacent to the lot line or portion thereof, along which such planting strip is required herein, which is planted with shrubs, flower beds, or a combin- ation thereof. (j) "PRIVATE GASOLINE PUMP ISLAND" shall mean a structure used to dispense gasoline solely to vehicles owned or leased by the occupant of the lot where such gasoline pump island is located. This definition shall not in- elude an automobile service station or any other facil- ity for the sale of fuels. (ii) Permitted Uses an assembly plant; a bulk storage tank; a business office accessory to a permitted use; a commercial garage; a contractor's yard; . an equipment storage building; a factory outlet; a farm implement dealership; " - 4 - . a heavy equipment sales and service outlet; a maintenance garage accessory to a permitted use; a manufacturing plant; an open storage area; a parking lot; a private gasoline pump island; a warehouse. (iii) Zone Provisions (a) lot area (minimum) (b) lot frontage (minimum) (c) lot cove rage (maximum) (d) front yard (minimum) (e) interior sideyard (minimum) . (f) exterior sideyard (minimum) (g) rear yard (minimum) . .5 ha 50 m 50% 10.6 m 4.5 m, provided that where a side lot line abuts a residential zone, or abuts a lot having a residential use situated there- on within 30 m, the minimum side yard shall be 9.0 m. 10 . 6 m 10.6 m, provided that where a rear lot line abuts a resi- dential zone, or abuts a lot having a residential use situated thereon within 30 m, the minimum rear yard shall be 15.0 m, and provided further that no rear yard - 5 - ". (h) landscaping area (minimum) (i) building height ( maximum) (j) parking spaces (minima) i) business office . ii) commercial garage - iii) other uses (k) parking space location . (1) loading spaces (minima) i) commercial garage- shall be required from any portion of a rear lot line which abuts a railroad right- of-way. 10% 10 . 6 m 1 for each 18.5 square metres of net floor area or portion thereof. 1 for each 4.6 square metres of gross floor area or por- tion thereof. 1 for each 69.7 square metres of net floor area or portion thereof. No parking space shall be located closer than 1.5 m to any street line or 5.5 m to any lot line which abuts a lot having a residential use situated thereon within 30 m. 1 per lot - 6 - . ii) other uses the greater of one per lot; or one for each 2787 square metres of gross floor area or portion thereof. (m) Gasoline Pump Island Location No part of any gasoline pump island shall be located in any front yard or closer than 4.5 m to any side or rear lot line. (n) Open Storage Area Regulations No open storage area shall be permitted except in accord- ance with the following pro- ~ visions; i) no open storage area shall be permitted in a front yard or exterior sideyard; ii) no open storage area shall be permitted in a rear yard adjacent to a rear lot line of such lot which abuts a lot having a Residential use situated there- on within 30 metres. iii) no open storage area shall be permitted in a side- yard adjacent to a side lot line of such lot which abuts a lot having a Residential use situated there- on within 30 metres. iv) every open storage area or lot having an open storage area situated thereon shall be enclosed by a wall or ~ fence not less than 1.8 metres in height and con- structed of uniform material; and, - 7 - . v) no portion of any open storage area for com- bustible materials shall be located closer than 6 metres to any lot line. (0) Property abutting railway Notwithstanding any provision of this By-law to the contrary, where any lot line or portion thereof abuts a railroad right-of-way, no interior side or rear yard shall be required along that portion of such lot which so abuts the railroad right-of-way. (p) Planting Strip Location A 3.0 metre wide planting strip shall be required along any portion of a side lot line or rear lot line ~ abutting a lot having a residential use situated there- on within 304.5 metres. (q) Noxious Trade No use shall be permitted which from its nature or the materials used therein is declared to be a noxious trade, business or manufacture under the Public Health Act or regulations thereunder. (r) Unserviced Lot Requirements (i) No more than 45,460 litres of water per day shall be taken from any lake, stream, well or reservoir; ~ (ii) no water taken from any lake, stream, well or reservoir and utilized in any way in the manu- facturing process shall be discharged in such manner that it flO'tvs outside the boundary of the lot either above or below ground level. - 8 - . (iii) no privately owned sewage system shall dis- charge effluent in such a manner that it flows outside the boundary of the lot either above or below ground level. (iv) the number of persons employed on the lot shall not exceed the regulations of the Durham Health Unit and shall be subject to the approval of the Durham Health Unit." 2. Key Map 21 of Schedule "A" to By-law 2111, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing to "M2-3" the zone designa- tion of the lands shown as "ZONE CHANGE TO M2-3" on the attached Schedule "X" hereto. . 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 35 (10) of the Planning Act. BY-LAW READ a first time this )..1.J'-day of Jt1Lj , A.D. 1980. BY-LAW READ a second time this ~ K-'- day of J:,a"1 , A.D. 1980. BY-LAW READ a third time and finally passed this '1 g.- day of "JU I- ! A.D. 1980. ~~ G. B. RICKARD, Mayor (seal) 9 'f-1/~~/ ~-:? J. t.~LROY, Cle:k . . . A W 80-J03 J I I TO BY-LA 980. IS SCHEDULE XA'i OF To/.- t IA. D. I THIS THIS D ~ 0", PASSED - rt> 1:7 C Q o tf) L. ::::"ro ~. J::: ..~.. ... .', ", . ,_.:\,- . ......... :. ,:." i ':.:. :':. .... ... ... . ,\: ',. . - - z__ - lJJ - lJJ 3: ..- lJJ CD ROAD CHANGE TO M2-3 _ ZONE ~ 7 ~~ --< ~.B.RICkard.MaY.~ '~ ' f-- ~ .~ J,M,Mcllroy,Clerk o ~-~- 50 50 100 150m I , .~. .. . I.tc. Pi o. R~Ln;:f~ilngtoD Dire~ci().r OJ:,era t t,m;s (~t)evelopment Contro IBBrancn r~Ldsbry of J~OU$lf.lg ~u~elles10Y Street West ;.Jt:l ?l'J\)r 'l'orouto, C, h \,.11':.1. v 1.;'( A ";;A/~ Deal"0;tr: ,~, . Re: c By-La'w 1:)0-10:j Cert1fj co.te roqtiired for zoning l.1y-laws pa8'H~d pursut\nt. to se<::tion 3J (;;:.4) of W.ge ~jlfi,nlling A(;;t LY-LaW J\J-lvd wat.> paso-acl ;.)J-' the ~'ouncil of 'c11e 'i'o\vn of Newcae:;tle subject to <section 35 (J4) of il'he .Planning Act. Hmv~v~n'l tL€rE:; was J.n 'Jb.j.;;ct;J.ou and thobyc-H'./v v!u.s Ri~Ulllitt.ed to the O.M.B. The objaction w<:i.f.3s:.:,bseqtleptly witi"dra.'.vn and' the.G. M. B., approved of the by-law as per the. attached. notice of approval. ' Yours very truly, Jw.i:nof A.Id.e.T. A/l / cc:Mr. D. Smith, Dir,ctorof Planning 1l4r.. G. D. Call1erOn,''P la.qning Dept. Region of Durham . . .A : ...,J , .- ~ ~g]B" Ontario Form R-6 . 'The Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance St. BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. LlC 3A6 Ontario Municipal Board 416/965- '568 9 180 Dundas St. West Toronto. Ontario M5G 1 E5 Quote File Number R 80238l L November l7, 1980 Dear Sir: . Enclosed is documentation as follows: c=J Copy of Decision dated c=J Duplicate Original of Decision dated ~ Board's Order made November l4, 1980 c=J Appointment For Hearing Yours truly, . , SFH:ak Encl. (s) C. Saruyama Supervisor Planning Administrat;~~ RECEIVED NO\J 24 \980 TOWN Of N-EWCASTLE - .. .. . . . . ---. . .. R 802381 Ontario Municipal Board :tN THE MATTER OF Section 35 of The Planning Ac~ (a.s.o. 1970, o. 349), - ed - IN THE MATTER OF an applioation by The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for approval of its Restrioted Area By-law 80-103 B E :r 0 REI W.E. DYER, Q.C. )le1'llN,r -and- D.B. MoROBB Member ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Friday, the 14th day of November, 1980 The objeot.ors to approval of the said by-law hav:.1.D9 withdrawn t.heir objections, TBE BOAIm ORDERS that. By-law 80-103 1s hueby approved. I;~~~, SECRE'lARY CE'NTERED "'0 ." O. B, NO..f?$.,..,:-.,f..:/.......... '\' folio NO,,,.3.,..l-:I................. \ Irl\1 ~ r; IIO~n I' ./"1 /''l d':/ / -4' ~ tt~/A.itu~7~i S(C.ETAR~. ON1ARW MUll'CI?~~ ~';'A,.U