HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/17/2008 Minutes CllJ!illgtDn 1-2 MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE PRESENT: Bradford Soles John Sturdy Mark Bragg GUESTS: Mitch Morawetz, Planning Services Department Jean-Maurice Cormier Karina Isert Councillor Mary Novak Staff in Attendance: Janice Szwarz - Planning Services Liaison Leslie Benson - Engineering Services Liaison Sharon Norris - Recording Secretary DATE June 17, 2008 RE: HIGHWAY 407 EAST CAC MEETING NO. 40 June 18,2008 eliminary +Oesign Map was occurred since receipt by Welcome Review of Minutes Review of Material provided by TSH esda Road has been shifted to the wnline (Regional Road 42). r from Highway 401 to the split in the 35/115 has ee moved. The highway will be left in its current state. There are minor alignment changes to the east link and new property owners have been notified that their lands will be required for the link. The Municipality raised issues with MTO regarding the closure of Holt Road. OPG also raised issues as this road is required for emergency planning. It is expected that MTO will revise the map to indicate tah the road will remain open at the 407. Old Scugog Road is now open due to the needs of Emergency and Fire Services. MTO has indicated that there will not be a full interchange at Liberty Street. The Municipality is still discussing Liberty Street and would like to see limited movements here. Should an interchange at Liberty Street be required in the future, a new Environmental Assessment would have to be done. A 200m span around Pebblestone Road is planned to get over the wetland. The link up to the main line at Taunton Road will create a new Rundle Road (realignment). This will create some remnant properties as they will lose their fronta e onto Rundle Road. Cl![-!l1gton MINUTES tion The link at the 401 is very complex. It will have significant impact on the Clarington Energy Park as it could consume a lot of land due to the large size of freeway to freeway ramps. The Municipality is working with MTO to minimize the effects on the Energy Park. Farm machinery access concerns. There are access concerns with under and overpasses. Roads under the 407 are the biggest concern, being Leskard, Old Scogog and Enfield Road. Under the Highway Traffic Act, farm vehicles must be able to pass and be completely right of the centre line (requiring a minimum 50 ft. sp The Road Allowance is 66 ft., so farm equipment would be centre line. A curve in the road could restrict how far yo centre line and there would be a need to b the shoulder. Underpasses are more difficult to s are not as restrictive in terms of visibil" nd ed at a future date. Liberty Street woul di while the 6th Concession provi a be lay of the land. The volum c i eeds to have functionabi ar Park oad will be land- if gating would be allowed, ded with keys. s of Middle Road - this affects many wellings will need to be bought out. I b onnected to Cole Road by a parallel road as Cole s extend south of Taunton and will be cut off. ant Parcels: urrent zoning allows any lot created by the government to get a building permit. The Municipality has discussed this issue with both MTO and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. We are hoping that MTO develops a comprehensive approach for all remnant parcels that allows for some creative solutions (eg. merging of remnant parcels to create larger farm parcels, reforestation, etc.). Road Closures: Nine of the 22 crossings are closed, however certain crossings such as Washington Road (which doesn't go anywhere) can be discounted. The Municipality is satisfied with the treatment of the 35/115 and that the IIC has been moved to Regional Road 42 from Bethesda. The Public Information Centres start next week with the first one in Bowmanville on June 24th at the Garnet B. Rickard Complex from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. You will be able to see how the road closures will affect the properties at the PIC's and speak to the project staff about minor adjustments. Wetlands A wetland workshop was held on June tho The Nash Road wetland and the Pebblestone wetland will be spanned. C/JJ!.fflgton MINUTES Agenda Item New Business Concerns with the safety of wildlife were raised as a result of the funnelling of wildlife from the 407 to subdivisions. It was noted that animals adapt and are displaced daily. It is necessary to have an east-west link as well as north-south links. However, connectivity is secondary to preserving the wetlands. A copy of the June 7'h Wetland presentation is attached. Community Value Plan Committee members and Clarington residents Community Value Plan Workshop on June 7'h. introductory workshop to the CVP process. Miti as privacy walls and vegetation are bei workshops will occur in the fall, with a next, evenings, would be the best for attended the s was an tegies such . The actual t Saturday's or and asked to e of Clarington will meet with TSH on agg will relay details of the meeting to the ne is welcome to attend this meetin Next Meeting