HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/02/2008 Minutes CI~JllglOn 1-2 MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE PRESENT: Bradford Soles Denise Pickett John Sturdy Andrew Bouma Mark Canning Mark Bragg GUESTS: Doug Allingham, Totten Sims Hubicki Dean Kemper, MTO Darlene Proudfoot, MTO Jean-Maurice Cormier Jo-Anne McFarland Linda Gasser Fred Biesenthal Karina Isert Councillor Mary Novak Staff in Attendance: Janice Szwarz - Planning Services Liaison Leslie Benson - Engineering Services Liaison Sharon Norris - Recording Secretary DATE: April 2, 2008 RE: HIGHWAY 407 EAST April 1 , 2008 Welcome Consultant Presentation w Co t Do ed an update of the 407 East E.A. to the co n g Mr. Allingham were Dean Kemper of MTO who will t eliminary Design stage of the project for the Clarington po e highway, and Darlene Proudfoot of MTO, who is the En ental Planner on the project. There are six areas along the Technically Recommended Route (TRR) where there may be route refinements. Three of these areas reside in Clarington; one being the Solina Bog, where the route will move slightly to the north and two on the East Link that may be refined for environmental purposes. Doug indicated that residents from Hampton have expressed an interest in participating in the Community Value Plan (CVP). There have been no parties expressing interest from Solin a to-date. TSH will encourage Solina to participate at the start of the process. The next Public Information Centre (PIC), being the fourth will be held in late spring followed by PIC NO.5 late in 2008. Question: Have the neighbours been notified of the refinements? PIC NO.4 will be a vehicle to notify neighbours of the refinements. Some parties have been contacted directly and more will be contacted as the project moves forward. Question: What is LRT? LRT is anything from a street car to lower gauge rail. Example given was Scarborough Rapid Transit. ClwiQglOn MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Agenda Item Question: Will the target date for completion still be 2013? The EA will be submitted in the spring of 2009. After that it is uncertain how long the review and approval will be - this is MOE's process. TSH is still on schedule for the 2013 target; however they agree that this an aggressive schedule which, aithough possible, is optimistic. It was noted that if this target Is met there will be a requirement of funds for Clarington staff. Community Value Plan (CVP) The Community Value Plan workshop will be held after PIC NO.4. Any commitments made or items identified and included in the are committed to will be submitted for approval. Any ch mitments would mean a return to the public for more inv Some things will be aesthetic versus mitig included? This needs to be flush ut Municipality needs to ensure th r Doug indicated that th el wi The CVP will in treatment fo Qu ormat? Th r the number of participants, wh tive, small group discussions. W mmer which could pose a problem with va d if this timing could be pushed up at all. It was no t he information for ideas could be posted on the web an I in ation could be mailed out. It was also noted by MTO that the sessions would be earned through to the fall. Qu Are the Interchanges part of the design plan? Yes, however the configuration may change (for example ramp locations). The discussions around a Liberty interchange have not been concluded. Liberty was removed as we are not a greenbelt area and there was little reason to provide service, i.e. none or little use for it: Question: Was the Growth Plan considered? The Growth Plan is restrictive. No development will be permitted along the 407 in the grey areas indicated on the presentation map. Development can occur in the white area. Only the south portion of the east link is developable. Question: Agricultural Community has concerns with terminated roads and remnant parcels. TSH will contact the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington in the next month or so to meet with them on their issues. TSH also indicated that they are available to meet with DEAC. f detail will be . The he level of detail. elsewhere. ateway y the project. ClwJnglOn MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Question: The Municipality is responsible for the zoning issues but will remediation of the parcel/creek for example be contemplated in the CVP? MTO is thinking about this possible remediation. Question: How will ideas be generated? Examples from past workshops will be given. Heritage: TSH will also meet with the Ciarington Heritage Committee being compiled, heritage building identification is bein Question: Who were the recipients of the I All interested parties as well as libraries, p posted on the project website. Question: Will profiles of the people are interest ua There will be gr Ques . ut ov r rmation is hamlets. ill be used. n issue with fog i This is a potential safety markings may help. with the Region and the Municipalities to discuss crossing locations as well as the Bethesda/Liberty issue. Qu n: Two commercial areas will also be impacted and a focussed session is required for them. Should the community organize and then approach TSH or should be onus be on MTO? No MTO will not approach parties but are wiJling to meet with any companies (I.e. Courtice Court). The Interchange clips many properties in Courtice Court and the employment impacts are significant. TSH indicated that the impacts on Courtice Court today will probably remain as MTO is at the optimal design for interchanges now. Dean Kemper will speak to any property owner regarding their concerns. Question: The PICs have had a drop in format to-date. Will there be a presentation this time? No, but there will be more materials. Project staff prefer to meet with residents on an individual basis. Question: Would you consider a presentation on the East Link to gain public understanding and explain the CVP. This would provide an opportunity to meet with the community. TSH will consider it. Question: What happens to businesses on Highway 35/115? TSH is looking at alternatives/options to these businesses and access to them. This should be finalized over the next month or so. It was suggested that local employment be used to work on the portion of the 407 in Clarington. Cl!J!igglOn MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Review of Minutes - Meeting No. 38 Moved to Accept minutes: Andrew Bouma Seconded: Denise Picket Minutes Acce ted. CVP: Members were encouraged to make a special effort to get involved regardless of their calendars, if they are affected by the 407 and to talk to their neighbours to get involved. New Business Ad' ing and that It was noted that the previous workshops were worth a lot of resources were put into them. Committee is discouraged with the "no pr a Q&A period are not a preferred at b If approval was not received on k it be redone. Next Meeting May 6th (tentativ Th ma would have to