HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/05/2007 Minutes Cl!J!:illgtDn 1-5 MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE PRESENT: Bradford Soles Denise Pickett John Sturdy Andrew Bouma Jean-Maurice Cormier Linda Gasser Mark Bragg Fred Biesenthal Karina Isert Councillor Mary Novak REGRETS: Mark Canning Jo-Anne McFarland Mark Hawkins Staff in Attendance: Janice Szwarz - Planning Services Liaison Sharon Norris - Recording Secretary Leslie Benson - Engineering Services Department DATE: October 5, 2007 RE: HIGHWAY 407 EAST CAC October 2, 2007 Agenda Item Discussion Welcome Review of Draft Minutes Action Review of Evaluation of Short-List Alternative Routes C/407CAC, Mtg. No. 35 draft minutes: of t e comment deadline has been requested to allow for a staff o to the November 19th GPA meeting, and the subsequent Council ng of November 26th. Comments from the CAC are required by the next scheduled meeting of October 30th. MTAG meets October 1ih (Faye Langmaid to attend). Printed copies of all documentation are available to CAG members. Material Review: Traffic flow patterns - road work is required from Kirby to the Lindsay turn-off, where the 407 meets Highway 115. The cost of these improvements for the EM9 scenario was questioned, versus using EM8 (EM9 $310M vs. EM8 $260M). EM9 requires levelling and may require the moving of gas stations. EM9 would be more cost effective as it is using an existing highway. MTO wanted to maintain the 35/115 interchange and protect the ORM. Leslie Benson will speak to Totten Sims Hubicki to determine what 400 series highway standards consist of. Discrepancy: In Section 5 - Technical Considerations, it states that the route allows for a full interchange at Taunton Road on the East Link. In Section 7 - Technical Considerations it states a partial interchange is provided at Taunton Road. Leslie Benson Cl~!i.n MINUTES Agenda Item OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Discussion Action If Taunton Road is to be a partial interchange then Regional Road 57 would need to be a full interchange. It was also questioned why there would be a full interchange at Bethesda Road as it does not go directly to Lambs Road; Liberty would make more sense for a full interchange. If the 407 cuts across a farm and leaves a corner lot, would someone be able to build on it? The by-law considers this a newly created lot and it could be built on. The AACC does not agree with this; they don't want residential lots in the middle of farm land and would like the route to be constructed so that it does not create small lots. Can this committee make a case f not severing off small lots, or for having the first option to purchase th k or sell it to an owner that would farm it? The AACC is concerned with how many thr over/under the 407. For example, Coal R amount of land being land locke d e no access. ntinue onsiderable 407 will have eeting in August Ived. January, ers of the osest to the route. Older residents of ximity of the 407 to cemeteries. North of has already been purchased. Solina - West Lake division south of this may have concerns as they are large omes. It was noted that this would not necessarily affect the ues, but it would result in the homes appealing to a different market. It assumed also that the 407 would not be frequently travelled through Clarington other than for rush hour traffic and weekend travellers. Question regarding high sensitivity fish habitat and how the decision is made between spanning or crossing the streams. This decision depends on the size of the watercourse (generally streams less than 3m would be crossed using culverts while those over 3m would be spanned), the wildlife connectivity and the federal legislation on protecting fish habitat. Problems have been encountered on other portions of the 407 with culverts vs. spans - no protocols have been set. A chart was suggested summarizing the net effects and the cost of each option. The agricultural community had no say in the route selection and it went through the best farmland in Ontario. Once the farmland, our future food source is gone, it's gone. In the 1990's many farmers had a voice on this issue however the numbers have dropped off considerably. They now have no voice in the Federal or Provincial government and have given up. Agriculture showed up under only one criteria and was therefore only counted once. Agricultural land is perfect for building roads being that it is flat and there are fewer owners to deal with. The highway would have been better further to the north. CI~mgton MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Agenda Item Discussion Action Greenbelt legislation prevented urban uses in rural areas and requires the Municipality to keep the urban boundaries rigid for a set period of time. Water quantity is not getting as high a scrutiny as water quality; diminished quantities affects all else. Re-routing streams could affect quantity. There is no protocol in the Provincial Government related to wells, no comm itment to dry wells. There may be requirements put in place due to recent wate however many watershed studies still need to be don . Preparation of Comments hether it should stria I zoning is I zone would be rce issues, ton. itted and approved. The to the EA submission including y have missed. There is a PIC b at either no major issues were concern identified. Agency comments have m Community Advisory Committees and their ee will raise questions on points of concern, issues and ask for cia on where needed in the report to Council. It was suggested that the report to Council be prefaced with a statement that the committee has seen no indication that the report is anything but unbiased and fair in the process, and that this has been a good EA. Discussion continued to note however that the EA is too complicated to simply endorse it and that no committee members are qualified to endorse any of the factors. This statement and the content of the staff report will be word-smithed at the next CAC meeting. A lap top and projection unit will be used by the recording secretary for this process. The committee will ask Council to endorse our request to ask the Project Team to present formally on property impact and related issues, water issues (well interference, water quantity), road closures and over/underpasses at the Spring CIP. Janice to get clarification of "Order of Council". What does the term mean and what level of government is it from. Janice Szwarz Community Fabric Issue: Orono is dependent on farming for their businesses. If they can't get there off the highway will they take their business elsewhere? Toll Road Impact: If road closures make it hard to get somewhere, and the 407 is used instead, will a toll be charged. 407 Brochure Needs to have the map of the route added, tagged "Draft Technically Recommended Route". Sharon Cl![#]gton Agenda Item Cultural Heritage Traffic Advisory Committee Next Meeting MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Discussion The Clarington Heritage Committee will present a list of all buildings on the route to the 407 CAC that will be affected. They are mapping designated and secondary buildings No comments. October 30th - to be confirmed, based on the length of extension we are ranted for submittin comments. Action Karina Isert