HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/22/2007 Minutes CllJlmgton 1-3 MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND THE AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF CLARINGTON 407 CAC MEMBERS PRESENT: Jo-Anne McFarland Karina Isert Mark Canning John Sturdy Andrew Bouma Linda Gasser Fred Biesenthal AACC MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Watson Brenda Metcalf T om Barrie Don Rickard GUESTS: Doug Allingham, Totten Sims Hubicki Staff in Attendance:,,,*"" -!4fh' ::k. Janice Szwarz - Planning Servi "> . iso Sharon Norris - Recording Secr~ ary Faye Langmaid - Planning servlc~s, "'I ~, Brent Mavin - Engineering Services IDepartmen ~:' 4! 1/ DATE: August 22, 2007 pBv RE: HIGHWAY 407 EA "f!EA PRESENTATION August 21, 2007 .. Eric Bowman Jennifer Knox Councillor Robinson Gary Jeffrey Ross McMaster Mary Ann Found Agenda Item Discussion Action Welcome Welcome by Tom Barrie. Member introductions all around. Introductions for Doug Allingham of Totten Sims Hubicki, 407 East E.A. Proiect Manaqer and Dan Remollino, Ministrv of Transportation. Presentation Doug Allingham presented on the Highway 407 East EA project. Excerpts of the presentation are highlighted below. A printed copy is available upon request from Sharon Norris. . An area wide approach was taken to evaluate all route selections, based on prevailing land use, environmental conditions and future plans for the lands. Route from Enfield Road to Highway 35/115 (EM9)has changed from the previously recommended route. The route selected has: . Lowest impact to fisheries, relatively low surface water quality/quantity effects, removes the least amount of upland vegetation and has only moderate net negative effects on Environmentally Significant Features and landscape connectivity between core natural areas. . Ranked high for majority of social environment criteria, tied 3rd for noise and air quality effects and has relatively low residential displacements and moderate property effects. . A high degree of compatibility with municipal and regional policies and goals, affects fewer number of specialty crop operations/facilities, dairv/livestock operations and field crop operations. Cl~mgtnn MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND THE AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF CLARINGTON Agenda Item Discussion Action Presentation . Up to 5 businesses along Highway 35/115 could be displaced. Alternatives which by-pass the businesses would not result in displacements but would likely result in business impacts due to the reduction in drive-by traffic. ofT'; · Tied for first from a cultural environment persp:ctive~~'No net effects on known significant archaeological sites. Moderat"Feffects on built heritage and cultural landscape resourc · Ranked second from a technicaIyR~rsp~;~" ive. Ha "high transportation system compatibility and c:;onn ift. "ty '" . -t cOQpection with H. h 115 t P t b ",$1% h !l1',.;j Ig way 0 e er o. II East Durham Lin~t{fL8 ange ;Ee e previously recommended link, and is recom~t!~d;~fo oiilf~~:;~~~s~~s: · Tied for firstJor ove e natliralenvironment and wetland criteria _ . @<tt ~/ F:J ~ j; + ~:". .,:-- Impacts lessltotaliWetlan re,C1!than a number of other alternatives. !!'0?i'~ fm~ "~ow · Has low n~!:~ff~~!s cjpjg oundwater, vegetation, wildlife, ESAs and landscape :GQnnei:::tivity. r%vi\;:\f~jW~ · Moderate iplpcfct to fisherieS and surface water quality/quantity. · Moderate property effects and relatively low residential displacements. · High degree of compatibility with municipal and regional policies and goals. · Similar agricultural net effects to other alternatives but does impact 5 high investment agricultural operations. No net effects on known significant archaeological sites and low net effects on built heritage and cultural landscape resources. · High transportation system compatibility, connectivity and accessibility. · Low relative cost - shortest len th of PSWs to be s anned. Question and Why do you need an east link when it is only 10 km from the 401 link to Answer Period the 115? Long range planning requirements (20 - 25 years) will warrant it. Without the east link Regional Road 57, Courtice Rd., Solina Rd. and other 10calJregional roadways would require improvements. What is the difference between Preliminary Design and Concept Design? The level of detail. Concept design is higher than EA requirements and will provide more detail and accelerate detail design. Mitigation levels can be determined and will allow implementation to happen faster. Preliminary design is a slightly higher level of detail than concept design. Will there be grade separations for road crossings that are not interchanges? Where there will be grade separations will be worked out with the Municipality. Most will likely be overpasses. Road closures will affect many people? Road closures could mean no access for farm equipment. No road closures have been determined however TSH looks at activities in the area and what would be affected. Pro ert owners will be contacted and Cl!1!:il1glnn MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND THE AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF CLARINGTON Agenda Item Discussion input from owners/advisory groups is needed and welcomed. Road closures will be in concert with the Municipality and Region and will be done through an Order of Council. Determination of road closures will be late this year or early 2008 (within next 6 months). Why does the process take so long? The Project Team is attempting to accrler~. omple<~ . n of the project without compromising the proces~. . This is "tal ~~Xfq!~, th~~old design is not being used and the level of detail not .. .,same<level aswe have now. The cost 4, ~<\,:,~,t1 ' or/-c, 8 . . . component of the evalu roc j I small r~!~ In decIsion making. General widt . Committee Commer:L,s:, .... e.,' ,...., Farm . "~:,'}:':?:'~:'? '':O't' k:~r::;,M-~. jfP equipment neeqs 15.i.1i1 "al'l~~Hmmimum. The 407 west of Brock does not ';""Y !llip!. !!'till "ey,.,. p accommodate:' m;eguipmentlw1More width (3 lanes) is required over the w""w }x~ ~ ::.<' crest of a hill. rojecMeam will look into this. w-~ Will you be h I g practices/lessons learned from the existing 407? We will be using the latest standards and have all the information on 407 central/west and the challenges. TSH's task is to complete the EA and respond to questions from agencies. and not for implementation and project completion. The corridor will be designated and the next phase could be detail design and property acquisition, OR design/build either on the entire stretch of highway or in segments, OR it could be a public/private partnership. The next steps depend on the government of the day. Tolls have not been decided, but as the rest is tolled it will be given consideration. The 407 .ETR has no rights to this portion of the 407 (tolling can be done in a number of different ways). Does the EA have to specify what the ,delivery model is? The EA does not have to specify what the next phase delivery model will be. Clarington is on record that there will be no cost affect to residents. Whatever is required for this project (e.g. overpass) is the cost of this project. There may be some cost sharing in special circumstances, an example being if a 2 lane road was replaced with a 4 lane road at the Municipality's request then the cost would be shared. 400 Series highways have HOV lanes - will this be designed to incorporate HOV lanes as well as the transit way? No work has been done at this time for HOV lanes and no need for it is seen at this point. This could be looked at in the future by MTO, however HOV lanes need to be a part of an overall continuous network. This would be an MTO decision, however this could change and become a decision for the GTAA. Stream crossings approach - will there be culverts/bridges - have any protocols been developed? No protocol has been developed. Will work with MOE on a crossing per crossin basis. Most crossin s will be s anned to minimize im acts - this is Action Clw:.mgtnn MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND THE AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF CLARINGTON Agenda Item Discussion the prudent thing to. do.. Culverts may accur an small streams. Stream crassing assessments are being canducted naw and a significant number af crassings will be spanned. What is the campletian date for the east link/project? Must be very careful where the terminus paint is an ighway will likely be dane all at ance. Interchanges ,>"riM):> ,"'~' All i.nterchanges are full inte~~Q,ang;~::~langJ::t~~wirast-~;st raute in Claringtan :- will be a partial in~erc~~~,~~b~J T~\~Nap 11,~,51d4an th~;:~ast link. ~h~re will be Interchanges at Enfirld R()ad:i,~eg,()n?,I.~aa~ 57 and;35/115. ThiS IS cansiderably diffe1~ritJhl3n pf€lviausl .;:' f~itrred route' from 1992. IfJ~~;0;:J:l il?'~;,J!:fj$l1 tl1fj Will there be a!1y niCijorir 'de a IQns? I'~:l! iii1::1" ~ili~ ~l1':F 1>' There will be n~{maIo9 diyi1it:13!from the recammended route unless samething unknownsurfates3'There is anly same tweaking anticipated. w' ~jfr Transpartatia ark Warking with Durham Transit and GO far park and ride statians. It is assumed there will be a 15% decrease in auto. use by 2031. No. plans have been made far a further extensian af the highway past 35/115. What happens to. surplus lands? Several farms have already been purchased that wan't be needed. Surplus land will be identified and dispased af - if any lands are retained they cauld be leased. What is the width af the right-af-way? 170 km, 110 far the highway and 60 far the transit way. This is the aptimal width required far drainage and safety issues. 110 km will accammadate 10 lanes af traffic. Interchanges Each interchange lacatian has a transit statian ar park & ride, ar bath. Has a federal EA been triggered? No., currently warking an praject descriptian which will be submitted to. CEAA. Why didn't the first EA praceed? It was identified to. praceed hawever the gavernment changed and the facus switched to. fixing existing highways and delivery af the 407 did nat pan aut. Once this EA is approved, there is no. stale date an it - a Class EA has a 5 year time limit to. build. Timing far EA appraval is aut af MTO's cantral, it cauld be years depending an the issues. 70 km af highway and hundreds af properties cauld equate to. a number af issues. Haw long daes MOE have to. respand? 7 week peri ad far review, but issues identified have to. be reviewed and resalved. Actian ~!.fJlmgton MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND THE AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF CLARINGTON Agenda Item Discussion Action What does the EA process cost? The Terms of Reference Phase is approximately $2 million and the EA Phase is approximately $4 million. What can the agricultural community do to help y decision? input from all Ff'!{,:1 ect possible. iil!l There is no federaJJpnd )t rivA is proj~Etiat the present time. .#"!M'S1)sti ~ ;r"i)' If the EA is tolberap'pr . eif'ttoes construction start? f. \""\ ..~ WiF 2013 is very ambitious even.!..h<:W encountering any problems. Approval is anticipated in 4009 ~nd t.~en' .[spehy acquisition (a couple of years). Construction could m nceival:>ly start in 2010/2011. !ii>%# OnlOff Ramp The on/off ramps are based on the most optimal typical design for each location. Wrap-Up October 26th is the deadline for comments. Faye will provide maps at the next AACC meeting. Next 407 CAC meetin to be confirmed for mid Se tember.