HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/06/2007 Minutes CJ~1!i&ton I - 1 MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE CAC MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Biesenthal, Industry Representative Mark Bragg, Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee Mark Canning, Ward 3 Representative Linda Gasser, Ward 4 Representative Karina Isert, Clarington Heritage Committee Jo-Anne McFarland, Ward 1 Representative Councillor Mary Novak, Council Liaison Bradford Soles, Ward 1 Representative John Sturdy, Ward 2 Representative RE: HIGHWA June 5, 2 EE Staff in Attendance: Janice Szwarz - Planning Services Liaison Sharon Norris - Recording Secretary Absent: Denise Pickett, Ward 2 Representative Andrew Bouma, Ward 3 Representative Jean-Maurice Cormier, Ward 4 Representative Mark Hawkins, Clarington Board of trade BIA Repres Leslie Benson, Engineering Services DATE: Agenda Item Welcome Review of Draft Minutes Meeting NO. 33 Discussion Action f Fred Biesenthal. tation by 407 Project Team The P ct Team has been unreachable due to their busy timetable with open houses," To: 2. CAC Orientation by 407 Project Team The Project Team has been unreachable due to their busy timetable. Follow Up Actions Moved: Mark Canning; Seconded: Mary Novak That the minutes of Meetin 33, as revised, be ado ted. CAC Orientation bv 407 Proiect Team: Project Team is still unavailable to provide an orientation to the Committee; likely will be September. Janice to pursue. Janice Szwarz Cl~n Agenda Item Follow Up Actions, cont'd. MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Discussion Action Information on Public Information Sessions is anticipated next week. A tentative date of June 28th has been mentioned. Roger Anderson has indicated that the sessions will be presented to Planning prior to the public; this assumes there will be a Tri-Committee or Joint Committee meeting before June 28th. There is the possibility of an additional PIC in the fall to gather comments and reaction to the short-list selection. CAC Brochure: The schedule of meetings, members list and Missio updated. All graphics to be removed and replaced route map, when it is made available. To be distri members upon completion for their review. Durham Reqional Police Representation No action to report on this item. Cultural Heritaqe Information Email, dated May 3, from Em ting the list of Heritage urces u valu ort listed routes. Th Te and should then report ee a mmittee (CHC). We n ot y owners on the reco sk the Project Team about this to ocumented and responded to. Isabel itage er, has been in touch with the Proje eived any information to-date. Isabel will be provid ay 3rd email from TSH. Some r's rities lie with the property value rather than the herita CHC would like to preserve the heritage for the public and n Iy the owner. Once the recommended route is identified, the C etermine the heritage buildings affected. Propo Interchanqe Locations Map of proposed intersections was distributed. Committee noted that the GO service now available on the 115/35 should be connected to the 407. The Project Team is required to provide their rationale for the announced recommended route. Aqricultural Advisorv Committee Comments on Functional Desiqn The Agricultural Committee wants to provide MTO with their requirements. A presentation at the Regional Agricultural Committee by Ivan DeJon incorporated the same points made by our Committee regarding road widths, run-up curbs, the division of farms and property values. Janice will secure a copy of the regional minutes for both this Committee and the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington. We would like to see the recommended route be the most northerly alternative; the further north the poorer the farmland, however it is more cost effective to purchase one large property versus several smaller ro erties. Sharon Norris Janice Szwarz Janice Szwarz Janice Szwarz Cl~-!l!gton MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Agenda Item New Business Federal Fundinq for the 407 Hand out provided. The federal government has announced funding for the 407 if it is fast-tracked with completion by 2013. Excerpt: "Along with its joint investment with the Government of Canada on the public transit system, the Province of Ontario has agreed as pa of today's (march 6th) announcement to invest in three key highway roO Highway 407, Highway 404 and Highway 7." The Environmental Assessment must be approved investment can be expected - Markham to Brock build. How they will finance the 407 has not yet b road). There is 60 km worth of property required f expropriations are time consuming; it is possible ro rams mi ht move forward. Discussion Action Future CAC Activities Janice Szwarz Committ under indica techni prefer Clarin sugge Engin Janic this s assist them in repared to Council E which will require tion to determine if the terest. Ajax is less affected than con . Mary Novak will bring this r new business, after she has consulted with e email dated April 2ih from Linda Gasser on Janice Szwarz at the old technically preferred route is the baseline for and many people feel that this is the route that will ultimately Non Agenda Item Discussions The Province will expropriate based on fair market value, however fair market value may not be a real figure as the possibility of the 407 being constructed has been around for many years and has already affected property values. Purchase decisions have already been based on the old route location. The Oak Ridges Moraine will have the most impact on the location of the northern route as there has to be no reasonable alternative. Mark Canning indicated that Ward 3 expected the original route to go and are now getting heated. They have sent their comments to the Project Team. Protocol has been set to mail all meeting material to those members that were unable to attend. The next meeting date will be determined after the recommended route is known. Next Meeting