HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/04/2007 Minutes Cl~4Jgton I - 1 MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE ~:" .~.'~)TK!~ I '/ff;:J ~7 1,___ ,_ CAC MEMBERS PRESENT: Bradford Soles, Chair, Ward 1 Representative Mark Canning, Vice Chair, Ward 3 Representative Jo-Anne McFarland, Ward 1 Representative Denise Pickett, Ward 2 Representative John Sturdy, Ward 2 Representative Andrew Bouma, Ward 3 Representative Jean-Maurice Cormier, Ward 4 Representative Linda Gasser, Ward 4 Representative Mark Bragg, Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee Karina Isert, Clarington Heritage Committee representative Councillor Mary Novak, Council Liaison Staff in Attendance: Janice Szwarz - Planning Services Liaison Sharon Norris, Planning Services Department . '-"~r'-~--""~-" RQL._Q~ Regrets: Leslie Benson - Engineering Services Liaison DATE: RE: Conflicts of Interest Act Review of Draft Minutes Review of Criteria for Evaluation of Short List of Alternative Routes April 4, 2007 .m. ct rest Act was distributed to Committee w re asked to review the act, and to indicate on the here houses were situated. erest (or financial interest) is considered a conflict of Members The draft minutes of Meeting 31, held on March 6, 2007 were reviewed. Minor editorial changes were identified. Moved: Linda Gasser; Seconded: Bradford Soles That the minutes of Meeting 31, as revised, be adopted. The draft minutes will be revised and circulated to Committee members with the material for the next meetin . Members conducted two exercises to review the criteria. Exercise one involved the 11 voting members reviewing and ranking all 37 Factors/Criteria and selecting their top 6 priorities. Exercise two involved the 11 voting members reviewing and selecting their top priorities from each individual factor, being Natural Environment, Economic Environment, Social Environment, Cultural Environment and Technical Considerations. Janice Szwarz CI~mgron MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Results are summarized on Attachment 1. These exercises were conducted for two reasons; to source further information from the Project Team on the Committee's priorties; to advise Council of what our priorities are. DISCUSSION: The short list of routes will be mailed out to the interested parti shortly, by the Project Team. Revised screenlines (measuring current and future found on the 407eastea.com website. The Niagara GTA Stakeholders session will be un The stakeholders will be offered an orientation se committee never received. Janice to look into a Sims Hubicki for the next meeting in May. It wa of the Terms of Reference would provid There will be a Community Value PI It is not known what this plan i Work Plans ded . cultural r. the criteria is sound and the e should come up with the same date to put forward a preferred route, rather hat i Important to us as a community for route sure that the process is fair. The C ittee does not have a Board of Trade member or a member from t e BIA. It was agreed that Fred Biesenthal, who is a business owner and has sat on the CAC previously, would be asked to sit on the committee in place of a Board of Trade member. Janice will contact Fred and will prepare a letter to Council requesting that they appoint Fred to the Committee. Janice will also ask the BIA to appoint a member. It was decided that Council will be advised of the weightings assigned to each factor group and the top rankings of the criteria within each Group. Council will be advised that this is a preliminary exercise and that the Committee will make a commitment to Council to revisit this after the functional planning on the selected route is completed. Council will be asked to receive our memo and forward it on to the Project Team. NEXT STEPS: Look for omissions in the criteria. This was put to the Committee as homework for the next meeting, when a list will be compiled. One omission noted was Human Health Impacts. This criteria has not been included as it is considered too difficult to measure uantitativel . A Janice Szwarz Janice Szwarz Janice Szwarz All members Cl~J!:ll1gron Future CAC Activities Next Meeting MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Federal EA has not yet been triggered - therefore Health Canada has not yet become involved. Air Quality is noted as a criteria. However, some concerns were raised as to whether the current air quality standards are sufficient, and whether the are the enforced. 407 Workshop for Durham Region is scheduled for April 21't The venue is thought to be Sikorski Hall in Oshawa. The workshop is ope 0 invitees only who have indicated an interest in the process. The te expressing an interest has passed. However Janice Project Team to determine if they will accept the co they contacted the Project Team to express their i Project Team is amenable, Janice will provide the Committee members. material to be circulated in advance. J an ice Szwarz! Interested Members Janice Szwarz! Sharon Norris Sharon Norris Janice Szwarz! Sharon Norris 407 East Environmental Assessment Clarington Highway 407 Community Advisory Committee Rankings (11 voting members) Groundwater Surface Water Quality Fisheries and Aquatic Habitat Terrestrial Vegetation Wetlands Wildlife Designated Environmental Features landscape Connectivity Special Spaces EVALUATION FACTORS, CRITERIA AND INDICATORS . Groundwater recharge and discharge areas and flow path . Municipal and private water supply wells . Groundwater ualit . Watercourse crossings . Riparian areas . Sensitive headwater areas . Channel/shoreline alterations . Surface water ualit . Fishery crossings and habitat . Riparian vegetation removal . S ecies At Risk SARs . Woodlots/forest areas/upland vegetation units . Significant flora/communities . Implications on forest managemenUresearch programs . S ecies At Risk SARs . Provinciall, locall or unevaluated wetland areas . Wildlife loss . Effects of noise and lighting on wildlife . Wildlife habitat areas . S ecies At Risk SARs and known movement corridors . Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs) and Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest ANSls . Linkages between natural heritage areas (e.g. tablelands and valle lands . Oak Ridges Moraine . Greenbelt Plan . Distance to sensitive rece 8 5 2 o 2 2 3 1 4 Provincial/Municipal/ Private land Use Development Strategies Agriculture Property Contamination . Compatibility with Greater Golden Horseshoe Growth Plan, the Greenbelt Plan, the proposed Watershed Based Source Protection Planning, and the proposed Greater Toronto Area Trans ortation Strate . Businesses displaced or impacted by construction . Chan es in business ex osure . Effect on licensed aggregate resource facilities and a re ate resource areas . Removal, sterilization or severance of Class 1-3 agriculturalland(2) . Specialty crops/cropland and dairy/livestock operations and field crop operations . Farm equipment transportation routes . Division of a ricultural communit areas . Commercial/industrial properties and service stations in rural areas . 0 eratin or closed waste dis osal sites 2 (tie) 1 o 7 1 1 2 (tie) EVALUATION FACTORS, CRITERIA AND INDICATORS Recreational Opportunities . Distance to noise sensitive receivers . Existing or planned settlement areas and community structure . Delivery of community services (emergency, school bus) . Urban or rural barrier effects . Effect on hiking, hunting, fishing, nature viewing and educational 0 ortunities . Residential, commercial, industrial, institutional and recreational ro ert effects . Diversion of Ion er distance travel to/from local roadwa s . Aesthetic and scenic value of landsca e . Effect on Ii ht sensitive receivers 2 5 Noise Community Fabric o Property Impacts 5 2 Archaeological Features 1 Built Heritage Features 2 Technology 1 Overall Transportation System 3 2 Performance Transportation System Com atibilit Transportation System 1 Connectivit Screenline Performance 1