HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/07/2006 Minutes · ClflLi[Jgtnn I - 11 DRAFT MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE CAC MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chair - Linda Gasser Fred Biesenthal Mark Canning Bill Harford Staff in Attendance..: Sharon Norris - Recording Secretary Janice Szwarz - Planning Services Absent: Bradford Soles, Ge"~~d Brown, Ron Hooper, George Khouri, Jim Schell, Leslie Benson - Engineering Services DATE: RE: .,-,...,. ... ...... ......... . "--,,. Agenda' Itehl " Welcome Resignation Review of Draft Minutes Review of Community Advisory Group Worksho Feb. Karina Isert (LACAC) Ross Libbey Murray Paterson February 8, 2006 HIGHWAY 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE February 7,2006 Meeting No. 24 Meeting commenced 7:00 p.m. Welcome b Vice-Chair. Johanna deBoer's resignation from the Clarington Highway 407 Community Advisory Committee was forwarded to Council. It is presumed that her position willndt be filled until another committee is stru.ck. Page 1 - Add the 407 Project Website address to the minutes. - Include the fact that the Studio 2 video dealt with transportation issues in the GTA. Page3 - Change "Goods movement is primarily to the USA, therefore is does not make sense...." To "Goods movement is primarily to the USA, therefore it may not make sense..." - Add Service based and knowledge based industries to the examples of research firms. - The document referred to as the Recommended Directions document should be named the Population and Employment Urban Lands document. Amended minutes are attached. Mark Canning: 1. A good mix of people attended (some close to the process and some new to it). · CI!J!il!glOn DRAFT MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2. Different viewpoints were brought to the table. 3. There was too much to do between just 9:00 and 2:00. 4. One'person was vocal, challenging the Needsodocument in draft format. 5. Facilitators were good. 6. Overall good process (all inclusive). 7. Hope to have more workshops. Would like the whole committee to be able to attend. Linda Gasser: 1. Happy to have a workshop. 2. Need to deal with issues separately. .Alternativeshave to solve problems; therefore a problem, statement needs to be completed first. ' , ' 3. No room to invite more of ourcomrnittee. We need to press for more members to be invited; Linda suggested be put a letter on record stating our interest and asking consideration for being invited to the next workshop. ..'.. :,'" ... : Please emaU Janice Szwarzyour comments for inclusion in a le.tter to the Ministry regarding our participation in the nextworkshop. . 4. Information would be useful prior to the workshop - there was no review time. 5. Hal)d out material was provided. Linda to check with ,. Doug Allingham regarding the confidentiality of the material prior to release to committee members. 6. Good structure - could have doubled the number of attendees. 7. Focus on issues by public - good and productive. 8. Kept contentious issues in the "right" light. 9. Ministry staff were very frank. 10. TSH Rep that was behind the numbers for the definition report was at the table. 11. Tables were colour coded to ensure a good mix at each table. 12. Draft document "Problem Definition Report". When this is released we need time to review it to d~termine if roblems are stated in an a ro riate wa ,if Committee Members Linda Gasser · CI!![.J!Jgtnn ..... ....... .....-.. :, Agel1da'lt~ , Municipal Technical Advisory Committee Meeting (Jan. 17th) DRAFT MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE opportunities are stated in an appropriate way and are there other opportunities we can look at. Br2dford Soles: Comments copied from email submission. The Workshop was extended an hour but they did have an aggressive agenda. Representatives and guests from the eF.c;cted communities and the committees were set into 3 groups. There were brief presentations from TSH and Gartner Lee to set the context of the meeting. The workshop was designed to brainstorm the alternative methods to address the transportation concerns in the Durham Regiph. Itjs a necessary part of the EA study and the discussion was qUite diverse in the ideas put forth from the various groups. Therewere 2 breakout sessions where the groups commented on the categories of alternatives and the criteria and measures to define those alternatives. , - Overall the exercise was a positive one.' TSH and MTO did get a lot of feedbackJrom th~,groupsand they are going to ",' incorporate it int? their pr()cessasthe EA progresses. The documentation is going to be posted on the website for viewing. The one thing that was a concern wa,s thatthe Matrix of the measure and criteria was quite large, and it was a struggle to do it justice in providing intelligent comments in the time frame given. They did recognize thatand will provide the documents in advance next time. The next step is likely a PIC (public informatiorl centre) in the spring. Janice updated on the MT AG meeting. Handouts provided. Janice's comments: Number of people who were aware of the Public Information Centres is important and provides an indication of the effectiveness of public consultation. Follow up with people who are directly affected but who are not participating to ensure they are receiving notification. Once alternative routes and the affected properties are identified - need to check notification list to ensure owners are receiving information. Transportation Assessment and Problem Definition appendices will be distributed within a few weeks. · ClfllillglOn DRAFT MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE ',",.:;,>.,:::"."':C-',.',.:;;;:::.::..,, ,...A.g~nda:l. There needs to be an executive summary for the public and politicians. If growth estimates in the draft growth plan change then this needs to be addressed as a potential scenario. -.--------..---------.-. ---------------- --~-~--- Corridor Management Guidelines were released in October 2005. The first round of PICs at four separate locations within Durham Region (April) will show assessment of the alternatives. Work Plans are being updated - comments not requested. Linda dealt with the same document at the C,AG meeting., We need to look at problems in a different way. .'Thedocument focuses on congestion. Congestion is a symptom. 700/0 of auto trips have only one person in the vehicle, this is a'problem. What is the role for the Clarington Highway 407 CAC. Do we wait for something to happen and then respond to it or do. we delve in and be proactive." This kind of EA has: never been done before for a transportation project. There are expectations that things will be done differently this time. There is a different landscape in Durham. The existence of a highway does not mean economic rowth. Next Meetings March?,2006 Meetin Rom 10