HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/11/2006 Minutes Cl!J!il1gron 1-4 DRAFT MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE CAC MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair - Bradford Soles Vice-Chair - Linda Gasser Fred Biesenthal Mark Canning Staff In Attendance: Sharon Norris - Recording Secretary Janice Szwarz - Planning Services Absent: Gerald Brown, Joanna DeBoer, Ron Hooper, George Khouri, Jim Schell, Leslie Benson DATE: RE: Other Business Bill Harford Karina Isert (LACAC) Ross Libbey (Traffic Advisory Committee) Murray Paterson January 11, 2006 HIGHWAY 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE January 10, 2006 Meeting No. 23 Meeting commenced 7:00 p.m. Welcome b Chair. - - A workshop is _ proposedfgr ~~turda~,.Februa~ 4th fr()I'I'19:OO a.m. to 1 :00 p.m. re~arcjing- iqentification ofevaluatiorffactors and criteria to. be. use~used toas~essthe plaf'!ning alternatives. It 1S unknown if the workshop is open to the public and if is yet to be advertised; 'Linda "GEisser has requested that people be pre-registered. , . .. - .. ", ....' , "'0' ,"', At t~e\yorks?opwe~hould a~kfor time to review research and ask thEl!t~ey 'rti~ulate the issues. It is expected that the WOf'kshQPWiII establish a weighting mechanism. EA process needs to be explained - I.e. start with an educatiol1illpiece prior to the workshop. Remember to check the 407 web for final workshop details. MT AG meeting Tues. Jan. 17th to review comments on Public Involvement. Comments received by MTO by Jan. 29th are to be posted on the web as a draft. Nothing posted to date. Linda advised committee of video worth watching regarding living and worki~ in the same area. From Studio 2, TVO, aired January 2 . Mississauga was shown as an example of a "live/work" community with its congestion issues. GTA Fare Card System is scheduled for 2008 - allowing travel from one transit s stem to another. ClNilJgton DRAFT MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Review of Draft Minutes Comments on Draft Proactive Involvement Plan Page 1 - Murray Patterson listed as present twice. Page 2 -:- Comment. Colleen Goodchild has moved to the Region. Janice to determine who is taking her place. Page 3 - Third paragraph should read "Question regarding hardship cases who cannot sell their properties due to the . route. " Janice Concerns were voiced that Taunton Road was not in the 5 year budget. Would like this to be part of the E.A. Minutes acce ted as amended. Review of Linda Gasser's preliminary comm~nt~(wfitte'obefore the announcement of the workshop). ..... The Project Team seems to be focussed ofjfjutJlP~rs~fpeople involved and this is not indicative of effe~i. .u~licinvolvement. The impression is that they are opento sutionson getting people involved, but they must b~.impl~mE:l"tilble. . . <:.- ',' . :.:' '-' -'" ,',',;:' We must receive information inatim~I~:maRn~r so,thafo\Jr comments can be incorporatedintott'l~dech~i9n ma.k. i..n g; .' . ...:.....". - "" ,'" '. ',', . Need to.~econsistent..+.T~eydeSlrearli"no,,~tive approach versu~;aRr~~c::ribedformat, howeverthE!y hilve prescribed a drop..inform~tfor PJ7s., . ....... . .....,. .............//.. ... Thi~.pr()ject hasbee~aroundf9r many years - people are fatigu~d.; Theg~ner~lfeelingjs..who cares unless it goes thrOLJ~.~my pa~~yard...' Only when the route is established, will the ~ffr.cte~.PeOple~et' involved - this will be too late. Mentality is let the elected officials deal with it. Neecft?lookat this as an opportunity to discuss sustainable transp()ttation, determine how it willl.ikely develop and what it mayJook like. There are ways to engage people, just need the right "hook" for each of them. The mailing list of interested parties is now at 2,000 people. Development Charges are not covering the true cost of growth - developers should have to pay DCs on transportation related costs. Energy and fuel costs will change attitudes towards public transit usage. Drop In PIC Sessions: Fact sheets should be prepared as preparatory material to inform eo Ie rior to sessions. C1Willgton DRAFT MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Need to show how projects will be sustainable - what other infrastructure will be needed - financial accessibility. Building the 407 will attract developers and will be used by local traffic. Safety - public safety (user safety) needs to be addressed. We are the only municipality that has struck a committee - but not acknowledged in the draft Proactive Janice Involvement Plan - Janice to comment on this. . Presentations provided by advisory groups~de$crit>~ Provincial policy - these should be mad~~,,~i1a~l~loour group. The Greenbelt Plan and Places ,toC3row are other good bases of information for our com~itt~~rtchec~ websites for documents. . .. Ministrv of Public Infrastructure~~ne\y~l-Placesto Grow MAH - Protectina the Greenbelt:T~~ G~7erlbeltPlan ., Places to Grow has a,lJocatedPop~l~tiona~d employment figuresJorall, how:verDufham, Re~lon d()E!s not show an i~crease in empleymept targetsfor2;o01-2.931. Goods Movementi~' primarily to'theUSA; therefore it does not makesensefc>r thesE!type~otcompanies to set up in Durham. rResearch firms (he.Science/Energy) could work here and,benefitfrom UOrT..We are however at a disadvantag~ having only one university versus the area west of theGT A. Residual Waste E.A. - Durham Region tooking at energy from waste facility Focussing on publicly owned lands Durham owns lands near Energy Park and the possible 407 link. Rail could be used for "garbage trains". Janice to source the "Recommended Directions" document from the Durham region OP Review for the committee. Janice Public Transit Usage Discussion: Inconvenient to take, however should you lose license it would be a necessity. The time it takes to wait and take transit versus travellin b car. Transit a s for itself in other wa s than 'ust 'ClNilJgron DRAFT MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE through the fares. The cost to drive (need to consider fuel, parking, insurance, maintenance) versus the cost to take transit. HOV lanes in Washington allow drivers to pick up riders on the side of the road to qualify their use of the HOV lanes. Mark offered his experiment of taking public transit for 6 r; ..Joths. He determined that. it was less stress, same cost and more timely to drive. Public Involvement Plan>", Will they adhere to the plan. They will not b~apl~ tofQ'fit all the promises made. Need to keep on them to resolvei$sues. (be vigilant) as they do not have the resourcesjt()doan~.;of this s~. ! Ask them to send an email to theJntertt~te~.parties!list if a major document is to be rele~sedorhasbf:len recently posted to the web. Next Meetings February7;2006 Meetin Roorn1C