HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/20/2005 Minutes CI~gron '05SEP26 Pt1 2=28:25 1-6 DRAFT MINUTES f - " -- "" OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMiTTEE'"".,,; ',' I tAJ:flK ,', ~-,~~.~,....:-.:.,~.._-.......,- ACK. BY ORfGmAI "'.r'\, Cc>-- ,-,) - ,. ~. \,,--;S COPiCS fi.i,.---...:-..........-< _,~-c-:-.r---- 0.~-~.,._'--' ,.....--...-- ....L--',..,^'.----I,~ ..--..-.....'~.-'.r..----....~- "._~._-.~._~. " .' "';'~ CAC MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair - Bradford Soles Vice-Chair - Linda Gasser Mark Canning Bill Harford Staff in Attendance: Sharon Norris - Recording Secretary Janice Szwarz - Planning Services Leslie Benson - Engineering Services Absent: Fred Biesenthal, Gerald Brown, Joanna DeBoer, Ron Hooper, George Khouri, R Schell Murray Paterson Karina Isert (LACAC) Murray Paterson ''''- .~..,..... '-.'.. ""j'" ~..- Libbey, Jim " r' ~""_. '~1-" . i R~ ~-~...- ~~ I ~ "~~ DATE: September 20, 2005 RE: HIGHWAY 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMM!TTEE September 6, 2005 Meeting No. 22 Welcome Meeting commenced 7:00 p.m.>:). Welcome and introducti0!1S.,of[lou9t;,llirgham.'(TSH),.Dan Remollino MTO and Rita VEl!1neri MiO Presentation DougAllingha~Of T$Hpresenteqonthe 407J;:ast Individual EnYirOhmenlalAssessrnent. Pre$ehtationOVerview. ProjectT earn Proje~Bac~~~o~nd ., St~~yPro!;Els~ ~I.sst.iell affecting the project EA r!"erm$ofReference EA Progress ,... Schedule ". - Consultation - Transportation Problems and Opportunities - Alternatives to the Undertaking - Upcoming Involvement Doug indicated that updates will be available over the next few weeks. The Plan involves 4 Public Information Centres: PIC 1 - Early 2006 regarding transportation problems and opportunities, and altematives to the undertaking. PICs 2 and 3 - fall 2006 and spring 2007 regarding alternative methods Cl~gron DRAFT MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE PIC 4 - early 2008 regarding concept design of preferred route and property requirements. TSH is looking at a "Plain English" method that will be easy to understand by all for use at the PICs. Submission of Draft EA to Ministry of the Environment expected in late 2008. The approved EA will provide the "minimum" guidelines. Enhancements will be made. The area of consultation and alternatives to the undertaking have already undergon~ some enhancements. The public consultation plan is to ber~leased within the next two weeks'iiiii' . TSH and the Region of Durham are workin~;()l'1thElI'l~\I{ Employment and Population Provincial FOI'lil~allt~~~jl?reaking it down into smaller areas to be used by TS~~~r:~n~P!'l!1ation modelling. The new Provincial Forecast provil!les fC!i:ll'lsS growth in the long term than fore~stsproqll~d bYJfci~Region. Questions/Concerns: concem..Viiththe sumrr:erschWU/(ifOi'tevil'lWbf th~;f!A.. TSH"",iUmeetvvith individuals()'lPl'l/1$!i>"ali~!;",es or do commll"l.\Yupdates. A newsle~eri.~Wf,>e released later this mo~th..An Involvemellt PlallWiIIPEl':available later this month and'l'S.H wil~retum to one ofourrneetings to discuss this, if we reqll~lltit. JIilI'lI~ tos~re and forward a copy to CAC melllbers when available. COltl1!~tlG<1t)dchild is available to help the Municipali'\y of Cla~jl'l~tR"Q.u~c;late our website. Janice to investigate whether this"!S;~~~Bening or not. TSH'~hew project website is imminent and will have updates everyMonday. The old "historical" information has been removed. Question re traffic congestion. The Region is widening Taunton Road with construction next year from Brock Road to Brock Street. Long range plans are to widen Taunton Road through Clarington; however, this is not in the Region's current capital budget or 5 year budget. Question regarding population: Subdivisions are growing at a fast rate which will increase once the Courtice Water Pollution Control Plant if finished. TSH indicated that the 0 ulation numbers from the Re ion take this Janice Szwarz Janice Szwarz Cl!Jl-mgron DRAFT MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE into consideration. Will subdivision purchasers be told of potential major corridors that are planned? No specific study area has been defined yet. It will be a "buyer beware" situation. The Municipality advises potential purchasers of the study process and the previously preferred route. Developers can give the wrong information and TSH is checking new sales trailers information to ensure that the information being relayed is accurate. Web updates will include previously preferred route for prospective purchasers to view. Question regarding hardship cases who cal)not sel/llleit 1. properties do to the route. MTO is not actively purchasing properties bu[~rJr~"i~v,.ing on a case by case basis. They will, and havelpurl;liasedif hardship meets the specified "hard~~ipgl.lid!llilJes".These guidelines are being developed',Il.s''vVe!l,fl.lnding mu~t~e available in the MTO bUd~Ct>I.1 i> il. Question (egarding PIGPlen.;,wiINt$et out/'JQw to request '>.:-___,',:,-.''.:c:'. _:'::-'c::>" enh~gcerne/f1tsto theminimUm~t~f1Cfe~s setout in the EA ? PIG \'Ii II gllt9 mllretryana reas~nableeldent to consider public input.....l"ubliC\'llillbee.llcoura9~~it"9"equest meetingsl wor~shops wUI'1.f\i1T0al1d TSl-kJ_inda Gasser suggested addill9<1 seritElnce toirnorm the public how they can comment andwht;ln theircomrn\9nts will be addressed (i.e. in a timely mannElr). TSl'idid disCUSS a question and answer format for the 'vV~bSit~;hpwever, this could be overwhelming. They indiqat\9dtb.i:lHhey could use a frequently asked questions methOd.. . Fact sheets will be on the website and will be available at the PIGs. Fact sheets include the EA Process, lighting, etc. MTO may make copies available to the municipalities. Question regarding whether this will be a toll road. No decisions have been made at this time on whether it will be a toll road or on the ownership of the highway. The toll impact will be analysed as it affects the volume of traffic. Gopies of the presentation will be mailed to those members not resent. Cl~iQgron Paae 2 last bullet under Community Advisorv Group: Delete the bullet and add the words Clarington 407 in front of the words Community Advisory Group. Under Issues/Concems. Delete the first sentence. Change the second sentence to read "Linda will be meeting with them again in June. In the last sentence change the reference to the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority to the Toronto Region Conservation Authority. Minutes acce ted as amended. Preservation of Heritage Homes: We resol"!~d,to~$~7~o\Jncil to press the Region on what could be done. ~)!II.'~~~~~n,(iecided that LACAC should make this request. Li\Q~~~Il~~~olution to Council that was adopted and sent to t~~iR~ion.Tfue re uest is currentl bein consideredjp the;Re ion. ' New Business MTO Community Advisory GroUp , ','..' . '. . New merTlbef!lare reqYestedlo fill j!)l.ll 'thr~~pagedot:ument/ resu~emdicating Wl1~tt~eir ar7~9 ,"...'.. rtiseis. An~ol1ereql.liring a cc>py of t~e7arliElr:bR~hoUld make their reqYe$tto Janice. Sheiwill ProvidEllilPhotocopy. Members/Janice Review of Draft Minutes Other Business DRAFT MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Next Meetings November - date to.be determined. No October meetin .