HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/10/2005 Minutes CI!J!mglOn I - 6 DRAFT MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE CAC MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair - Bradford Soles Vice-Chair - Linda Gasser Fred Biesenthal Joanna DeBoer Gerald Brown Staff in Attendance: Sharon Norris - Recording Secretary Janice Szwarz - Planning Services ,Brent Mavin - Engineering Services I\Absent: "Mark Canning, Ron Hooper, George Khouri, Ross Libbey, Jim Schell, Leslie Benson Bill Harford Murray Paterson Karina Isert (LACAC) Murray Paterson DATE: February 10,2005 RE: HIGHWAY 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE February 8, 2005 Meeting No. 20 Welcome Meeting commenced 7:00 p.m'<<\>::;'iiii Chair emphasized the imB9rtaTllSeofr,e*iev.'i~l!I!the iilfOl'll'llltion, and noted that TSHfMTOl,l\IillbEHnvit~~o a Mure meetin . Maj9rchanges in theTO~, andth~irlCI~iql'lloinission of co~nt~fromtheCAC, as.c<ilpturedin the Planning Staff Re~rt,Werereviewedby J<ilnice. Ma~t~hanges: . pity of PeterboroHgh is now included as a key linkage to J;Mhamfor reviewing traffic deficiencies within the area east of Toronto. . 'the dOC(jments to be reviewed during the EA process are flOwnsted (ToR, P.5). . Ubdated data that becomes available will be used in the assessment of transportation needs. . Environmental considerations will now include development of infrastructure that recognizes natural heritage system connectivity, addresses the recommendations of environmental management plans and strategies, and the development of transportation systems which support sustainable community design. (ToR, P 15. P16) . Objectives that will guide the identification of altematives have been listed (ToR. P20). ToR Review CI{}l-!lJgton DRAFT MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Notes: Any alternatives would have to rneet these objectives. All transportation alternatives must be looked at. It is thought that the Province is thinking more globally about transportation. The Ministry of the Environment's mandate drove these revisions. There will be a greater influence on use of public input. . The five key principles of a sound evaluation process have been listed (ToR, P 23). Note: It was noted that Peterboroygh and Kawartha Lakes are very pro-407. . No major changes to the process for generating a study area or the process to generate alternative methods. . Significant change to the assessment and evaluation of alternative methods. (ToR, P32). Originally read: The first step entails an ass.essment of the impacts of the various alternatives underCol7sideration. Now reads: The first step ent~ilsia(jetai/edfieJd inventory of conditions associated witheadha./ternativemethQff. . Table.5.2"Evaluation Fa~llrs,Snteria andJndicators" (ToR, P36). Two. additions. under Vegetation - Jossl encroachment of habitat of knovtn species of conservation concern or species at risk, and effect on totfjlcqver in watershed. One addition under Wildfife -eff~ctS(jflighting on wildlife. Note: Just starting to recognize the impacts of lighting on the matil)g hfjbits of certain species. ()hange$ fjlso made under Landscape Connectivity and Speqiaf Species. /'.Jew factors added - Recreational Opportunities and Light (ToR, P. 37) . Concept Design (ToR, P. 39) - new paragraph added dealing with the development of a process to identify potential revisions to the concept design. . Community Advisory Group (CAG) will continue, however the mandate, membership and operating procedures of the Group will be further defined prior to reconstituting the CAG. (ToR, P. 43). Note: The Clarington Highway 407 Community Advisory Group does not have recognized status. . Changes to the Information to be provided for an E.A. under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (see ToR Su ortin Document A - Federal/Provincial Coordination. Clw:il1gron DRAFT MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Janice reviewed an email from Doug Allingham, which indicated that the MTO will continue to work with the Clarington Highway 407 CAC and are prepared to attend a future meeting of our group. Hhowever the study will first be formally introduced with MTAG, RAG and CAG members. This means that we will not likely have TSH present to us for our March 1s, meeting date. In this event the March 1st meeting will be cancelled and in anticipation, a meeting date for the week of March 7''' will be scheduled. Sharon will canvass all CAC Sharon Norris members to determine their availability that week. Discussion: After the EA report is submitted it will thenQeapprQv~dby the Ministry of the Environment, after which a co.nC(lptdesign must be developed. The Study Schedule still indi~t~st~l:!Uhe EA Report will be submitted to MOE by ~ecemper:2006Jh9wever, this seems overly aggressive. SOI":f1~ilifon:nation can be re- packaged and some will be ne'NuP'"~r9t# war\<- FieldwOrk will be required during all fourcS,eliso)'\s. Questions: ,..... ..........:,........:..:: ............:..:.'.. Thequesti.(J~of hO'N~lli(;kIY th~projEl#col.lldbe moved through DurhamwaslJlised.ltw<.is.not~d that the E.A. will not be divided intot\Vo'\\'ihich wQuldslowdown the process, also that we need to push the widening of Taunton Road and that thetirning oftheairport is thought to be 2012 but there is no FedEjral approval forlhe E.A. process yet. Note: Taunton (Steeles) wiU be fOUr lanes to the Rouge Valley. WiliC9mments on alternatives to the undertaking be accepted? Ple~serefer to 4.1.1 of the ToR (P 23) which states that "the entiteactivity must be completed in consultation with the public, stakeholders, regulatory agencies and municipalities". We will have input but will not be a part of the decision making. Our ideas need to be put forward auicklv before a preferred alternative is set. We need to make specific requestsl recommendations and be prepared to submit this information as we will not be asked what we think. The preferred alternative will follow quickly after the Work Plans. Not included was our request to consult with other transportation providers on their long-term plans; however this suggestion is included in the ToR for the Mid Pen highway. ToR. We need to take the page from the Mid Pen ToR and re- submit it for this project. CI~!!ilJgton DRAFT MINUTES OF THE CLARINGTON HWY. 407 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE ,'II I . I No changes were made to the ToR regarding our air quality comments. It was suggested that this may be due to the fact that "moving" traffic produces fewer emissions. Note: Montreal attributes 50% of their bad air on "wood smoke" from fireplaces. The com crop in Ontario consumes carbon dioxide faster than forest or any other crop. Staff Report Review: Stakeholders will be able to commend on Work Programs. Work Programs will be one topic for public consultation. Preparation for TSH: The CAC needs to listen to them then ask howinpLitistobe gathered from us and related to us. TSH/MTOwill Jjeformally requested to meet with the CAC. We will requesHtiatJohn Slobodzian (the old project manager) be invitedas4henew project manager, Dan Remollino, may not have all the back round information re uired.. . Although a quorum is require(jonlyfor decisio~ makil1Qitis asked that Gornmittee membel'El RSVPto mElEltjng invitations. The first TUesday of thf; month is stiUoyr stan~ard meeting date, however as revioiJsl noted the Marclidate will chan e. Mef;ti~gadjourned at8:03 P'IT1. CAC Members Linda Gasser Janice Szwarz Other Business Adjourned Next Meetings Week of March 7th - date to be determined, A ril 5th