HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-02-14Newcastle BIA MINUTES February 14, 2019 www.villageofnewcastle.ca Attendance: Valentine Lovekin, Marni Lewis, Janeen Calder, Helen Vatandoust, Karen Bastas, Leslie Ray, Jane Black, Masood Vatandoust, Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Donna Wood, Lena Schmahl Regrets: Greg Lewis, Ann Harley, Joanna Bastas 1. Attendance taken. 2. Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. Chaired by Karen 3. Approval of December Minutes: Motion to accept: Helen Vatandoust Seconded: Leslie Ray 4. Business Arising from Minutes: n/a 5. Council Report - Granville Anderson is our BIA Council Representative 6. President's Report: The AGM was a small turnout, very low key evening. We need an engaged, happy business community that is more involved. Don't expect more without getting engaged. 7. Treasurer's Report: We received the $10,000 West End money from the Municipality, that was used to cover the banner costs. Our bank balance is $4799.00 Theresa moved to request for $10,000 of West End money to be released by the Municipality and kept by the BIA as a buffer for cashflow timing issues from year to year. Leslie seconded - passed As in years past Theresa spoke to Esther and ordered the cedar garland to decorate the lamp posts over the holiday season. She requested they be up before the Town Hall Lighting on November 16th, and the Parade November 18th. Theresa was advised 2 days before the Town Hall Lighting that the garland would not arrive until the Monday after the parade. Theresa cancelled the order, expecting we could get a refund ($1200.00). On January 3rd the BIA was advised by Esther that we could not get a refund. Theresa has requested by email to Esther for copies of invoices of payment from the cedar garland company and we have not received anything. Valentine will reach out to Esther requesting the same paperwork for the Municipality audit. 8. Committee Reports: Safety & Decor: There have been concerns about the safety of the sidewalks around the old Busters building. The sidewalks are being maintained as best as they can in these weather conditions. Please remember to salt when needed in front of your business. Advertising: Facebook posts are reaching 3800 Top posts Vatandoust open house Da Taste kitchen fire Massey House Hospice dinner The Village of Newcastle Instagram page has 346 followers. Donna would like to get businesses to add more stories. INSTAGRAM PROMOTIONAL STORIES Promote your business on the Newcastle Instagram account with a business story. Send 5 photos or a 60 second video clip of your business, owner, what you offer or promote a sale. Send your information to villageofnewcastle@gmail.com Name I Business I Website I Social Media Account Names I Phone # I and images or video clip, text We'll post a new story every Monday morning with your content and appropriate #tags Special Events: The Municipality Grants and Sponsorships are now available, the deadline to apply is February 22. The event chairs are going to contact the Municipality to see how the events committees can apply for the grants and split between the different events. a) Town Hall Lighting - The committee is starting to plan fundraisers for the 2019 event. b) Breakfast with Santa- The hall rental this year will be split with the Lions and the BIA. The BIA is having the breakfast in the morning and the Lions are having their Millionaires night in the evening. The Lions are being asked to sign the Town Hall rental contract on behave of both groups. c) Santa Parade - Everything is wrapped up they are just waiting on one check from the Municipality. d) Easter Scavenger Hunt - The Gift of Art will be running this event again this year. We will discuss funding for it at the March BIA meeting. e) Harvest Festival - The committee has started to meet and are discussing ideas. f) Canada Day - The Gift of Art and RONA are organizing this event. They have received a $5000 grant from Heritage Canada. 9. CBOT: n/a 10. Chamber News: The Chamber has requested to hang a banner promoting their Home Show on May 26th, they are paying for the banner and the BIA is fine with them using the poles. The Chamber AGM is Thursday, February 21 at the Bowmanville Older Adults Assoc. 15,000 copies of the Chamber Directory will being going out, if you are interested in advertising in it, please contact the Chamber. Their membership is now up to 127 members. 11. CIP: n/a 12. New Business: n/a 13. Next meeting, Thursday, March 14, 2019 at 9am. 14. Motion to adjourn meeting by Janeen Calder, seconded by Helen Vatandoust