HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-01-15CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting January 15, 2019 Members Present: Katharine Warren, Victor Suppan, Peter Vogel, Councillor Hooper, Steve Conway, Heather Ridge (ED of Clarington Museum) Regrets: Robert Malone Staff: Faye Langmaid, Planning Services Declaration of Pecuniary Interest None declared. Adoption of Agenda 19.01 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by S. Conway That the agenda for January 15, 2019 be adopted as amended. "CARRIED" Adoption of Minutes 19.02 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by S. Conway That the minutes of the Meeting of November 18, 2018 be accepted. "CARRIED" Delegation and Presentations Paul Wirch, Senior Planner from Planning Services provided an overview of the Bowmanville East Secondary Plan, area it covers, process, highlighting some of the historic buildings that are part of the planning process. The Goodyear Special Project Area is included in the Secondary Plan as is the Hospital and the downtown. There is a website for the project which members can subscribe to www.Clarington.net/BowmanvilleEast. An HIA has been prepared for Goodyear however it is incomplete. The HIA will need to be revised in the context of the site constraints (i.e. contamination, natural heritage, structural assessment, etc.) that have yet to be investigated. . The Nurse's Residence was added to the Municipal Register and the Hospital was requested to prepare an HIA as part of their planning documents. 1 1 P a g e The downtown and civic precinct have a number of heritage buildings designated and listed. An overall characterization of the heritage resources is part of the background work that is being prepared for the Secondary Plan. Further communications about the Bowmanville East update will be made to this Committee via the Municipal staff liaison. However, any member of the public can be added to the list of people to be contacted directly for all upcoming reports and meetings related to this project. Paul also provided a brief update on the Courtice Energy Park Secondary Plan, the major heritage resource in that area is the Fairfield House on Crago Road. Unless further direction is given from this Committee, the existing preservation policies in the Secondary Plan for this home will be maintained. There are two abandoned cemeteries in the area but neither are within the boundary of the Secondary Plan. Paul outlined where the South West Courtice Secondary Plan is occurring. There is an application for a subdivision across the road from a designated site on Prestonvale. Business Arising Wilmot Heritage Park update: )No update at this time. Jury Lands Foundation uodate K. Warren is now a director of the Foundation. The developer applied for a demolition permit for the 6 designated buildings in early December. They have been informed that their application does not meet the requirements of the Ontario Heritage Act as they will need to prepare an HIA that demonstrates how they will mitigate and adapt the site to address the heritage resources. The JLF and ACO are closely monitoring the site. Reports from Other Committees Orono, Bowmanville and Newcastle CIP Liaison groups are meeting later this week and next week. Council appointments have been made to groups, all the groups have had new members join them. The annual report for CIPs was approved at Council on Jan 14, 2018. Also approved was the report on the pilot project for the outdoor sidewalk patios which will continue in 2019 and be expanded to Orono should there be a business that wishes to apply. Museum: xThe Museum's new children's exhibit ClaringTOWN with a rural theme is almost entirely set up — H. Ridge showed photos of the set up and indicated that there would be a members opening on Jan 31St and family opening on Feb 2na xEdwardian Christmas will take place on December 7th right after the tree lighting, 264 attended. 21 Page xNew Board has just been appointed a representative will be discussed at their next meeting. H. Ridge happy to attend in the meantime. Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch - Doors Open subcommittee is meeting this evening and working on locations and plans for 2019. Newcastle Village & District Historical Society - No report from NVDHS. Correspondence and Council Referrals xThe Belmont house By-law approved by Council in December. xTerms of Reference of the Committee were amended to include a representative from ACO as requested at the November meeting. Faye will be contacting to have them appoint a representative. Abandoned Cemeteries Board was disbanded by Council. Appointments to Committees made at Jan 14th meeting, as the Heritage Committee does not have enough members, the notice for applications will be published on website and in newspaper. If you know of people interested please have them apply. xElection of Chair and Vice -Chair may be delayed until membership is all in place. Project Reports — No reports for this meeting New Business Calendars: -15 have been sold, the calendars do not have the dates in them so can continue to be sold at AppleFest and other key times of the year. Community Heritage Ontario (CHO) newsletter — article by Michael Seaman, Michael has accepted position of Director of Planning Services and will be starting in Feb. Committee members would like Michael invited to a future meeting (most likely March). 156 Church Street— Plaque has been installed. Members wondering if something can occur at the Feb 19th Planning and Development Committee meeting to honour designations and remind Council about the committee's accomplishments. Faye will see what can be done. Committee Orientation — Faye has been in contact with Bert Duclos and he is willing to provide an overview to a larger Durham audience. It is on his to do list once has been informed that committee appointments across the Region are in place. Goals for Committee — Vic would like to see a farm designated and also historic trees. S. Conway moved adjournment. Next meeting: February 19th, 2019, 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers for Planning and Development Committee meeting and then move into regular meeting. 31 Page