HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-01-10Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Thursday, January 10, 2019 Members Present: Don Rickard Tom Barrie Ted Watson Brenda Metcalf Richard Rekker John Cartwright Ben Eastman Les Caswell Eric Bowman Councillor Zwart Regrets: Jennifer Knox, Henry Zekveld Guests: Lisa Mackenzie and Nancy Rutherford, Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Staff: Amy Burke, Faye Langmaid, Brenda welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions. Adoption of Agenda 019-01 Moved by Don Rickard, seconded by Eric Bowman "That the Agenda for January 10th, 2019 be adopted" Carried Approval of Minutes 019-02 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Richard Rekker "That the minutes of the December 13, 2018 meeting be approved" Carried Presentation Region of Durham Local Food Business Retention & Expansion Prosect — Lisa and Nancy provided an overview of how the interviews were conducted, the sub -sectors interviewed and the results of the study. The presentation provided by Lisa was sent to committee members as a pdf. There are some interesting findings on consumer behavior, the consumer is educating the producer on what they want and what should be grown. The market intelligence coming out of the study provides some emerging trends. The Committee members Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington January 10, 2019 expressed that consumer behaviour / needs is a potential area of further examination and research. There is use of the OFVAC facility by Durham producers, it is now very busy and considering if it needs a night shift. There is a need for a commercial kitchen in Durham. Next Steps include analysis of the information, an action plan and implementation plan. The results will feed into the Durham Agriculture Strategic Plan Update. Business Arising CA Watershed Plans as follow-up to the presentation at the last meeting comments have been provided to CLOCA with regard to the questions the committee has about the 46% natural cover target when the Region's Official Plan is 30%, it appears that target is trying to make up for what has been lost in other urbanized watersheds. The mapping needs to account for the Agricultural System issued by OMAFRA last year. The committee would like to see the stewardship project funding for environmental farm plan initiatives reinstated by CLOCA. Habitat Enhancement needs to be defined, is it tree planning, allowing land to go fallow, late hay harvest, cover crops? A program could be developed for 10 acre lots that are not farmed to turn them into habitat enhancement areas, such as meadows and targeted tree planting areas. Zone Clarington has open houses planned for late January and early February. If you have comments in advance of then please let Amy know. There have already been some feedback on potential mapping errors which is very useful for us. Council and Committee Reports Council Items: Referral of the request from Durham Region for a member of DAAC. Tom Barrie volunteered to be the representative from Clarington to DAAC. Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee: The DAAC Tour will be September 12th Durham Region Federation of Agriculture: (Durham Farm Connections) Richard provide the DRFA report to all by e-mail in advance of the meeting. The Farm Connections will be at Vipod Arena on April 2, 3, 4. The Agricultural Gala will be October 24th. Farm Connections has a consultant working on the plan for a Regional agricultural historical home, what form it should take, funding and programming. Clarington Board of Trade: CBOT issued a note reminding members of CBOT about caution near farm vehicles in December. Committee members are curious about the planning for the Agricultural Summit. New Business Appointments to AACC — are to be ratified by Council on January 14th 'most existing members up for renewal. Council representative will be Councillor Zwart who is familiar with the committee, having attended a number of times in the past. Election of Chair and Vice -Chair — Will be on the agenda for next meeting. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington January 10, 2019 Barn Fire Information from OMAFRA and Chief Weir— Distributed by e-mail prior to the meeting. Climate Change —Regional Agricultural Adaptation Strategy — Donald provided an overview of the document that has been circulated to all. Future weather predictions (2040-2049) indicate that it will be warmer, wetter and wilder. It is hoped that members will review and provide comments to Kristy Kilbourne Kristy.Kilbourne(cb-durham.ca by the end of January. Durham Agriculture Strategic Plan — the previous plan was 2013-2018, the Region has hired a consultant to assist with preparation of an updated strategy. Brenda attended meeting earlier today to provide input. There was discussion on how the targets have to be measurable and the need for reporting, monitoring. Lisa and Nancy will come in March to AACC for input into the next 5 year strategy. Committee is looking for an update on what has been achieved as part of the presentation. Future Agendas Health Canada representative to discuss the concerns heard at the July 12, 2018 AACC meeting regarding the Pest Management Regulatory Agency's re-evaluation of EBDC as it relates to fruit and vegetables. Clarington Planning to share details of the agricultural sector evaluation completed as part of the Clarington Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Update (completed in September 2018). John is working on invitation to the Premier. Faye has been in contact with Tracey Weightman, DRPS about a tour/meeting at the detachment in Maple Grove. Clarington Planning to review the first draft zoning by-law regulations relating to Environmental Protection and associated buffers and related permissions for agriculture. March meeting — Nancy Rutherford and Lisa Mackenzie will be back with the Durham Agriculture Strategy (next 5 year installment). John Cartwright moved to Adjourn. Next Meeting: Thursday, February 14, 2019 @ 7:30 pm Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington January 10, 2019