HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-12-13 MinutesNewcastle BIA MINUTES December 13, 2018 www.villageofnewcastle.ca Attendance: Valentine Lovekin, Marni Lewis, Janeen Calder, Helen Vatandoust, Tracy Yates, Karen Bastas, Leslie Ray Regrets: Greg Lewis, Donna Wood, Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Ann Harley 1. Attendance taken. 2. Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. Chaired by Karen 3. Approval of November Minutes: Motion to accept: Tracey Yates Seconded: Leslie Ray 4. Business Arising from Minutes: n/a 5. Council Report - add Marg Zwart to the BIA email list 6. President's Report: The Village of Newcastle received a letter via registered mail from the Law Firm Bergeron Clifford LLP. Regarding a claim that occurred on September 1 in Foster Creek Park. Valentine has replied to the law firm advising that "The Village of Newcastle has no legal autonomy. It is situated in the Municipality of Clarington in the Regional Municipality of Durham. The BIA exists through a Clarington By -Law. The BIA exists to enhance the business district and its boundaries are described in the by-law. Foster Creek Park, where the alleged injury occurred, is not in the BIA territory." He copied the Municipal Clerk to deal with this claim in the future. 7. Treasurer's Report: As of November 30, the bank balance is $-533.00. There will be a budget meeting after the meeting. Motion made by Theresa: I move that we ask the Municipality to release $10,000 from the Newcastle BIA west -end funds to cover the 2017 one-time purchases of over -the -street banners (totaling $10,137.61 per the attached invoices) that put the BIA over budget in 2017, eliminating the cushion that carries the BIA from year to year. Seconded by Leslie Ray- passed 8. Committee Reports: Safety & Decor: Feedback was received about the wreaths and street bows - they look old and worn, the bows don't do anything for the posts.....very plain looking. Advertising: Facebook page likes are now 1347, up from October which was 1277, for a difference of 70 likes in 1 month. Page reach was 9,158 Latest video views - 3,735 (videos of the parade) FB post engagements - 7,175 Top posts Town Hall Lighting reached 1.3K Lighting wagon Ride reached 1.5K Santa Parade reach was 1.1 K Refinery Salon/Benny Barber application for a liquor licence reached 1.21K and had 362 post clicks and 60 comments/shares Raising funds for Durham Hospice has a reach of 619 Special Events: a) Town Hall Lighting - Lots of positive feedback was received from the event. Some felt it should be advertised more. Next year we should have bags for kids to carry all the goodies around in. The maps were perfect and everyone used it. The businesses that participated had a great night and their stores were full the whole night. b) Breakfast with Santa- This year was the best ever. They had 180 children, 244 adults, and they made a profit. Marni and Greg Lewis will take over running the Breakfast next year. c) Santa Parade - It was a great event. Funds are still coming in.There were no issues, the DRP and Private Security did an amazing job. The Festival of Trees fundraiser is going well, they have sold $3500 in tickets sales so far. They are looking into having wreaths next year as an option. At the February meeting the event chairs are going to discuss a sponsorship letter to use to approach businesses in March for all the 2019 events to sponsor. 9. CBOT: n/a 10. Chamber News: n/a 11. CIP: n/a 12. New Business: West End money - What can be done with this money and when?? We have money sitting in an account and would like to spend it. 13. Next meeting the AGM Tuesday, January 22, 2019, 6:OOpm cocktails, 7:OOpm dinner followed by the meeting. 14. Motion to adjourn meeting by Tracey Yates, seconded by Helen Vatandoust