HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-03-11 PD MinutesClarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes March 11, 2018 If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Minutes of a meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on Monday, March 11, 2019 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers. Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Jones, Councillor J. Neal, and Councillor M. Zwart Regrets: Councillor C. Traill Staff Present: A. Allison, M. Seaman, C. Pellarin, K. Richardson, F. Langmaid, J. Gallagher, S. Gray 1 Call to Order Councillor Neal called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 2 New Business — Introduction There were no new business items added to the Agenda. 3 Adopt the Agenda Resolution #PD -023-19 Moved by Councillor Zwart, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Agenda for the Planning and Development Committee meeting of March 11, 2019 be adopted as presented. Carried 4 Declarations of Interest Later in the meeting, Councillor Zwart declared an indirect interest in Communication Item 10.1 Barry Bolahood— Request an Amendment to the Interim Control By -Law 2018-083. 5 Announcements Members of Committee announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. - 1 - Clarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes March 11, 2019 6 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting Resolution #PD -024-19 Moved by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Jones That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Planning and Development Committee, held on February 19, 2019, be approved. Carried The Director of Planning Services introduced Andrew Payne, Contract Planner I. 7 Public Meetings 7.1 Application for a Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Applicant: Aspen Gardens Bowmanville Ltd. (Kaitlin) Report: PSD -016-19 Location: 2346 Baseline Road, Bowmanville at the northwest corner of Baseline Road and Green Road Anne Taylor -Scott, Senior Planner, made a verbal and electronic presentation to the Committee regarding the application. John Colville, local resident, spoke in opposition to the application. Mr. Colville explained that he is concerned with the aesthetic of the proposed plan and that it does not blend with the surrounding single unit dwellings. He stated that 103 townhouse units is too many for the subject property. Mr. Colville noted that the approved draft plan from 1996 proposed only single dwelling homes. He stated that he is concerned with the potential increase in noise and traffic in the area. Mr. Colville explained that parking will also be an issue. He is concerned with how emergency vehicles will be able to access the area. Mr. Colville mentioned that the density of the proposed plan is too high, and the Municipality of Clarington should be reducing the carbon footprint not increasing it. He referenced section 6.3.2 of Clarington's Official Plan from 1996 [which has been superseded by the current Official Plan approved in June 2017]. Mr. Colville explained that, if the application is approved, the current road conditions will deterioriate. Michael Fry, Senior Planner, D.G. Biddle and Associates, was present on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Fry explained that the proposed development is within the urban boundary density at a density at approximately 41 units per hectare. He stated that 41 units per hectare is in line with the expectations of the Province as well as the Municipality of Clarington's Official Plan and the Regional Official Plan. Mr. Fry explained that Baseline Road is a Type A arterial and Green Road is a Type B arterial and therefore the medium density block in this area is appropriate. He noted that he has reviewed the traffic impact study and it states that traffic generated by this development can be handled by the existing road network and by the intersections surrounding the -2- Clarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes March 11, 2019 site. Mr. Fry concluded by advising the Committee that they will continue to work with staff on the application. 8 Delegations 8.1 Brenda Metcalf, Chair, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington, Regarding an Annual Update Brenda Metcalf, Chair, Agricultural Advisory Committee (AAC) of Clarington, was present regarding an Annual Update. She made a verbal presentation to accompany a handout. Ms. Metcalf reviewed the accomplishments of the AAC for 2018, which included highlights, events, and presentations at their meetings. She also explained the importance of the farming industry. Ms. Metcalf thanked the Committee for the opportunity to speak and the municipal staff for their work with the AAC. Resolution #PD -025-19 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Jones That the delegation of Brenda Metcalf, Chair, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington, Regarding an Annual Update, be received with thanks. Carried 9 Communications - Receive for Information 9.1 Minutes of the St. Mary's Cement Community Relations Committee dated September 11, 2018 Resolution #PD -026-19 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Anderson That Communication Item 9.1 be received for information. Carried -3- Clarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes March 11, 2019 Councillor Zwart declared an indirect interest in the New Business Item regarding Communication Item 10.1 Barry Bolahood— Request an Amendment to the Interim Control By -Law 2018-083. Councillor Zwart left the room and refrained from discussion and voting on this matter. 10 Communications— Direction 10.1 Barry Bolahood— Request an Amendment to the Interim Control By -Law 2018-083 Resolution #PD -027-19 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Anderson That the request to amend Section 2.e. of Interim Control By-law 2018-83 to add 10 Victoria Street, submitted by Barry Bolahood, be approved; and That the Interim Control amending By -Law attached to the memo from Carlo Pellarin dated March 5, 2019, be adopted. Motion Lost Resolution #PD -028-19 Moved by Councillor Jones, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the request to amend Section 2.e. of Interim Control By-law 2018-83 to add 10 Victoria Street, submitted by Barry Bolahood, be denied. Carried Councillor Zwart returned to the meeting. 10.2 Carlo Pellarin, Manager of Development Review, Regarding Regional Waste Pick-up for Residential Development with Private Roads Resolution #PD -029-19 Moved by Councillor Jones, seconded by Councillor Anderson Whereas the Region of Durham provides residential waste collection to the residents of Clarington; Whereas the Municipality of Clarington recognizes the importance of providing consistent waste collection for all residents, regardless of dwelling type to achieve best use of the Blue Box and Green Bin programs; Whereas to achieve this, the Municipality of Clarington encourages all applicants of multi -unit residential development to comply with the Region of Durham by-law and regulations for Waste Management Services; Clarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes March 11, 2019 Whereas the Region of Durham By -Law 46-2011 is a By-law regulating the provision of the Waste Management Services under the jurisdiction of The Regional Municipality of Durham. Schedule "P" to the By-law requires all private roads in multi -residential developments used by Regional Waste vehicles be a minimum of 6.5 metres in width and provide a minimum of 13 metres in turning radii;and Whereas the Region of Durham Works Department staff is proposing to review existing policies and by-laws related to the provision of waste collection services, including on multi -residential developments; Now therefore, the Municipality of Clarington requests that part of the review by Regional Works and Planning Staff be the consideration of reducing minimum private road width and turning radii requirements to match those of the Ontario Fire Code for fire truck access on private roads, 6.0 m and 12 metres respectively. Carried 11 Presentation(s) No Presentations 12 Planning Services Department Reports 12.1 PSD -016-18 Applications by Aspen Gardens Ltd. (Kaitlin) for a Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law amendment to permit a 136 -unit residential subdivision at the northwest corner of Baseline Road and Green Road, Bowmanville Resolution #PD -030-19 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Jones That Report PSD -016-19 be received; That the application for a proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and the application to amend Zoning By-law 84-63, submitted by Aspen Gardens Ltd. (Kaitlin), for the development of a 136 -unit plan of subdivision continue to be processed and that a subsequent report be prepared; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -016-19 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried -5- Clarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes March 11, 2019 12.2 PSD -017-19 Cannabis Retail Stores Siting Policy Resolution #PD -031-19 Moved by Councillor Zwart, seconded by Councillor Jones That Report PSD -017-19 be received; That the draft Municipal Cannabis Retail Store siting policy (Attachment 1 to Report PSD -017-19) be approved; and That any interested parties be notified of Council's decision. Motion Lost Resolution #PD -032-19 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Anderson That Report PSD -017-19 be referred to Staff to provide stronger language in the Cannabis Retail Stores Siting Policy and to report back to the Planning and Development Committee meeting of April 1, 2019. Motion Withdrawn Resolution #PD -033-19 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Anderson That Report PSD -017-19 be tabled to the Council meeting of March 18, 2019. Carried 13 New Business — Consideration There were no New Business Item to be considered under this Section of the Agenda. 14 Unfinished Business 15 Confidential Reports There were no Confidential Reports scheduled under this Section of the Agenda. Ciarftwiq 16 Adjournment Resolution #PD -034-19 Planning and Development Committee Minutes March 11, 2019 Moved by Councillor Jones, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the meeting adjourn at 8:17 PM. Chair Carried -7- uty Clerk