HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSD-015-07 Cl~-il1glOn REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE September 17, 2007 Resolution #:{jPf}~S41-o7 Date: Report #: CSD-015-07 File#: By-law #: Subject: UPDATE ON WORLD RECORD WALK - October 3,2007 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT ReportCSD-015-07 be received; and 2. THAT the Mayor on behalf of Council signs and supports the International Charter for Walking. Submitted by: Jgs P. Caruana 1 ir ctor of Community Services Reviewed bY:U ~ --.:-~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer JPC/SM/EM/j CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-5506 REPORT NO.: CSD-015-07 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The World Record Walk 0NRW) www.worldrecordwalk.ca will take place extensively across Ontario and in other regions of Canada simultaneously at 12:30 p.m. EDT on October 3,2007. The walk will be one kilometre in length, taking approximately 20 minutes to complete. Schools, communities, workplaces and trail organizations are being urged to participate. The cumulative total will be tallied in an effort to break the Guinness World Record for the largest simultaneous one kilometre walk. The current record was set in September 2006 by Western Australia, with 100,915 participants. 1.2 The goal of the World Record Walk is to launch a "Walkolution" - to create a culture of walking in our communities, encouraging employees to walk to work and walk at work, encouraging our children to walk to school and walk at school, and promoting walking to all as an excellent form of transportation and as an excellent means of maintaining a healthy weight. 1.3 Through broad-based community participation and a focus on a healthy active community, this event will encourage active transportation and recreational walking, which will benefit both individual health and the environment. A healthy active community is one which encourages residents to walk for pleasure and walk as a means of active transportation. 1.4 The International Charter for Walking (Attachment #1) was created by Walk21, a non-profit, international group that is "taking walking forward in the twenty-first century". 1.5 The International Charter for Walking aims to create healthy, efficient and sustainable communities where people choose to walk. It aims to create a culture where people choose to walk through these strategic principles: 1. Increased inclusive mobility 2. Well designed and managed spaces and places for people 3. Improved integration of networks 4. Supportive land-use and spatial planning 5. Reduced road danger 6. Less crime and fear of crime 7. More supportive authorities 8. A culture of walking 1.6 The vision of the International Charter for Walking is as follows: "To create a world where people choose and are able to walk as a way to travel, to be healthy and to relax, a world where authorities, organizations and individuals have: 1. Recognized the value of walking; REPORT NO.: CSD-015-07 PAGE 3 2. Made a commitment to healthy, efficient and sustainable communities; and 3. Worked together to overcome the physical, social and institutional barriers which often limit people's choice to walk." 2.0 EVENT DETAILS 2.1 There are guidelines that will be followed in order to ensure our walk is eligible to be included in the anticipated Guinness World Record (Attachment #2). 2.2 The walk must be a minimum of one kilometre in length. The route we have mapped out for our event is approximately 1.3 kilometres long. The Municipality of Clarington World Record Walk will begin at the Cenotaph at the Municipal Administrative Centre heading south on Temperance, west on King Street, north on Scugog Street, east on Church Street, across Temperance Street, south on Division Street and back to the Cenotaph heading west along King Street. 2.2 Registration tables will be set up for one hour prior to the event for participants to register and also ensure an accurate count of participants. 2.3 The event will begin with a welcome by Deputy Mayor Charlie Trim and a special guest. This will be followed by a five minute warm up conducted by Fitness Staff from the Courtice Fitness Facility. There will be an official start announced by Deputy Mayor Charlie Trim at 12:30PM EST (to coincide with simultaneous national walks). 2.4 Community Services Staff will secure the route and assist the walkers in crossing intersections and provide first aid treatment where necessary. St. John's Ambulance will also be on site to provide first aid treatment. 2.5 Local businesses have been contacted to encourage their participation as well as to solicit for donations for the event. The businesses have also been invited to set up a table top display I information booth showcasing their "green" efforts and lor how they are helping to make a more active community. As a wrap up to the walk, light refreshments, donated wherever possible, will be provided and participants can browse local merchants' information booths at the Cenotaph. 2.6 At the event wrap-up there will be draws for door prizes which include an annual membership to the Courtice Fitness Training Facility as well as numerous other prizes donated by local businesses. 2.7 The outline for the day is as follows: 10:30am "Green" information booths set up at Cenotaph 11 :30am Registration begins at Cenotaph Receipt provided for package pick up after walk (tracks participants through completion of the walk) REPORT NO.: CSD-015-07 PAGE 4 12:15pm 12:20pm 12:30pm Welcome Warm up - led by Courtice Fitness Staff person Official start of walk by Deputy Mayor Charlie Trim - using whistle / horn / shotgun Walk wraps up at Cenotaph Refreshments Visit "Green" information booths Participant package pick up Door prizes Booth tear down 12:45-1 :OOpm 1 :00-2:00pm 2:00-3:00pm 2.8 As of August 27,2007, there are 229 communities / organizations across Canada participating in the World Record Walk; ofthose 162 are in Ontario. 2.9 We are hopeful that costs associated with this event will be minimized through donations by local businesses, however, should additional expenses be required, they will be managed through the 2007 Community Services operating budget. 2.10 A communication plan is being developed in partnership with the Communications Department to promote this event. The following methods will be used: o Mail outs to local groups and program registrants o Fall 2007 Community Guide o Posters in municipal facilities and local businesses o Corporate Ads o Presentation to Management Staff o Municipal Website o Media Releases o TV spots / Radio spots (interviews) 3.0 COMMENT 3.1 The World Record Walk is an exciting opportunity for the Municipality of Clarington to demonstrate a leading edge in the promotion of active transportation and demonstrate our commitment to encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle. 3.2 It is recommended that Mayor Jim Abernethy sign the International Charter of Walking to strengthen Clarington's commitment to creating a healthy and active community. Attachments: Attachment #1 - The International Charter for Walking Attachment #2 - Guinness World Record Rules CSD-015-07 - Attachment # 1 International Charter for Walking Creating healthy, efficient and sustainable communities where people choose to walk l!We, the undersigned recognise the benefits of walking as a key indicator of healthy, efficient, socially inclusive and sustainable communities and acknowledge the universal rights of people to be able to walk safely and to enjoy high quality public spaces anywhere and at anytime. We are committed to reducing the physical, social and institutional barriers that limit walking activity. We will work with others to help create a culture where people choose to walk through our commitment to this charter and its strategic principles: 1. Increased inclusive mobility 2. Well designed and managed spaces and places for people 3. Improved integration of networks 4. Supportive land-use and spatial planning 5. Reduced road danger 6. Less crime and fear of crime 7. More supportive authorities 8. A culture of walking Signed Name Position Date www.walk21.com CSD-01S-Q7 - Attachment # 2 GUINNESS RULES FROM: Guinness World Records (www.Quinnessworldrecords.com ) Larf!est Simultaneous Walk and Run The following act as a guide to the specific considerations and undertakings, in addition to the general requirements, for any potential attempt on Largest Simultaneous Walk and Run. They should be read and understood by all concerned- organizers, participants and witnesses - prior to the event. Rules This record is for the greatest number of people participating in a walk/run organized by the same organization, simultaneously, at different venues. I. A head count of walkers/runners must be taken before the event, either by turnstile or some other form of counting. This is essential and must be done efficiently. 2. All walks/runs should begin at the same time therefore, all those attempting the record must begin walking/running at the same time. This needs to be done so that the record is clearly for the number of people actually walking/running and not just the number of people attending the event as a spectator. 3. Events in different time zones must begin at the same moment: thus ifan event begins at 12 noon at New York, it should begin at 9 a.m. in California.. 4. Sufficient witnesses should be involved to ratifY that all the contestants fully participate in the attempt - witnesses should be placed in such a way that every part of the walk/run area is visible to the officials. 5. The number of venues used is not of importance in the context of the record. However, this information does need to be included with the documentation. There is no upper limit on the number of venues, but there should be a minimum of ten walks/runs organised. 6. [( is the total number of walkers/runners attending that constitutes the record, although there should be an average of at least 25 walkers at each venue. 7. The name of the company, organisation or person(s) organising the event should be given, along with the date, venues, and course distance. 8. The walks must be a minimum of I kilometre long. Guinness states re: Verification: This may include cuttings from local or national newspapers, specialist or general interest magazines and recordings of television or radio news reports. Video footage ofthe record Attempt on VHS (PAL or NTSC) DVD or CD-ROM. Where possible, the original footage should also be supplied on DV or Mini DV. High Quality color photographs - may be submitted in digital format on CD-ROM or DVD (taken at 300 dpi in a 15 cm x 15 cm size) or in traditional photographic print or slide format. Color photocopies are not acceptable. Printouts of digital images are only acceptable if the photograph is also provided in digital format. Checklist for Submission · Submit the Official Count Form . Attach letters written on letterhead from two independent witnesses of some standing within the local community (principal, vice principal, manager, recreation coordinator, policeman, politician, etc) who have attended the event and can confirm details of the event (number of participants, distance, date and time). · Attach at least one photograph or newspaper clipping to document your event. These can be mailed, Faxed or sent electronically. These will become the property of Guinness World Records and WILL NOT BE RETURNED. SEE Guinness Rules. The Official Count Form and Guinness Rules can be found here: http://www.worldrecordwalk.ca/english/resources. asp Send to: World Record Walk 2007 Green Commnnities Canada PO Box 928, Peterborough, ON K9J7A5 Ph -705-745-7479/1-877-533-4098 Fax - 705-745-7294 coun tusin(aiworldrecordwalk.ca