HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-01-16 MinutesTyrone Community Centre — Monthly Meeting Wednesday January 16, 2019 Attendance: Marlene Raby, Craig Raby, Larry Quinney, Danielle Carroll, Lyndsay Luckhardt, Dave Taylor, Cecile Bowers, Danielle McCarthy Regrets: Joy Vaneyk, Corrine vandeGrooven, Marlene Craig, Paul Rowan, Steve Hutchinson, Justin Vachon, Kyle Young, 1. Adopt minutes from November 2018 meeting (December meeting was cancelled). Motioned by Craig to accept the minutes as written. Seconded by Marlene. Accepted 2. Treasurer Report - Steve Hutchinson - no report submitted 3. Janitorial Report — Larry — Issues with the furnaces were discussed and the Municipality is aware and working on fixing. 4. Hall Booking Report — Danielle Booking update for next 2 months — January is light but February is busier. The Early Years program has booked weekly use from 1-3 on Thursdays. No bar tending events booked and no major back to back cleaning help needed. 5. Dance / Bar Update — Dave Thank you Dave & Maggie for shopping/food prep. December dance saw 134 attended. January had 157 attended. Compliments were given to the men that work in the kitchen during refreshment time. Discussion was held about having flowers as the center pieces and it was felt by the entire board that we do not want to continue to use them unless we specifically ask and agree to use them. It is difficult for the bar to handle tracking payment for these later in the evening as well as the bar. Old Business: 6. Shane looked at fridge — it appears to have no deficiencies. 7. Breakfast with Santa — success. Approx 200 people served and generous donations for Clarington East Food Bank 8. Skating Rink — installed and enjoyed by many. Thank you volunteers 9. Training— WHMIS -Nov 28th — Update from Larry 0 Now Rncinacc 1. 2019 Grant applications due: February — Steve — no further info given at this time. 2. Bylaw amendment approved December 2018 3. Snow Removal Contract: Responses received 6 — 7 in favour of Flat Monthly Fee. Matt Behm received the contract for snow removal for the season. $500 per month from December 24th _ April 24tH 4. Furnace Issues -Thank you Danielle & Greg for coming every 2 hours to reset & keep heat on during Christmas. — Discussed in Janitor report 5. Job Duties for Board Members positions and Janitor— Passed around and emailed to board. 6. Process for communicating with Municipality — All deficiencies to be identified to chair, who will communicate with Municipality 7. Prep for next month's Annual General Meeting 8. Email from Fred Horvath — was discussed around the table. Craig will be taking the Smart Serve course. Lyndsay will be completing the Accessibility course on line. Danielle, Marlene and Craig will take the Food Handling Course. 9. Sympathy Gifts - In Memory of Walter Loveridge we are going to plant a tree in his honor. In Memory of Carly Hare, we will donate $50 to Crohn's and Colitis. To support Marlene during her upcoming treatments and recovery we will send a $100 gift card for restaurants. Motion made by Cecile, seconded by Dave. All in favor. Carried 10. We had a new person attend tonight looking to join the board. Danielle McCarthy is interested in joining. Fire Extinguisher Checks Next Annual General Meeting: Date Wed February 20, 7pm Motion to Adjourn: Marlene