HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-02-15 - Special Budget MinutesClariiw-n Special General Government Committee Minutes February 15, 2019 If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Minutes of a meeting of the Special General Government Committee held on Friday, February 15, 2019 at 9:30 AM in the Council Chambers. Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Jones, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor C. Traill and Councillor M. Zwart Staff Present: A. Allison, A. Greentree, T. Pinn, J. Gallagher, S. Gray 1 Call to Order Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM. 2 Adopt the Agenda Resolution #GG -052-19 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Jones That the Agenda for the special General Government Committee meeting of February 15, 2019 be adopted as presented. Carried 3 Declaration of Interest Councillor Jones declared an interest in Item 4.7, the delegation of Chris Kooy, Chair, and Kirk Kemp, Vice Chair, Bowmanville Hospital Foundation, and Matt Anderson, CEO, Lakeridge Health, Regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget 4 Delegations Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG -053-19 Moved by Councillor Jones, seconded by Councillor Zwart That Section 4.4.1 of the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Councillor Neal to move positions within the Council Ring and to alter the agenda. Carried - 1 - Clarington Special General Government Committee Minutes February 15, 2019 Alter the Agenda Resolution #GG -054-19 Moved by Councillor Jones, seconded by Councillor Zwart That the Agenda be altered to consider Delegations 4.8, 4.9 and 4. 10, at this time. Carried 4.8 Emily Allison, Rainbow Crosswalk, Regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget Emily Allison advised the Municipal Clerk's Department, prior to the meeting, that she would be unable to attend as a delegation. Councillor Traill read a letter, from Ms. Allison, to the Committee in place of Ms. Allison's delegation. 4.9 Heather Emery, Moyse Parkette Revitalization, Regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget Heather Emery, was present regarding the Moyse Parkette Revitalization within the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget. She explained that the parkette on Moyse Drive in Courtice is outdated and unsafe for children. Ms. Emery stated that the demographic in the area has changed enough to warrant an upgrade for the many young children living in the neighbourhood. She noted that currently the closest playground is in the newer subdivision off of Harry Gay Drive, which is too far for children to walk. Ms. Emery explained that she canvassed the area with a petition and not one neighbour refused to sign it. She stated that the playground is missing two slides and they have been boarded up. Ms. Emery explained that it is important to give children the opportunity and space to be active. She stated that there is enough space at the Moyse Parkette for a beautiful playground, and a small parking lot. Resolution #GG -055-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Anderson That the delegation of Heather Emery, Moyse Parkette Revitalization, Regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget, be received with thanks; and That the delegation be referred for consideration in deliberation of Report FND-004-19, 2019 Operating and Capital Budget. Carried -2- Clarington Special General Government Committee Minutes February 15, 2019 4.10 Melissa Burden, Gatehouse Parkette Park Upgrade, Regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget Melissa Burden, was present regarding the Gatehouse Parkette Park upgrade within the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget. Ms. Burden explained that the park is not maintained and is in need of an upgrade. She displayed a photo of the play structure. Ms. Burden explained that the Municipal website states that the play structure is for ages 1-5 and 5-12. She noted that the play structure is too small and does not provide entertainment for older children and it is unable to fit more than two children at a time. Ms. Burden stated that every park in the area has two play structures suited for different age groups. She mentioned that there were no benches until July 2018. Ms. Burden displayed various photos of the parkette, showing the poor conditions including soil conditions. She explained that the park is not being used to its full potential. Resolution #GG -056-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Jones That the delegation of Melissa Burden, Gatehouse Parkette Park Upgrade, Regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget, be received with thanks; and That the delegation be referred for consideration in deliberation of Report FND-004-19, 2019 Operating and Capital Budget. Carried 4.1 Linda Kent, Library Director, Clarington Public Library and Steven Cooke, Chair, Clarington Public Library Board, Regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget Linda Kent, Library Director, Clarington Public Library and Steven Cooke, Chair, Clarington Public Library Board were present regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget. They made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Mr. Cooke reviewed their 2019 municipal budget request of $3,146,248 which includes a moderate 2.25% increase from 2018 and is consistent with previous requests. He noted that, after looking at neighbouring, and other comparably -sized libraries in the Greater Toronto Area, the median cost per capita is $47.35 and Clarington's Public Library's cost per capita was the lowest in 2017 at $36.20 per person. Mr. Cooke advised the Committee that, on average, a Clarington Public Library member saves nearly $500 each year by using the Library. He stated that this amount can provide a week's worth of groceries, a month of Durham Region Transit, and a three-month fitness membership. Mr. Cooke explained that this year, the Library has requested capital funding to renovate the 16 year old Bowmanville Branch. He advised the Committee that the building was originally constructed in 2003, and no longer meets current accessibility standards. Mr. Cooke explained that the primary motivation for this project revolves around creating a barrier free space, and an inclusive community destination. He noted that the project has been costed at $2,050,000, and the Library respectfully requests access to the library's reserve fund of $1.3 million which is being -3- Clarington Special General Government Committee Minutes February 15, 2019 held by the Municipality. Mr. Cooke advised the Committee that the Library recently received $49,543 in grant funding for the installation of an accessible, universal washroom and considering the receipt of this grant, the library is requesting an additional $700,458. He played a brief video which provided an overview of the Bowmanville Branch Redesign project. Mr. Cooke concluded by thanking the Committee and offered to answer any questions. Resolution #GG -057-19 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Anderson That the delegation of Linda Kent, Library Director, Clarington Public Library and Steven Cooke, Chair, Clarington Public Library Board, Regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget, be received with thanks. Carried 4.2 Dionne Powlenzuk, Executive Director, Mary -Anne Slemon, President and John Clausen, Treasurer, Visual Arts Centre of Clarington, Regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget Dionne Powlenzuk, Executive Director, Mary -Anne Slemon, President, and John Clausen, Treasurer, Visual Arts Centre of Clarington (VAC) were present regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget. They made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Ms. Powlenzuk provided an overview of the VAC's budget request and highlighted how the VAC strengthens the community. She advised the Committee that the VAC is requesting $215,065.00 from the Municipality of Clarington, and noted that this is an increase of 2% from the 2018 request, and consistent with previous years requests. Ms. Powlenzuk explained that the VAC is coming out of a restructuring phase, and have assembled a new team. She noted that the new staff have settled into their new roles, there was no disruption to service to the members, and having these new positions at the VAC offered exciting new perspectives on the programs and services they provide to the community. Ms. Powlenzuk provided the Committee with an overview of the VAC's accomplishments, community events, and partnerships in 2018. She continued by explaining that, in 2019, they have changed the scheduling around each exhibition, to provide a better experience for their visitors, the community and the artists who show in their space. She highlighted the upcoming exhibits scheduled for 2019. Ms. Powlenzuk advised the Committee that the changes made in 2018 have been recognized by the Ontario Arts Council (OAC) and the feedback from their peer review showed an increase from OAC to elevate the VAC to a "b -level" gallery. She explained that this is a signifier that the VAC is operating with best practices correlating with other public art institutions in Ontario and that the programming they are providing to the community aligns with the larger ecology of contemporary art practice within Canada. Ms. Powlenzuk noted that another area of focus has been on building synergy between the exhibition programs and their educational programming and building towards being a place where people can come and see new things, ask questions and learn something new. She advised the Committee that the VAC received funding from Young Canada Works - Building -4- Clartw-n Special General Government Committee Minutes February 15, 2019 Careers in Heritage Grant, which allowed them to hire a recently graduated student to work for six months and the VAC benefitted significantly from this program. Ms. Powlenzuk explained that, in 2018, the VAC increased support for their summer programs by securing a full-time Camp Director through Young Canada Works - Summer Student Program and 4 camp counsellor positions through the Canada Summer Jobs Program. She noted that they are expecting to receive the same funding for 2019. Ms. Powlenzuk advised the Committee that, with this added support, they were able to create High School Co -Op positions which offer great benefit to the VAC and the students, who gained valuable experience. She explained that, as the community in Clarington grows, the organization continues to benefit from this growth and they are seeing an increase in membership and enrollment, and more requests for programs, workshops and events. Ms. Powlenzuk noted that the VAC is dedicated to providing high quality programs and opportunities for our membership and to the community. Ms. Powlenzuk concluded by reviewing their 2019 municipal budget request. She thanked the Committee and answered questions from the Committee. Resolution #GG -058-19 Moved by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Jones That the delegation of Dionne Powlenzuk, Executive Director, Mary -Anne Slemon, President and John Clausen, Treasurer, Visual Arts Centre of Clarington, Regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget, be received with thanks. Carried 4.3 Angie Darlison, Executive Director, and David Penney, Vice President, Bowmanville Older Adult Association, Regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget Angie Darlison, Executive Director, and Mike Moynes, President, Bowmanville Older Adult Association (BOAA) were present regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget. She advised the Committee that the BOAA had a very successful 2018 but need the financial contribution to sustain their level of services and the facility. Ms. Darlison stated that, in 2018, they had a total of 1615 members and 711 non- members participating in programs. She noted that there were 389 new members registered in 2018. Ms. Darlison provided an overview of membership by location, age and gender. She stated that they have 332 registered volunteers, who logged 22,148 hours. Ms. Darlison provided an update on the programs offered in 2018. She noted that they have participated in more community events, increased community partnerships, and increased advertising and marketing. She advised the Committee of the various grant opportunities available to them and displayed a budget comparison of 2018 and 2019. Ms. Darlison explained that the Association's 2019 goals include: increase membership, increase non-member participation, increase program options, increase standard hours of operation, continued to commitment to staff salary comparisons, increase rental and partnership opportunities and increase in marketing and advertising. She requested that the Members of Committee support their $306,800.00 budget request so that the BOAA can continue to provide quality services -5- Clariiw-n Special General Government Committee Minutes February 15, 2019 to the members of the community. Ms. Darlison answered questions from the Committee. Resolution #GG -059-19 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Jones That the delegation of Angie Darlison, Executive Director, and Mike Moynes, President, Bowmanville Older Adult Association, regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget, be received with thanks. Carried Councillor Traill left the room at 10:40 AM and returned to the meeting at 10:44 AM. 4.4 Chris Newman, Coordinator, Firehouse Youth Centre, Regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget Chris Newman, Coordinator, Firehouse Youth Centre was present regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget. He made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Mr. Newman advised the Committee that 2018 was a record year for Clarington Youth Centres and highlighted various memorable events of 2018. He stated that the Firehouse Youth Centre celebrated its 20th anniversary. Mr. Newman reviewed a slideshow of photos of various events and partnerships. He explained that the values of the Clarington Youth Centres and the importance of instrumental relationships. Mr. Newman provided an overview of all three Clarington Youth Centres including, the number of visits, number of clients, age breakdown and average visits per day. He reviewed their 2019 municipal budget request of $276,731.00. Mr. Newman provide an overview of the budget request between the three Youth Centres. He explained that the budget request increase for the Firehouse Youth Centre is to increase operating hours, solidify the staffing model and to meet the need of the local youth. Mr. Newman concluded by thanking members of Committee and offered to answer any questions. Resolution #GG -060-19 Moved by Councillor Zwart, seconded by Councillor Anderson That the delegation of Chris Newman, Coordinator, Firehouse Youth Centre, regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget, be received with thanks. Carried M Clariiw-n Special General Government Committee Minutes February 15, 2019 Recess Resolution #GG -061-19 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Jones That the Committee recess for 10 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 11:05 AM with Mayor Foster in the Chair 4.5 Deb Kalogris, Manager, Home Support — Clarington, Community Care Durham, and Sally Barrie, Director, Client Services, Community Care Durham Regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget Deb Kalogris, Manager, Home Support — Clarington, Community Care Durham, and Sally Barrie, Director, Client Services, Community Care Durham (CCD) were present regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget. They made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Ms. Kalogris explained that CCD is a registered charitable organization and has been in Durham Region and in Clarington serving the community for over 40 years. She provide an overview of the services they provide. Ms. Kalogris stated that, in 2017-2018, 1,900 volunteers and 300 staff provided services to 11,261 clients across Durham Region. She noted that in Clarington, 475 volunteers and staff provided services to over 1900 clients. Ms. Kalogris advised the Committee that their services will continue to be in demand as the population ages. She explained that volunteers are an essential part of CCD, and displayed pictures of various events/services they provide support to. Ms. Kalogris stated that, with the support of the Municipality of Clarington, it will assist in the promotion of CCD services, recruiting, training and retaining volunteers, and help to meet the growing demand in Clarington for their services and help people age at home. Ms. Kalogris and Ms. Barrie concluded by thanking members of Committee and offered to answer any questions. Resolution #GG -062-19 Moved by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Zwart That the delegation of Deb Kalogris, Manager, Home Support — Clarington, Community Care Durham, and Sally Barrie, Director, Client Services, Community Care Durham Regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget, be received with thanks. Carried -7- Clartw-n Special General Government Committee Minutes February 15, 2019 4.6 Heather Ridge, Executive Director, Clarington Museums & Archives, Regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget Heather Ridge, Executive Director, Clarington Museums & Archives, was present regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget. She made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Ms. Ridge provided an overview of what the Clarington Museums & Archives does and their financial support sources. She highlighted their mission and vision. Ms. Ridge provided an overview of their 2018 accomplishments, engagement and community partners. She stated that they welcomed over 7,000 visitors to the three sites. Ms. Ridge explained that, in 2019, they hope to increase membership, increase private donations, increase education programs and increase rentals of the buildings. She reviewed their 2019 municipal budget request of $308,080, which is a $25,000 increase from 2018. Ms. Ridge concluded by thanking members of Committee and offered to answer any questions. Resolution #GG -063-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Anderson That the delegation of Heather Ridge, Executive Director, Clarington Museums & Archives, Regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget, be received with thanks. Carried 4.7 Chris Kooy, Chair, Kirk Kemp, Vice Chair, Bowmanville Hospital Foundation, and Matt Anderson, CEO, Lakeridge Health, Regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget Councillor Jones declared a direct interest in the delegation of Chris Kooy, Chair, Kirk Kemp, Vice Chair, Bowmanville Hospital Foundation, and Matt Anderson, CEO, Lakeridge Health, Regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget. Councillor Jones left the room and refrained from discussion and voting on this matter. Chris Kooy, Chair, and Kirk Kemp, Vice Chair, Bowmanville Hospital Foundation, and Matt Anderson, CEO, Lakeridge Health were present regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget. They made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Ms. Kooy explained that the Bowmanville Hospital Foundation has been the fundraising arm for Bowmanville Hospital for 45 years and has committed of $22 Million to health care for capital improvements, equipment and essential medical needs. She noted that, as the easternmost Hospital and ER in Durham Region, the need for newer, more modern, up-to-date facilities and services are of the utmost importance, and will be the largest capital campaign in the Foundation's history. Ms. Kooy provided an overview of their accomplishments to date and future plans. Mr. Anderson displayed an artist rendering of the future redevelopment and expansion project for Bowmanville Hospital. He explained that Lakeridge Health has been working with the Ministry since the announcement on January 26, 2018 and highlighted the five Clartw-n Special General Government Committee Minutes February 15, 2019 stages in the Capital Planning Process. Mr. Anderson stated that the facility needs to be revitalized for the following reasons: x Ensure there is care closer to home; x No new construction has occurred at Bowmanville Hospital in 30 years; x Re -development project will double the size of Bowmanville Hospital; x Improve patients' experience of care while optimizing their efficiencies; and x Enable them to do more with health care dollars. He provided the Committee with the Bowmanville Hospital facility's priorities and the proposed economic benefits of the hospital development. Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG -064-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow the delegation of Chris Kooy, Chair, Kirk Kemp, Vice Chair, Bowmanville Hospital Foundation, and Matt Anderson, CEO, Lakeridge Health to be extended for an additional two minutes. Carried Mr. Kemp highlighted the benefits of the Bowmanville Hospital and other municipal funding dollars to local hospitals in Ontario. Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG -065-19 Moved by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow the delegation of Chris Kooy, Chair, Kirk Kemp, Vice Chair, Bowmanville Hospital Foundation, and Matt Anderson, CEO, Lakeridge Health to be extended for an additional two minutes. Carried He reviewed their 2019 municipal budget request of $5 Million and concluded by thanking members of Committee and offered to answer any questions. Resolution #GG -066-19 Moved by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Neal That the delegation of Chris Kooy, Chair, Kirk Kemp, Vice Chair, Bowmanville Hospital Foundation, and Matt Anderson, CEO, Lakeridge Health, Regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget, be received with thanks. Carried C.1arington Councillor Jones returned to the meeting. Special General Government Committee Minutes February 15, 2019 4.8 Emily Allison, Rainbow Crosswalk, Regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget The delegation of Emily Allison, Rainbow Crosswalk, Rregarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget was considered earlier in the meeting. 4.9 Heather Emery, Moyse Parkette Revitalization, Regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget The delegation of Heather Emery, Moyse Parkette Revitalization, regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget was considered earlier in the meeting. 4.10 Melissa Burden, Gatehouse Parkette Park Upgrade, Regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget The delegation of Melissa Burden, Gatehouse Parkette Park Upgrade, regarding the 2019 Operating and Capital Budget was considered earlier in the meeting. 5 Adjournment Resolution #GG -067-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the meeting adjourn at 12:00 PM. e Mayor Carried -10- ,eputy Clerk