HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-103-07 Cl~mgron REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE ~SO\\,lk1 ~PA _61g' -01 Date: Tuesday, September 4, 2007 Report #: PSD-103-07 File #: PLN 1 .1.13 By-law #: Subject: SOURCE WATER PROTECTION REGIONS AND COMMITTEES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-103-07 be received; 2. THAT Faye Langmaid, Manager of Special Projects and a Member of Council be appointed to the Municipal Working Group for the Ganaraska area within the Trent Conservation Coalition Source Protection Region; 3. THAT Durham Region and Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority be sent copies of Report PSD-103-07; and 4. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Davi . Creme, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director, Planning Services Reviewed bd~~ ~~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer FLlDJC/df 28 August 2007 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-103-07 Page 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The Clean Water Act, 2006 received Royal Assent on October 19, 2006 and came into force on July 2, 2007 (Attachment 1). It was the result of Justice O'Connor's recommendations from the Walkerton Inquiry following the events of 2002. The purpose of the Clean Water Act is to "protect surface and groundwater sources from contamination and overuse (water quality and quantity) for now and for the future". The Clean Water Act focuses on municipal supplies of drinking water and has given the coordinating role for the planning process and developing the science to the Conservation Authorities. 1.2 On July 3rd, the Province of Ontario promulgated several regulations under the Clean Water Act with relate to the creation of Source Protection Committees across the Province. The Source Protect Authorities (Conservation Authorities) are now contacting municipalities about the process and timelines for establishing the Source Protection Committees in accordance with the regulations. 1.3 Clarington is part of two Source Protection areas, the Trent Conservation Coalition Source Protection Region which includes the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) (see Attachment 2); and the Credit ValleyfToronto/CLOCA Source Protection Region (see Attachment 3). 2.0 PURPOSE OF REPORT 2.1 To provide Council with the background information on the appointment of the source protection committees including member qualifications and responsibilities (Attachment 4) as called for in the Ontario Reg. 288/07 under the Clean Water Act. 2.2 To update Council on the process that the Credit ValleyfToronto/CLOCA Source Protection Authority is proposing to obtain their sole municipal representative. 2.3 To request the appointment of one political and one staff member to the Municipal Working Group for the Ganaraska Area on the Trent Conservation Coalition Source Protection Region, who will nominate the sole municipal representative to the TCCSP Authority. 3.0 COMMENTS 3.1 Trent Conservation Coalition Source Protection Recion 3.1.1 The Trent Conservation Coalition Source Protection Region is made up of the Crowe Valley CA, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, Kawartha REPORT NO.: PSD-103-07 Page 3 Conservation, Otonabee Conservation, Lower Trent Conservation. It covers 14,500 sq. km., 5 counties, 32 municipalities, 4 First Nations and a federal waterway. 3.1.2 GRCA have been working with their municipal representatives and staff (Durham Region, Clarington, Port Hope, Cobourg and Township of Hamilton) and are suggesting a local Municipal Working Group with representation from each Municipality (Attachment 5). The Municipal working group would have a Council and staff representative from each Municipality. In turn this working group will select one representative from the group to sit on the Source Protection Committee for the entire Trent Conservation Source Protection Region. Conservation Authority board members are ineligible for appointment to the Source Protection Committee. The Source Water Protection Committee representative can either be a Councillor or staff. The first meeting of this Municipal Working Group is Monday, September 10th, 2007 at 9:30 a.m. at the GRCA offices. 3.2 Credit VallevfToronto/CLOCA Source Protection ReQion 3.2.1 The Credit ValleyfToronto/CLOCA Source Protection Region is composed of these three conservation areas. It encompasses all of the City of Toronto and portions of Durham, Peel, York, Halton Regions; in addition there are some 27 lower tier municipalities. 3.2.2 The Toronto Region Conservation Area is providing the lead for this Source Protection Area and they have contacted the Region of Durham to co-ordinate the appointment of one municipal representative from Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, Uxbridge, Scugog, Clarington or Durham Region as the member of the Committee (Attachment 6). Again, the representative can either be a Councillor or Staff. Clarington Staff attended a meeting on August 23rd at the Region to understand the process the Region is proposing for this appointment. The Region will be considering a report and recommendation at their September 19th, 2007 meeting. 3.3 Municipal Endorsement of Source Protection Committee Members Under Ontario Reg. 288/07, the Source Protection Committee must be selected jointly by the groups of municipalities affected in the different areas. The joint selection process described in the regulation requires resolution from all municipal councils endorsing the one representative for each Source Protection Committee. The Source Protection Committees are to be established by November 2007. REPORT NO.: PSD-103-07 Page 4 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4.1 The Trent Conservation Coalition Source Protection Region which Clarington is a member of through GRCA has developed a municipal working group for the GRCA affected municipalities. The Municipality has been asked to appoint a political and staff representative to this working group. The staff representative we are recommending is Faye Langmaid, Manager of Special Projects. Mayor Abernethy or Councillor Woo are eligible to be the political representatives to the Source Protection Committee (given the restriction placed on Conservation Authority Board members) and could be appointed from the Municipal Working Group. Alternatively, Councillor Trim or Councillor Robinson could be appointed with the understanding that they would not be eligible for appointment to the Source Protection Committee. When a representative is selected by the Municipal Working Group for the Source Protection Committee an endorsing resolution will be brought forward to Council in October, 2007. 4.2 The Credit ValleyfToronto/CLOCA Source Protection Region which Clarington is a member of through CLOCA has asked the Region of Durham to determine the municipal representative, on behalf of the member municipalities. The Region will be making a recommendation for membership on the Source Protection Committee at their September 19th meeting. When a representative is selected an endorsing resolution will be brought forward to Council. 4.3 Both of these endorsing resolutions will be for the municipal membership on the respective source protection committees and are required by November 2007. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Attachment 2 - Attachment 3 - Attachment 4 - Attachment 5 - Province Proclaims the Clean Water Act Trent Conservation Coalition Source Protection Region CreditfToronto/Central Lake Ontario Source Protection Region Current Proposed Qualification Criteria's Responsibilities Summary of Proposed Composition Trent Conservation Coalition Source Protection Committee Proposed Process for CTC Municipalities to Nominate Municipal Members Attachment 6 - .t1ie Association of Municipalities of Ontario 200 University Ave, Suite 801 Toronto, ON M5H 3CB Tel.: (416) 971-98561 Fax: (416) 971 E-mail: amo@amo.on.ca Attachment 1 ! To Report PSD-103-07 I eA~~'~-:-_LE'~-=':=r I ".;, - ',~~~...;-~.."",' .,~AG )j I (lni~',;V , P 1WI1~-!." i.. ,~Mlf~~ MEMBER COMMUNICATION ALERT NO: 07/ To the attention of the Clerk and Council July 5, 2007 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTA T' Craig Reid. AMO Senior Policy Advis r (416) 971-9656 eld 334 Province Proclaims the Clean Water Act - Mu Government Action is Required Issue: On July 3, 2007, the Clean Water Act was proclaimed and the regulations regarding the preparation of Source Protection Plans came into force. Background: The Clean Water Act, which received Royal Assent on October 19, 2006, requires the creation Source Protection Plans to address threats to drinking water sources. The Act requires Source Protection Committees composed of municipalities, land owners, industry and the public to study drinking water source threats and to develop Source Protection Plans for their communities. On July 3, 2007 the Act and the regulations identifying Source Protection Areas and constituent municipalities came into effect. The first phase of the planning process will now begin with the grouping of municipalities and nomination of members to the Source Protection Committees. Municipalities have the ability to appoint Y:. of the members to each committee for their Source Protection Area. Appointment Process: The government has amended the Source Protection Committees Regulation to allow the Source Protection Authorities (SPA) to divide the municipalities that are located in whole or in part within the source protection area/region into groups in an effort to streamline the appointment process and make municipal representation more effective. The SPAs are required to consult with municipalities on how to develop the groups to ensure that representation is fair and effective across the watershed. Municipalities and source protection authorities have approximately 60 days after the Act and its regulations have come into effect to develop groups within the source protection area/region. After 60 days, by September 3,2007, the SPA must provide notification to the Clerks of municipal councils within the source protection arealregion. The notice will include: o A description of the functions of the source protection committee; o A summary of the obligations of committee members; o The municipal groups that have been determined through a negotiated process with municipalities to select members; o The number of municipal representatives each group must select; o The date by which a joint list must be sent by the group(s) to the source protection authority. 1-2 Association of &........... Municipalities of Ontario ...~.... Member Communication From the date the notice is sent to the Clerks, each group of municipalities will then have an approximately 60 days to work together and pass council resolutions that provide a list of potential municipal representatives to the source protection authority. The SPA would then appoint these people as the municipal representatives on the committee. Once the committees are appointed, work will begin on the creation of terms of reference to guide the work of each committee and the source protection planning process. Action: It is recommended that each municipality contact their source protection area to begin discussing appropriate municipal groupings and the nomination process. Further information may be found at the Ministry of the Environment website at: www.ontario.ca/cleanwater. A copy of the regulations can also be found on the Environmental Bill of Rights Registry, www.ebr.qov.on.ca. EBR reference number 010-0122. This information is available in the Policy Issues section of the AMO website at www.amo.on.ca. 2-2 Association of Municipalities of Ontario ..tie Attachment 2 To Report PSD-103-07 -- .. .. ....-.... Proposed Source Protection Region TRENT CONSERVA TION COALITION (Crowe Valley, Ganaraska Region, Kawartha, Lower Trent & Otonabee Conservation Authorities) 'V'~ f\, ,#'" ................... ,-J'~\ \.l' . ...._........ .\\" ~ \ "'-., .I \. ,//. 'C/ " ~ ,,-, i /~~_. -r"" . \ I ..J~' '--, or \. " ''''l;';' /- '~.o1l'.. ", > ", '", , ~ ,z."'""'" I j" .. \.:.,.... r \." \ _......./'."... ) ~. ?~ .... .-,.- { , r"" \. \\r~ t' ,"'''I. i \ " .. X, BlIncr6lt \ ~f~ \~ \. \ '\"-1>" / '~. ~_..\' '4> \.;!~: ...-.~ ,......:::.. "> " \ ,-' r,"- ,';"', .\' ,} HastingsC unty ~,'~ i_~ >e->li,b-..: ,j- _;:,. - ',' ',:/" \ , \;;- I' , ....\ \ .", \ ...~ \ ); ~"f. ""-"-" ~, , ~~ \ i ..;._..\ Kawariha \~i.'.. O'.,onS',e ryation . '. \ \ ~. . \- P'Ort Perry \ Dumam Region TRENT CONSERVATION COALITION (Crowe Valley, Ganaraska Region, Kawartha, Lower Trent & Otonabee ConselVs/;on Authorities) Produced byLowarT""~1 Con....""'tJonon tlehalfoflh8Trent COnsa....alion Coalil'onwilhdatasuppliec:lun(!er"censebymembft~olthe Onlilno Geoaps~al Data Exchsr>gs. I: o '51 Gl 0:: I: o :a:l U J!! 2 a. Gl u ... ~ o t/) 0' ";: S I: o Gl .l<: ftI oJ l! - I: Gl ~ .s I: o ... o I- ;:. :s Gl ... o - o I- o & ~ , ,-..I Attachment 3 To Report PS[)-1 03-~7 ~ ~ ~ S o u .. o ~ Cil ~ c . " ~ E ::! I . og .- l ~. ~i ol l ~f I , Attachment 4 To Report PSD-103-07 Current Proposed Qualification Criteria and Responsibilities of Source Protection Committee Members (Subject to revision by the Province) Proposed SPC Member Qualifications Mandatory 1. members must reside in, own or rent land in, or be employed or operate a business in the source protection region (in draft regulation); 2. members must not be board members or employees of a conservation authority (in draft regulation). Guidance 3. demonstrated ability to understand source protection science, concepts and technical reports; 4. familiarity with the rules of operation for committee processes (e.g. Robert's Rules of Order); 5. proven ability to act as liaison to and from the sector(s) being represented; 6. solid problem-solving, analytical, communication and organizational skills; 7. an openness to work together, and with, representatives from other sectors; 8. knowledge of local watershed(s), communities and issues; 9. demonstrated ability to work with group dynamics and team environments; conciliatory decision-making skills; 10. strong communications skills; 11. willingness and ability to travel around 1he source protection region; 12. expected involvement in implementation of source water protection; 13. direct contact with residents and landowners; 14. perceived as a credible source of information; and, 15. demonstrated social/economic influence on the community. Proposed SPC Member Responsibilities Mandatory 1. must regularly attend meetings of the SPC (in draft regulation); 2. must abide by the SPC's code of conduct and conflict of interest policy (in draft regulation); Guidance 3. members should attend meetings of the committee until completion of the terms of reference, assessment report and source protection plan; 4. members may act as liaisons by bringing forward common concerns from their knowledge and experience in the sector to the committee and assist in communicating the committee's work; 5. members should make decisions at the committee table; 6. members should work collaboratively and respectfully with each other and other stakeholder groups such as the general public, etc; 7. members should attend public information sessions and participate in public consultation forums; 8. members should respect confidential information and abide by the process in place to safeguard confidential information. Drnft k)r [)is(:ussioll Purpo~(;:-: (Jnt! - und(;[ the (kaT! ll'ai.er Act l<: L;\ t<c:n biiscd (\]1 iJ)L';ii1\::ii:: ,H;;j lht \ll Attachment 5 To Report PSD-103-07 r-C;-R"IN KI NG~-.WA'-ER/ SOURCE PROTECTIOf'SJ ~ACTFOR -CLEAN WATER\" ~ ~~:eNT~:S-:~~TI~: COALlTlOr~ SOURCE PROTECTION ReclON J /" ~~~~'-~"'"'-~'<-<-~'-'-------'-'~--~---'_.- Summary of proposed composition of the Trent Conservation Coalition Source Protection Committee The first set of regulations under the Clean Water Act have now been passed and the Act was enacted on July 3,2007. The Act and the Regulations are available at: h{!l):flwww.ene.Qov.on.ca/en/waterlcleanwaterllndex.php Ontario Regulation 288/07 sets out the process and requirements for formulating the Source Protection Committee. The Regulation stipulates that the Trent Conservation Coalition Source Protection Committee will have 22 members including the Chair of the Committee. In addition. 3 First Nations representatives may be appointed. The 21 members (outside of the Chair and First Nations representatives) are to be appointed as follows: 1/3 municipal (7 reps) 1/3 industriaVcommercial (7 reps) 1/3 other (7 reps) Within these three broad categories, the Trent Conservation Coalition is proposing the following: . . . Two municipal representatives from each of: . Kawanha-Haliburton municipal group Otonabee-Peterborough municipal group Industrial/Commercial Sector Representation . 3 Agricultural representatives . 1 Aggregate/Mining representative 1 RecreationlT ourism representative . 1 Large Water Taker representative . 1 Economic Development representative "Other" Representatives 1 Environmental Non Government Organization . 1 Waterfront Landowner (e.g. Lake Association member or other waterrront land owner) . 2 Drinking Water Expert . 1 Trent Severn Waterway representative . 2 Public representatives (one urban, one rural) The above noted information will be posted in local papers and on the internet by August 3" for public comment on the committee composition and to invite individuals to submit applications for the non-municipal positions. "'--- TRENT CONSERVATION COALITION PARTNERS: Crowe Volfey, Ganarosho Region, Kawartha, LOVier Trent & Otonabee Comervation Authorities Attachment 6 To Report PSD-103-07 Initial Draft for Discussion Proposed Process for CTC Municipalities to Nominate Municipal Members Assumptions (based on draft regulation): 1. The composition will be: a) 1/3 municipal representatives out of 15 members = 5; b) Note that the Province has proposed that persons who are on the board of a conservation authority or employed by a conservation authority are excluded from membership on the spe. 2. All municipalities who are wholly or partially within the eTe Region must jointly endorse the municipal representatives and provide a list of members to TRSPA as the lead Source Protection Authority within 45 days of receiving notice. If municipalities fail to submit within the required timeframe or to submit the correct number of members, then the lead SPA may select municipal representatives who as a group are representative of all of the municipalities located in whole or in part within the eTe Region. 3. Working group(s) will be established to support the spe municipal members to aid in representing all municipal perspectives. 4. Members must meet the selection criteria set out in the regulation and provincial rules and guidance (see Attachment D). 5. Members must be ready and willing to carry out duties as spe members, abide by rules of conduct and conflict of interest policies, and be ready to serve the initial term to complete the first source protection plans (may be as long as 5+ years). (See Attachment D for current information on duties.) Rationale for Proposed Approach 1. Since it is unlikely that all municipalities will be able to endorse the slate of 5 candidates within the 45 day period as set out in the draft regulation without prior consultation, the eTe Region is proactively identifying a possible process for comment by the municipalities in advance of regulations and legislation. 2. eTC Region is proposing five groupings of municipalities to nominate a member each that will provide representation on a geographical basis across the eTe Region. It is recognized that it will be challenging for municipalities to work across regional/county boundaries. 3. The municipalities are not bound by this proposal and may choose a different approach to comply with the regulatory requirements. The purpose is to initiate discussions amongst municipalities and to ensure they are aware of the proposed requirements and provide more time for municipalities to consider the best way to proceed. Proposed Approach for Comment 1. All eTe Region municipal councils will be formally requested to endorse any process for selection of members as part of the anticipated formal consultation process. 2. If they concur with this nomination process, the councils of the grouped municipalities would be asked to jointly endorse their nominee. 3. The 4 regional municipalities and the City of Toronto will be requested to coordinate the nomination of 1 municipal representative each in consultation with the other municipalities specified in Item 6 below. The list of municipalities in Item 4 and 6 are located in whole or in part within the proposed eTC Region boundary. IJnft fer Discu,-;si(ll) Purpusc:'J (Jul) - Subject to rcvi::;ion baseJ on comment:::; ,Hid tho;; plY1lllu]g-ali';]l i.A regulaiion:::; cUhL:r the- (),,'{!?j IF;H(>r Act 4. The townships of Adjala-Tosorontio and New Tecumseth in the County of Simcoe, and the Township of East Gara1raxa in the County 01 Dufferin would not be asked to participate in nominating a representative as there are no municipal sur1aCe or groundwater supplies within the portion 01 these municipalities located within the CTC Region. They would however be asked to endorse the process. They could choose to participate on municipal working groups. 5. The groupings 01 municipalities in counties and regional municipalities are proposed on the basis 01 geographical proximity and likelihood 01 shared groundwater resources. 6. Proposed municipal member selection process: a. 1 member coordinated by the Region of York - endorsed by Regional Council and councils of the following municipalities; Whitchurch-Stouffville, Vaughan, -=-- Richmond Hill, Aurora and King; ( b. -rmem er coordinated by the Region of Durham - endorsed by Regional Councl " and councils 01 the 101l0wing municipalities: Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, , Clarjngton. Uxbridqe and SCUqOq; c. 1 member selected by City of Toronto - endorsed by City Council; d. 1 member coordinated by the Region of Halton - endorsed by Regional Council and councils of the following municipalities: Halton Hills, Milton, Oakville, plus the Town 01 Erin in the County 01 Wellington. e. 1 member coordinated by the Region of Peel- endorsed by Regional Council and councils 01 the following municipalities: Caledon, Brampton, Mississauga; plus the towns 01 Orangeville and Mono, and Township 01 Amaranth in the County of Dufferin. UraH: ('(ir fJi:--;cus,",j(li1 Purpo,-,;cs Only - Subj('cj h) [('vision hlS(~d on Ci lnrnt;'n;~ ,mcl rh.:: proHiulgati<.Yl (,f und('r if);;; ('/COli If'I!el' ,.-:lel