HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-100-07 -,_., Cl![-!ngton REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: Date: Report #: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE 4+-_ 'I) - -\ L. ~ PA - 515-D7 Tuesday, September 4,2007 f""'C;:;O lA.17dY'1 ::-r PSD-100-07 File Nos. #: ROPA 2007-003 By-law #: and PLN 37.0 PROPOSED REGIONAL OFFICAL PLAN AMENDMENT - COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLANS Subject: RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-100-07 be received; 2. THAT the Regional Municipality of Durham be requested to revise proposed policy 14.5.3 (as shown in bold) to read as follows: "That the region's participation in the implementation of an area municipal Community Improvement Plan shall be restricted to projects that contribute to achieving the goals of the Regional Official Plan for Regional Centres and Regional Corridors, Employment Areas, and Waterfront Places in accordance with policies 8.1.8 and 8.1.12, 8.1.15 to 8.1.17 and 10C respectively. These elements of the Urban System are planned as mixed- use residential, commercial, employment areas, and people places and are recognized as the focal point of urban activities"; 3. THAT the criteria for the Region's proposed Revitalization Program be developed to consider economic diversification and job creation objectives as part of the criteria; and 4. THAT a copy of Report PSD-100-07 be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Region of Durham Planning Department. Submitted by: Davi J. ome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning Services Reviewed bY( ') ~_ -c-'~. Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer DJ/COS/DJC/df 23 August 2007 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-100-07 PAGE 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 On June 5, 2007, the Planning Committee of the Regional Municipality of Durham passed the following resolution: "a) THAT Planning Committee authorize the initiation of an amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan to incorporate policies addressing the Region's involvement in Community Improvement initiatives, as proposed in Attachment 1 of Commissioner's Report No. 2007-P-48; and b) THAT a copy of Commissioner's Report No. 2007-P-48 be forwarded to the Area Municipalities and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing." 1.2 A copy of the Region's Planning Commissioner's Report NO. 2007-P-48 is enclosed as Attachment 1 to this report. 1.3 The purpose of this report is provide formal comments on the proposed amendment to the Regional Official Plan, as set out in Attachment 1. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 The Planning Act allows municipalities to prepare a Community Improvement Plan to set out what a municipality intends to do to address an inadequate state of affairs or opportunities in a certain defined area. "Community Improvement Project Area" means a municipality or an area within a municipality, the community improvement of which in the opinion of the council is desirable because of age, dilapidation, overcrowding, faulty arrangement, unsuitability of buildings or for any other environmental, social or community economic development reason. Since each community has its own unique opportunities and challenges, there is no predetermined definition of what a community improvement plan must include. Some plans may include land-use policies, zoning regulations, and public improvements like streetscape and infrastructure to encourage certain activities e.g. gathering and using the public realm. Other plans outline what grants a municipality is prepared to offer property owners as an economic development incentive to build or repair properties to meet the aims of the plan. The Clarington Official Plan states that the goal of Community Improvement is to provide for and encourage public and private sector activities for the purpose of the maintenance, rehabilitation and redevelopment of the existing built environment of the Municipality. All Community Improvement Plans start by setting the boundary of the community that is being considered for improvement. It keeps the study focused within a certain area that becomes the focus of specific policies and incentives. REPORT NO.: PSD-100-07 PAGE 3 2.2 The Municipality of Clarington has adopted two Community Improvement Plans in Orono and Bowmanville and has recently commenced a public consultation process for a proposed Community Improvement Plan within the Newcastle Village Town Centre. 2.3 The focus of Clarington's Community Improvement Plans evolve mainly around the revitalization of historic downtown areas and include actions such as fa9ade restoration and improvement, signage, street lighting and sidewalk reconstruction. 2.4 Before Bill 51, the Planning and Conservation Land Statute Law Amendment Act 2005, took effect, Community Improvement Plans (CIPs) could only be initiated and implemented by area municipalities. Under the new provisions that amended the Planning Act, upper-tier municipalities have the authority to: . Participate in locally-initiated Community Improvement Plans (CIPs) by giving grants or loans to area municipalities; and . Adopt Regional Community Improvement Plans (CIPs) for the following prescribed matters: ~ Infrastructure that is within the Region's jurisdiction; ~ Land and buildings within and adjacent to existing or planned transit corridors that have the potential to provide a focus for higher density mixed-use development and redevelopment, and ~ Affordable housing. 2.5 The Regional Municipality responded by initiating a proposed Official Plan amendment with policies that would enable them to: . develop a revitalization program to detail Regional involvement in area municipal Community Improvement Plans; . focus community improvement efforts on Regional Centres and Regional Corridors as the Region's interest in area municipal Community Improvement Plans; and . monitor Regional involvement in Community Improvement Plan activities. 2.6 The key issue that needs to be discussed in this report is the proposed focus of the Region's community improvement policies only on Regional Centres and Regional Corridors and the implications it has for Clarington. 3.0 STAFF COMMENTS 3.1 Regional involvement in revitalization and redevelopment is welcomed given the importance of regional water and sewer services and for development of road. However, Staff question whether it is appropriate to restrict Official Plan policy to Regional Centres and Regional Corridors. This narrow focus implies that in the event REPORT NO.: PSD-100-07 PAGE 4 that the Region wants to be involved in different CIP such as infrastructure redevelopment within an industrial area or a waterfront redevelopment, it would require an Official Plan amendment. Certain parts in Bowmanville, Courtice and Newcastle (mainly the downtown areas and major business nodes) are designated Regional Centres and sections of Highway 2 through Clarington are designated a Regional Corridor. These areas are mainly the focus of intensification and mixed use development in Clarington and may benefit from Regional involvement. However, we are not aware of any significant servicing constraints that would benefit from the Region's involvement. 3.2 Community Improvement, by definition, speaks generally to any community. Although it is understandable that the Region wishes to be involved only in CIP's with regional implications, it's intentions seem to limit CIP involvement to the larger urban centres. For example, we are aware the Oshawa and Ajax downtowns have servicing constraints to intensification. The Region's efforts would be more beneficial if they were designed to support local priorities for community improvement as an integral part of the local planning process. 3.3 The Regional economy and infrastructure are interwoven and in its efforts to attain balanced growth and "complete" communities, municipalities and smaller communities alike should receive Regional contributions. The intent and "spirit" of Community Improvement Plans should be kept and the Region's involvement should be oriented to how it intends to support municipalities to implement regional and provincial policies at the local level. 3.4 In most cases, economic development is, for all practical purposes, the main outcome of community improvement efforts. One of the cornerstones of attaining "complete" communities is the creation of the right economic climate that will stimulate job creation locally. Economic development objectives should therefore be part of the criteria when developing regional Community Improvement policies. 3.5 Clarington has experienced considerable residential growth the past 15 years but has faced numerous challenges with regards to attracting industrial development, mainly because of the unavailability of regional municipal services to most of our employment lands. Clarington Council has identified servicing industrial lands is as one of its key priorities in the Strategic Business Plan for 1007-2010. The Energy Business Park in Clarington has already been identified as a Community Improvement Plan Area, as it lacks much needed infrastructure and it holds an important key to the creation of a complete community. Similarly, the Municipality will soon also propose to designate the East Bowmanville Industrial Area as a Community Improvement Area. Both employment areas are of regional significance in terms of location and potential, but cannot be developed yet because of the unavailability of municipal infrastructure. Employment Areas should be specifically recognized as an eligible area for the Region's involvement in CIPs. 3.6 'Waterfront Places, as designated in the Durham Regional Official Plan are to form significant focal points for social interaction, recreation, education, and economic REPORT NO.: PSD-100-07 PAGE 5 activity. Their role in structuring the urban area and creating complete communities, should not be underestimated. It would be advisable to also consider including Waterfront Places as a focus area for Regional involvement in Community Improvement Plans." Both the Port of Newcastle and Port Darlington are designated as Waterfront Places. 3.7 The Official Plan amendment is an enabling policy that allows the Region to adopt a Revitalization Program that will identify criteria to be satisfied as a prerequisite for regional involvement in CIPs. Until this more detailed program is developed, we cannot access the impact on Clarington and it's ability to include regional services in CIPs. However the criteria should be developed to include economic diversification and job creation. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4.1 The involvement of the Regional Municipality in Community Improvement Plans adds a new dynamic to the process and communities in Clarington may benefit from it. There is however concern regarding the Region's proposal to focus its CIP efforts only on Regional Centres and Corridors. The Regional Official Plan should set a broader policy framework on CIP's to support local efforts. Specifically Employment Areas should be eligible for their job creation and economic diversification contributions to community improvement. 4.2 Consequently we respectfully recommend that Council request: . That the Regional Municipality of Durham expand the focus of their involvement in Community Improvement Plans to include major employment areas and Waterfront Places; and . That the Regional Municipality of Durham consider economic diversification and job creation objectives in Employment Areas as part of the criteria when developing a regional Revitalization Program. Attachment: Attachment 1 - Commissioner's Report No. 2007-P-48 dated June 5, 2007 Attachment 1 I()_~ep~r! F'~D-100-07 The Regional Municipality of Durham To: The Planning Committee From: Commissioner of Planning Report No.: 2007-P-48 Date: June 5, 2007 SUBJECT: Proposed Regional Official Plan Amendment - Community Improvement Plans, File: A14-24 RECOMMENDATIONS: a) THAT Planning Committee authorize the initiation of an amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan to incorporate policies addressing the Region's involvement in Community Improvement initiatives, as proposed in Attachment 1 of Commissioner's Report No. 2007-P-48; and b) THAT a copy of Commissioner's Report No. 2007-P-48 be forwarded to the Area Municipalities and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. REPORT: 1. PURPOSE 1.1 On October 19, 2006, Bill 51, the Planning and Conservation Land Statute Law Amendment Act 2005 amended the Planning Act to give upper-tier municipalities (i.e. the Region) the authority to: . Participate in locally-initiated Community Improvement Plans (CIPs) by providing grants or loans to the area municipalities; and . Adopt Regional Community Improvement Plans (CIPs) for the following prescribed matters: _ infrastructure that is within the Region's jurisdiction, _ land and buildings within and adjacent to existing or planned transit corridors that have the potential to provide a focus for higher density mixed-use development and redevelopment, and - affordable housing. 14 Report No.: 2007-P-48 Page No.2 1.2 For the Region to exercise this authority, the Planning Act requires that policies relating to community improvement in the municipality be included in the Regional Official Plan. 1.3 To satisfy this requirement, this report is seeking authorization to initiate an amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan (ROP) to incorporate policies addressing the Region's involvement in area municipal community improvement initiatives. 2. PROPOSED AMENDMENT 2.1 The proposed amendment, included as Attachment 1 to this report, enables the Region to: . develop a Revitalisation Program to detail Regional involvement in area municipal CIP's. This confirms the Region's intent to adopt a Revitalisation Program that will define how the Region will participate financially, or otherwise, in area municipal CIPs; . focus community improvement efforts on Regional Centres and Regional Corridors as the Region's area of interest in area municipal CIPs. The ROP states that Regional Centres shall be planned and developed as the main concentrations of urban activities within area municipalities providing a fully integrated array of community, office, service and shopping, recreational and residential uses. Regional Corridors shall be planned and developed as mixed-use areas, including residential, commercial and service areas with higher densities, supporting higher order transit services and featuring a high degree of pedestrian- oriented design. Given the limited resources available for community improvement initiatives, focusing Regional involvement in area municipal CIPs, on Regional Centres and Regional Corridors is essential; and . monitor Regional involvement in community improvement activities. The development of a monitoring program will ensure that Regional resources are utilized effectively and appropriately. 15 Report No.: 2007-P-48 Page No.3 2.2 This amendment has been drafted assuming that approval will be considered when Amendment 114, which was approved by Regional Council on September 13, 2006, is in full force and effect. If this amendment is approved before, minor changes to terminology and section numbers will be made. 3. PROCEDURE FOR INITIATING A REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 3.1 In accordance with Regional procedures, authorization by Planning Committee is required to initiate the processing of the necessary ROP amendment. 3.2 The process will include formal consultation with the area municipalities, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, adjacent municipalities, and other stakeholders. In addition, a statutory Public Meeting will be scheduled for September 4,2007. Consideration of the proposed amendment by the Region and the Public Meeting will be advertised in the newspapers Region- wide. Subsequently, a tinal recommendation on the proposed amendment will be presented to Committee. 4. CONCLUSION 4.1 It is recommended that the Planning Department be authorized to proceed with the described ROP amendment. 4.2 It is also recommended that a copy of this Report be forwarded to the area municipalities and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. /1&/ A.L. Georgieff, M.C.!.P., R.P.P. Commissioner of Planning 16 Report No.: 2007~P-48 Page NO.4 RECOMMENDED FOR PRESENTATION TO COMMITTEE ~ Garry . ubitt, M.S.W. Chief Administrative Officer Attachment: 1. H:\ 1-2\agendas\2007\06-0!Hl7\CIP .doc Proposed Community Improvement Plans Amendment to the Regional Official Plan 17 Attachment 1 Proposed Regional Official Plan Amendment Community Improvement Plans Purpose: The purpose of this amendment.is to incorporate policies addressing area municipal Community Improvement Plans (CIPs) into the Regional Official Plan. Location: Any and all lands designated Regional Centre or Regional Corridor on Schedule A of the Regional Official Plan. Basis: On October 19, 2006, Bill 51, the Planning and Conservation Land Statute Law Amendment Act 2005 amended the Planning Act to allow upper-tier municipalities (Le. the Region) the ability to: . Adopt Regional Community Improvement Plans (CIPs) for the following prescribed matters: - Infrastructure that is within the upper-tier municipality's jurisdiction, - Land and buildings within and adjacent to existing or planned transit corridors that have the potential to provide a focus for higher density mixed-use development and redevelopment, and - Affordable housing; and . Provide grants or loans to the area municipalities for the purpose of carrying out locally-initiated CIPs. However, in order for the Region to exercise this authority, the Planning Act requires that enabling policies relating to community improvement in the municipality be included in the Regional Official Plan. This amendment will allow the Region to work collaboratively with the area municipalities, through their CIPs, in the revitalisation of Regional Centres and Regional Corridors. It is the intent of the Regional Official Plan to develop Regional Centres as the main concentration of urban activities and Regional Corridors as mixed-use areas supporting higher densities. By permitting Regional financial involvement in area municipal CIPs, the proposed amendment will assist with implementing the Regional Official Plan policies for Regional Centres and Regional Corridors. Actual Amendment: The Durham Regional Official Plan is hereby amended by: 18 1 1) Adding a new subsection 14.5 as follows and renumbering subsequent sections appropriately: 14.5 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLANS 14.5.1 The Region of Durham recognizes that the area municipalities may adopt Community Improvement Plans in accordance with the Planning Act, to stimulate the re-use, revitalization, redevelopment and rehabilitation of Urban Areas, based on local needs and priorities. 14.5.2 To assist in the implementation of area municipal Community Improvement Plans, the Region may adopt a Revitalisation Program that will guide how the Region may participate financially, or otherwise, in area municipal Community Improvement Plans. 14.5.3 The Region's participation in the implementation of an area municipal Community Improvement Plan shall be restricted to projects that contribute to achieving the goals of the Regional Official Plan for Regional Centres and Regional Corridors, in accordance with policies 8.1.8 to 8.1.12. These elements of the Urban System are planned as mixed-use residential, commercial, and employment areas and are recognized as the focal point of urban activities. 14.5.7 The Revitalisation Program shall identify criteria that must be satisfied as a prerequisite for consideration of Regional participation. 14.5.8 The Revitalisation Program shall be monitored to ensure that Regional resources are being utilized effectively and appropriately. 2) Adding the following term to sub-section 15A Definitions: Community Improvement Plan: means a plan for the community improvement of a community improvement project area. N:IStrategic PBIPolicylRegional OPICIPsICommunily Improvement Plan policies - May 2007 - am only.doc 19 2