HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-092-07 C/ggjJJgtDn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Date: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE ~esokAim1.61PA-~11-07 By-Iaw#: ~DOl-l-' t Monday, July 30, 2007 Meeting: Report #: PSD-092-07 File #: ZBA 2006-0008 and S-C-2006-0001 Subject: REZONING AND PROPOSED DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION TO PERMIT THE DEVELOPMENT OF 48 RESIDENTIAL UNITS APPLICANT: BLACK CREEK DEVELOPMENTS LTD. .. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-092-07 be received; 2. THAT the application for Draft Approval of the proposed Plan of Subdivision submitted by Black Creek Developments Ltd. be APPROVED as contained in Attachment 2, subject to the conditions of Draft Approval, contained in Attachment 4; 3. THAT the application for Zoning By-law Amendment, submitted by Black Creek Developments Ltd. be APPROVED as contained in per Attachment 5; 4. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized by By-law to enter into an agreement with the Owners and the By-law be forwarded to Council at such time the Owners are prepared to proceed with this development; 5. THAT a By-law to remove the "Holding (H)" Symbol be forwarded to Council at such time the Owners have entered into a subdivision agreement with the Municipality; 6. THAT a copy of this Report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department and the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation; and 7. THAT all interested parties listed in this Report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-092-07 PAGE 2 Submitted by: David . Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning Services BR/CP/DJC/df/sh 23 July 2007 Reviewed by: () ~ -==- ~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer REPORT NO.: PSD-092-07 PAGE 3 1.0 1.1 1.2 APPLICATION DETAILS Applicant: Owner: Black Creek Developments Ltd. (same as applicant) 1.3 Proposed Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision: The proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision. includes 48 single detached dwellings consisting of 24 lots with minimum 12 metre lot frontages, 24 lots with minimum 15 metre lot frontages, and a 0.338 ha (0.835 acre) Open Space Block. 1.4 Rezoning: To change the "Agricultural (A)" zone and the "Environmental Protection (EP)" zone to zones to permit the development of the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision. 1.5 Plan Area: 3.077 hectares (7.603 acres) 1.6 Location: The subject lands are generally located west of Courtice Road, north of Westmore Street, east of Jane Avenue and they provide for the extension of George Reynolds Drive (Attachment 1). 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 On February 28, 2006, Black Creek Developments Ltd. submitted an application to amend the Zoning By-law along with an application requesting approval of a Draft Plan of Subdivision. 2.2 A Public Meeting was held on May 8, 2006 but an error in the public notice mail-out invalidated that public meeting. A second Public Meeting was held on May 22, 2007. One resident spoke expressing concerns. 2.3 Studies submitted in support of the applications are: . Phase One Environmental Site Assessment . Soil Investigation Report . Noise Impact Study . Noise Impact Study Addendum Report . Lot Grading Plan . Street Parking Layout Plan 2.4 An Environmental Impact Study Addendum was undertaken for the subject lands in accordance with the Council-adopted guidelines. REPORT NO.: PSD-092-07 PAGE 4 3.0 LAND CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 3.1 The subject lands are currently vacant. They are divided into two parcels, the larger parcel south of the new segment of George Reynolds Drive and the smaller parcel north of the above roadway. The portion of the southern parcel in close proximity to George Reynolds Drive was cleared and serviced in preparation for the construction of George Reynolds Drive to Courtice Road. This connection was a condition of draft approval for the lands within the subdivision to the west, now Registered Plans 40M-2213 and 40M- 2317. At the west end of the southern parcel, Skinner Court is now a rough paved stub with a temporary turning circle. The remainder of the southern parcel contains pine and birch trees. The portion of the northern parcel in close proximity to George Reynolds Drive was also cleared and serviced in preparation for the construction of George Reynolds Drive to Courtice Road. Further north, in the area of the proposed Open Space Block, are pine and birch trees. 3.2 Surrounding Uses North - One vacant lot and large-lot single detached dwellings fronting on Courtice Road with wooded wetland area to the rear of the lots Residential, single detached dwellings, fronting on Courtice Road and on local streets west of Courtice Road Agricultural and large lot single detached dwellings fronting on Courtice Road Vacant residential lots fronting on the Jane Avenue and George Reynolds Drive extensions, and beyond the Black Creek tributary valleylands South - East - West - 4.0 PROVINCIAL POLICY 4.1 Provincial Policv Statement The Provincial Policy Statement requires planning authorities to provide for a range of housing types and densities, with a ten year supply of lands for residential growth and a three year supply of residential units on zoned and serviced lands within draft approved and registered plans. Land and unit supply is to be based on and reflect population and unit allocations which are identified in municipal official plans. The Provincial Policy Statement notes development shall not be permitted on lands adjacent to natural heritage features unless the ecological function of the tands has been evaluated and it has been demonstrated that there will be no negative impacts on the natural features or their ecological functions. An Environmental Impact Study Addendum, coordinated by the Municipality with the assistance of staff from Central Lake Ontario Conservation has determined that the proposed plan of subdivision conforms to the Provincial Policy Statement. REPORT NO.: PSD-092-07 PAGE 5 4.2 Provincial Growth Plan The Growth Plan encourages growth in built-up areas, in short, intensification. The Growth Plan provides direction for better utilization of existing infrastructure, while other policies speak to the wise use and management of natural heritage. The proposed plan of subdivision does not conflict with the Provincial Growth Plan. 5.0 OFFICIAL PLANS 5.1 Durham Reaion Official Plan The Durham Region Official Plan designates the subject lands as Living Area. Lands designated as Living Area permit the development of communities with defined boundaries, incorporating the widest possible variety of housing types, sizes and tenure. 5.2 Clarinaton Official Plan The Clarington Official Plan designates the subject lands as Urban Residential. The lands are within the Glenview Neighbourhood, which has a population target of 3100 people and a housing target of 1135 units. The predominant housing form shall be single detached, semi-detached/link and duplex to a maximum height of 2.5 storeys. The proposal deviates from the Glenview Neighbourhood Design Plan as a road connection to the lands to the north is not provided in the vicinity of Lots 42 and 43 (see Attachment 1). Approval of the Glenview Neighbourhood Design Plan was preceded by the new Harmony-Farewell Iroquois Beach Provincially Significant Wetland (PSW) being identified on lands in the vicinity of Block 51. An EIS Addendum, building on the background provided by the Birchdale Village EIS was required to make recommendations for development potential on the subject lands and the lands to the north. The Clarington Official Plan policies require an EIS be undertaken for development applications located on lands within or adjacent to the Lake Iroquois Beach, or any natural heritage feature identified on Map C. An EIS is also required where development proposals are located within 120 metres of the boundary of a wetland or a wetland complex. An EIS Addendum, in accordance with policies of the Clarington Official Plan, has been undertaken for the development. The expense has been borne by the proponent. The proposed development is consistent with the policies of the Clarington Official Plan. REPORT NO.: PSD-092-07 PAGE 6 6.0 ZONING BY-LAW 6.1 Zoning By-law 84-63 zones the subject lands "Environmental Protection (EP)" and "Agricultural (A)". A Zoning By-law Amendment will be required in order for development to proceed. 7.0 PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS 7.1 As a result of the public notification process, the Planning Services department received a few inquiries. A neighbourhood resident to the south believed the smaller 12 metre frontage lots on Skinner Court were out of character with the surrounding neighbourhood. He requested staff review the Skinner Court lot areas/frontages with a view to making modifications to them. Staff has reviewed the Skinner Court lot areas and frontages and has concluded that a small variety in both housing and lot sizes, such as is the case here, is desirable. All of the lots are larger in size with 50% being 12 metres wide and 50% being 15 metres wide. The housing unit density complies to the Clarington Official Plan. 7.2 An inquiry came from a resident who stated they understood there would be no housing north of George Reynolds Drive since that entire area was, in their understanding, part of the provincially significant wetland. At the recent public meeting, another resident, reiterated the same concern with the impact of the proposed development on the provincially significant wetland. They stated the Ministry of Natural Resources designated lands to the north of George Reynolds Drive as Provincially Significant Wetland (PSW). They also stated the above Ministry did not study the lands on the south side of the Drive. They requested that the lands on the south side of George Reynolds Drive be studied. The Environmental Impact Study Addendum examined all parts of the proposed subdivision including the portion on the south side of George Reynolds Drive and determined this area could be developed. The EIS Addendum recommended the small wetland south of the George Reynolds Drive extension be compensated with new wetland, and native plants including one significant species. The small wetland is shown as MAS 2-1 on Attachment 6. The proposed relocated wetland is shown on Attachment 7. 7.3 Another resident inquired about the road stub extending to the north as shown in the neighbourhood plan for the area. The Provincially Significant Wetland (PSW) was identified on the property to the north after the preparation of the neighbourhood plan. It is no longer appropriate to provide a road connection to lands that will be permanently protected as an environmental feature (See Attachment 7). REPORT NO.: PSD-092-07 PAGE 7 8.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 Comments have been received from the majority of the circulated departments and agencies. 8.2 Clarington Emergency & Fire Services, Hydro One Networks Inc., Rogers Cable and the Separate School Board offered no comments or objections on the proposed applications. 8.3 The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board advised that the proposal would generate between 11 and 14 students to Courtice North Public School which is currently over capacity with 6 portables on site and 7 students to Courtice Secondary School. The Board requests sidewalks on all interior roads. The Board has no objections to the applications. . 8.4 Bell Canada requested two standard conditions of draft approval but had no other concerns. 8.5 The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority partnered with Clarington Planning to oversee the preparation of an EIS Addendum. The Addendum approach recognizes the Birchdale Village Black Creek Developments Phase 2 EIS as providing background to the Study. The Authority has provided final positive comments on the subdivision and its conditions of draft approval. 8.6 Clarington Engineering Services has worked with the applicant to resolve some concerns regarding driveway layout on a couple of lots, a detail on the Street Parking Layout Plan, the need for the subdivision to be one phase, a few concerns with the (Preliminary) Lot Grading Plan as it pertains to Courtice Road, the open space block and a couple of lots as well as some drainage details. Engineering Services has no objection subject to the conditions of draft approval. 8.7 Enbridge Gas has provided comments for two standard conditions of draft approval but had no other concerns. 8.8 The Regional Planning Department has reviewed the Noise Impact Study and has found it to be acceptable. As a condition of draft approval noise provisions in the Clarington subdivision agreement are required for review by the Region. Regarding the Environmental Impact Study (EIS) Addendum, the Department has found the recommended mitigation measures to protect the natural features to be acceptable to the Region. The Department noted the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) indicated that there is no site contamination on the property. Also noted was the Black Creek tributary west of the property that gives the property high archaeological potential, thereby necessitating an archaeological assessment of the property with the requirement being a condition of draft approval. Water supply and sanitary sewer services can be provided to the proposed subdivision by extending services from the adjacent development on George Reynolds Drive and Skinner Court. The proposed right-of-way and site triangle dedications are acceptable. REPORT NO.: PSD-092-07 PAGE 8 Road and boulevard work on Courtice Road will be included in the Regional subdivision agreement. The Region has determined it has no objection to draft approval of the subdivision plan subject to the Region's conditions of draft approval. 9.0 STAFF COMMENTS 9.1 The Environmental Impact Study (EIS) Addendum provides descriptions of the proposed subdivision's particular impacts on the natural environment and corresponding recommended mitigation strategies as well as recommendations, which among other things, take into consideration the recently released Harmony-Farewell Iroquois Beach Provincially Significant Wetland (PSW). Staff has included seven (7) conditions of draft approval that reflect the recommended mitigation strategies and the recommendations. 9.2 Block 51, the Open Space Block, to be dedicated to the Municipality of Clarington, is a central mitigation feature given its minimum 25 metre depth and various barriers, which will be an appropriate buffer for the PSW located in the abutting property to the north. 9.3 The EIS recommends compensation for the loss of the cattail marsh south of George Reynolds Drive. A condition of draft approval will require the developer to create a small wetland feature as compensation for the lost feature. It is to be constructed in either Block 24 or Block 25 within registered Plan 40M-2317 and these lands are now owned by the Municipality (Attachment 7). The new wetland will be approximately 3200 m2 in total area with a deeper area (greater than 0.5 m) of 500 m2. The Lady Slipper plant found on the lands will be relocated from the cattail marsh to the new wetland. Other plant species are to be native. 9.4 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority has provided four (4) conditions of draft approval, one of which compels the Owner to undertake the recommended mitigation measures as identified in the EIS Addendum. 9.5 Regarding the Glenview Neighbourhood Design Plan, given the location of the new PSW on the lands to the north, it is necessary to remove the road stub off of George Reynolds Drive and pointing to the lands to the north. The Open Space Block, Block 51, was not in the nieghbourhood plan and should be added. To these ends, the Glenview Neighbourhood Design Plan will be amended accordingly (see Attachment 3). 9.6 Two local residents have expressed the view that the Provincially Significant Wetland (PSW) to the north of the proposed subdivision extends south to George Reynolds Drive. The Environmental Impact Study Addendum administered jointly by the Municipality and the Conservation Authority, determined the limits of development for this proposed subdivision based on a process that included field investigation on the wetland boundary. REPORT NO.: PSD-092-07 PAGE 9 The Environmental Impact Study Addendum identifies the PSW as being a little to the north of Block 24 in Plan 40M-2317, which is an Open Space Buffer Block, and a little to the north of Block 51 (also an Open Space Buffer Block) in the proposed plan of subdivision. The residential lots proposed on the north side of George Reynolds Drive are not in the Provincially Significant Wetland. 10.0 CONCLUSION 10.1 The proposal has been reviewed in consideration of the comments received from area residents and the circulated agencies, and in consideration of Provincial Policy, the Clarington Official Plan, Zoning By-law 84-63 and the Glenview Neighbourhood Design Plan. Based on the comments provided in this report, staff respectfully recommends: that staff be authorized to approve both the removal of the road allowance stub pointing north from George Reynolds Drive and the addition of the Open Space Block as changes to the Glenview Neighbourhood Design Plan as contained in Attachment 3; that Subdivision S-C-2006-0001, be draft approved subject to the conditions contained in Attachment 4 and the Zoning By-law amendment as contained in Attachment 5, be approved. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Site Location Key Map Attachment 2 - Subdivision Plan Attachment 3 - Revision to Neighbourhood Design Plan Attachment 4 - Conditions of Draft Approval Attachment 5 - Zoning By-law Amendment Attachment 6 - Existing Vegetation Communities Attachment 7 - Recommended Mitigation Measures List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: D.G. Biddle & Associates Ltd. Black Creek Development Ltd. Friends of Second Marsh Linda Gasser Libby Racansky Kerry Meydam Dale Degray William Bickle John Tepelenas Mike Dome Natalie Nowowsad Roger Bergman CD U ovo~ 1:: ::::l 0 U a. IG ::::E c: 0 ;; IG U 0 ...J ~ CD a. e D. ovo~ 3011~noo Slln~l ~l~ .............. .... Attachment 1 To Report PSD-092-07 'l~O - C -c ~ G) :i z E w "C S ::E c c G) CD co c E E Q Z .- c( Q. Q W Q 0 ::E Q C 'i Q q 0 . c( > CD CD 'ii) CD Q ~ Q :~ c Q Q ~ N "C CD N .c ! <C I . ~ ~ > 0 (J m m . U) ~ N C) U) '0 u CIS Z c ii5 - ca z ii: ~ 0 CD N = c l! ~ c " ~I~~! N N 2l ~~ CD p)~ :i~ i' ~i '" C'J9 ~~~9~~ li~ <~~~ww <-J <Xl! L- \ 0.0. .~ ~~ ~1. J ,... M ou ;';!!; ~ \0 L'at M ~ l:'ac ,'at If) 0 M N ";!!; l'at ~ ~ .... N M l'at N !:';!!; N If) on ~ M I'ac .... :!l M M N ~cc l';!!; '" ~ N .... :!! M N B';!!; ;u If) .. M N !l 6'>C C'CC \0 N 0 M a'9E ,... 9'LC N t'te 1]\ co l\J N ............. . ""'" 3nN3^IJ 3NIJr V 'ON UIJoi!! ~3i!! UIJO~ 3:JIHlnO:J ~. I <u -1 ::: S </;Cb 1]\ i co <u ! ., ,... 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The Owner shall dedicate the road allowances included in this draft plan as public highways on the final plan. 3. The Owner shall name road allowances included in this draft plan to the satisfaction of the Regional Municipality of Durham and the Municipality of Clarington. REQUIREMENTS TO BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT 4. The subject draft plan must be developed as a single phase. 5. The Owner shall, if necessary, apply to the Municipality of Clarington and obtain area municipal approval of the zoning for the land uses shown on the approved draft plan in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. 6. The Owner shall retain a qualified landscape architect to prepare and submit a Landscaping Plan to the Director of Engineering Services and the Director of Planning Services for review and approval. The Landscaping Plan shall reflect the design criteria of the Municipality as amended from time to time. 7. The Owner shall submit a detailed tree preservation plan consistent with the recommendations of the Environmental Impact Study Addendum and to the satisfaction of the Municipality of Clarington. No trees shall be removed until such time as this program has been approved except as authorized by the Municipality. 8. Prior to entering into a subdivision agreement, the Regional Municipality of Durham shall be satisfied that adequate water pollution control plant and water supply plant capacities are available to the proposed subdivision. REQUIREMENTS TO BE INCLUDED IN SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT 9. The Owner shall enter into a Subdivision Agreement with the Municipality and agree to abide by all terms and conditions of the Municipality's standard subdivision agreement, including, but not limited to, the requirements that follow. Conditions of Draft Approval (S-C-2006-0001) Page 1 10. The Owner shall grant such easements as may be required for utilities, drainage and servicing purposes to the appropriate authorities. 11. The Owner shall convey a 4.5 metre road widening (Block 52) and a 8.22 metre road widening (Block 53) to the Region of Durham for the purpose of widening Courtice Road (Regional Road No. 34). 12. The Owner shall convey 0.3 metre reserves (Blocks 54 and 55 and a third block at the east end of Block 50 abutting Block 52) along Courtice Road (Regional Road No. 34) to the Region of Durham. 13. Block 51, Open Space Block, shall be dedicated free and clear of all encumbrances to the Municipality of Clarington. 14. An easement shall be dedicated free and clear of all encumbrances to the Municipality of Clarington, over all of Block 50, to provide access to Block 51. 15. The Owner agrees to include a clause in any Agreement of Purchase and Sale advising future owners of the Municipality's Gate Access Policy to Municipal Open Space. 16. All land dedications, easements, sight triangles and reserves as required by the Municipality for this development must be granted to the Municipality free and clear of all encumbrances and in a form satisfactory to the Municipality's Solicitor. 17. The Owner agrees to construct a 1.2 metre high chain link fence on the north, or rear lot lines of Lots 41 to 48 and the partial lot - Block 49, all at the south edge of Block 51, as well as at the west edge of Block 51. A living fence providing a further access barrier, containing raspberry canes, 5 metres in width, must be planted immediately north and east of the above chain link fence. Adjacent to this buffer planting and within the open space block, an additional 5 m strip of the open space block will be planted with a dense planting of white cedar to help further in buffering the PSW. 18. The Owner agrees to construct a small wetland feature in either Block 24 or Block 25 within registered Plan 40M-2317 (both lands owned by the Municipality) in order to offset the loss of the wetland feature on the site to the satisfaction of the Municipality of Clarington and Central Lake Ontario Conservation. The wetland is to include a deeper area (greater than 0.5 m) of 500 m2, grading back to existing topography at the proposed wetland edge. The total area of the wetland is to be in the order of 3200 m2. The Lady Slipper, found in the existing wetland should be relocated to this new wetland. The wetland is to be planted with native species and all materials used for its construction removed off site. 19. The Birchdale Village Homeowners Guide for Phases 1 and 2 must be updated to reflect the proposed subdivision and the related Environmental Impact Study Addendum findings. This Guide shall be submitted for approval by the Director of Planning Services prior to the issuance of Building Permits. Conditions of Draft Approval (S-C-2006-0001) Page 2 20. The Homeowner Education Plan as prepared for Birchdale Village, Phases 1 and 2, must be updated where necessary and carried on for the proposed subdivision as per the related Environmental Impact Study Addendum findings. 21. All buried services are to be constructed with properly designed trench plugs to avoid dewatering along pipe beds. This is to be done to minimize potential impacts on the local groundwater table and is to be reviewed and certified by a qualified hydrogeologist at the time of installation. 22. To compensate for the loss of infiltration due to construction of impervious surfaces, clean rooftop water should not be directed to the storm sewer system, but be allowed to infiltrate in private yards. Weeper drains that collect clean groundwater should not be directed to the storm sewer system, but connected to a third pipe used to convey water to the tributary downstream of the proposed stormwater pond to prevent unnecessary water warming. Trench plugs as described in Condition 21 are to be used with the third pipe. 23. The Owner shall convey land to the Municipality of Clarington for park or other public recreational purposes in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. Alternatively, the municipality may accept cash-in-lieu of such conveyance. 24. The Owner shall submit an Energy Management Plan to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services outlining various means that the Owner will implement to support energy conservation in the subdivision and house design. 25 The Owner shall retain a professional engineer to prepare and submit a Master Drainage and Lot Grading Plan to the Director of Engineering Services for review and approval. All plans and drawings must conform to the Municipality's Design Criteria as amended from time to time. 26. The Owner shall provide and install sidewalks, street lights, temporary turning circles etc. as per the Municipality's standards and criteria. 27. The Owner shall cause all utilities, including, hydro, telephone, Cable TV, etc. to be within the streets of this development and must be installed underground for both primary and secondary services. 28. The final configuration of Lot 14 and Lot 15 will be subject to approval by the Director of Engineering Services prior to the final approval of the draft plan. 29. The existing dwelling, in the Skinner Court cul-de-sac and north of Lot 14, must be relocated or demolished prior to final approval of the Plan of Subdivision. Before demolition a Designated Substance Survey is to be conducted to confirm the presence or absence of hazardous materials. 30. The recommendations of the Soils Report prepared by Soil Engineers Ltd. must be incorporated into the engineering drawings for the subdivision in a manner that is satisfactory to the Director of Engineering Services. Conditions of Draft Approval (S-C-2006-0001) Page 3 31. The preliminary lot grading plan and parking plan for this development must be signed, sealed and dated by a Professional Engineer. 32. All works and services must be designed and constructed in accordance with the Municipality of Clarington Design Criteria and Standard Drawings, provisions of the Municipality Development By-law and all applicable legislation and to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services. 33. The applicant meets all the requirements of the Engineering Services Department, financial or otherwise. 34. Prior to the issuance of building permits, access routes to the subdivision must be provided to meet Subsection of the Ontario Building Code and, that all watermains and hydrants are fully serviced and the Owner agrees that during construction, fire access routes be maintained according to Subsection of the Ontario Fire Code, storage of combustible waste be maintained as per Subsection and open burning as per Subsection of the Ontario Fire Code. 35. The Owner agrees that where the well or private water supply of any person is interfered with as a result of the subdivision, the Owner shall at his expense, either connect the affected party to municipal water supply system or provide a new well or private water system so that water supplied to the affected party shall be of quality and quantity at least equal to the quality and quantity of water enjoyed by the affected party prior to the interference. 36. The Owner shall provide on disk, in a CAD format acceptable to the Municipality a copy of the proposed Plan of Subdivision as Draft Approved and the 40M Plan. 37. The Owner shall adhere to architectural control requirements of the Municipality including the submission of: i) a siting and architectural design report and implementing site plans and architectural drawings. 38. The subdivision agreement between the Owner and the Municipality of Clarington shall contain, among other matters, the following provision: the Owner agrees that the display and marketing materials to be used for this development shall be submitted to the Director of Planning Services and the Director of Engineering Services for approval. Said plans and materials must receive approval prior to issuance of a building permit for a sales facility or model home to be constructed on any Part of the Lands. 39. The Owner shall provide the Municipality, unconditional and irrevocable, Letters of Credit acceptable to the Municipality's Treasurer, with respect to Performance Guarantee, Maintenance Guarantee, Occupancy Deposit and other guarantees or deposits as may be required by the Municipality; 40. The Owner shall pay to the Municipality, the development charge in accordance to the Development Charge By-law as amended from time to time, as well as payment Conditions of Draft Approval (S-C-2006-0001) Page 4 of a portion of front end charges pursuant to the Development Charge Act if any are required to be paid by the Owner. 41. Prior to final approval, the proponent shall engage a qualified professional to carry out, to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Culture, an archaeological assessment of the entire development property, and mitigate, through preservation or resource removal and documentation, adverse impacts to any significant archaeological resources found. No demolition, grading or other soil disturbances shall take place on the subject property prior to the Ministry of Culture confirming that all archaeological resource concerns have been met including licensing and resource conservation requirements. 42. The Owner shall agree in the area municipality subdivision agreement to implement the recommendations of the report entitled, "Noise Impact Study Addendum Report for Black Creek Subdivision, Phase 3, Part Lot 29, Concession 3, Municipality of Clarington", dated April 2006, prepared by D.G. Biddle & Associates Ltd., which specifies noise attenuation measures for the development. The measures shall be included in the municipality subdivision agreement and must also contain a full and complete reference to the noise report (i.e. author, title, date and any revisions/addenda) and shall include any required warning clauses identified in the study. 43. The subdivision agreement between the Owner and Municipality of Clarington shall contain, among other matters, the following provision: a) The Owner agrees to implement noise control measures recommended in the noise report required in Condition 42. 44. The Owner shall provide for the extension of such sanitary sewer and water supply facilities which are external to, as well as within, the limits of this plan that are required to service this plan. In addition, the Owner shall provide for the extension of sanitary sewer and water supply facilities within the limits of the plan, which are required to service other developments external to this subdivision. Such sanitary sewer and water supply facilities are to be designed and constructed according to the standards and requirements of the Regional Municipality of Durham. All arrangements, financial and otherwise, for said extensions are to be made to the satisfaction of the Regional Municipality of Durham, and are to be completed prior to final approval of this plan. 45. The Owner shall satisfy all requirements, financial and otherwise, of the Regional Municipality of Durham. This shall include, among other matters, the execution of a subdivision agreement between the Owner and the Region concerning the provision and installation of sanitary sewers, water supply, roads and other Regional services. 46. Prior to anyon-site grading or construction or final registration of the plan, the Owner shall submit to, and obtain approval from the Municipality of Clarington, and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority for reports describing the following: Conditions of Draft Approval (S-C-2006-0001) Page 5 a) the intended means of conveying stormwater flow from the site, including the use of stormwater techniques which are appropriate and in accordance with provincial guidelines; b) the anticipated impact of the development on water quality, as it relates to fish and wildlife habitat once adequate protective measures have been undertaken; and c) the means whereby erosion and sedimentation and their effects will be minimized on the site during and after construction, in accordance with provincial guidelines. The report must outline all actions to be taken to prevent an increase in the concentration of solids in any water body as a result of on-site or other related works, to comply with the Canada Fisheries Act. 47. The Owner agrees to undertake the recommended mitigation measures as identified within the Birchdale Village Black Creek Developments, Environmental Impact Study Addendum as prepared by Aquafor Beech limited (2007). 48. The Owner shall satisfy all financial requirements of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. This shall include Application Processing Fees and Technical Review Fees as per the approved Authority Fee Schedule. 49. The subdivision agreement between the Owner and the Municipality of Clarington shall contain, among other matters, the following provisions: a) The Owner agrees to carry out the works referred to in Conditions 46 and 47, to the satisfaction of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority; b) The Owner agrees to maintain all stormwater management, erosion and sedimentation control structures operating and in good repair during the construction period, in a manner acceptable to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority; c) The Owner agrees to advise the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, 48 hours prior to the commencement of grading or the initiation of anyon-site works. In order to expedite our approval/clearance of Condition 49 a copy of the fully executed subdivision agreement should be submitted to the Authority. 50. The Owner shall agree in the Agreement, in words satisfactory to Bell Canada, to grant to Bell Canada any easements that may be required for telecommunication services and easements may be required subject to final servicing decisions. 51. The Owner shall be required to enter into an agreement (Letter of Understanding) with Bell Canada complying with any underground servicing conditions imposed by the Municipality. Conditions of Draft Approval (S-C-2006-0001) Page 6 52. The Owner is to co-ordinate the preparation of an overall utility distribution plan to the satisfaction of all affected authorities. 53. The Owner shall ensure grading of all streets is to final elevation prior to the installation of the gas lines and the provision of the necessary field survey information required for the installation of the gas lines, all to the satisfaction of Enbridge Gas Distribution. 54. Prior to final approval of this plan for registration, the Director of Planning Services for the Municipality of Clarington shall be advised in writing by: a) The Regional Municipality of Durham, how Conditions 3, 8, 10, 11, 12, 41, 42, 43, 44 and 45 have been satisfied; b) Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, how Conditions 46,47,48 and 49 have been satisfied; c) Bell Canada, how Conditions 50 and 51 have been satisfied; and d) Enbridge Gas Distribution, how Conditions 52 and 53 have been satisfied. NOTES TO DRAFT APPROVAL 1. If final approval is not given to this plan within three years of the draft approval date, and no extensions have been granted, draft approval shall lapse and the file shall be CLOSED. Extensions may be granted provided valid reason is given and is submitted to the Director of Planning Services for the Municipality of Clarington well in advance of the lapsing date. 2. As the Owner of the proposed subdivision, it is your responsibility to satisfy all conditions of draft approval in an expeditious manner. The conditions of draft approval will be reviewed periodically and may be amended at any time prior to final approval. The Planning Act provides that draft approval, may be withdrawn at any time prior to final approval. 3. All plans of subdivision must be registered in the Land Titles system within the Regional Municipality of Durham. 4. Where agencies' requirements must be included in the local municipal subdivision agreement, a copy of the fully executed agreement should be sent to the agencies in order to facilitate their clearance of conditions for final approval of this plan. Conditions of Draft Approval (S-C-2006-0001) Page 7 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2007- being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle to implement application ZBA 2006-0008; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Schedule "4" to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from: "Agricultural (A)" Zone to "Environmental Protection (EP)" Zone; "Agricultural (A)" Zone to "Holding-Urban Residential Type One ((H)R1)" Zone; "Agricultural (A)" Zone to "Holding-Urban Residential Type Two ((H)R2)" Zone; "Environmental Protection (EP)" Zone to "Holding-Urban Residential Type One ((H)R1)" Zone; and "Environmental Protection (EP)" Zone to "Holding-Urban Residential Type Two ((H)R2)" Zone. 2. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. BY-LAW read a first time this day of 2007 BY-LAW read a second time this day of 2007 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 2007 Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk Attachment 5 To Report PSD-092-07 This is Schedule "A" to By-law 2007- passed this day of , 2007 A.D. , \ \ " !f ... :> o " '" ~ ..J '" on !I! .. w z < ""') '" q c=J" II ~ ~ ~ III ~ Zoning To Remain "A" Zoning Change From "A" To "(H)R1" Zoning Change From "EP" To "(H)R2" Zoning Change From "A" To "(H)R2" .. ~ ~ Zoning To Remain "EP" Zoning Change From "A" To "EP" Zoning Change From "EP" To "(H)R1" ~ Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk Jim Abernethy, Mayor ~ (' I COURTICE t' ROAD I 1 ( r~r Attachment 6 To Report PSD-092-07 Vegetation Community - - - Limit of Harmony Farewell Iroquois Beach Wetland Complex Proposed Development - Application S-C 2006-001 Future Development Glendale Neihbourhood Plan Approximate location of Yellow Lady Slipper Figure 1 Vegetation Communities o 10 20 40 60 80 100 - I SCALE IN METRES Aquafor Beech ~ Attachment 7 To Report PSD-092-07 @ Alternate locations for Proposed Wetland" ~ Buffer Planting & Setback _ Additional Open Space Buffer ~ ROW Elimination 25 Metre Setback from the Stream Limit of Harmony Farewell Iroquois Beach Wetland Complex Proposed Development - Application S-C 2006-000 Future Development Glendale Neihbourhood Plan o 10 20 40 60 80 100 - I SCALE IN METRES Figure 2 Recommended Mitigation Measures A. quato.. r..Be..1f~ ~... ~ "Yellow Lad Sli er to be relocated in this feature