HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-91 .. ~" -. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-Law Noo 74-91 Being a by-law to authorise the expenditure of $50,000 by the Bowmanvi11e Public Utilities Commission and the issue of debentures for same WHEREAS the Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission has requested Council to debenture an amount of $50,000 on b~half of the Commissiono The sume of $50,000 to be used for the construction of new overhead and underground lines; AND HHEREAS such Capital Expendituresand Debentures is authorised by Section 354(1) (53) of the Municipal Act (R.S.O. 1970 Co 284, So 354 (1) (53) and Section 69 of the POWEr Commission Act RoS.O. 1970 C. 354 S. 69(1); NOW THEREFORfthe Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows:- 1. That the Bowmanvillc PoU.C. be authorised to expend the sum ot $50,000 for new overhead and underground lineso 20 That the said amount be debentured over a term of twenty years. 3. That the Principal and Interest be recovered proportionally over the twenty year period from the sale of electric power through the applicable rates. By-Law read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 16th day of December, 19740 Go Bo Rickard Mayor M~-/ - Seal / J. Mo McIlro Clerk THAT the third reading of By-Law No. 74-91 ~~~revoked by Resolution No. C-75-35 passed on ~:OJ.e 6th day of ~5. ~~ By-Law read a hird time an passed this 3rd day of March C;B. Rickard M ~ /' ~ Mayor J. M. McIlroy Clerk , /fff-- ~ ~-- .e 1-- e ,-_/' E 71..2U2 Ontario Municipal Board In Tm~ tt\TT~,R Oif $~otiiont:\ 63 and (J4 .ot fe- ont1riO t~\~t!!el~\ .!!tr-d ~ t C ". d' '1 .tJ1'f'J" -:",q 'j'" "' I Y ~ A!.., . .;). .. .. ... f! O. .4 .... ~n.d - I~ THE M^'flJ~J1 01 tan a~i1.~!At1on oy 'rhe Corporar,1on or t11~ f",","'A of Newca&'l~ fOr ~u Qrd~r approv1nSl (a) tohe undt~rtall!l n~~ by thtt ..,public utility c()r~is~,i(\fn ot ue . said CQrpora t.iQ~<, of ~e eon- t:l true tlton of n(')~'1 overhead Clnd under~lI"t;)~"\d UIIU!;} at.' 81\ eDtl.... snattJd. CQstt of $;\1,000.00, the borrQwin~ ot ~nel by ~he npp11~an~ corpora_ton ro~ such. purine., and -~ (b) (c) the it3~'tUUlce of ?jbG Il*ee~lsa17 deben'\U'o$ by '{h.~ fV~~l1Qnal Hunlo1paltty of Uu~ chargeable \';0 '-he appll~Bn, cot'"ponu:J.on - and.... Di THE ~tAr'rZlt 0' t:1 p~'()~~nt appUoaUou for an order ~nr1inf' tb10 pn-.1etUt Qrder of the UO$f'(i ,1~t~4 ~G 20th day of D80cullbur J 1971., b1 ro,r G!'r11'16 t.o \he project &8 "illS undGf'~tt$.l b,. ~h. PulJl10 truUt1ea C()_ltu~:1on of the foJ"llGt' Town of' I01AfStl1'111e I , DEFOREs ;). s. COLJ';K)UmiE. ~iemb.r f~. ~ ..)ft da,. , of .1ult, 197,. - and - 3.0. JPEIG::L, H$t.Jber j THt:. OOAfU QL~Jl.\W '-hat t.h1tS appliC'at.lon. be grao"d and that, it,~ previous order dat;ed the 20Vl (la,. of ne'..ar, 1974, and. ftllt@reQ in oraer book Ho. 1; 14-6 att 10110 S6 e' .. .. - - ."- .) ..... '" .,."", "'1:-,-'0"":'., ;' ~ - 2 .. E 74.2112 on the lith day of F"bruary. 1975, 18 belfttbl' acen4ec.t bl approving ~he undertaking by Uh6 Public V\llt'lee Co~n1snion of the former town of Bowmanvl11e 80 \ha' the part of stylo of cause le'tered (a) &ball now read as follo'Wfll (a.) the undert.aklng b1 the Public Utility Comrn1s51on of t.he former TO'f!) of Bow.~~nvl11e of the con- 8truc~1on of new overhead and underground URGe ., an e~t1wated coot ot $50.000.00 and the second line of the operative olauoe 16 deleted and replaced ~ith the follow1n~1 "that the Public Utl11'1es Cornmios1on of the former To~.m of BO'WUlalrll11e". K. C. ANDRE\'i3 SECRlTAll.! . ENT~ED----~-; . o. B. '!~.:&,,2'7.:.71 Folio Nol...,.... ..f2l.a....... I . . (.II :::-l9h ~~;7 ; // /' -l,61.,.4:.-{i-fd,. J SECRETARY, OrlTARIC MUNICIPAl EJ. a