HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-82 ,'1. . I,',. ao--._.____..~ .k _./< . .- . I ~-- i ,/ 4' C E R T I FIE D COP Y I, Joseph M. McIlroy, of the Town of Newcastle, in the Region of Durham, Municipal Clerk, 00 HEREBY CERTIFY that attached hereto is a true copy of By-Law Number.. 2' u... ~ ~t-: passed by the Council of the Corporation .of the Town of I f.l~ Newcastle at its meeting held on the .......... day of ...........~9:~~:~f~~197..~ WITNESS my hand a....id the seal of The Corporation. DATED this... J.r ~ day of ..... Lr't!.i,!;!'!.1.t: ~A.D., 197.~ S~al r . - " " ~ \ y. .1 . .- . j. .' THE CORPORATION OF THE TJWN OF NEWCASTLE By-Law No. 74-82 Bl)inq ~) by-V.wI to establish certain onE: foot reserves on Registered Plan 667 as a public highway. BE IT ENACTED and it is hereby enacted as a by-law of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle by the Council thereof as follows:- 1. The following land is hereby established as a public highway to be and to form part of the public highway known as Sunset Road in the Town of Newcastle. The said land hereby established as a public highway is described as follows: All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly in the Town of Bo\oJIT\anviI1e, in the County of Durham) and being composed of the one foot reserve at the North limit of Sunset Road as shown on Registered P1pn No. 667. By-law read a first and second time this 18th day of November, 1974. G. BQ Rickard Mayor By-law read a third and final time this 18th day of November, 1974. G. B. Rickard Mayor Seal J. M. McIlroy Clerk ~ I ~ ~ . -. . , J .. 69785 ;,i No. , (Registry Divi~ion ,of,OQ'rhCJRr W~st (No. 10) I CERTIFY that thIs Instrument i~ registered as of /0: -;:; A.M. NOV 2 91974 in the Land Registry Office CJI(~_ _J J~~~jg.f Newcastle V""f~-- RE(iISTRAR ;., i~'W 7'1- 'i. f Cmn~rm~rf1rl ,..~ .:' 7/iWI.J<"] 'l'~~r't'ASrLE UU.unn.~.. vJ ...~ .IJ...!.I".. I/.l.liill ~ ~tv' ~ ~F~~ ~ I~ '67 M4-/~/~ . .. . . e. . THE CORPORATION OF THE T::>WN OF NE\'lCASTLE By-Law Noo 74-82 Being a by-law to establish certain one foot reserves on Registered Plan 667 as a public highwayo BE IT ENACTED and it is hereby enacted as a by-law of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle by the Council thereof as follows:- 10 The following land is hereby established as a public highway to be and to form part of the public highway known as Sunset Road in the Town of Newcastleo The said land hereby established as a public highway is described as follows: All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional JI1unicipality of Durham (formerly in the Town of Eowmanville, in the County of Durham) and being composed of the one foot reserve at the North limit of Sunset Road as shown on Registered Plan Noo 6670 By-law read a first and second time this 18th day of November, 19740 G. Bo RiCkard~L.L./ Mayor By-law read a third and final time this 18th day of November, 19740 Go B. Rickar~ ~~ Mayor Seal J. M. McIlro Clerk