HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-79 . ~. . '" , C E R T I FIE D COP Y I, Joseph M. McIlroy, of the Town of Newcastle, in the Region of Durham, Municipal Clerk, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that attached hereto is a true copy of By-Law Number 74-79 passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle at its meeting held on the 29th day of Julv , 197 4 . - . WITNESS my hand and seal of The Corporation. DATED this 4th day of March A.D. 19 .8.Q .............. ... .... .......... ...., Clerk . I. . . . .. . -. C E R T I FIE DC 0 P Y I, Joseph M. McIlroy, of the Town of Newcastle, in the Region of Durham, Municipal Clerk, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that attached hereto is a true copy of By-Law Number 74-79 passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle at its meeting held on the 29th Julv , 197 4. WITNESS my hand and seal of The Corporation. DATED this 4th day of March . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , A.D. 19 .8.Q Clerk day of ~ ~~ (,c/~.~- /~ ~--;;.:.-;~. ,).-" . . ( :u.) / ~-.._-"...-- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-Law No. L.f ~'.f-'. . I I , , A by-law to allow an encnoachment on road allowance between Concessions 3 and 4 in the Geographic Township of Clarke, now in the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS Paul Lane is the owner of lands and premises being composed of part of the South-East one-quarter of Lot Nine (9) in the Fourth Concession of the Geographic Township of Clarke, more particularly described in Schedule "A" hereto; AND WHEREAS a survey of the said lands and premises, a copy of which is attached hereto as Schedule "B" has disclosed that the dwelling thereon has inadvertently been erected on the road allowance between Concessions 3 and 4; . NOW THEREFORE the Counc1J of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle pursuant to The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, Section 354, (1) paragraph 93 HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. That the said Paul Lane or the owner or occup~t from time to time of the residence property being part of the South-East one-quarter of Lot Nine (9) in the Fourth Concession of the Geographic Township of Clarke, more particularly described in Schedule "A" hereto, be allowed to maintain and use the encroachments of their dwelling erected on the road allowance between Concessions 3 and 4 as shown on the said survey attached hereto as Schedule "B" for one year, and year to year thereafter, as Council permits. 2. That the owner of the said residence property pay to the Town of Newcastle an annual fee of $1.00 in advance for the right to maintain and use the said encroachment. By-Law given its first, second, and third readings and finally passed this 4-..t~ day of /tJOl//u-.AJ. 1974. . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE J. M. - -- ..._~ '"" ~..;,.t~~ ~.' ...1...,.'. H !' .,1 ;\ Ii H H ;j 'I , II I , fr !1 il II il Ii II :1 II U 'I '1 L H 11 . J ,. .t 1. II Ii 11 II I~ If I: If ,j Ii it -, I' II! I Ii i l ~ " i. II \1 !I ,. 1.11 /I " ; ~ 1I t; i! ,i 11 ;, ;J il i: .I , Ii Ii " j; jl j' J j) Ij ., "', "', SCHEDULE ~'A"~ ALL AND SmGULAR that certain parcel < or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle in the RegiOnal Municipality ot Durham, for.merly the County of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of the South-East one-quart3r ot Lot Nine (9) in the Fourth Concession of the Geographic Township ot Clarke, containing by admeasurement 1.035 acres be the same more or less, the boundaries of the said parcel being more particularly described as follows:- PREMISmG that the Easterly l1m1t ot said Lot 9 has an assumed bearing of North 16 degrees 00 minutes West and relating all bearings herein thereto; . ,.. COMMENCmG at an iron bar Uli.nted at the point ot intersection of a fence running Northerly 1ft th .. the Southerly 11mi t of said Lot 9, said iron bar distant We.terly in the last-mentioned limit one hundred and twelve and ninety-two one-hundredths feet ( 112. 92 f) from the South EaI ter1)r angle ot said Lot 9; THENCE North 18 degrees 12 minutes West in the line of the said fence a distance ot three hundred and thirty-four and five-tenths feet (334.5') to an iron bar planted at an angle in the said fence; ............. ....'>", , '.""i~" .-~i'~:<'~ :i<.,t THENCE South 75 degrees 02 minut... Weat continuing. along the -:laid fence a distance ot one,hunclred and thirty-two teet (132') to an iron bar planted ~tth.\lPln1; otlnteraectlon with a fence running Southerly;'.' ... ................ . ......, . THENCE SOuth 17 degrees 10 .afcjO,'eolid. Ea~t in the line of an old fence a distanceot 't;br.. hundred and thirty-:tour and twenty-two one-hundredth..,t.., (334.22') JIlOre or 1es.to an iron bar planted in the Solftherlt 1111lit ot said Lot 9, said iron bar distant W.8ter~;,.';lth.re1n one bUJ1clred and thlrty-eisht. feet(138') from the point o~c~(~_entl;'. ' , THENCE North 15 degrees o2as;i"te'.: East along the Southerly ;' limit of said Lot 9 a distanc.otol'le hunclredanclthlrty-eight, feet (138 f) to the POI1f.t'OP e<>....CEMEI'J.'.: . " .. " '; !I ~ ~ H r; ij 1 n Ii h :! II :, I; # . ~ 'I l! il L il 11 ,. u,...<,..,' "''', , "'-'''::''-- II .. it . ~ .J .. ~-,I .--il. ,; !! ., ".:.~ . :'. r . '.. II ' . t~ "I ...'j Ii ,~ II '1 . il j, -;, il ";rf ii I ~~ '. t! !1 ,j J' .,h a \j l! !! , Ij i' II 'i PLlJN SHOWING .. . P:ART OF LOT 9, CONCESSION 4 TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE COUNTY OF DURHAM SCHEDULE liB" SCALE.' I in. :: 40 ff. N . . 0\ PI../JI_ \ 1 \ 'E OLD ~ 'q: 9 LOT ~ e3 ~ I i~ \ I , ~ ~ I<)i ~ II) ~ ~ 4 \~ 1lI1~ ~ ~I...,J '$1 I ~I 51 ....... ..., ~ ~~ ~ ~ al~ a: ~: ~ 'h.. _i~ ...,J il ~ ~I ~ c:s :\ ~ ~ loll ~! ~! ~ I&J '~ ;:t I;:S; ~ I C) )... ~ \~ ~ E I ~ ~ .~! <:) ~ 81 "- 01 ~ ~~ S.E. ANGLE ~ LOr!1. CON, 4 " "' ~CONCESSION ... ... ~ :- rot) \() II Q:) ~" ~ ~ <' C) "'I ") '- ~ c::s ~ """ Ot ~ ...... I~ lr) ...... ~ ~ ....... ~ ~ O. ~ ~ ~ '- I...: ~ It: " ~ ~ l I .. .... a ... ~ ~ "C ~ Ioi CIi \-...: V) ~ ...... II ~ ~ ~l .~ . B! - ~\ ~ 1 Ir.IN' . d.-} \ 1') ~- ~.4'......it >--1 .. .... ,~ ~ ~ o ~ C)C\ ~~ f'.... ..... a ~ ~ ~ ~ G!"NCMt. SrORE < Pl.. _& ..... lB. ."~" . /3800 :-,..~ -N 75 02 E . 6 i!'4WIH . -- - (I sz' .N.) Nl50Q2 ~ ./ PIcKEr' . . FENCE':::'S8'OVER / /2. 92 68096 M. 0. BROWN ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSIONS 3 AND 4 ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR BOWMANVlLLE OCr. 23, /968. ?tt[).~.