HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-69 . . .. . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-Law No. 74-69 A by-law to authorise the entering into a Site Plan Agreement with Morsyd Investments Limited. WHEREAS By-Law No. 72-53 was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville on the 5th day of December, 1972 authorising the signing of a Subdivision Agreement with Bowtown Construction Ltd. and; WHEREAS Clause 37 of said Agreement provides for the submission of a Site Plan showing the location of all buildings prior to the construction thereof, and; WHEREAS Morsyd Investments Limited is the successor to Bowtown Construction Limited; NOW THEREFOR the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows:- 1. That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorised to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal with the 90rporate Seal a Site Plan Agreement between Morsyd Investments Limited and the said Corporation dated 23rd day of September , 1974. ~ tA / Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this~ day of September, 1974. RiCkard_~~L/ t,~/ ~~ (Signed) G. B. Mayor Seal (Signed) J. M. McIlro Clerk I. . .. , /'""'-- \ . '" I ~ . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-Law No. 74-69 A by-law to authorise the entering into a Site Plan Agreement with Morsyd Investments Limited. i J WHEREAS By-Law No. 72-53 was passed by the Council of the CorporatiQn f the Town of Bowrnanvi11e on the 5th day of December, 1972 authorising jthe signing of s Subdivision Agreement with Bowtowo Construction Ltd. and; WHEREAS Clause 37 of said Agreement provides for the submission of a Site Plan showing the location of all buildings prior to the construction thereof, and; WHEREAS Morsyd Investments Limited is the successor to Bowtown Construction Limited; '" NOW THEREFOR the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows:- That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorised to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal Jith the Corporate Seal a Site Plan Agreement between Morsyd Investments Limited and the said Corporation dated 23rd day of September , 1974. 1. / Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 23rd day of September, 1974. ( ~l)// / Rickard, ,~~ y (.~(/ <:: /c<- <._~/ ,,~~ ~-' (Signed) G. B. Mayor Seal (Signed) J. M. McIlro Clerk \ ~ '.~ ~. ::J :q . ,. __ ~. '-0 ^") ~ ". I ") ~ :.:: <j .. , . ~ , " ':I .J T .. BY-LAW NO. 74-69 . ~e.o.'$lRAT10N FEE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ENTERING INTO A SITE PLAN AGREEMENT WITH MORSYD INVESTMENTS LIMITED lANO l'~NSFER TAX ---- ~",,Nl.. ~~ TAX 70880 ~~~d Registry D. ivisiOp:.()" ',Ne,Yf~8~tle tNo. 10) f I CERTIFY thatt~it iMfrumtriU'$ realstered IS 0 //'-1-9 It- .M. MAR 7 1975 in the ., CERTIFIED COpy OF A BY-LAW OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE. ~nd ~gistry Office 1'own ot Newcastle Ontario. .~" MtmM~ -. . "" . / to . 11/1I" ~ ';~WEEN : J.: , . - 'rHIS AGREEMENT made this 23 day of Sept. , 1974 MORSYD INVESTMENTS LIMITED, a company duly incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario hereinafter called the "Developer" OF THE FIRST PART; -and- ,I; \ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE hereinafter called the "Town" OF THE SECOND PART; -and- THE BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISION hereinafter called the "Commission" OF THE THIRD PART; -and- .l; TWEEDLEDEE INVESTMENTS LIMITED,' BOWTOWN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED, 262829 HOLDJNGS LiMITEti, ~ELLER-NATOFIN (ONTARIO) LIMITED,' companies duly.' lncorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario, and JULIA JANE SMITH, of the City of Vancouver in the Province of British Columbia hereinafter called "The partie~ of the Fourth Part" OF THE FOURTH PART: \~~REAS the Developer is desirous of conatructine a .~ condominiQm-row hous'e project in~ccordance with the Site Plan attached hereto , ., ,j as Schedule "A"; ,";', ",1 AND WHEREAS the Developer is the owner of the lands described in Schec'l.ul(:lc'}'B", being; ti\ portion of the lands indicate,d on Schedule "A"; " AND WHERF~S the Town is the owner of the bale!'.ce of the lands shown on Schedule "A", which lands ere described in Schedule "E" attached hereto, and are to b~~conveyed by the Town to the Developer to be used as a road access to th~ condominium-row house project; A1~ V~S the Town agrees to the ,construction of such a condominium project provided certain conditions are agreed upon between the Town and the Developer and registered against title; NOW THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL AG!'8EME.NTS AND COVF.NJ\NTS AND rnOMISEli HERInN CONTAINl;;D anCl othor good and valunble cono~.Cl.oratio!l~ the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. (a) SECURITY ,AHD PEnForJ,1I\NCE The Developer agrees to deposit with the Town as security for the performance of this Agreement a sufficient sum, to be deposited at the option of the Developer by a cash deposit~ letter of credit, or other negotiable securities approved by the Town Treas~~er in the amount of 100% of the est~ated cost of the services to be installed as shown on Schedule "D"; , ~ I. \-' .... , I ~ j.. I , 2 - ... . . 1. (b) The Developer agrees that upon the failure by the Developer to complete a specific part of the serv~ces as requested by the Town and ~n the time requested, ,(i) the Town, by resolution of Council, may at any ~\ime authorize the use of all or part of the cash 'deposit, letter of credit or other negotiable secur- ities as referred to sub-clause ea) hereof to pay the cost of'any part of the services the Town may deem necessary. (ii) the servants or agents of the Town may enter upon the lands and perform such work. as may be required to carry out the requested complet~on. ,The Town agrees to reduce, from time to time, the amou- nts receiv~d as cash deposit, letter of credit, or other negotiable securities as referred to in sub-clause (a) hereof ,by an amount equal to 100% of ,the value' of. the completed services, upon receipt of statutory decl- arations that accounts relative to the installation of the completed services have teen paid. Cc) ;"; The Town agrees to release the full amount of the security upon the Town being satisfied as to the completion of all work by the Developer. . (d) " The Developer agrees to furnish the Town or the Commis- sio~ at any time and from time to time on demand, with a Statutory Declaration by or on behalf of the Developer that the Developer has paid all accounts that have become due and payable in connection with the construction, installation and maintenance of the Works services. 2. The Developer agrees to complete or cause to be completed at its own expense and in a good workmanlike manner, all the required services as hereinafter set forth to the satis- faction of the Town and to complete, perform or make payment for such other matters as may be provided for herein. 3. The, Developer agrees that it will employ a registered profeSSional engineer to design and supervise the installation ot all services on the lands in Schedule "B". . 4. The Developer covenants and agrees that it will not permit any of the units to be occupied illltil all other services have been installed and the internal roadways have received at loast the base coarse of asphalt from the front of the units being occupied to the municipal roadway and electrical power is available to the said units. The Developer agrees to deposit with the Town the sum of $500 for each dwelling unit upon issua.nce of a building permit for the said unit which sum shall be forfeited in the event that occupancy occurs prior to the installation of services and completion of ~oadways to the required standard. The Town agrees to return the deposit for each dwelling unit to the developer forthwith at such time as the unit, is ready for occupancy in accordance with this clause. 5. The Developer agrees that the Town shall have the l~:laht to enter onto the lands described in 'Schedule "AU from time to time for the purpose of inspecting the progress of construction and ensuring that construction is completed in accordance with this Agreement. It is further agreed that tho se~vants or agents of the Town shall in the event that an SCOPE 01 AGRE&"{. ENT PROFESS. rONAL ENGINE- ERING CONSTRUe TION Ju.1l OCCUP JJK INSPEC- TION AND ENTRY .. , , . . . , ' " iIiiIi 3 ;., l,..., ) emergency situation arises, have the right to' ,enter upon the lands and perform any temporary repair or service which might be necessary to rectify such emergency situation. ~ The cost of this shall be borne by the Developer and the Developer further agrees to save the Town harmless from any , costs or damages which may arise from making such emergency arrangement. It is further agreed that if the Town does make an entry under this clause. any worlt involved wi th re~pect to this project shal~ not be deemed to constitute acceptance of the wor~ being repaired. The Developer agrees to pay all charges incurred by the Town in connection with engineering and inspection services within thirty (30) days of beinz rendered. '6. The Developer agrees to construct the project according to Schedule II A'~ attached hereto and all other plans, profiles and specifications as listed in Schedule lIell which the Developer agrees to submit for approval by the Town. Where practical Drawings shall conform to the Town's standard size 3611 x 2411 overall dimensions with 1/211 borders on all sides. The Developer agrees that no building permit shall be applied for or issued until all plans, profiles, and speci- fications have been approved. 7. The Developer agrees to construct a complete water- works system or systems, including booster pumps as required hydrants and water service connections to service all the lands according to plans and specifications approved by the Town and to maintain them. All watermain systems shall be constructed to an outlet on King Street according to standards approved by the Town and shall be of sufficient size, depth, and at locations within the limits of the site to service the entire development. 8. The Developer agrees to construct complete sani- tary and storm sewer systems, including sanitary and storm connections and catchbasins and leads to service all the lands on the said plan and adjacent road allowances, according to plans and specifications approved by the Town, and to maintain them, including clearing any blockages. Such sewers shall be constructed to an outlet on King Street according to designs and specifications approved by the Town and shall be of sufficient size, depth and at locations within the limits of the site, to service the entire development. 9. The Developer agrees to carry out all grading works necessary in the opinion of the Town to provide for proper drainage of all lands included in the said site and adjacent lands which drain through the said development. It is under- stood and agreed that the said works shall be constructed in accordance with grading plans approved by the Town, and said plans shall not conflict with or impede the proper drainage of any adjacent land. The Developer further agrees to forth- with rectify and alleviate any drainage problem upon written notice from the Town. INSPEC. TION AND ENTRY (cont'd) PLANS ANI SPEC IFICi TIONS HATER- vJ O~i(S SEt'IEES DRAINAGE ',... . . . I." .' """ : .r~ i' - 4 - , 10. The Developer agrees to rough grade to the Town' 5 specifications to the full width, all roadways as shown on tho said plan prior to the installat~on or construction of the relevant services provided for herein. The Developer further'agrees to keep all parts of the site which may be so required free of all materials and obstructions which might interfere with the installation of electric, telephone, gas or other u~ilities. . , 11. (a) The Developer agrees to construct all the roads and parking areas as shown on the said plan to plans and specifications approved by the Town and to maintain them to a standard acceptable to the Town. . (b) The Town agrees to convey to the Developer the lands described in Schedule "E" for the construction of a road and other services upon the letter of credit, cash or other negotiable security referred to in paragraph 1 being delivered to the Town. The said lands as described in Schedule "E" are included on the plan attached as lands upon which the Developer is to construct a road for the purposes of paragraphs 9 and 10 (a). ROUGH GRADE ROADS PAVED 12. The Developer agrees to construct curbs and gutters CURBS ANL on all the roads as shown on the said plan according to plans GUTTERS and specifications approved by the Town and to maintain them. If any curb depressions are not located correctly with respect to a driveway, the Developer shall construct a curb depression in the correct location and replace the original curb and gutter section according to the said specifications. 13. The Developer agrees to construct sidewalks on all roads in the development in accordance with plans and speci- fications approved by the Town, arrd to maintain them. 14. (a) The Developer agrees to provide and install electric distribution services for all buildings within the development~ according to the provisions of a sep- arate agreement to be entered into by the Devel?per and the Commission. (0) The Developer agrees to provido and install all exterior lighting, including lighting poles and other necessary appurtenances for the lighting of all streets, pedestrian walkways qnd open spaces 011 the site according to plans arid specifications, approved by the Commission and the/Town. Co) The Developer agrees that all electrical and tele- phone cables shall be installed underground. 15. When deemed necessary by the Town, services shall 1:10 constructed and insto.llcd unCI' tho obsorv~tion of Inspec- / tors employed by or acting us agonts of the Town and the LOJvolopor agroes to 'paY tho accounts therofore wi thin thirty (30) days of their being rendered. S IDZHl.,LKS ELECTRICI.L DIS1IRIDU-- TION AND E;{TERI011 LIGHTING , .~ " i INSPECTION OF \'lORK '[. ll', ~' ~.' ~ r"..r-'::'~ /)flf ~ .' ., J,.;' ,,',.' f: ) f I . , . . 16. Xhe Developer hereby agrees to pay the cost of ' relocating any existing services made necessary by reason ot the development ot the lands as aforesaid within ten , (10) days of the account tor same being rendered by the ~own; , ~)': , , , t ; , , RELOCA1' ION ,OF EXIS~n : SEnVICI: 17. ~he Developer agrees to grant to the Town, .nd the COlllllli.jjJME~ free of charge, any easements required by the Town, or th.,COtlIlIiaal~!, Provided that the only ....M.nt reguired by the COtlIlIla.lon is . 20 'oat wide , strip along the ..st.rly boundary tor a high voltage l1ne,-.hioh ...._nt will ')pt In~.t'Y afr.ct the dev.lopm.nt ahown in Sch.dul. "A". ,1CS. ~The Developor agrees that the Town shall have the right, at the cost of the Developer, to' enter on to the lands MAINTEN described in Schedule "A" for the checking, maintenance and ANCE . upgra4ing of standpipes, firehoses, emergenoy lighting, fire pumps, alarms, sprinklers, and fira hydrants as need be. 19. ., The Developer agrees that Secondary aocess routes and walkways identified us emergency access routes are to be kept clear of any type of fencing or other obstacles and that, where such emergency access routes require vehicles to trav- erse lands not subject to this agroement,an easement over those lands will be acquirod prior to the 1sswmce ot build- ing permits. 20. 'The Developer agrees to install fire hydrants adj- acent to the roadways, at 300-foot intervals ~nd in a manner so that none of tho building structures are further than 900 teet from the noarest water hydr~nt. 21. The Developer hereby agrees to pay taxes in full on all lands included in the said plun until said lands are assessed and billed as a r~gistered condominium. 22. The Developer hereey agrees to prepay any out- standing Local Impl'ovQment charges which are lGvied against the streets shown on the said plan which opon onto Town: Road. 23." Interest at the rate of twe.;J..ve per cent (12%) per annum shall be, payable by the Developer on all, sums of money not paid on the due dates. EMERGIm i ACCESS '1 FIRE HYDN\NI PAYMEN'l. o F ~J\.te ';:-i PBEPAY4i." l-fENTOF LOCAL . INPfiOVE MENTS . ,. INTERE5 24. Before commencing any of the work provided for herein, the Developer shall supply the Town with a Liability Insurance Policy in form satisfactory to the Town, idemnity- , ing the Town from any loss arising from' claims for damages, , injury or otherwise in connection with the work done by or on behalf of the Developer on the development; The policy shall . remain in force until the dovolopnont is cortifiod to be COMpleted by the Town. In the event any renewal premium is not paid, the Town in order to prevent the lapse of ~uch' ".. Li abi 1i tyInsur ancedPolicy, may pay the renewal pr~tnll1XJl;";:'.:~w_~;"'-:-"~:'~ or premiums and the Developer agrees to pay the cost of ;,;,.H ",,<.~ such renewal or renewals within ten (10) days of the account therefor being rendered by the Town. LIABIL~ INSUBAl ~ :' ,';'~ ;~r~'flr.ii' ' ,...If> , , ","!f .,'~' ' ,. ' "" .'~ ", <ii:, ,ii'," ,,, ",., ~,.~:~f,,,,r:'j , , '~ " '/- ~(,j ;"~,, ":r ";J~0'. '1~:i,~~ .J , 1 .' ;,:.","'.):'\ 2,. The Developer agrees to prov id e the Town prior: ~' "t' ,- '~ ~"r:~}~' to the commencement of the development wi,th D. Grading ControJ., ,,:'l"J.\~; Plan prepared by the Developer I s Consulting Engineerestal;>.. '~OR.fJ):r;1'(~ lishing tho proposod grading of the lands to provid~ f'or -the DRA!NAO proper dr~inage the reof an~ tho drainage of a, 11 13.,',d j o.ce,nt.,l,',$nd~, ;,A~D ~"O,ll which draJ.n through .tho saJ.d development. The said Gz;ad1ng ':o',ING'~;1 Control Plan shall be prepared to the satisfaction of :the i':t;;C. Town. The grading of the land shall be carried out in accordance with such Grading Control Plan under the supervision of the Developer's Consulting Engineer. The Developer agrees to sod all parts of the site except for paved, built on, or planted areas, upon the comple- tion of the construction of buildings thereon. 6 r-. . 26. (a) Fencing Adiaccnt to Residential Properties . The Developer agrees to construct a cedar tight board fence of a minimum height of 6 feet along, ' the portions of the property lines abutting exist- ing residential and commercial properties and to construct a cl1ain linl{ fence of a minimum height of 4 feet along the portions of the property lines abutting school properties except for the pedest- rian access to the school shown on Schedule A. (b) Qualitative ur Quantitative Te:3ts The Developer aereBs that the Town may have quali- tative or quantitative tests made of any materials which have been,or are proposod to be used in the construction of any services required by this Agreement, and tho cost of such tests shall,be paid by the Developer within thirty (30) days of the account being rendered by the Town. (c) Pedestiran Walkways The Developer agrees to construct pedestrian : walkways, where roquir0d by the Town,accord1ng ~o plans and sp0cifications approved by the IU.~i~ a!l!X~~~~X'u1<gx:o~xt~ Town. (d) Snow Plowin~ and Sanding of Road~ :;, " The Developer agrees to snow plow and sandall ~ access roads from any occupied buildings to exist- ing Town Roads, including an alternate means of; access where available and to clear off all snow on sidewalks, and footpaths that provide p~de~t~ rian access to occupied dwellings within twelve (12) hours of a storm. ' . (e) Landscapine The Developer agrees to carry out the landscaping of the project in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Town. (f) Qarbago Collection The Developer agrees to collect all garbage and refuse at least once per week from each housing, , ,unit and to doposit same in one enclosed d.epos1t '~ sturcture loqated neur the edge of the dovelopment as ind:Lcatod on SChodule "A". The Developor agrees be responsible for the maintenance and hygienic., quality of this area as well as the collection"of '".r ~. ~; , ~..,..~--- .._-~-_.._~._.;,.--- ..- '.. .'ir . ''''''~!' ~., , )! )f ,.' , ,. i;,\..{' { e'l;' GENERI\l PROVISl .~ J . 1 ."J ~, ; '-~, .' , : ! ','..: , "J./f:~ '~-"f~!l ~,' ".';'.;.:~l 't, ~.:".~ ,;, .'t "", 1,t ilii 7 w r, e 26. (f) Garbage Collection (conttd) sarbage of the units and the transportation of garbage to the one deposit area. The developer agrees to construct the above mentioned structure to plans and specifications approved by the Town. GENERAL PROVISX( (cont I ( (g) Cleanin~ of Streets The Developer agrees to control the dust as required by the Town on all roadways within the development and on other streets affected by works in the development during construction and to sweep and keep clean all roadways and side- walks within the development thereafter. (h) Bouse Number5- e The Developer agrees to number the units with street addresses acceptable to the Town and further agrees to supply and erect whatever street signs and traffic control devices are deemed necessary by the Town. (,1) , ParkiX)g The Developer agrees to keep clear all roadways on the site, to permit 'no parking of vehicles other than in garages, driveways or visitor parking spaces as indicated on Schedule A, and to remove forthwith I:\ny vehicle found to bo obstructing any roadway within the site. 27. Wherever in this Agreement the work "Developer" and the pronoun lIitll'is used, it shall be read and construed as "Developer" or IIDevelopers" and "his" or "theirll, respect- ively, as the numbGr and gender may roquil'c and the nu.'1lber of the verb agreeing therewith shall be construed adcordingly~ 28., This Agreement and everything herein contained shall'enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns. . 29. This Agreement shall bo binding on subsequent owners of the land s. 30. The Developer agroes to pay the following sums under this ,Agreement. upon the issuance of building permits 1fi addition to the usual building permit fees: <a) The amount of $600.00 to the Town for each dwell- ing unit to be constructed on the lands described in Schedule "B" as general levies; (t) The amount of ~;;15,060.00 to the Town in accorda.nce with Council resolution C 770.72., (c) The amount of $150 to the Commission for each dwelling unit to be constructed oI,1 the lands des- cribed in Schedule "B" as electrica.l service lev ies. , ! ., I . . . . a l!lI ': 3l. The Developer agrees to apply to have the portiono of tho l'~,t',n . of Subdivioion 701 as described in Schedule "n" and "E" hal'eto (\~":Clandel1 by '01:'J deletion of all existing lot lines within the lands so. described. The Doveloper agrees tha.t should the Ministry of Housing impose conditions on giving draf';; approval to the proposed condominium, such conditions sha~ form part of this Agreement and be complied 't'lith by the Developer. 32. The Developer agrees to the registration of this Agreement by the Town against the title of the lands set out in Schedule "B". 33.(0.) The TO~Tn and the Commission agree that upon the fOllowinG conditiono oct out in subplll'agraph (c) of this plll'agraph bei1"..g fuli'illed, this Au"Tce!:!a!:'/v ohC'.ll beco~e the entire agreement between the parties hereto and a certain agreement nnao on the 31st. day of October; 1972 between Bowto~m Construction Limited, Tha Corporation of the TOlin of B01T.manville and the Public Uti1ities Cammisoion of the TOiin of Bo't'lmanville shaLl. become mill and void and be superseded hereby. Until such t~s as the conditions set out in subparagraph (c) of this paragraph 33 arc flUf:Uled, the Agreement made the 31st. day of' October, 1972 chall be. deemed to be in fUll for~c and effect between the parties hereto. (b) The Town further agrees that upon the conditions set out in subpnI'agraph (c) of this paragraph beinz fulfilled and upon the DevelopeI' cO:"\L')1yi!l3 with the provisions of this Agreement and upon approval of all required plQ~, pI'ofiles and specifications, permits '\-lill be tlssued for the construction of the lL'lita indicated on Schedule "A II attached hereto on payment only of the usu.al buildip~ :permit fees and such other fees and deposits as are herein agreed. (c) The conditions to be fulfilled under the terms of this paraCI'oph 33 arc as follO\1s: (i) Approval of the Regional Municipality of Durhrun to the water and sewer connections; .' 34. This Agreement chall be binding ~on the partico heroto and their successors and assigns. 35. The Town, in addition to any other rights conferred on it pl~ounnt to this agreement, shall have the right at all times to enter upon the land described in Schedule "B" for the purpose of carrying out any obligations ir.::?osed on the Developer under this Agreement which the Developer has failed to carry out according to the terms of this Agreement and any expense or expenditure incl~rcd by the Town in so doing shall be paid by the Developer to the TO'\'ln on c1emancl. 36. The land described in Schedule liB" is hereby charc;ed "lith the payment of all monies payable to the Town pursuant to the terms of this Aerce~cnt, including all monies which may become payable to the TO\inpursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph. 37. This Agreement shall not be binding upon the Town unless and l"-,,,M.l it is registered upon the title to the property described in. Schedule "B" ond unless at the ttme of such registration the Developer is the owner of the said land, s~fuject only to the rights of the Parties of the Fovxth Port and unlese the said Parties of the Fourth Part have executed this Agreement for the purpose of postponine ., ' . their rights in the said land to tpe provisions of this Agreement. ' Nothing in this Agreement shall require any mortgagees neJncd 0.0 Parties of the Fourth part to carry out any of the provisions hereof until they ;1 . : ','.if. 1''';, .~~;'iI,:~r~i?I~?::~ "_::1; ,',' ......,' ."',(".~ ". f- '.;y;'t',{,.l,,'" _ _ - :':-> ) F .':'. _~.~ lI',i~''';rl._.,., :,-:!'"'I have entered into possession, purport to sell under a Power of Sale ortu"~~U<:i. }~~iJ;: or have taken an-y other action to obtain control of the lands or have ill .' ,,'" "y~~' ':"i~j(,,; :::=:d ~~.:~;::1:,:v:~~r .:::t~ ::a:t t: :n:.::::::b: ~h1:.:::~" i~<l; flU'nish the municipulity with a letter directed to the municipality, signee! by , ;:.J,;:",':;:'I'.",~,,: an Ontario Solicitor, certifying as to the ownership of the land described 18 . , ' Schedule "B". , ,:t'i '}J . .,,~ ., 'il., 'Ii ..' ~"~r: '~J,'..."'."''',''~'',.','.,.'.j, :>~tl ' :(l J'.',"",< ~,'tt~'" 'r.d~ .t '/I" ',~" 1':? , t:: -* ~~t"t '~~';"'I __~L___ - 9 - . , 39. The Parties of the Fourth Part do hereby postpone their interest in the land described in Sch~duJ.e "B" to this Agreement with the intent that' this agreement shall take 'effect as though dated, executed, delivered and ' registered prior to any instrument under which the said Parties of the rour~b Part claim an interest in the said land. 40. The Developer shall pay to the municipality on demand all C&8ts - incurred by the munLcipality for the services of consu.ltants in cOIUlection witb the preparation-of this agreement. 41. The Town convenants and agrees to execute any documents required for purposes of registration of a condominium project on this site, as well as any other documents required to implement this Agreement, and by the execution of this Agreement, the Clerk and Mayor are hereby authorized to execute said documents upon same being submitted .~ by the Developer. 42. The Developer agrees that, should the Town in future pass a by-law under the provisions of Section 35 (a) of the Planning Act RSO 1970 C. 349, which by-law affects the lands described in Schedule "B" to this Agreement, then this Agreement shall be deemed thenceforth to Jle an agreement duly entered into under the authority of the said Section 35 (a). . 43. In this Agreement the term the "Town" or the "Town of Newcas t 1 ell sha 11 have the fo 11 ow i ng mean i ngs : (a) Director of Public Works of the Town for purposes of paragraphs 1 (c), 26(f), 26(g) and 26(h); (b) Director of Public Works or any consulting engineers designated by resolution of the Town Council for purposes of paragraphs 2,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,25, and 26(e). 26(c) Provided that in the event that any of the plans, profiles and speci~ications submitted to the Town for approval shall not have been consldered for approval by the Town within fourteen (14) days of s~bmissi9n fo: ~ppr~val by the Developer of the Town, such plans, proflles or specaflcatlons, as the case may be, shall be deemed approved hereunder. ,- m WITNESS WHEREOF the Baid parties have berev.D*.P affixed their Corporate Seals attested to by the hahds of their proper offieee. in that behalf fully authorized. . SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of: Approved and Authorized by By-Law Number 14. {O~ Pas sed the -:>... '"'2.> I\.(,'l Day of ~~r A. D. 19 1'( "'1'.1'- ;,~~\ ;,;~ OFUWCA....,j~':; , ... ..~I'~ ~~,~ .,,' .. t'~ ,)pi ~~:q}: .' rt ; i ~ ~.,II.. ,;)11'.... ;~,Il : ~~ ;;""" ~ . . _,__~~,~>,,::~J~-'i!;ili . I -, ~~-;;~~~',:r~,~-l ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( MORSYD INVESTMENTS LIMITED Per: I~ }j ~(A~.- Il '-'> I) - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWlf . . ~ 3 k.~//c::L N~ ~)L5'.e . -9a- ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ,( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) THE BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC UTILITIES , ~ISS, ION ~)/7I7 '. Cha1.rman ~1Jr:~ Manager TWEED~S Per: ,. ~ 262829 HOLDINGS LIMITED '~ BOWTOWN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Per: " /; -- , ~ ( Per: 4: ~~- $e- . a . I ~~ ~ .A tJ.-' ;;f Ju(ra"'"7 mith '" AFFIDAVIT OF SUBSCRIBING WITNESS . !, S'USJq-.! J5'<2-u~-J t/~ of the &-]y V d~ . in the ~ .e./~ make oath and say. I am a subscribing witness to the attached in~trument and I was present and saw it executed at ~V~ by Julia Jane Smith. I verily believe that each person whose signature I witnessed is the party of the same name referred to in the instrument. . SWORN be~ore ~e at the } , ) of ~~K/ /~ inthe~~~ t,_h_=i__~~~,I;L"""" d""a~of~,,"_ " 1,974,. ~ ~~6~~ A ~OlLe-r for taking Affidavits, etc. . -' '",,--, ' .,. AFFIDAVIT AS TO LEGAL AGE . I, JULIA JANE SMITH of the City of Vancouver in the Province of British Columbia make oath and say: When I executed the attached instrument, I was at~ lease twenty-one years old. ?fa SWORN be~ore ~e at the l~ /~ e!~ . of tAJ~V~ in the ~ ~ ~. this /f!Lday of ~1974. ~ ~~~"~~ ) A G~~~taking Affidavits, etc. . , ~ e , -'t. .. , II' , r . SCHEDULES "All - SITE PL:I.N 02 ENTIRE CmmOHINIUM DEVELOPMENT "B" - DESCRIPTION 0Ii' LI~NDS OvrNED BY THE DEVELOPER "ell PLANS, PROFILES 11.ND SPECIFICATIONS "', UD" OUTLINE ...~ND EST I~~'~TED CO&T OF SERVICES '.i GENEHAL EXC.AVlI.TION ..~ND B..~CKFILL .'It - WATErYu~INS AND WATER ROUSE 3ERVICE CONNECTIONS SANITA...,y AND STOHH SEUEHS ,AND HOUSE CONNECTION$ D~~\IN~GE AND GRADING .' - hOADS, SIDEWll.LKS l..ND SIGNS 4It MISCELLANEOUS \tEll - DESCRIPTION 01,' LANDS all/NED BY THE TOVJN TO BE DEEDED '1'0 TIiE DEVELOPER " , '. , . , . ~ , ~ ----..-- .-----,. ! .r,"- SCHEDULE "B" 'ji A: . .. II" FIRSTLY ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the ~own of Newcastle, Regional ~unicipality of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of all of Bowtown Court dedicated as a Public Street on' Registered plan Number 701, formerly in the TOlvn of Bowmanville, County of Durham, nmoJ' closed by LTuc1ge' s 0rder da ted ~Novep;ber 7th, 1974, and registered as Instrument No, 70097. I I I, I I' J ! SECONDLY ALL AND SINGULAR t~hat certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle (formerly in the Town of Bowmanvil1e) in the Regional Municipality of Durham, in the Province of Ontario, originally being part of Lot Ten (10) in the First Concession of the Township of Darlington, now in part of Block Three (3) on the North side of King Street according to the plan of the said Town of Newcastle made.by C, G, Hanning, P.L.S. dated June 30th, 1869, and now on" West, No. 10,'being more particularly described as follows: CQ;/J,fENCING at a point in the northerly limi t of KinG StJ:'C2t distant ~esterly therein two hundred and fiftce~ and two one hundredths feet (215.02')' from the south easterly angle of said Block Three (3); ThENCE. Northerly parallel to the said easterly limit of Block Three (3) three hundred feet ~300'); ThENCE ~'lesterly parallel to the NOl'therly limi t of l(inl' Stre_et a distance of sixty-six and three onc-hundredths feet (66.03') to a point; TEENCE Southerly parallel to the said Zastorly limit of Block Three (3) three hundred feet (300') to a point in the said Northerly limit of King Street; ThENCE Zasterly sixty-six~nd three one-hundredths feet (66.031) to the POINT O~. CO;.~}'1Ej\CE1~ENT. ?ho said parcel contnh.s O.1l-5 :lCl'0S more 01' le'ss and is sho";:) o"utlined in red on n plan of survoy lr.Q.do by H.D. 13rO\.;n, 0.L.8. dated October 8, 1970. THIRDLY ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly in the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham) and being the whole of Blocks A, B, C, D, E, G, H, and I, according to Registered Plan No. 701 registered in the Registry Division of Durham West (10). ~ . II'....."" ., ". ~i ,jO f:. I, " j ! , ;~ I . \ ~! I :"., "I, ... .I , - I: " ,:'.' " , , 1 ,fl, , k~\i ': ~ -... ,., " )" .j SCHEDULE liE" being attached to and forming part of an Agreement t.etiv8en Horsyd Investments Limited and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ALL l..ND SINGUL1'~h that certain parcel or tract of land tlnd premises, situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle (formerly in the Town of Bowmanville) :Ln the HeL;ional }hmici- pality of Durham, in the Province of Ontario, originally being part of Lot Ten (10) in tho First Concession of the Township of Darlington, now in part of Block Three (3) on the North side of King StreGt according to the plan of the said ' Town of Newcastle made by C. G. Hanning, P.L.S. datod June 30th,. l869~ and now on West, No. 10, being more particularly described as follows: COHHENCING at a point in the northorly limit of King Street distant westerly thorein two hundred and fiftoe~ and two one hundredths feet (215.02') from the south easterlY angle of said Block Three (3); ThENCE, Northerly parallel to the said easterly limit of Block Three (3) three hundred feet ~300'); ThENCE Westerly parallel to the Northerly limit of Kinf'(' Street a distance of sixty-six and three one-hundredths feet 66.03') to a point; THENCE Southerly parallel to the said Eastorly limit of Block Three (3) three hundl'ed feet (300') to a point in tho said Northerly limit of King Street; THENCE Easterly sixty-six and three one-hnndredths feet (66.03') to the POINT OL' COl',1NENCEl'1ENT, The said parcel contains 0,1!-5 ~(;l'oS mora or less and j,::; shown outlined in red on a plan of survey made by H,D, Drown, OiL,S. dated October 8, 1970. , . . - -.- ~"" ~ ,,~~ . '. . I" ~ L '-- LAND TRANSt=- RETAIL SALES TAX ~- .. 70881 No. Land Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) I CERTIFY that this instrument is registered as of 1150 !looM. Land Registry Office Town of Newcastle Ontario. MAR 7 1975 fit'REGISTMft in the . . DATED: 23rd September, 1974 MORSYD INVESTMENTS LIMITED -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SITE PLAN AGREEMENT MARKS & McNEELY 17 King Street East OSHAWA, Ontario .. .~ '-~ I - e . / ~.. --'."I!!)",:" '~ C E R T I FIE D COP Y I, Joseph ~ McIlroy, of the Town of Newcastle, in the Region of Durham, Municipal Clerk, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that attached hereto is a true copy of By-Law Number 74.-69 passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastl~ at its meeting held on the 23rd day of September, 1975. I further certify that the lands affected by By-Law No. 74.-69 are as per Schedule "B" of the Site Plan Agreement the signing of which is authorised by By-Law No. 74-69 and which may be more particularly described as follows:- FIRSTLY ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of all of Bowtown Court dedicated as a Public Street on Registered Plan Number 701, formerly in the Town of Bowmanville, County of Durham, now closed by Judge's Order dated November 7th, 1974, and registered as Instrument No. 70097; SECONDLY ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle (formerly in the Town of Bowmanville) in the Regional Municipality of Durham, in the Province of Ontario, originally being part of Lot Ten (10) in the First Concession of the Township of Darlington, now in part of Block Three (3) on the North side of King Street according to the plan of the said Town of Newcastle made by C.G. Hanning, P.L.S. dated June 30th, 1869, and now on West, No. 10, being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the northerly limit of King Street distant westerly therein two hundred and fifteen and two one hundredths feet (215.021) from the south easterly angle of said Block Three (3); THENCE Northerly parallel to the said easterly limit of Block Three (3) three hundred feet (3PO'); THENCE Westerly parallel to the Northerly limit of King Street a distance of sixty-six and three one-hundredths feet (66.031) to a point; THENCE Souther~y parallel to the said Easterly limit of Block Three (3) three hundred feet (300') to a point in the said Northerly limit of King Street; Thence Easterly sixty-six and three one-hundredths feet (66.03') to the POINT OF COMMENCEMENT. The said parcel contains 0.45 acres more or less and is shown outlined in red on a plan of survey made by M.D. Brown, O.L.S. dated October 8, 1970. THIRDLY ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situat~, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durh~ (formerly in the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham) and being the whole bf Blocks A, B, C, D, E, G, H, and I, according to Registered Plan No. 701 registered in the Registry Division of Durham West (10). WITNESS my hand and the seal of The Corporation. . ~ i 'f JJr;:; DATED th~s .......... day of au~,- ................... A.D., 1975. Clerk c:- L-C L L./} vLA----""L- Seal ,