HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-67 I ~ e ~-- , . '. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. ?CJ.. , 1 Being a by-law to extend Caristrap Street in the former Town of Bowmanville and dispose of certain lands and accept conveyances of further lands in connection therewith. WHEREAS by By-law No. 70,...30 passed by the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville on the 6th day of July, 1970 and registered on the lOth day of July, 1970 as Instrument Number 45923, the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville did establish Caristrap Street in original Township Lot 8 in the Broken Front Concession of the Town of Bowmanville. AND WHEREAS by Instruments Numbered 47717 from Caristrap Sales Corporation Limited registered on the 3rd day of December, 1970 and 47718 from Group Seven Holdings Limited also registered on December 3rd, 1970, the said Town of Bowmanville received certain conveyances for the purpose of extending Caris trap Street further to the South. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle is desirous of disposing of parts of the cuI de sac conveyed to the Town of Bowmanville as aforesaid and to extend Caris trap Street southerly to include the major parts of the lands so conveyed to the Town of Bowmanville and additional lands to the south thereof and also establishing an easement for drainage of surface water from the southerly limit thereof to the north linlitof Highway 401. NOW THEREFORE pursuant to The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, Sections 336 (1) and 443 (1) (a) the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle HEREBY ENACTS as follows: I ~ Ie ~ , , '~ 2 1. Part 2 as shown on Reference Plan lOR 379 attached hereto as Schedule "A" which has not been dedicated as a public highway and is no longer required for municipal purposes be conveyed to Group Seven Holdings Limited. 2. Part 4 as shown on said Reference Plan lOR 379 which has not been dedicated as public highway and is no longer required for municipal purposes be conveyed to Caristrap Sales Corporation Limited. 3. That the CorporatiOl of the Town of Newcastle accept a conveyance of Part 3 as shown on Reference Plan lOR 379 from Group Seven Holdings Limited for the purpose of establ.ishing a public street. 4. That the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle accept a conveyance of Part 5 as shown on Reference Plan lOR 379 from Caristrap Sales Corporation Limited for the purpose of establishing a public street. 5. That Part 2, Reference Plan RD 60 less Part 2, Reference Plan lOR 379; Part 3 as shown on Reference Plan RD 60, less Part 4as shown on Reference Plan RD 379:1 Part 3 as shown on Reference Plan lOR 379: and Part 5 as shown on Reference Plan lOR 379, be and are hereby established asa street and public highway to be known as Caristrap Street. 6.. That the Town of Newcastle accept a conveyance of easement for the purpose of draining surface water over Part 8 according to said Reference Plan lOR 379 from Caristrap Sales Corporation Limited. 7. The Clerk be authorized and directed to register a certified copy of this by-law in the Registry Office pursuant to Section 443 (9) of The Municipal Act. I passed this I '---: 3 Read a first, second and third time and /"'7 } tf-Ifl'- f) day of September, 1974. k~ Mayor ,,\ e e) ~ ~~\! .. DATED: September 3rd, 1974 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BY-LAW NO. BEING A BY-LAW TO EXTEND CARISTRAP STREET IN THE FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE AND DISPOSE OF CERTAIN LANeS AND ACCEPT CONVEYANCES OF FURTHER LANDS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STRIKE, STRIKE & VAN NEST, Barristers & Solicitors, P.O. Box 7, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 31<8. SCHEDPLE "A" PLAN OF SURVEY OF PARTS OF LOT 53 I BROKEN FRONT CONCESSION TOWN OF NEWCASTLE , ., REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM (Formerly Town of Bowmonville I County of Durham) Scole: I inch = JOO feet M 0, BROWN O. L.S, f974 CURVE DATA TABLe PAr;lT RAD. ARC CHORD 182 50:00' 84.99' 75.12' NI8000'W 183 6000' 14654' 1/2.74' N3fOzd W 486 50.00' 8499' 75. Ii NISoOO' w 586 60:<>0' 118.6" 100.2z' NISoOO' W 58S 60.00' 41.96' 41.11' N58040' E 3 5000' 2902' 28.61' N83019'30"W 5 50,00' 4307' 4175' , N55022'22"E RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED AS ~,q PLAN lOR ___....L_ ',~ ' _\~.., ,:",-".u.., ' -.lq~~ . ~.-PF'~' ,., . , . . . -,' '. . ' . ..' ~ ,."."'.- (b.", EGISTRAR FOR R TRY N OF Dl.!RHAM WEST (,N2 10) I I I - ---~ ,~~'.\" .',-'r-'.".-~'I-"" I , . ,.-':' .",. ....... "'''',-t. ~'~ \. ,,,I \', . \: '_'. .'_~'" __ '''-.....1 . o ~ o a: >- a: w f- W ~ W i U I l_ I REQUIRE THIS PLAN, TO BE 9EPOSITED UNDER PART II OF REGISTRY ACT. JULY '9 '974 _~__ _:.::J____....... Oafe . Ln _ ___ ROAD :g ALL.:OWAN CE BETWEE N CONCESSIONS and BROKEN FRONT (Bose Line,) _, ~<D:-&~~ -:'~Signtmn 66 N 73000'40"E '~Fd ( /1061 N W An91. Lot a 8 F Con 513;56' tN720Jj'" 30"E Fd {/I06J 66.01' N 730 00' 40" E 146.96' M.,O.8ROWN Nome ---Y;;-d---:-Print- Fd {flOG J 132639' Inll Nil N39336J 1326113'Meos LOT "'" .... o ,..; d) .... BROKEN AREA (Acres' 13222 0:02.0 0.174 0,020 D:244 ..10951 10172 .0.249 N E Anglo Lot 0 SF SCHEDULE ,.. , : f "\ " , 0') , -.., - to 10 2 "0 C 0 PART I 2 3 . LOT 8 LOCATION . (0'0 . 2 ~. . ~ J!l o to ~\ W~ W ~\lol ~2 VJl -l I >- Q..~~ ~>m , Q:: ~ "t" r- .Q 01 cnuJ_ -::e- 0:::U1 .....c..+ ...... 0 'Q !.,.)......~ PART 7 l' llll \Q ell ......, "'. ot.'" - "'... cnZ:2 ~...Ot :9 l\Izz If) , - -- .. .. .!; .E '8 ....... "'loO g lOll-' "'''' " on ... '" . - ... 0 " v l .. CONCESSION I I 8 (\J I'- <;t- O) J'f1 :2 ...... C QJ 0. o 9. ~ .,; .., .!: Insf. NQ N39336 ( Remainder) ...., (Cl ... ,- (.\,J . \ I . G::: r::.~; rj: ~ loO (/) ... ... ...-. CI\ '" g z 0' z ~ ~ '" CI\ \Q on 2: '? W ILl ~ .... w= m <u ,:J c Ql > <( W en U c ~ 2: 0 QJ ~=~ 9 ~ ..J <( . If) 0 ..... z a ~ ct PART , '" H 0 t:: Q:: t,() c::tQ CL.~ ~ <c: ~ lJ::: ~,e'?l?\ 01 :2 \_, PART 1"6 rPQ6i N 7::'<:'(; __ 4C"E {S72058'\N 7aus Inst N'? N43959' 74:49' - e J .., ~ Fd 11/061 ... t: ~ 0 ~ I llJ , . I SURVEYOR S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1 ThIS survey and plan ore correcf -God in accordance with the Survey's A~t and .the Registry Act ond the regulations mode thereunder --. c.:_ (:' , -_J r l_'_ G-AaoP SE'V(~ ~T~ N39336 HCf"b(~S (R.emo,,,der) - or, f: Inst N2 .'ri!' ..-- , PART ? \ '. PLAN R P 6d lN~N~ 477l~ .I f ! PARi 3 . PLAN gO 60 hl/st ",' ~7717 2. The survey was co~plefed on the '-, . . '.. - "', _ J~ 12..!J7~ -'- Dote .8th day of July, 1914 .~'~'." - - M'f~t~ ontar!o Land Sun;eyor :1 L- " " , .. 4 BROKEN FRONT o E !! .:\ CONCESSION \ .. v .. .. u. 2 PART 6 ~ :.< e :E BEARINGREFER~NCE Inst N2 43959 ( Remainder) C.AAl$ T~ A P S'A-L.rS CoAPiJ'It "\ or,6 ~ A.r~ " 01 Vl CIl '" .. " ~ <:::1 o. ~o; -Gl ..", ~... Bearrngs sflown hereon areostronom;c in origin., derrved from the Northerly limit ot King's Hiqhway N2 401, shown as NS40 18' 30" E on Deposited Plan NQ 5-81' (p. 2695 -ZHwys,File) b PART 5 . " 0: If ... \0 qj N ... \ i 40' ~ '00 01'-, o 0 ~~ 2 40' ~ .. ..-- . B .~ o~ o. 0- v-o~ lr) /~ . "' o ..... r- , . I '-' . -- .. I i I THE " 5 " L~/ NOTES . kiNG's' _ +- -f II' JI Denotes I square Iron Sor. 48 long Denotes 3/4" round Iron Bar, 24 "long PL Denotes planted. CAUTION: This plan IS not a pIon of sobdwision WIthin the meaning of Section 29,32 or 33 of the Planning Act, ( De . SIrED H1GHW4 'r ;'s.. 93' I"., fliP 43S$1I Fd.Denotes found 581 ) Np. ---- 'd,O"lM. __ flS IS 'I , AI' honging line. Shown on this plan have , \ been verified. 'P1...4fV e:j. 0 I