HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-59 .. . THE CORPOMTION OF THE TOlIN OF NEHCASTLE By-Law No" 74-59 Being a by-law to establish certain one foot reserves on Registered Plan 638 as a public highw'ay" BE IT ENACTED and it is hereby enacted as a by-law of the Corporation of the To~m of Nffilcastle by the Council thereof as follows: 10 The following land is hereby established as a public highway to be and to form part of the public highway knm-m as Meadow View Blvd" in the Town of Ne,",castlco The said land hereby established as a public highway is described as follows: All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the To~m of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly in the TOl'm of Bomnanville, in the County of Durham) and being composed of the one foot reserve at the west limit of Meadow View Blvdo as shol'm on registered Plan No. 6380 . 20 The following land is hereby established as a public highway to be and to form part of the public higm!ay known as Sunicrest Blvd. in the Town of Newcastle" The said land hereby established as a public highway is described as follows: All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly in the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham) and being composed of the one foot reserve at the west limit of Sunicrest Blvdo as shown on Rcgistercd Plnn Noo 6380 , tJ }.~ 4...1\ , By-Law read a first and oecond time this .';' '7 day of .il (, 1974. G. B. Rickord r:;;M~~ l1ayor ~ 4 ' . By-law read a third and final time thin.... (.J day of $OP... ,1974" ~ I ~ -? G. B. Ricknrd~ ~---LJ Hayor . f i J" Mo 1-1cIlroy Clerk \I' ft"'- t .. .i' .~ U~. ,,' .--1 Seal .... - r! .' . 8ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIES TELEPHONE 72S-51!11 AREA CODE 416 MARKS AND MCNEELY ERNEST MARKS. Q.C. EOWARD G. McNEELY. Q.C. 17 KING ST. EAST. P.O. BOX 35 OSHAWA. ONTARIO LIH IA8 August 9, 1974. Mr. Joseph M, McIlroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk, Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance St., BOWMANVILLE, Ont. Dear Sir: We enclose herewith Certified copy of By-laW No. 74-59, being a By-law to establish one foot reserves on Plan 638 as Public Highway, which was registered on August 8, 1974, as instrument #68152 in the Registry Office for Durham West. .. Yours truly, EGMcN:PK Enc. 1 Per: RECEIVED r AUG 14 J974 -- TOWN OF N'O\VCA ..;v STLE .:.J, ' -'" 111"'~ .-.4 ~... . C E R T I FIE D COP Y , I, Joseph M. McIlroy, of the Town of Newcastle, in the Region of Durhain, Municipal Clerk, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that attached hereto is a true copy of By-Law Number...l~~~~.... passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle at i~s meeting held on the ..f~t~.... day of ......~U)3............., 197~.. WITNESS my hand and the seal of The Corporation. ~ DATED this...~~~~.... day of .....Jp]y........... A.D., 197!'-.. J. M. McIlroy Clerk Seal -- ,..;;~ .:t ~.~ ..- . .. -- ~ ., 1'HI CORPORATION OF TEE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. 7'1-t~ Being a By-law to establish certain ODS t~t resews Oil registered Plan 638 a8 a pubUc tUghvq., BE IT ENACTED and it is hereby,eQacted 88 ~'By-law ot the Corporation ot the Town of Newcastle by the COUDCU thereat' .stollows: 1. The tollowing land is hereby eatabUshed .s .. p~lic b1gbway to be and to form part of the pl1blic highway' known as Meadow View Blvd. in the TOWl'1 at "ewcastle. The 8aid land hereby established a8 a public h1ghw8J' :La described 8S tollows: All and s1ng\llar tbat certain parcel or tract of land and premises sitWlte, l..Y:l.D8 and beiDg in the Town of Newcastle, in the Hagionel Municipality or Du:rhall (forMr17 in the Town at Bowmanville. ill the COUDty of Durham) and beiDg composed of the one toot reserve at the .....10 11a1t of Meadow View Blvd. as shown on registered Plan No. 638. 2. The following land is hereby established &S Ii public highWay to be and to torm part ot the public highway known .s Sunicrest Blvd. in the Town of ""c8at18. The .aid land bereby establisbed .s a public highway is descrtbed .s tollows: All and 8iagular that certain parcel or tract of lend aDd preaiae. .itQ.8108, l1'iDs and being in the Town of Reweastle, in the Regional MWl1cipaUtT of Durbaa (tormerly in the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durhall) and be1Ds co.poaed of the one foot reserve at the weat liait of Sunicreat BlVd. aa sbown on registered PlaD. :10. 638. By-law read a :first time this ) c; d..- day of By-law read a second time this 2. Cf4.... day of By-law read a third time and passed this A q .(..'-. J:,~i ! -YelL 7 dq of 1974. 1974. 7" (.. Y 1974. I ( ~ 'i.1 I ~rr vi ) 711. /'1 t /[,j}. tJ';/ , Clerk tj . t. a, ( /1.. A (). l). Mayor t. ,~ . a I ...,. No. Registry Oivision .of,Durham W~st (No. 10) I CERTIFY that this mstrument IS registered as of 9. 30 cr.M. 68152 AUG 8 1974 in the land Reeistry OHjce CJd~ Town of Newcastle f..... .ontario. . REGISTIWt