HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-53 "\ , .. ~- ~- e . . ., THE CORPORAT ION OF THE TOWN OF NElJCil.STLE BY -LAW NUMBER 74--53 A By-law to amend By-law Number 73-15 of the former Village of Newcastle WHERE~S the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Newcastle duly passed by-law 73-15 on the Seventeenth day of September, 1973 AND Wl1EREAS a building permit was issued on December 27, 1973 for a Marina Store, now under construction, contrary to the provisions of by-law 73-15 JiliD WHEREhS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of New- castle deem it adviseable to permit completion and continued use of those buildings and structures which are presently in existance or in course of erection on the lands which are the subject of this by-law ..:..ND WHEHEil.S the Council of the Corporation of the Town of New- castle deem it adviseable to prevent any further development of the subject lands without the exercise of proper planning controls NuW THElillFOlill pursuant to the Planning hct R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 349, Section 35, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. Section 9:13 of By-law 73-15 of the former Village of New- castle is hereby amended by adding the following subsection (h): (h) Special Exemption Nothing in this by-law shall apply to prevent the comp- letion and continued use of any buildings or structures located on the subject lands shovln as "Special Exemption" on Plate "A" of this By-law provided that; i) such buildings and structures were in existance or under construction on June ;; S 1974; ii) such buildings and structures are provided with sanitary facilities approved by the Durham Regional Health Unit; iii) no building or structure is used for human habit- ation; ~..:.. ., ) -- I . . .. Ccont'd.....) 2 iv) the owner of the subject lands has entered into and agreement with the Town of Newcastle which is registered on title to the effect that he will not cause or permit any further develop- ment of the subject lands to take place except in accordance with a subsequent agreement to be entered into under the provisions of Section 351.1. of the Planning L..ct. 2. Plate "..'..." of By-law 73-15 is hereby amended by shovling there- on as IISpecial Exemption" the lands so indicated on Schedule A attached to this By-law. 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the day it is passed-. by Council subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. Th~.~y-1aw read a first and second time this ~' 1974. / ~) 1Y- t/ day of This By-~ad a third time and finally passed this day of 1974. Z- ) AA-' ~~ (Mayor) - /J SEAL - ~ ..:...........-.... ,'-",.<,.~ ,. ,or' -- r 'j' ~ C L ... III i( [ RU RU ,....::::~::::::::::.:::..,..... ! ~":::::--""" -;.i,-~- --~~-------~ re - RI .~ (jJ - --1~ .------ ...---..,- RU RU HU RI RU RU _d__. --:-- r=I' ~ RU RU SPEC/!\ L E. 'K t:M pr ION ~<.,&..,~..(. l::BllJ "~'/I.~ r:m .~.H "UrOI..rl.~ 1m II1:!.-;(1I14, n'l I. [Ji!..::; 1l1$':;~II"&I,. n,t \ CliZJ .~.'OUHI.~ ",. t t::!Il "U"'~n.~ TYH: S CESJ Hr.,. .'~Ol)jllA4. HU SCHEDULE I A I TO BY-LAW NUMBER II IV! Iii RU , ,I t!I:J ~Oiollll""',h ',ICI"ry [']:D "eX'c ,~""..,~t,'\. Ct."D 1I1~"'U' C~'''''''.C'''\. 0':Il G(~t"h lOlllllH"Clotl ~"lC'UTIV",,"-GlU.lllt;l.\. [IIIJ IIIS1IlliCTl:O I",OUSTI".lI. OJ:%] It..."".. 1I00vlTltJ", em ..un DI.'O....L IIIIOU!l!II"l CF Onta'IO 'J'-f-{J TOWN.HIP (('Ti' 'Oltfen/ON I 'Ie I r RU RU RU ~(1NeIUI~ ~-'--"i'--~ .<_.......-~'. RU RU Wi i I 'I RU \ i I RU 1 '!0Il.~ ' ) RU RU This is plate "A" to by,law No, 7H5, Passed this 17th day 01 September t973, liecve: Allred \l. Gray Cerlk: Gertrude Gray PLATE .A. ZONE MAI.J CORPORATION OF THE vtLL4J3E OF NE\NCASTU! RU RU RU ,.,---......--.-- ,. ~ 1 !