HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-48 r . \ THE CORPORATION OF TEE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUM8ER 74-48 . A By-law to amend By-law Number 1592 as amended by By-law NUmber 1653 being a restrioted area (Zoning) By-law affeoting lands formerly in the Township of Clarke, now in the Town of Newcastle WHEREAS the Municipal Counoil of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to further amend By-law Number 1592 as amended by By- law 1653. NOW '.r.t1l!.iW!iiORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS as follows: 1. That Section 2 of By-law Number 1653 is hereby amended by inserting after subseotion 11 and 25 respectively the following new subsections (lla) and (25a) : . "(lla) "GRAVEL PIT~' means any open excavation made for the removal of any soil, earth, clay, marl, sand, gravel or consolida.ted mineral in order to supply material for oonstruction, manufacturing or indus- triaJ. purposes, but shall not include an excavation incidentaJ. to the erection of a building or structure for which a building per- mi t has been granted by the Corporation, or an exoavation inoide- ntal to the oonstruotion of any publio works. (25a) "STONE QUARRY" means any open excavation made for the removal of any consolidated rook or mineraJ. including limestone, sandstone or shale, in order to supply material for oonstruction, industr- ial, or manuf'acturing purposes, but shal.l not include an excava- tion inoidenta1 to the ereotion of a building or structure for which a building permit has been granted by the Corporation, or an excavation incidental to the construction of any public works: 2. That subsection 1 of Seotion 3 of By-law Number 1653 is hereby amended by in8~rt.ing after the Zone and Zone Symbol for "Industrial" the following: "Extractive Industrial MX" . " '. . '. By-law No. 74- 48 - 2 .. 3. That :By-law Number 1653 is hereby amended by inserting after Seetion 8 the following Section (Ba) : "SECTION BA - EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIAL ZONE (MX) BA.l USES PERMITTED No person shall wi thin any MX Zone use any lot or erect or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following uses: (a) RESIDENTIAL USES: prohibi ted. (b) NON-RESIDENTIAL USES: a gravel pit; a stone quarry. 8A.2 ZONE PROVISIONS No person shall wi thin any MX Zone use arry lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure exoept in a.ocordanoe with the foll- owing provisions: (a) RESIDENTIAL USES: not applioable. (b) NON-RESIDENTIAL USES: In aooordanoe with the provisions of Appendix 2 hereof. II 4. That appendix 2 of By-law number 1653 is hereby amended by inserting atter Section (i) the following new Seotion (j): II(j) SPECIAL PROVISIONS - GRAVEL PITS AND STONE QUARRIES Dotwi thstanding any provisions of this By-law to the oontrary. the "l By-law No. 74-48 - 3 - following provisions shall apply to MX Zones: .0 (i) (ii) (iii) Lot Frontage (Minimum) Lot Area (Minimum) Yard Dimensions (Minimum) for buildings, struotures and pit or quarry exoavation: Front Rear Side 100 feet 25 aores 100 feet 100 feet 100 feet (iv) Setbacks Minimum distanoe from oentreline of: a Provinoial Highw~ 160 feet an Arterial Road 150 feet Other Road 133 feet (v) Landscaped Open Spaoe (Minimum) 1<:>>6 of lot area (vi) Height of Buildings or Structures (Minimum) 50 feet" 5. That Sohedule "A" to By-law Number 1653 is hereby amended by changing to "MX" the zone symbol of the lands designated "ZONE CHANGE TO MX" on Sohedule "M" attaohed hereto. . 6. That Bi-law Number 74-33 be and the same is hereby repealed. 7. This By-law shall beoome effective on the date hereof, subject to reoeiving the approval of the Ontario Munioipal :Board. RBAJ) a third time and d~ of May A.D.l974 READ a first and second time this s...".~~~~(f.~.~, . M~or ~, ,,1-1. . ftf. !.I~" ~ ~ 'I "'" Clerk this 64A. da;;" of 111f,! A.D.1974 5/J. A'iN tf~ n. ..0.......... ..... ...... Mayor v:.. ':!.:. t!. ~~"::.~ .~y. Clerk . . TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AN EXPLANATORY NOTE TO BY-LAW NUMBER 74- 48 The following is a summary and explanation of By-law Number 14 - 48 which amends By-law Number 1592 as amended by By-law 1653 and amendments thereto, a comprehensive Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law affecting lands formerly in the Township of Clarke, now in the Town of Newcastle. This By-law changes the zoning of a 70 acre parcel of land located in Lot 18, Concession 10, Township of Clarke (now in the Town of Newcastl. ) to an Extractive Industrial "MI" category. The By-law permits the use of the subject lands for a STavel pit or a stone quarry. While this By-law permits the subject lands to be used for extractive industrial purposes, the regulation of this use is subject to the provi- sions of the Pits and Q,uarries Control Act, 1911 and its Regulations. The above is an explanation of the provisions of the amendment to the Zoning By-law. For accurate reference, the amendment and the original By-law Number 1592 should be oonsul ted at the Town of Newcastle Municipal Office during regular business hours. . . . .. r- S C H ED U L E "Mil TO BY-LAW NO. 74 4B PART OF LOT 18, CONCESSION X TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE ( NOW IN THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE) -. L 01 18 E.::.' ,~:,~ ....,. " .0, :. .'. '0. . .: ". ZONE CHANGE TO MX THIS IS SCHED ULE "M" TO 8Y- LAW NO. 74 43 . PASSED THE 6th.oAy OF Tlay ,1814'1 .. ~ o '3 n. k d ...Lc/ ~ IJ . i · La c ar //-??,~~. .{ MATO~ vi ,'" ! . LLVlvil J.~.~cIlroy . OWGNO,~530-1.-14 CI.EFlK~. SCALE 'N FEET 600 0 600 1200 ~~ . MUNICIPAL PLANNING CONSULTANTS CO. LTO.