HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-45 . , . --- I I ~ 0,. AMENDED BY d 14 "'0 IP 0 BY.LAW..,;J......... THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-Law Noo 74-45 A by-1m1 to authorise the construction of a Community Sports Centre on Taunton Road WHEREAS application has been made to the Ontario Municipal Board for the construction of a Community Sports Centre at an estimated cost of $890,500 subject to an estimated Grant of $51,500 under l-linter Capital Projects and; WHEREAS approval has been received from the Ontario Municipal Board for the said expenditure together with approval for debentures in the amount of $839,000 to be issued over a term of l5 years; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows:- 1. THAT a Community Sports Arena be constructed on Taunton Road, West of the M. J. Hobbs School. 2. THAT the est~ted cost will be $890,500 subject to anesimated Winter Capital Projects Grant of $51,500. 3. THAT the estimated balance of $839,000 be debentured over a period of 15 years. 4. THAT the said construction shall be under the Supervision of Jackson, Ypes Associates, Architects. 5. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby autborised to do all acts and sign all documents and affix the Corporate Seal of the Town thereto as may be necessary in connection with the making of contracts and other matters for the completion of the said undertakings. 6. THAT the Treasurer of the Municipality is hereby authorised to make arrangements to sign any necessary documents to arrange temporary advances of money to meet the cost of the work pending the completion of the ''lorle and the sale of the debentures. By-Law Read a first and second time this 15th Day of April, 1974. ~/~ - Mayor By-Law Read a Third time and Seal (Si ed) J. M. McIlro Clerk . .-. . ~'qp'~ Ontario Ontario M,unicipal Board r L The Clerk, Town of Newcastle, Box 130, NEWCASTLE, Ontario. LOA lHO Dear Sir: Form 60-C 416/965-1912 123 Edward Street Toronto Ontario M5G 1 E5 Quote File Number E 7 4J.,~~__ May 28, 1974 Attached is documentation, pursuant to Section 64 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act, as follows: D Copy and certified copy of order D Duplicate original and copy of order Q Duplicate original order Yours truly f (~,)~~~' (Mrs.) M. Fraser Supervisor Capital Expenditures :mb Enclosure ~ Order(s) ~ Invoice c.c. - The Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, . Box 623, 605 Rossland Road, East, Whitby, Ontario. L1N 6A3 .. ~ RECEIVED JUN 7 lQI',~ I"J, t TOWN OF NEWCASrLf ~- # , , ~.~~. ..:.- 'IIIlDlm'l" Ontario E 74169 '. Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF The Regional MunloiE!ll~y of D~ham Ac:~, 19'3 -" Sec~ion 64 of The Ontario Kunio IJ1'lll Boara Ao~, (R. S. O. 1970, o. 323), - and - . IN THE MA'l'TBR OF an applioat:lon by The Corpora~ion of 'the Town of Neweas't1e for an order approving: (a) t:he oons'truotion of a community and .por~. oentre including arena looa'ted in Block B of Regis~er.d Plan 686, Pari: Lo't 18, Conceasion 5, Township of Darling'ton, being on 'the nort:h side of Taun'ton Road at: an es'tima- tad cos~ of $900,000.00, and (b) the borrowing by ~he corporat:ion of such sum and 1:he issue by 'the regional council of deben1:ures 1:0 provide the sum of $839,000.00 for the purpose BEFORE: - and - ) ) ) ) ) ) ) THURSDAY, the 4th day of APRIL, 1914 w. B. PALMER, Chairman A. L. McCRAE, Member . THE BOARD ORDERS 'tha't this applioation be and 'the same is hereby gran~ed and ~he corporation may now proceed wlt:h t:he said undertakinq and may borrow t:he whole or any part: of t:he sum of $900,000.00 pending receipt: of subsi- dies and the sale of debentures or the receipt of monies RECEIVED JUN 7 1914 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ~--- '. "," .." , .," , - 2 - E 74169 . from any ot.her source and 'that. t.he reqional council may borrow money on debent.ures to the extent sufficient to provide an amount not exceeding $839,000.00 for the purpose provided that the total amount of any debent.ures issued in respect thereof shall not exceed an amount sufficient to provide the net cost of the said under- taking' to the applicant corporation after deduotinq any amount reaei ved for or in respect of 'the said undert:akinq by way of SUbsidy or contribu'tion from the Province of On'tario., or otherwise, and provided that the term of any debentures issued in respect thereof shall not exceed fifteen years. )~ lie K. C. ANDREWS SECRETARY ENTERED (), B. Ha..n..//y.!...... 1.,/ folio No..~/5....n............ JHN 4 1974 d~ $ECllEJARt. MfA_1CI MU"ICIPAl IIOAltD r.