HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-38 ....;' .. I ~Ji.' '!l .1." .."...' .,!~ I "'/.'. ....;~81 , '~~1.'5'~ . . ,.. AMENDE01:~1 . "i -051 BV.LAW #. ....UUU!/ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEl-lCASTLE By-Law Noo 7l~-38 Being a by-law to authorize participation in the Ontario Municipal Employ~cs Retirement System. WHEREAS pursuant to Section 14 of the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Act, RoSoOo 1970, as ar.cnded, a municipality or local board may by by-law or resolution elect to participate in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System and pay to the Fund the total of the employer and empl~yees contributions, and has all the powers necessary and incidental th~reto: NOW THEREFORE be it enacted ~s a by-law of the Corporation of the To'~ of Newcastle - (Herein called the Employer) as follows: " 10 The Employer hereby elects to participate in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System as of the first day of February, 1974 (herein called the effective date) and authorize the Treasurer to submit this election in writing by pr~vision of a certified copy of this by-law, to the Secretary- Treasurer of the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Boardo 20 Every employee of the Employer 11ho on December 31, 1973 was employed by the Township of Darl'ington and Tm-m of Bo..nnanville and who was or was entitled to become a member of the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System on December 31, 1973 shall continue such membership or membership entitlement from January 1, 1974 while employed by the Employero 30 Subject to Subsections 2 and 3 of Section 7 of the Regulations issued under the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Act, RoSoOo 1970 as amended, an employee who is entitled to become a membe~ becomes a member on the first day of the month follo,'TinZ the month in which his application is received by the Executive-Director, provided that the Executive-Director may at the request of the employer fix an earlier day on which the employee -1 becomes a member but not before the day on which the employee became entitled to be a member or the first day of January in the year in which the applicati~n is received by the Executive-Director, whichever is the later da te 0 ' /' 40 Subject to Clause 2, every person Mho becomes an employee of the Employer on or after the effective date if he is employed on a continuous full time basis shall, as a condition of his employment become a member of the System .r if he is already a member resume his contributions to the System, on a day fixed by the Employer that is ,rithin twelve months after the day on which he became so employedo A ~ .~ ,-tit . . ... . . - 2 - 5. The Treasurer of the To~m of Newcantle is hereby authorized to arrange for the deduction from the earnings of each employee who is a member of the System, the contributions required to be made by the member, and to remit such contributions together with the amountc required under the Act to be paid by the Employer, to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Board, and to execute all necessary documents and to do such things as are necessary to carry out the intent of this by-lawo 60 The Employer hereby approves employees employed on other than a continuous full-time basis becoming members of the System, if at least 75% of such employees become or are memberso 70 The Employer hereby certifies that employees \'Tho are engaged as firemen are entitled to retire nt age 600 Read a first and second time this 18th day of March, 1974. Garnet Bo Rickard ,/~ ~L--:/ Hayor Read a third and final time this /9~ H A JA.&J!l9740 day of Garnet Bo Rickard ~. ~ " Hayor M~~~ .A; " f) d 1fiJv1 ~.-c VVv-/ / -/ I /. V ~/ Seal Jo Mo HcIlroy Clerk