HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-32 ,.~, . . . . . i '" ..... , '! . .- - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE JY-L.AW NO. 74-32 A by-law to amend By-law No. 2111 of the former Township of Darlington VhqER~~S, the Municipal Council of the former Corp- oration of the TO\fflship of Darlington deemed it advisable to amend By-law No. 2111 as contained herein, and, WBERR~B, the Ontario Municipal Board require re- enactnlent of the same By-law by the new Corporation of the Town of Newcastle before approval can be given, and, WHER~~S, the Planning ~dvisory Committee of the Town of Newcastle have recommended that the same by-law be re-enacted, NOVI THE..-q-EFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastl\3 ENACTS as follows: i) That Schedule ",A" to By-law No. 2111 is hereby amended by changing R2 the zone symbol of the lands designated R2 on Schedule "X" hereto ii) This By-law shall become effective on the date hereof subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. ^ READ a first and second time this ~'~ay of 1 '-Iv! 4-....-t.'( ~ A.D. 1974 . ."17/7.; ../ ..~ kh;; I~~ / ! I : "(C((.(.,' :' lc~' C- . . . . . " . . 0 0 . 0 D 0 CI CI 0... 0 . . . . 00 ~ " . Clerk READ a third time and finally passed this ./ " :5',,-, day of A.D.1974. .~&.~ jUt Mayor I' /' J .. ,-/....., II {c.L-L'- . !~l".' '" . . 0 . 0 . 0 . . . . 0 . . "1-. . " . . . . . 0 . . . III Cler~l. / .......","-""-~'~-T-;; _.. ~'.4- ( " ':" l' ' '- , ' , ~.; r:g ~ , ' ",,'I to . :, . 1';,\' . I ,.;.~ f'*,i PART OF LOT lie TOWNSHlP ),' ' ': , 'wi' '." "', , .... I I. ' :', ,. I f ,"lI' V III I~ ~ , SC'HEDU LE 1.,.\ ' t. " JO BY-LAW NO. . , CONCESSION DARLINGTON 19. OF I , t .' . I...., , ~, .' ," ."... ... 1039' I:" ' N '.\ ,f '.' .~. ~.~', . .< ....::. ,*" ~ Y, ' ....~~ .' , :~.,.. " I, I,.: '1..' ;~;r~' '~:,4 ;" ~ .', ,.. t~:tf' · 't. , . .." ,'. ~ '''~.'' , .. ~, ~ ,'-:":', ':.... .::. :',:::::: .,'::; ','.'. ::,:::~:~j::':~;: !ii c: : .. : " ... . .;. " I " . , " \' :;i: :<:: ',". .,; '0, 6t lfl' "l '.... :, /, ':, .,. . .:; ;. ,f'..: . '. 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' , ~, . t .. ~ ;41:; ~ , This is Schedule "X" , ' ..' 11~~"..~~o.By';La",-rq0.{H-32~ Passed + SCALE ~IN ,f.EET, 'i t">t'J th 'h h ' , . " \. .. .." .t' ,~; (\~"; e/;el.g t ;fday 0f March, 1974. ., \ " .., ..~/.. ,. .' .~.., 100~' 0 ,2'00 400 ~ ,~_' /;. ~C::J..~'" '~'0':f.~-"~~1 , . ~ ...;'big:";:;-, ;TV ... .--:....--:-~-,:-.",-;o-;". . .~. . "lJ'" ,-, . ~ ,t f ~ . of j . ~ .. :'Io~. .. I jo (,,', :-.:. '.' -~.. .. ,"\0... ,.,": . ~ ) ~ #,~" '\ > . j', 1'1 ,11;',," . , ~ ::': '. .' ~ .... .C) fl) 'cr. .,. o ,.. ;;;'.':';' 5~)"~ ., '~ , I , . , " , .. .' I;' f' .- 2 '::";, , .' ';:',c,.",: :'; :/.:Y': :::::,;',', - I, ..'~ jo ~ '. ,Ijot .'. . ,...' {' ,*} , .' s,r;;;, ANGLE .LOT \9 ~~IC, fI .' ~ '\1' 't-.J I, ,,),,;, t, i:\ i _____ co--- } \. ' " f ~ ' . ;IJ, ,I '~'~'~f ".. . l I\~r ..\ ! .. , ,~ , , '. .".-...,..--......-..... ..........._,......._,. --.--.--. ''--.'-.-'~'-'-'-'------..--' "'Q '0 o 0;: o o o IorJ or C1 o 0;) ~ (,.\ (f) "t:!l 5 m - - ;... o t<l en q "'0 c: c \) I:: z co VJ ..... o -' N I 't:: OJ Q)' '<" ,"-' ..... Q) m 10 ,.. r,;-'lI L , ..,. tV' U ..c: ',0 ~ o - al. ~ o If) en <: !) t:: z l .. ",,,,,,r, ~ -. << ( \ ,. . ,. .... , I ".,,' ,< ~ ~ ~ .. '\. ~ " .,,\~ ~. .. ...,:: "". " , ..-: " I , " ~<-t , .' ',l ,. tf) :JJ. ~'\ " ,.( . ' . ... ., . ; ..f 1- ~~ ') . I."; .~ Il~ " ,~ .. ,. ... ~l t "C' o 0' 0:: . tj:" \ : . " . \ ,f ..:.. '''." ;.. " 'l c', ., ~ . , .. t t -- # r ~~~ ~ Ontario Ontario Municipal Board Mr. J.M. McIlroy, Clerk, Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. LlC 3A6 L Dear Sir fVA MJu/-v J~I 61L/ 5'& {jj 41 Quote File Number -B.--7 3 2-0-62- May 8, 1974 Re: Town of Newcastle - . Res:tricted Area By-law 74-32 R-9 123 Edward Street Toronto Ontario M5G 1 E5 Enclosed is duplicate original of the Order of the Board made on the 2nd day of May, 1974, in connection with the above-mentioned application. :mb Encl. II ~t ~I Ll~t", IJ\M- r ~I Yours truly ~.&UltcC'~/-PC~- C. Saruyama Supervisor Planning Administration RECEIVED MAY 13 1974 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE II ~ ~.. " ~ ~~~ ~1i~ "m!rJ" o nta ria R 732062 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF.. Section 35 of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970, c. 349), - and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by The COrporation of the Town of Newcastle for approval of Restricted Area By-law 2521 of the former Township of Darlington BEFORE : W. H. PALMER, e Chairman - - and - A. B. BALL, Member No objections to ) ) ) Thursday, the 2nd day of ) ) May, 1974 ) ) approval of By-law 2521 havinq been received and the council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, successor to the former Township of Darlington, havinq on the 8th day of March,1974 passed By-law 74~a2 such by-law re-enacting the provisions of By-law 2521 and having caused a certified copy thereof to be filed and the Board having dispensed with notice and hearing in respect of By-law 74-32; , THE BOARD ORDERS, that By-law 74-32 is hereby approved. JWL ENTEREO___ ?- /' //).1,( O. 8. No..t.t.c~~.2.............. folio No....... .-;;:/.-..............,... K. C. ANDREWS SECRETARY MAY 101974 -4~ ~eftU"ft~. OlllAltlC IIlUftK ~t H.... -I) ,