HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-31 t,;:"" ~ . ~. , . ,", .,~ ~; ~ , sr' ,,~" I l , i I~., ,r .~' ~, ,II':, (( 1.; \:' ~~ ,....,, h." ' . ""'.T'i ,.L'6$7 ~ . .'~ ",.~:;j:_~,~>.:.: - ..',~, .<.1..:;." '. _...__~ .,C~~.,_",-,-__,_"'___"__-,-.__. ..__ ______,_.__..___~.__~___~~._,~~~___'__~:_"____ ..----.~----- '.' ~>:~'ni;; THE CORPORATION OF THb ~ TOyw OF N~~CASTLE BY-LAW NO. 74- 31 being a by-law tn raise .' money to aid in the construction of drainage worle:) undl:;r 'j~he Tile Drainage Act, 1971 The Council, pursuant to The Tile Drainage Act, 1971, enacts as follows: 1. The C~rporation may from time to time, subject to the provisions of this by-law, borrow on the credit of the Corporation such sums not exceeding in the whole J200,000. as may in manner hereinafter provided, arrange for the issue of du'bt;ntures on behalf of the Corporation for the amount so borrowed as provided in tho ~ct payable to the Treasurer of Ontario at the Parliament Buildings, Toronto, which debentures shall reserve the right to redeem the debentures at any time on payment of the whole amount of principal and interest owing at the time of such repayment. 2. 'i/here an application for a loan under the Act is approved by the council and the inspector of drainage has filed with the clerk an inspection and completion certificate, the Council may apply to the Regional Municipality of Durham to include F:J. sum, not ex:c~)t;;ding the: fi,mount. :lpplicd for or 75 pEo.r cunt of thl:J total CCH3t of the dra:Lnagu vfOrk \'Ii th respect to which the loan is made, in a debenture payab10 to the Treasurer of Ontario in accordanCE; with the; "'tat, and may approve of the Corporation lending the said sum to the applicant. J. A special annual rrtte shn,ll b(~ imposed, levied and collected over and abov,.; till othur l':l!;L)S upon 'trlU Itmd in respect of which the money is borrowed, sufficient for the payment of the prinCipal and interest as provided by the Act. '. ' . It' tJ.- ~~ " R f1.u.1I1l. "I Read a first and S8cond t:J,me thls ....... day ;;J. .1.- j:::;-(/..: . .1974- . -, ~~.. Read a third time and finally passed this ~!v;: day of 'Y()/~. 1974. .~~ Mayor J~ ~ ~ if lAM~w c :'7:1 -ltC! (l~~ fAJi5 /17)' ~,v~//. / / ~ Clerk "r~ , , ~~ .~""""'--"""-"',-- ...............:.-.,'. . .-. '"\ THE CORPORATION OF THB TO~~ OF N~~CASTLE BY-LAW NO. 74- 31 I 1''''': being a by-luw tn raise mont;y to aid in Llw COI18tl'uction of drainage work:; undl.:.:r 'l.'he Tile Drainagu Act, 1971 The Council, pursuant to The Til~ Drainage Act, 1971, enacts as follows: I t' 1. The C~rporation may from time to time, subject to the provisions of this by-law, borrow on the credit of the Corporation such Gums not exceeding in the whole ~200,OOO. as may in Tllunnl:r hE:;Y'fjinaftcr provided, arrangE:; for the iSSUE: of debentures on behalf of the Corporation for the amount so borrowed as provided in tho Act payable to the Treasurer of Ontario at the Parliament Buildings, Toronto, which debentures shall reserve thE.: right to r,edeem the debentures at any time on payment of the whole amount of principal and interest owing at tilt.: tiJ{!t; of such rt.::paymtmt. . 2 . ,{here an application for a loan under the Act is approvsd by the council and the inspcctoy of drainage has fil~d '.vi th the: cl\. rl<: an inspection and completion certificate, the Council may apply to the Regional Municipality of Durham to include n Gum, not cxculJding the: amount applL:d for .or 75 p~r Cl.'llt of the' tot,:tl COtd, 01' thl:) dratnngu vlOrk '"d.th respect to 'dhi,~h the loan 1H mrLdc, in a debt;ntu.ru pa.ya'J1\; to the 'rreasurer r) f Un tario i:n accordanc8 \'/i th tht; Jlc.t, and m~1Y approve of thl; Corpora.tion It.-nding the said sum to tho applicant. J. ,'l f-:lpccLal annual. f'rttl; [\h~.:dl 0" irnpost;ll, luviud and (;nll,'ctull ov(.:r and ;J.l)() v,; l.i~LL othl::l' l':Jt;,~:J tqH)Jl thu land in r~sp~ct of which th~ mon6y is borrowud, sufficient for the payment of thl:..' principal and interest as provided by th~ Act. Ii i;.- .~ " " It ~.../ llvaa a firot !lnd rH;colHJ t:Lme this...... . day ;;). .1.--/.';6:1'. .1974 , " ~~.. th' r~~vnr d f .J.~()/~ Re3.d a third time and finally passed 1S /J ,(;j-' ay 0 '.M,'.. ..... 1974. .~~ l1ayor ~~'-// ~ it. Clerk .......~_.__. r. .. -'-"---:-'--:-" )- '"'" - 1,,\,--..-_'-"" ~ e ~ ...: ; " C E R T I FIE D COP Y I, Joseph M. McIlroy, of the Town of Newcastle, in the Region of Durha..ll, Municipal Clerk, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that attached hereto is a true copy of By-Law Number.. ,:(~'.~:I..._ passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of" Newcastle at its meeting held on the ..I.~~. day of ........~~r..~.., 197J(. . WITNESS my hand and the seal of The Corporation. DATED thi s. . ..~. 1. ~ day of .... It. V.I/. ~ .. . A.D., 197 kf Clerk .. Seal - . . .. T THE CORPORATION OF TIlE TOWN OF NEWCASTL~ Certified True Copy of Resolution # C-75-169 3I'd day of February , 1975 · passed on the Hewed by Councillor Tink, seconded by Counc:1l1or Lyall. T1JAT the third reading of By-Law No. 74-:n. belna a by-law to r418e money to aid in the eoutructlon of draiMge works under the Til. Drainage Act. 1971. be rescinded. ttCARRIED" Certified True Copy Seal J. Me McIlroY .... / ~ / " -f Clerk t . . , "" . ;l1~ - 7U'51 . C""'l"'r!Rf.';"" "",' r' '., ~ "'~'I!&A"'TlE " !' '" l '. hiM ~," ",'" ',' Uhl"lh I..:....'. .., ~.._ . Q.... ...:. ."..I~ :i 70 ~ ~ if ~ ~. ;tL.. ~~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 7-dA.-- ~ ~' 197/ .. (9786), " No. ' Regi~tfy'Oivisionof DurhamWest (No. 1Q) " , CERTlfY,that this instrument is registered as'of /O:s(pA ,M; NOV 29'974" in the land =:. ~~~~s"e ~~ RtOISJAAR