HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-28 ~ ''''I.. . . .- TI-:~ CC:I'(;'")OR1iTI~,~': uF TI-IE TOIT~J OF .. .,..----.-.. - _~I~~_. n:7-:'a~7 :-[0. 7l~28 A by-la\7 to authorize tLe ccstruction of certain record.o of tl:e :':;o:-;.ler T01m of !3cmmanv::'lle, Tovmsl:ip of Da::lin2;ton, To\-mc~:ip 02 Clar~:e ane, Villa~:e 0:2 iie\lcastle. WHEREAS the c:oc"",,cnts anc L'cco..'GC Lc::cinafter referred to are of no further use or 'laluc to tl:e Corporation, an,: it is deemed expc(~ient to provide for thei..- :lectructiono HOW THEREFOR-I:: tI:e Uunicipal Council oJ: the Corporation of the To\m of i:-Iewcastle enacto as follo~TS:- 1. THAT the receipts, vouchers, inctrumentc, rolls or other documents, records and papers Dust be ~~ept 'OJ' tile i1unicipali ty for the retention periods as set out in ~chedule "All to tl1is >y-lm-T, 'liThich Schedu,le shall be and foru a part of this by-Iau. 20 This by-Iavl1 shall :':'8 e~::eC':lve on the day i.t recei'!es the approval of the Auditor of the Corporation. Read a First 80,,'. Secon,,' TLle this 1l:,th ::1 a',. 0:: January, 1974. Garnet lla3'O:i: ~ ,). 1, _" ." "'~" ",' B. ~,l.c...aJ. Cl~." , " , " Read a Third Ti:;;.; an( Finall:-l Faesec; tl1ic day of , 1974. Gc:cnet Nayor ~.'~ I D. Ricl:a;.-vM ~/.J Seal J 0 Eo 11cIlro" - I" CierI: . . . T1-2 COlll?Cl!J~TIOI:' OF TI-D~ . T-l)1E"f OF 17jJ;Y'JC1~~71E ... _..,---",~---.. ---------.. ......-" DC:ledule IIrll to By'-TJa\'l q ~:.o. 7 t:-2G The Municipal :lecol.-Gs Oi -::'.-.C T01ffi 0::: BCl':.'uanville, To..mahip of Darlinzton, TO~;T~C::ip of Clar':e and Village of rTewcastle, for the yea::- lSG5 and all yeal"O p:;:-ior tl-:ereto, to be destroyeCt as :1:0110\70:- CLERK'S DEPARTM&1T Corresponden:::e All Records Re:ardinz Lcsess;:.lent Local Improvement Lppeals Voter'e List Lppealc County Judge Appeals . 1 ~...pr:!ea.I.S TREASURY DEPART~ffitIT . Purchase Orde:;:-c and Invoices Duplicate Receiptc Daily Cash Tapec one' ::h:::J:..a:ciec Cancelled Cheq'.2ec ant} B['~:: Stateuents Duplicate BanI: D~po[;:r..t ::nips Redeel:icd Bonds anCt Inte:'est CoUlJOnS Copies of Licencec Payroll Cancelled C~equGc Daily Time Sheets WORKS DEPARTNEIIT Purchase Orders Correspondence Road Cut Repai~c' :;:)e:'ra~Ltc Equipment Time G~eetc RECRE..4.TIOn DEPARTHEH7 Registration Fo~mc Correspondence Time Sheets Purchase Order:::: BUILDmG DEPARTNEI~T . Building Permi'!:: Itccei.pts Correspondence T}:Z CC:Jl:'C:L\TI..J~~ L.lf' :"'I-:B ~_.___~~;L~~~T~_~ :2,~~- :~-,ll~;~ ~ '.0. 7l~_;: G A 0~7-1el; to at!t:~ol'::.ze t:':o ~cctTuct:.on of cCl'ta:.l1 reco:n~c 0::: t::c :;;O::,.lC1." 1'01:'0 of Bom,mnv::':.le, TOIml3::ip o~ Da.::linc;ton, TOl1'nc:-.i.r 0:Z C:'nl":~e anc', Villa,e 0:: llcucastle. WHEREAS the l'OC,::.icmtc tlnc~ :tcc,,::cc : ,c::3ina:::tei- referred to are of no further use 0::- '.'ah!c::o t:;e Co rpo':c..:::.on, c.n,. it is cleemecl expc,~ient to provide for thci:;: ,~cct:.t:c-;::ton. now THEREFor.Z t;:c iiunicipal Co-:.lncil 01 the Corporation or the To\.m of :~ewcastle enec-;:c aD :.:ollo!lS:- 1. THAT the receipts, '/m.:c;wrc, int~tTt:u:entc, rollc or other docuoents, records and pape:"s ;:~;.:st :J.:= ~~ept :'~. ':::;e IIt:.nic=_pality for the retent.ion periods as set O'-'.t :1.n ~c::edt:le 1I~',.ir to t'.l:.C ;':'-la"7, vThich Schedcle shall oe and :::or'" a :)a:::-t 0:1: thic l:}.-la~lo 2. This b~'-la\'l 8l':8.11 :,"c.: e~::e~'::2.ve on tbe da:;.' ::t ::ecebes ,the app=oval of the Auditor of '::.110 Go::po::a-::ion. Read a First [111:., Sccon,~ Til.le ti,ic ll:t:l ,~D." 0:: January, 1974. G~net: D. ~"'. 'f ., J:,,:..c..:e::....{J t:a:~o :: Read a Third TL.::J en:' FinaL!.] :?a:.:ceC: tI:ic day of I' , ~et D. rr1_c::a:"cl f'lnyo:;:- ,. Seal d~ i2_-.11':::.1,:0:' Cle:::: Approved February 6, 1974 - , ~--,~~ ~CUL't Auditors ~~----_.T"'~:-:-'"l-~--~~~ . n."":-r-~ "I" , 1974. ,~ '.- .~:.\,o , "-.' .. , '~'i~~ .c:~i; l~~ ''1:-) ,.,..... ., .; > },ii "':J~I .'<1; ,I :',.-r:" ' ~".:.~i;'; '" ''',.~,.-4 ,,,,,,,,,U. _ . .. .,. ~l:-:3 .~cr~~,~" ~~(:,.~'I ':'~. (;F 'IT:;:; 'I\.\~ :'~.... OF L'J.:;rJc/~~~"~~E .. .... ...... oL_"____ ...........__.____ _... .__.._........ :]c::'2,--lt~le Ii' if t.o BY'-~-ln'l\J ~\.). 7/:.-2G The Hunic:.pe: ~~(;:;0:c';,;8 0": ~_-.<~ :;:'O\ffi 0: r..o-,:',lanville, TO"'Tflo:-..ip of DOl}:l ingtorl, :C'o",,::c:::i) 0::: (;1<:'.1'::12 an' 7i:..lage of iIe\lcastle. for tlH~ yen::-- i'~~:) ..?JlL el.l ~,"ca:''':J ~::::....:.o:.- t.:-J~:""eto, to te c:.estro:,re'", ac ,.. ..., j:o,~.:..O\1::::- CLERK'S DEPARTNEUT Corresponden:e 1.11 Records Re al'(l,in;:;,'_~ce~G:',:ent Local Ir'lp:cover;1cn':': /.p;,leals Voter'::: List Lppea1c County Jecr;e c~i)~; 8a18 , . _...r::~:: en:. 0 TREASURY DEPARTIvlEITT P1.Jrchase Orte::c an~1 lnvoic.ec Duplicate Recei)tG Daily Cs.sl1 l'apcc en:..:! ~t.:~~:..~.a::ieG Cancelled CheCl~..:e.: fu"~ Ben:: ,J';:'ate,:,entc Duplicate Ban:: u::;po.::'.t ;:;lipc Re<JecL-~cd Bonc\:~ cn':'~ I~-r':.:e:"ect COl!l1011C Copies of LicGnccc Payroll CanCQl1.e(l C~',8C1t:80 Daily Time S:,cetc worms DEPifHTHEl)T -- I'urchase Or(lcrc Correopondence . Road Cut Repni:: 23:.-ra~'.tc Equipment TLx; C:H?e~C RECREliTIO;; DEP ARYL n;;I :~~ R.e~"i.stration Fo:~';,w Corresponr1ence- Time SheGts Purchase Orc:CTG Bur LD U1G D EP !,.RTHEl-':e Builrling Pert.1L: I~2..-::;?:r,ptc Corresponc1-=ncc ..", \-:. :5,