HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-27 . . . ~'HE C,)Il?CPJ.TW:: OF THE TCi~;r~~ OF :~':'ET1C!..8TI.lE ...,'..----_..-..--..........'--"~.------.... DY-:Jall :~J-Ocl 71:-27 A by-1m: :':0::: the appoint;.1el1t of llarl~s and HdJeel:r ac i:olicitorc for '0::,0 Go.."porationo l>nIEREAS the Council of the Hunic1.pal Go::poration of the To~m of newcastle deems it expec:ient -::l:at the Corpo::ation :::'etain a Solicitor to act on its behalf in variouc ua-::te::c that lnay a:r::se L'ora time to tir,le. nm-l THEREFORE the Council 0::: t:1C Hunici:1al Corporation of the T0'0m of Ne'l'lCastle enacts as :::ol~om:;:- 10 That the lavl firn of Ila:r!~8 an( HclJeely ()e and a:'e here:1Y appointed ane". retained as solicitOl'C for ti.:2 Corporati.on for the year 1974'0 20 That the said firn chall fO:::\'larci itG account8 ior services and dicoursementc from time to time to t::e T:::-eam.:rer of t::e Corporation.. By-law read a f:.rst enc; ceconc1 tine t:,is H,th :::'ay of January, 1971~. ;,' ~~<'J" ~ ".. J. "I:' D': '_..... _ ~~ .,,' 2nk ne '- ...:;..._..:,,_c..,.aJ.. dr?'(.-C: llayor By-law read a thil< time anc: finally pascN: thic day of , 19 7l.~0 Garnet D.. l'layo:i.' Seal J. 1,10 1lcIl::o'F CIerI: