HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-26 . THE COPJ?CR:-\TIOl1 OF THE To:ri,1 OF HEHCLST:"Z _._.....~---_........._- By-La~'l iTo. 7!:.-26 A by-lal1 to appoint an l.ctin:...: Hayor. WlffiREAS Section 209 of the 11unicipal Act (R.S.O. 1970 C. 2G~, S. 209) authorises the Council o~ a IJunicipallty t.o a~?oint an Acting Mayor. THEREFOR the Council 0'( the Co:;:poraUon 0:1: the Town of lJel'1castle hereby enacts as ro 1 10m:: :- 1. That Councillor Ivsn H. HoODS is l:ereby ,~ppointed to act from time to time in the place an;~, ste~f~ 0:; the head of Council "then the head of Council is absent from the ,~unicipalit7 or accent through illness'or his office is vacant an" Hhi.le so act.ins G1.!c:: member has and may exercise all the richtc, pO':lers ano. autho:dty of the head of the Council. 20 That this by-la"1 uill taI:e effect immediately on the passing thereof and continue in force until ~epealed or &~endecl. e\ By-law read a first and cecouc t:L,~1e thic ll:.t:'-: clay of January, 1971~. ...... L/J f'arnet" T' "i c1'ard .:M~. ~/ ~'^.. 1. , ~...... ~_.....~ ~_... /' . Hayor . By-law l~ad a third tiwe anc ~inally pasced -:w"__,": f"\ l...l...~V ll:.th day of January, 1974. G_arne':,: p.. F';,ic::ard dayor Sea: J. Eo NcEr07 'ClerI:' - .