HomeMy WebLinkAbout74-25 . THE CORl)ORt.TIOn OF THE TOnTi OF NEHC1.CTLE By-La,,, Fo. 7l't-25 Beinz a b::-la,.r to reijulate the erection ana provide for the safety of buildings. WHEREAS Section 39 of TIle Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970 C. 349, S. 38) provides that a Municipal Counc~l may by by-law reGulate the erection and provide for the safety o~ buildings. THEREFORE the }unicipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows:- 1. That the National Builclin3 Code of Canada 1970 edition with its amendments in its entirety is enacted aD the Building By-law for the Town of Newcastle. 2. That the follo~'1inz perl~it fee or fees shall be payable prior to and as a condition of the issuance of a builclinz permit:- . (a) New bUildinZD, alteration, ad<iitionG, lllOving and repairs: Permit fee $6.00 plUG $3.00 per $1,000.00 or portion thereof of the total valuation of the ,rorr~ in excess of $1,000.00. (b) Demolition: Penrrit f~e $6.00 Oy $3.00 per thousand square feet gross floor area or portion thereof, \rhichever is the greater. (c) Renewal of Perr,1its: In accordance "lit;: Subsection 1 and 2. (d) Permits are not transferable. By-law read a first and second time this ll:-th Ccay of January, 1974. Garnet B. Ric.r:.ard./k~~ Havor " By-law read a third ti8e and finally pncoed Garnet B. Ric2~ard Seal l'la::ror . J. 11.. 11cIlrov Cle!'::