HomeMy WebLinkAboutJoint Report to Council 2019-01-07Clarftwn Joint Committees Report to Council Report to Council Meeting of January 14, 2019 Subject: Joint General Government and Planning and Development Committees Meeting of Monday, January 7, 2019 Recommendations: 1. Receive for Information (a) 8.1 Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority dated November 29, 2018 (b) 8.2 Minutes of the Clarington Diversity Advisory Committee dated September 26, 2018 (c) 8.3 Minutes of the Newcastle Business Improvement Authority dated December 13, 2018 (d) 9.6 Marc Dupuis, Mayor, Municipality of Mattice-Val Cote, Regarding Paragraph 4 of the Declaration of Office (e) PSD -004-19 Environmental Stewardship, 2018 Annual Report (f) PSD -006-19 Heritage Incentive Grant, Annual Report for 2018 (g) OPD -001-19 Update on the Replacement of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Infected Trees (h) ESD -001-1 Emergency Services Activity Report - Q3 2018 2. Correspondence from Michael Angemeer, President and CEO, Veridian, Regarding Director Re -Appointments That the process for the appointment of Clarington's citizen Directors for Veridian proceed; and That the appointments be completed no later than March 31, 2019. Page 1 Cjarftwn Joint Committees Report to Council 3• Matters Relating to a Durham York Energy Centre Ambient Air Monitoring Station 2018 Exceedance of Dioxins and Furans That Report PSD -001-19 be received; That the questions outlined in Wendy Bracken's delegation of January 7, 2019, be referred to the Ministry of Environment and to the Region of Durham for follow-up; and That, pending receipt of written responses from the Region and the Ministry, representatives from the Ministry and the Region be invited to make a presentation to a General Government Committee meeting. 4• Michelle Roth — Request to Extend the Use of Temporary Living Quarters at 9209 Grasshopper Park Road That the request from Michelle Roth to extend the use of temporary living quarters at 9209 Grasshopper Park Road, for a six month period, be approved, subject to signing a further Letter of Undertaking. 5• Colleen Goodchild, Manager, Policy Planning & Special Studies, The Regional Municipality of Durham — Regarding Nominations to the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee and Durham Environmental Advisory Committee That, in accordance with the voting process outlined in the Council Appointments to Boards and Committees Policy, Jay Cuthbertson be nominated to the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee for a term ending December 31, 2022 or until a successor is appointed. 6• Christopher Norris, Manager, Customer Experience, Durham Region Transit Commission, Regarding Nomination to the Durham Region Transit Advisory Committee That, in accordance with the voting process outlined in the Council Appointments to Boards and Committees Policy, Richard Claxton -Oldfield be nominated to the Durham Region Transit Advisory Committee for a term ending December 31, 2022 or until a successor is appointed. For Council Meeting of January 14, 2019 Page 2 Cjarftwn Joint Committees Report to Council 7• 2018 Results and Seasonal Sidewalk Patios Program Application, Guidelines and Approval Procedures That Report PSD -002-19 be received; That the Application for Seasonal Sidewalk Patios on municipal property, Attachment 1 to Report PSD -002-19, be approved; That, subject to the provisions outlined in the application and Boulevard By-law 2013-066, the Director of Engineering Services and the Director of Planning Services review, circulate for comment, and approve the site plans for seasonal sidewalk patios; That exceptions to the Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2014-059, Section 20(1) Retail Sales be granted for the sidewalk patio locations; That Council approve allocating $7500 from the Orono CIP 2018 grants to be used to provide an incentive should a restaurant in Orono wish to apply for an on -street outdoor patio; That Council authorize staff to take all necessary actions to assist with the implementation for outdoor patios in future summer seasons; and That all interested parties and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 8- Community Improvement Annual Report for 2018 That Report PSD -003-19 be received for information; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -003-19 and any delegations be advised of this information report. 9• Appointments to Various Boards & Committees — 2019-2022 That Report CLD -001-19 be received; That Section 8 of the Terms of Reference for the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee be waived in order to allow Shea -Lea Latchford to be appointed, for a third term; That Section 3 of the Terms of Reference for the Agricultural Advisory Committee be waived in order to allow the appointment of an additional non -farmer applicant; For Council Meeting of January 14, 2019 Page 3 Cjarftwn Joint Committees Report to Council That the following citizen and Council appointments, as determined in accordance with the Appointment to Boards and Committees Policy, be approved for a term ending December 31, 2022 or until a successor is appointed, unless otherwise stated; That the Municipal Clerk's Department be authorized to advertise for any remaining vacancies; and That all interested parties listed in Report CLD -001-19 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. a• Accessibility Advisory Committee Pinder DaSilva Sylvia Jaspers-Fayer Deb Kalogris Shea -Lea Latchford Marina Ross Tim VanLeevwen Councillor Jones b• Agricultural Advisory Committee Tom Barrie Eric Bowman John Cartwright Donald Rickard Harri Sukhu Councillor Zwart C. Committee of Adjustment John Bate Dave Eastman Glynn Green Shelley Pohjola Todd Taylor Gord Wallace For Council Meeting of January 14, 2019 Page 4 Cjarftwn Joint Committees Report to Council d• Ganaraska Forest Recreational User Committee Anthony Wood e• Heritage Committee Steven Conway Robert Malone Victor Suppan Peter Vogel Katharine Warren Councillor Hooper f• Energy from Waste - Waste Management Advisory Committee Two Year Term (to December 31, 2020) Wendy Bracken Kerry Meydam Harri Sukhu 9• Livestock Valuers Milton Dakin Brad Found h• Museums and Archives Board Rick McEachern Stephen Middleton Marilyn Morawetz Suzanne Reiner Marina Ross Mayor Foster Councillor Anderson For Council Meeting of January 14, 2019 Page 5 Cjarftwn i• Newcastle Arena Board Dave Bouma Peter Kennedy Shea -Lea Latchford Gary Oliver Todd Taylor Sue White Joint Committees Report to Council Councillor Anderson Councillor Zwart j• Newcastle Village Community Hall Board Councillor Anderson Councillor Zwart k• Property Standards Committee Steven Cooke Dave Eastman Glynn Green Shelley Pohjola Harri Sukhu Anthony Wood 1• Public Library Board Steven Cooke Terri Gray Judy Hagerman Chris Hinbest Justin MacLean Laila Shafi Connor Visser Councillor Hooper Councillor Neal For Council Meeting of January 14, 2019 Page 6 Cjarftwn Joint Committees Report to Council m• Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee Leo Blindenbach Thomas Hossie Rob McArthur Kate Potter Brian Reid Patrick Robert Bothwell Meaghan Vandenbrink Councillor Traill n• Durham Active Transportation Committee Constance Gray Councillor Anderson 0• Solina Hall Board Councillor Jones Councillor Neal p• Tyrone Hall Board Councillor Traill q• Clarington Task Force on Affordable Housing Wendy Partner r• Clarington Active Transportation Committee Councillor Jones S• Bethesda House Councillor Anderson t• Bowmanville BIA Councillor Hooper u• Bowmanville CIP Councillor Hooper For Council Meeting of January 14, 2019 Page 7 Cjarftwn Joint Committees Report to Council V. Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade Committee Councillor Hooper W.. Newcastle BIA Councillor Anderson X. Newcastle Village CIP Councillor Anderson Y. Orono BIA Councillor Zwart Z. Orono CIP Councillor Zwart aa. St. Marys Cement Community Relations Committee Councillor Neal bb. Visual Arts Centre Councillor Traill 10. Clarington Heritage Committee —Terms of Reference Whereas the Clarington Heritage Committee is of the opinion that the Committee would benefit from the addition of a member representing the local branch of the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario; And whereas Section 2 of By-law 2006-079, governing the Clarington Heritage Committee and appointments to the Committee, states that the Terms of Reference for the Clarington Heritage Committee may be amended from time to time by Council resolution; And whereas Clarington Council agrees with the recommendation of the Clarington Heritage Committee to amend the Terms of Reference; and For Council Meeting of January 14, 2019 Page 8 Cjarftwn Joint Committees Report to Council Now therefore be it resolved that the Clarington Heritage Committee Terms of Reference, as approved on April 10, 2006 as part of Report PSD -039-06, be amended to add the following to Section 4.2: "A representative from the local branch of the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO)." 11. Discontinuance of Abandoned Cemeteries Board That Report CLD -002-19 be received; That the Clarington Abandoned Cemeteries Board be disbanded; That the existing members of the Clarington Abandoned Cemeteries Board be thanked for their work on the Committee; and That all interested parties listed in Report CLD -002-19 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 12. Temporary Borrowing By-law for 2019 That Report FND-001-19 be received; and That the By-law attached to Report FND-001-19 be approved. 13. Fulfilling a Role of the Strategic Initiatives Officer That staff be directed to forthwith fill on a contract basis the role of strategic corporative initiatives officer, reporting to the CAO, and with the contract to be approved by Council; and That the purchasing By-law be amended to require the approval by Council for the hiring of external consultants, except where the same are required by law. 14. 2018 Municipal Elections Accessibility Report That Report CLD -020-18 be received for information; That a copy of Report CLD -020-18 be placed on the Municipal website; and That a copy of Report CLD -020-18 be forwarded to Elections Ontario, Elections Canada, and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. For Council Meeting of January 14, 2019 Page 9