HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-01-21 MinutesClarington General Government Committee Minutes January 21, 2019 If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Minutes of a meeting of the General Government Committee held on Monday, January 21, 2019 at 9:30 AM in the Council Chambers. Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Jones, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor C. Traill and Councillor M. Zwart (arrived to the meeting at 9:36 AM) Staff Present: A. Allison, T. Cannella, J. Caruana, F. Horvath, M. Marano, R. Maciver, T. Pinn, G. Weir, J. Gallagher, S. Gray, F. Langmaid (arrived to the meeting at 11:55 AM and left the meeting at 12:10 PM) 1 Call to Order Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM. 2 New Business — Introduction Councillor Neal asked that a new business item, regarding Inviting Region of Durham Transportation Staff to a General Government Committee meeting, be added to the New Business — Consideration section of the agenda. 3 Adopt the Agenda Resolution #GG -004-19 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Agenda be adopted as presented, with the addition of the new business item regarding Inviting Region of Durham Transportation Staff to a General Government Committee meeting. Carried 4 Declaration of Interest Councillor Neal declared an indirect interest in Report COD -003-19, regarding Neighbourhood Character Study. 5 Announcements Members of Committee announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. - 1 - Clarington General Government Committee Minutes January 21, 2019 6 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting Resolution #GG -005-19 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Anderson That the minutes of the meeting of the Joint General Government and Planning and Development Committees meeting held on January 7, 2019, be approved. Carried The Deputy Clerk noted that, since the meeting, Durham Region Staff have advised that the terms of reference for the Durham Active Transportation Committee Resolution and there is no longer a requirement for a Council representative. Therefore Resolution #JC -052-19, appointing Councillor Anderson as Clarington's Council representative, is not required. Councillor Zwart arrived at the meeting at 9:36 AM. 7 Delegations 7.1 Chris Newman, Coordinator, Firehouse Youth Centre, Regarding Report CSD -001-19, Pilot Youth Centre, Courtice (The Loft) Chris Newman, Coordinator, Firehouse Youth Centre, was present regarding Report CSD -001-19, Pilot Youth Centre, Courtice (The Loft). He advised the Committee that Ian Kruis, Principal, St. Mother Theresa Catholic Elementary School, and Tyler McMaster, a grade eight student from St. Mother Theresa Catholic Elementary School, were also in attendance. Mr. Newman thanked staff and the Committee for their work and commitment to the Courtice Youth Centre. He highlighted the strengths of The Loft, including the community involvement and youth engagement. Mr. Newman stated that The Loft has had 1382 visits from September 4, 2018 to January 16, 2019 and believes that the number of visits will continue to grow. He displayed pictures of various programs available for the Committee. Mr. Newman explained that The Loft has a new life and it is because of the commitment from all of the youth involved. Ian Kruis, Principal, St. Mother Theresa Catholic Elementary School, thanked the staff and Committee for their support. He explained that St. Mother Theresa Catholic Elementary School believes in deep learning and that The Loft promotes that type of learning. Mr. Kruis noted that the School has supported The Loft and the students and he plan to continue to attend schools in the area to promote the programs. Tyler McMaster, grade eight student from St. Mother Theresa Catholic Elementary School, explained why it is important for The Loft to remain open. He advised the Committee that The Loft is a warm place to hang out with friends. Mr. McMaster explained that it is a place where kids can feel comfortable and with an activity for everyone. He stated that The Loft is an inviting place for youth and he always feels welcome. Mr. McMaster explained that The Loft helps develop kid's skills and build -2- Clariiw-n General Government Committee Minutes January 21, 2019 friendships. He advised the Committee that there is a sense of belonging and brings kids inside and out of trouble. Mr. McMaster explained that he surveyed his classmates and they provided positive feedback about The Loft. He played a video for the Committee displaying what an average day at The Loft would look like for a youth. Mr. Newman concluded the presentation and advised the Committee that he was available to answer questions. Mayor Foster left the meeting at 9:43 AM and Councillor Neal chaired this portion of the agenda. 7.2 Wendy Bracken, Regarding Regional Report #2019 -COW -3, 2019 Solid Waste Management Servicing and Financing Study Wendy Bracken, was present regarding Regional Report #2019 -COW -3, 2019 Solid Waste Management Servicing and Financing Study. She made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Ms. Bracken highlighted the Region of Durham Staff recommendations contained in Report 2019 -COW -3. She explained that the Report circumvented key stakeholders including the public, advisory committees, the Municipality of Clarington and other municipalities. Mayor Foster returned to the meeting at 9:45 AM and chaired this portion of the agenda. Ms. Bracken advised the Committee that the Region is setting the course with no consultation and have predetermined the outcome of the Long Term Waste Strategy. She stated that she is concerned that there was no prior decision of Council to move 250,000 tonnes and it is inappropriate to insert such an important decision as one of the many recommendations of a Report, especially to a new Council. Ms. Bracken explained that important facts were left out of the Region's Report including; the environmental assessment, history of operations and health considerations. She advised the Committee that there is a long list of outstanding serious problems and unresolved issues including dioxin/furan exceedances, numerous outages, equipment issues, rising costs and carbon monoxide exceedances among others. Ms. Bracken noted that the host community agreement between the Region and the Municipality of Clarington needs to be reviewed. She explained that Clarington needs to assess impacts on community, and have discussions with the Ministry. She reviewed sections of the Host Community Agreement and the Municipality of Clarington's responsibilities and commitments. Ms. Bracken explained that there is inadequate stack monitoring and is concerned that the monitoring is not adequate to detect exceedances. Ms. Bracken noted that the Regional Report states that they plan to double the size and acknowledged that exceedances will occur. -3- Clarington Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG -006-19 General Government Committee Minutes Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill January 21, 2019 That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow the delegation of Wendy Bracken to be extended for an additional two minutes. Carried Ms. Bracken advised the Committee that she attended the Region's Committee of the Whole meeting to express her concerns with the recommendations in the Report. She urged the Committee to attend Regional Council January 30, 2019 and to review the Host Community Agreement. 7.2 Linda Gasser, Regarding Regional Report #2019 -COW -3,2019 Solid Waste Management Servicing and Financing Study Linda Gasser, was present regarding Regional Report #2019 -COW -3, 2019 Solid Waste Management Servicing and Financing Study. She made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Ms. Gasser thanked the Committee for passing a previous resolution from the January 14,, 2019 Council meeting regarding Report PSD -001-19. She explained that the current incinerator capacity is 140,000 tonnes per year. Ms. Gasser advised the Committee that the entire Regional Report is of importance to the Municipality of Clarington and it is recommending a 14.3% increase which is a 78.5% increase over the Environment Assessment approved capacity. Ms. Gasser noted Section 6 of the Host Community Agreement and highlighted the Region of Durham's commitment to a comprehensive Waste Management Strategy and to implement and support an aggressive residual waste diversion and recycling program to achieve or exceed a 70% diversion recycling rate for the entire Region. She explained that Durham's diversion rate has flat lined and there is more tonnage requiring disposal. Ms. Gasser displayed a pie chart outlining the costs of the waste management servicing financing study. She displayed table five from the Regions Report #2019 -COW -3 for the Committee, outlining the Regional Solid Waste Tonnages. Ms. Gasser advised the Committee that incinerator costs impacts the Municipality of Clarington and that Ontario taxpayers subsidize incinerators electricity at eight cents per kilowatt hour. She reviewed the incinerator availability in 2017, and that it was around 85%, which meant waste is by-passed and disposed elsewhere. Ms. Gasser advised the Committee that ambient air monitoring needs to be reviewed. M Clarington Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG -007-19 General Government Committee Minutes Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill January 21, 2019 That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow the delegation of Linda Gasser to be extended for an additional two minutes. Carried Ms. Gasser advised the Committee that the Host Community Agreement did not get reviewed by Clarington's legal counsel as directed by Council. She asked that the Committee ensure that the Region of Durham keep all of its commitments to the Municipality of Clarington. Ms. Gasser requested that Clarington staff and the Committee: x participate in the Long Term Waste Management Plan review and ensure that there are some consultations in the Municipality of Clarington; x monitor and respond to Durham's incinerator plans at every opportunity; and x monitor and respond to Durham organics strategy. Resolution #GG -008-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the Delegations of Wendy Bracken and Linda Gasser be referred to staff to report back to the Planning and Development Committee meeting of January 28, 2019, on a draft resolution in response to the Region's Report #2019 -COW -3 2019 Solid Waste Management Servicing and Financing Study, including the proposed administrative amendment to increase the maximum annual tonnage under the ECA to 160,000 tonnes. Carried Recess Resolution #GG -009-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Committee recess for 10 minutes. Carried -5- Clarington General Government Committee Minutes January 21, 2019 The meeting reconvened at 11:15 AM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. 8 Communications - Receive for Information 8.1 Minutes of the Tyrone Community Hall Board dated November 21, 2018 Resolution #GG -010-19 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Communication Item 8.1 be received for information. Carried 8.2 Carla Y. Nell, Vice President, Municipal and Stakeholder Relations, MPAC, Regarding 2018 Year -End Assessment Report Resolution #GG -011-19 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Jones That the Communications Item 8.2 be received for information. Carried 9 Communications — Direction 9.1 Ralph Walton, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services. Region of Durham, Regarding GO Rail Services Extension to Bowmanville Resolution #GG -012-19 Moved by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Neal That the following resolution of the Region of Durham, regarding GO Rail Services Extension to Bowmanville, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington: Therefore be it resolved : 1. That the Region of Durham Council requests the Provincial government and Metrolinx to confirm the commitment to extend GO Rail service north of Highway 401 through Oshawa to Bowmanville by 2024 and proactively resolve all pending negotiations with CN and CP rail, understanding that this project has substantial economic and environmental benefits, will spur significant public and private investment, will create much needed job opportunities for the community both for the short and long term, has widespread community support - including from the residents, business community, development industry, Durham's post -secondary institutions, commuters, youth, and the agricultural community - and is embedded in -6- Clarington General Government Committee Minutes January 21, 2019 the land use, transportation and transit plans of Oshawa, Clarington and the Region of Durham; 2. That the Region of Durham Council further requests Metrolinx to keep the Region apprised of the status of the aforementioned negotiations and the progress of the overall undertaking on a regular basis; 3. That Town of Whitby, City of Oshawa, Municipality of Clarington, County of Northumberland, Municipality of Port Hope, Town of Cobourg, County of Peterborough and City of Peterborough be forwarded a copy of this resolution and based on their support of the GO Rail Service Extension to Bowmanville that they also request that the Province and Metrolinx stand by the commitment to complete this project by 2024; 4. That Region of Durham staff be authorized to engage the other stakeholders such as area municipal Councils, boards of trade, and the local development and business community by providing them a copy of this resolution and requesting that they join their municipal partners in calling upon the Province and Metrolinx to stand by the commitment to extend GO Rail service through Oshawa to Bowmanville by 2024; and 5. That copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of the Province of Ontario; the Honourable Jeff Yurek, Minister of Transportation; Durham MPPs; Durham MPs; the Durham area municipalities; David Piccini, MPP, Northumberland- Peterborough South; the Chair, and the President and Chief Executive Officer of Metrolinx. Carried 9.2 Laura Holmes, Secretary, Bowmanville BIA, Regarding Board of Management for the Historic Downtown Bowmanville BIA 2018-2022 term Resolution #GG -013-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Correspondence Item 9.2, from Laura Holmes, Secretary, Bowmanville BIA, regarding the Board of Management for the Historic Downtown Bowmanville BIA 2018- 2022 term, be received with thanks; and That the following Board of Directors of the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area be appointed for a four-year term 2018-2022: Justin Barry Laura Holmes Cathy Holmes Carrie Hooper Morgan James -7- Clarington Edgar Lucas Gerri Lucas Carried General Government Committee Minutes January 21, 2019 9.3 Frances Tufts, Regarding Inadequate Public Transportation in Ward 4 Resolution #GG -014-19 Moved by Councillor Zwart, seconded by Councillor Anderson Whereas, with inadequate public transit, people in the rural northern area of Clarington are deprived of the opportunity to pursue social and economic opportunities; And whereas the current public transit routes and schedule result in a lengthy trip to go a short distance, often requiring many transfers; And whereas the routes are not fully integrated with other regions in close proximity to Clarington; Now therefore be it resolved that Metrolinx and the GO Transit Commission be requested to expand GO Transit services to include stops in Orono on the buses traveling between the GO parking lot at Hwy 2 and 115, and Peterborough, (the 88); and That the Region of Durham be requested to expand the Durham Transit services to include routes and schedules to enable citizens in rural Clarington to travel in a safe, accessible, and timely manner. Carried on the following recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Interest Absent Councillor Neal X Councillor Traill X Councillor Zwart X Councillor Anderson X Councillor Hooper X Councillor Jones X Mayor Foster X 10 Presentations No Presentations 11 Engineering Services Department No Reports for this section of the Agenda. Clarington 12 Operations Department No Reports for this section of the Agenda. General Government Committee Minutes January 21, 2019 13 Emergency and Fire Services Department No Reports for this section of the Agenda. Councillor Traill chaired this portion of the meeting. 14 Community Services Department 14.1 CSD -001-19 Pilot Youth Centre, Courtice (The Loft) Resolution #GG -015-19 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Anderson That Report CSD -001-19 be received; That 2019 funding requirements for the Courtice Youth Centre and the Newcastle Youth Centre be referred to the John Howard Society of Durham Region 2019 grant submission and considered by Council during the 2019 budget process; and That all interested parties listed in Report CSD -001-19 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried Councillor Jones chaired this portion of the meeting. 15 Municipal Clerk's Department 15.1 CLD -003-19 2018 Accessibility Annual Status Update Resolution #GG -016-19 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Mayor Foster That Report CLD -003-19 be received; and That Report CLD -003-19 be placed on the municipal website. Carried Clar-ington Mayor Foster chaired this portion of the meeting. 16 Corporate Services Department General Government Committee Minutes January 21, 2019 16.1 COD -002-19 Miscellaneous Catch Basin and Maintenance Hole Repairs Resolution #GG -017-19 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Jones That Report COD -002-19 be received; That Coco Paving Inc. with an annual bid in the amount of $133,031.87 (Net HST Rebate) being the lowest compliant bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2018-33 be awarded the contract for an initial one year term, as required by the Operations Department; That pending satisfactory performance the Purchasing Manager be given the authority to extend the contract for this service for up to three additional one year terms; That the funds required for this project in the amount of $139,683.46 (Net HST Rebate) which includes the construction cost of $133,031.87 (Net HST Rebate) and contingency cost of $6,651.59 (Net HST Rebate) be funded by the Municipality as follows: Catch Basin/Sewer Mntnc (2018) 100-36-380-10245-7163 $76,135.08 Catch Basin/Sewer Mntnc (Prior Yrs Unexpended)100-36-280-10245-7163 $63,548.38 That all interested parties listed in Report COD -002-19 and any delegations be advised by the Corporate Services Department of Council's decision regarding the award. Referred Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG -018-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Committee to speak to the matter of the foregoing Resolution #GG -017-19 a second time. Carried -10- Clarington General Government Committee Minutes January 21, 2019 Resolution #GG -019-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report COD -002-19, Miscellaneous Catch Basin and Maintenance Hole Repairs, be referred to staff to review how Miscellaneous Catch Basin and Maintenance Hole Repairs work can be handled internally. Carried Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG -020-19 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal That the Rules of Procedure be suspended for the Committee to change the time of their one hour scheduled break as per the Procedural By-law to 12:30 PM. Carried 16.2 COD -003-19 Neighbourhood Character Study Councillor Neal declared an indirect interest in Report COD -003-19, regarding Neighbourhood Character Study. Councillor Neal left the room and refrained from discussion and voting on this matter. Resolution #GG -021-19 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Traill That Report COD -003-19 be received; That the proposal received from MacNaughton Hermsen Britton Clarkson Planning Limited (MHBC) being the most responsive bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of RFP2018-12 and subject to a satisfactory reference check, be awarded the contract for the provision of consulting services to complete the Neighbourhood Character Study; That the funds required in the amount of $ 58,451.71 (net HST rebate) be drawn from the following account: Consulting & Zoning By-law Review # 100-50-130-00000-7160 $58,451.71 That all interested parties listed in Report COD -003-19 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision by the Department. Carried - 11 - Clarington Councillor Neal returned to the meeting. 17 Finance Department 17.1 FND-002-19 Budget Policy Resolution #GG -022-19 General Government Committee Minutes January 21, 2019 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Jones That Report FND-002-19 be referred to the General Government Committee meeting of May 6, 2019. Carried 18 Solicitor's Department 18.1 LGL -001-19 Assumption of Road Widenings Resolution #GG -023-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Anderson That Report LGL -001-19 be received; and That the By-law attached to Report LGL -001-19 be approved. Carried 19 Chief Administrative Office No Reports for this section of the Agenda. Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG -024-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow the meeting to be extended for an additional five minutes. Carried -12- Clarington General Government Committee Minutes January 21, 2019 20 New Business — Consideration 20.1 Region of Durham Transportation Priorities in Clarington Resolution #GG -025-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That Region of Durham staff be requested to attend the next General Government Committee meeting, or as soon as practicable, to address the issue of transportations priorities for the Municipality of Clarington under Regional jurisdiction; and That the Region of Durham be requested to defer the approval of the proposed roundabout for Highway 57 and Regional Road 3 pending the above attendance. Carried as Amended Later in the Meeting (See following motion(s)) Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG -026-19 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow the meeting to be extended for an additional ten minutes. Carried Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG -027-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow the meeting to be extended for an additional two minutes. Carried -13- Clarington General Government Committee Minutes January 21, 2019 Resolution #GG -028-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the foregoing Resolution #GG -025-19 be amended by replacing the last paragraph with the following: That the Region of Durham be requested to re -allocate the funds set aside for the proposed roundabout for Highway 57 and Regional Road 3, to other projects within the Municipality of Clarington, pending the above attendance. Carried Suspend the Rules Resolution #GG -029-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow the meeting to be extended for an additional five minutes. Carried The foregoing Resolution #GG -025-19 was then put to a vote and carried as amended on the followina recorded vote: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Interest Absent Councillor Neal X Councillor Traill X Councillor Zwart X Councillor Anderson X Councillor Hooper X Councillor Jones X Mayor Foster X -14- 21 Unfinished Business General Government Committee Minutes January 21, 2019 21,1 Memo from Faye Langmaid, Acting Director of Planning Services, Regarding Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee Representative Appointment Resolution #GG -030-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper That Tom Barrie be nominated as the Municipality of Ciarington's appointee to the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee, for a term ending December 31, 2022 or until a successor is appointed. Carried 22 Confidential Reports There were no items considered under this section of the Agenda. 23 Adjournment Resolution #GG -031-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill That the meeting adjourn at 12:50 PM. Mayor Carried -15- ,�. Deputy Clerk