HomeMy WebLinkAbout2508s. ~r • CORP~IRATIO.; OF TFIE TDiw'NSHIP. D~„ A~RLIidGTON BY-LAW NQ. a ~'Q g A ~{Y-Lrity TC ti:;J?7D BY+LAW N0. 2111, AS A+It~,NDED AND TO REPEAL BY-LA'.~~ 2501 WHE:iFsAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington duly passed Zoning By-law No. 2114 on the Fifth day of February, 1959, and s uah By-law was .approved by the Ontarlo Municipal Board on the Seventh day of July, 1959; AND t~'HEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington upon the recommendation of the Darlington Planning Board deems it advisable to amend`Bylaw Number 2111 as amended. NOW THa'-;t:FO';r pursuant to The. Planning Actt R.S.O. .1970, Chapter 349 Section 35, the 'Council of the Township of Darlington enac~s sa follows: .. That Bylaw Number 2111 as amended be, and the same is hereby amended by adding the following to Section 13s (m) PA?3T OF LOT 34, CONCESSION ibd0 () Notwithstanding any provisions of this By-law to the coatrary that part of Lot 34, Concession 2~ more ~p8rtioular3,y described in paragraph f1i) belowt shall b® u8ed for no other purpose than that of a dairy barn store Par the sale of dairy products and packaged foods.. (ti) The lands reterrsd to 1n paragraph (i) are described as followst • ALL ~~^1D SINsUL1,R that certain parcel or tract of land and .premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Darlington County of Durham Province of Ontario being composed of Part of Lot ~4t Concession 2f Township of Darlington the boundaries of said parcel are described as follows: ,,,,,,,, PRE:fiISING that the bearings as shown on deposited Plan Nor I79 (H'r;YS) govern all bearings mentioned hereafter; COMMENCING at the intersection of the North limit of Kings High•~ay Nor 2 as shown on sa,id,DepOSited Plsn No. 179 (Hwys) with the conventional East Iimit of a Travelled :road which inGerseetlon is distant 969,28 feat measured Southerly along said east limit of Travelled Road from a point in the North limit of Lot 34 distant 74.87 feet measured Pasterly therein. Pram the North West angle thereof; , "3~,~~CE North 16 degrasa 45 minutes West along said r'.ast 11mit of Travelled F.oad a distance of 141.60; T`.~r;'dCE North 73 degrees. 41 minutes EasL•a distance of, 131, 5o feet; a - -J _ ,- • YLN^r. South t6 degrees 05 minutes mast a diatanae of t5'J.64 feet to a point In the North limit of King's Highway No, 2 As shown on said Depeaited Pia No. .179; T~iyPd~G South i0 degrees 44 minutes West along said North liLSit of King's Highway Na. 2 a distance of 130.78 feet to the ;~oint of commencement. fill) The size and location of the buildings to be used for the purposes stated herein shall be as' indicated on a plan of survey made by j•SerSili D, Brows Limited and last revised February 19~ 1973, and numbered 720$4f whlah is attached hereto as Schedule "tin. 2. $y-law 2501 is hereby repealed. 3. This By-law shall Dame into effect on the day it is passed by Council subject to the a?proval of the ntario _unicipal Board. This By-law read a first and second time this~day of ~Cu-~-~ 1973. Th~f By-law read a third time and finally passed tin ~,I~ day of~cu-1973+ ,(~. ......GL. ../~':::'~......... D ~ v, Revs cLSRx r ~ L J °, a LARGE FORMAT MAP ATTACHED TO ORIGINAL