HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-10-11 MinutesNewcastle BIA MINUTES October 11, 2018 www.villageofnewcastle.ca Attendance: Valentine Lovekin, Marni Lewis, Donna Wood, Janeen Calder, Helen Vatandoust, Lina Schmal, Tracy Yates, Karen Bastas, Catherine Peterson Regrets: Greg Lewis, Leslie Ray, Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Ann Harley 1. Attendance taken. 2. Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. Chaired by Karen 3. Approval of September Minutes: Motion to accept: Janeen Calder Seconded: Helen Vatandoust 4. Business Arising from Minutes: n/a 5. Council Report - Wendy Partner n/a 6. President's Report: With the upcoming election the BIA has always held a neutral position. Wendy has done a great job. The all Candidates debate is Thursday, October 17, 2018 organized by the Chamber of Commerce and the Ratepayers. 7. Treasurer's Report: Leslie emailed her report - Bank balance at the end of September was $17,606. 1 will be contacting the executive soon to set the budget for 2019; 1 will prepare a rough draft as a starting point that we can work with. 8. Committee Reports: Safety & Decor: The wreath for Remembrance Day has been ordered. The garland will be going up on November 14th before the Town Hall Lighting and Parade. Advertising: Our likes on Facebook continue to go up, we have 1212 likes. The posts have reached 15,000 in the last 28 days. Top 3 trending posts this month were the Santa parade poster, Newcastle Home Decor Pop -Up Shop, Harvest Festival Lost Wallet post, Harvest Festival Dog Show Video. Donna will look into Facebook advertising for the Town Hall Lighting and Parade Tree Fundraiser. Special Events: a) Harvest Festival- The event went really well, considering the weather. The dog show was awesome, Some vendors dropped out last minute due to the weather, lots of great feedback, the food trucks did affect the local restaurants business that day. The committee will look into food truck that are offering different food items next year, that you can't get here in town. b) Town Hall Lighting - The Hall Board has committed to donating $1000 to the event. Gabrielle is looking into getting speakers to play music from the hall. Tim Hortons has offered coffee for the evening. The choir "Allanah Coles" will be singing. Trying to get the Carol booklets to hand out that evening. Wagon rides will be available. The lights quote came back with a new price of $4566.33 this includes lights across the eve -strophe. The committee is hoping to raise $650 in donations to help cover the costs. Janeen motioned to approve the amended contract price with Christmas Decor by Skedaddle to add the eve -strophe lights. Seconded by Karen, passed. c) Breakfast with Santa- November 24th going ahead. They have figured out the photo backdrop. Everything is all set. d) Santa Parade - A sponsor letter was sent to all BIA members and the tree fundraiser will be sent out. Trees will be on display from November 16 - December 16. They are 7' LED pre -lite trees, that will be raffled off at the Diane Hamre Recreation Centre. Please confirm by October 28th if you would like to purchase a tree for $350 and decorate with your team/office/staff. e) No Frills' BBQ supporting the Bowmanville Hospital Foundation is October 20, 2018 from 10-4pm. Stop by and support 9. CBOT: n/a 10. Chamber News: Candidates debate October 11, 2018 11. CIP: n/a 12. New Business: A full report from the Newcastle of the World Conference held this month in Japan will be posted to social media in the near future. The sidewalk patio pilot report will be coming out soon. The Municipality is looking for your opinions on it. Should this continue? Did you like it? Email your thoughts to Faye Langmaid at flangdmaid@clarington.net 13. Next meeting, Thursday November 8, 2018 @ 9:OOam 14. Motion to adjourn meeting by Helen Vatandoust, seconded by Tracey Yates