HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-09-18 Minutes NEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD September 18, 2018 Council Chambers 7:00 pm Present Were: Kevin Symak Cathy Abraham Dave Eastman Sierd DeJong Councilor Woo Councilor Partner Regrets From: Peter Hazelton Also Present: Gabrielle Bell, secretary Rob Groen, Operations Department was present to discuss protocol for fire alarm. Key to building is in box outside of front doors. Board member is to turn alarm system off when instructed to do so by fire department representative. 1. MINUTES Motion by W. Woo, seconded by W. Partner That the minutes of June 2018 are accepted as presented. "Carried" 2. BUSINESS ARISING a) Piano Sale-tabled b) Spigot for fountain still being investigated. Board members will monitor fountain on weekends to turn off if it is windy so that it does not run dry. c) Town Hall Christmas Lighting of building for November 16th spearheaded by Newcastle BIA. G. Bell is on the committee as well. Front of building along eavestrough, 22 windows and bushes on either side of front doors will be lit with white lights. BIA has hired a company to install, maintain and remove. Board requests that lights be removed by January 7th 2019. Cost will be $4600.00. Road will be closed Baldwin to Mill from 5 pm to 8 pm, businesses will be open offering things for the kids and free horse wagon rides. Motion by C.Abraham seconded by D. Eastman That the Newcastle Village Community Hall board will contribute$1000.00 towards the cost of light installation and cover the cost of electricity. "Carried" 3. FINANCIAL REPORT Motion by W. Woo, seconded by S. DeJong That the financial report is accepted as presented. "Carried" 4. INVOICES Motion by W. Woo, seconded by W. Partner That the following invoices are paid as presented: Derek DeJong $460.00 Dave Eastman $37.22 Kevin Symak $150.00 Steve Fogg $596.00 Gabrielle Bell $75.00 Derek DeJong $250.00 on Sept 29 2018 "Carried" 5. CORRESPONDENCE a) Check received from Municipality from Heritage Garden Account—this account is now closed. b) Board agreed to move forward with changing of the exterior door locks. G.Bell and D. Eastman will meet week of Oct 29th to compile list of keys for each group. Motion by D Eastman, seconded by W Woo That budget for keys will be increased to$2000.00 c) Chamber of Commerce and Ratepayers group asked for donation of hall for forum of the 6 candidates running for council. Board agreed normal fees would apply. d) CBOT news letter received for information. e) Enovations Design submitted proposal for update of our website. Received for information. f) Board chair received email from Peter Hazelton resigning from the board as he has moved to Bowmanville. g) Concert in Park Committee consists of Lloyd Johnson, Lorraine Forget and Fred Chambers 6. FUNDRAISING N/A 7. RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT Received for information—copy to be sent to Operations. 8. NEW BUSINESS a) Paving of parking lot is scheduled for Spring of 2019, retaining wall will be done Fall of 2018. b) Secretary advised of request to set up tents in parkette for wedding. Board agreed this is not something they would like to consider at this time. c) Custodian has requested we add 2 more carpets to order with Royal Rugs for the Main Hall. Board agreed. d) Renter has requested pick up of Harvest Tables day after their event. Board discussed and agreed as per contract they must be picked up at end of event. e) Board agreed to issue keys to front door to regular renter Autism Base Durham for the duration of their contract. f) Speakers for the clock tower to be reinstalled. Request to be sent to Operations. W Partner at 9:00 pm Chair Secretary