HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-12-13 MinutesAgricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Thursday, December 13, 2018 Members Present: Don Rickard Tom Barrie Ted Watson Brenda Metcalf Richard Rekker John Cartwright Henry Zekveld Les Caswell Eric Bowman Jennifer Knox, Regrets: Ben Eastman, former Councillor Wendy Partner Guests: Heather Brooks, Angela Porteous, CLOCA Staff: Amy Burke, Faye Langmaid, Brenda welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions. Adoption of Agenda 018-24 Moved by Eric Bowman, seconded by Don Rickard "That the Agenda for December 13, 2018 be adopted" Carried Approval of Minutes 018-25 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Don Rickard "That the minutes of the November 8, 2018 meeting be approved" Carried Presentation Angela Porteous and Heather Brooks provided an overview on the Watershed Plan Update they are carrying out. The Conservation Authority has initiated a 5 year review of the 4 major watershed plans under their jurisdiction. Some significant changes are occurring within the watersheds, growth, new infrastructure and climate change. Updating the watershed plans to respond to the changing conditions is necessary. This review will be a scoped exercise using the most recent data collected through CLOCA's integrated watershed monitoring program to "refresh" the models, mapping, data and analysis. It is anticipated that this review will be completed in 2020. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington December 13, 2018 The mapping, targets and discussion on the current watershed plans can be reviewed at http://camaps.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Cascade/index.html?appid=e7d4802a58a7476abd 83fcaa006e2b4a The item that generated the most discussion where the differing opinions on the targets for natural cover at 46% for the Bowmanville/ Soper Creek Watershed compared with the other watersheds at 30%. The agricultural community feel that this target will impinge on their land holdings in the longer term. What they are looking for from the CA is a discussion on how to achieve the 46% by not converting arable or crop bearing land into woodlot. The perspective is that if farmland continues to be squeezed by all the other targets and priorities that eventually no land for farming will be left. Heather noted that the 46% natural cover target was determined with the development of the original watershed plans and was mindful of the need for agricultural lands and other land uses to remain and be balanced with the need for natural spaces to maintain a healthy watershed. Angela and Heather took this as good feedback and were invited to come back to the group at a later date. Heather also took the opportunity to discuss the Natural Environment Climate Change Collaborative (NECCC) that has been established as a direct result of actions identified in the Durham Region Climate Change Adaptation Plan. Don and Eric are both on the agricultural task force that is discussing climate change as well. The questions that Heather left with the group for follow up through email are 1) what programs would be helpful to the agricultural community to implement adaptation? and 2) mitigation and what gaps in knowledge could NECCC assist with? In response Heather was reminded of the long standing complaint from the AACC about the lack of stewardship/ funding programs from CLOCA unlike GRCA. The stewardship/ funding programs are often what farmers used to implement their Environmental Farm Plan and should be reinstated by CLOCA. The programs by Ontario Soil and Crop on Grassland Stewardship and Species at Risk are seen as examples of an appropriate approach. Also a change by the Provincial government to provide funding for farmers on Lake Ontario to match what happens in south western Ontario and farms that drain into Lake Simcoe, Huron, Erie. It is not fair that the Great Lakes Farm funding does not include Lake Ontario. Business Arising Nuclear Warning System Test - the comments provided by members of the committee at the last meeting were passed along to OPG and the Durham Emergency Measure Office. They thanked the members for this input and will use it in updating their procedures. Zone Clarington has open houses planned for late January and early February. If you have comments in advance of then please let Amy know. There have already been some feedback on mapping error which has been very useful for us. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington December 13, 2018 Tuesday, January 29, 2019 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, January 30, 2019 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 5, 2019 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, February 6, 2019 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tyrone Community Centre 2716 Concession Road 7, Tyrone Kendal Community Centre 6742 Newtonville Road, Kendal Solina Community Hall 1964 Concession Road 6, Solina Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex 2440 Highway 2, Bowmanville THEE Farmer's Parade of Lights — Was even bigger and better this year. Next year is the 20th anniversary. This parade has the highest attendance of any of the parades in Durham Region. Having shifted it onto the Regional Road has really improved the safety for the attendees, participants and provided additional parking areas. Council and Committee Reports Council Items: Referral of the Resolution from Township of Selwyn regarding Provincial Agricultural Systems Mapping. Committee members felt that the resolution did not provide adequate information to know what the actual issue is and that it also is rather politically motivated. 018-25 Moved by Jenni Knox, seconded by Eric Bowman "That Council be informed that the Agricultural Advisory Committee received the resolution and did not recommend any additional action or endorsement be taken." Carried Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee: DAAC has advertised for new appointments. Eric was the cross-over member, he is not reapplying. It is preferred to have an AACC member as a member of DAAC to provide linkage between the committees. The DAAC Tour will be September 12th Durham Region Federation of Agriculture: (Durham Farm Connections) Richard provide the DRFA report to all by e-mail in advance of the meeting. Discussion on the requirement for rabies shots for animals that may come into contact with public (otherwise a double barrier is required). Jenni informed the group that they had all of their animal inoculated prior to the pumpkin season, the shots are good for 2 years. The Farm Connections committee is trying to determine what is necessary for Agricultural Farms and whether rabies is really a threat in southern Ontario. Clarington Board of Trade: The Real Dirt on Agriculture video can be accessed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJ9iR Ugazg. The video will be used to help Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington December 13, 2018 educate within the community. It is hoped that it will have an impact on driver's behavior. A note reminding members of CBOT about caution near farm vehicles would be appreciated. New Business Port of Oshawa — concern of lack of political support and road paving. Meeting Schedule for 2019 was circulated. Meeting in late August and no meeting in September.as in past years because of Orono Fair. Appointments to AACC — looking for 4-6 members to be appointed at the January 14 Council meeting. Committee members are wondering who the Council representative will be because of the lack of members of Council with farming knowledge. Vomitoxin in Corn - A number of farmers in the area have had their corn tested for vomitoxin and some loads of corn have been rejected. Results have been varied. Future Agendas Health Canada representative to discuss the concerns heard at the July 12, 2018 AACC meeting regarding the Pest Management Regulatory Agency's re-evaluation of EBDC as it relates to fruit and vegetables. Clarington Planning to share details of the agricultural sector evaluation completed as part of the Clarington Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Update (to be completed in September 2018). John is working on invitation to the Premier. Faye has been in contact with Tracey Weightman, DRPS about a tour/meeting at the detachment in Maple Grove. Invite to Lisa Mackenzie about the Region of Durham Local Food Business Retention & Expansion Project. John Cartwright moved to Adjourn. Next Meeting: Thursday, January 10, 2019 @ 7:30 pm Lisa Mackenzie about the Region of Durham Local Food Business Retention & Expansion Project Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington December 13, 2018