HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-11-20 MinutesCLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting November 20, 2018 Members Present: Todd Taylor, Katharine Warren, Tracey Ali, Victor Suppan, Peter Vogel, Mark Stanisz, Councillor Hooper Regrets: Steve Conway, Robert Malone Staff: David Addington, Planning Services Declaration of Pecuniary Interest None declared. Adoption of Agenda 18.34 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by P. Vogel That the agenda for November 20, 2018 be adopted as amended. "CARRIED" Adoption of Minutes 18.35 Moved by T. Ali, seconded by K. Warren That the minutes of the Meeting of October 16, 2018 be accepted. "CARRIED" Delegation and Presentations Business Arising Wilmot Heritage Park update: xT. Ali and S. Conway have forwarded ideas informing the park design to the Committee; ideas are for a natural park/play structures (example from the Village of Batawa) and for the creation of play structures along the trail. A/. Suppan, B. Malone and M. Van Dyke met with Andy Allison to discuss securing adjacent valley lands from the Ministry of Natural Resources and for assistance with contacting indigenous groups to determine interest in collaborating in the park design. A/. Suppan has contacted Bert Duclos from MTCS for a contact list of indigenous leaders. 1 1 P a g e Bowmanville East Secondary Plan review xThe public information centre for the Bowmanville East Secondary Plan review will take place on November 22, 6-8pm, 105 Queen St. xThe updated Secondary Plan intends on strengthening the heritage policies in the historic downtown area while providing guidance for intensification. xThe Committee engaged in a discussion about the potential benefit of pursuing a heritage conservation district (HCD) in the historic downtown. It was noted that an HCD can be an effective tool in guiding new development in an historic area while protecting its built heritage. Secondary plan policies are another tool that can guide new development to be compatible with heritage character, this been successful in guiding new developments in downtown Newcastle, although an HCD can provide a further level of protection of its heritage resources. It was noted that HCD's typically require support from the area landowners and that there had been a lack of interest for an HCD among the landowners in the past. xThe members of the Committee are interested in going for a tour of the former Goodyear plant. D. Addington will look into arranging a visit. Orono Clock Tower xD. Addington confirmed that the clock tower is included in the designation by-law for Orono Town Hall (5315 Main St). The clock has not been functioning for some time and it should be properly maintained to comply with the property standards by-law related to designated heritage buildings. The Committee would like to make Council aware of this as the building is owned by the Municipality. 18.36 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by P. Vogel That the Clarington Heritage Committee advise Council that the clock tower at Orono Town Hall is a heritage attribute of a designated building and requires repair to ensure that the building is in compliance with the property standards by-law. GET -- Reports from Other Committees Bowmanville and Newcastle CIP xThe Bowmanville group met on October 17; the Newcastle group met on October 18. xThe groups discussed the results of the outdoor patio projects at Kitchen 36 (Bowmanville) and the Snug (Newcastle) which was funded in part from the CIP. Surveys from customers and the business owners have indicated that the project has been very well received. Members of the CIP liaison groups felt the project was very successful. A report will go to Council in January outlining the results of the project. xCIP brochures have been distributed to members, the BIA and directly to businesses by staff. F. Langmaid and D. Addington attended a meeting with CBOT to educate commercial real estate agents about the CIP grants. There has been very good response to grants in both Bowmanville and Newcastle this year. xThe groups received an update on the Public Art project that is underway for the 4 urban centres in Clarington. 21 Page Bowmanville CIP group: xThe construction of the parklet at 20 King St is complete and a new bus shelter is now in place. Rubberized mulch is to be poured for all the trees on the block which will eliminate woodchips and keep the street cleaner. xThe group was briefed on the progress of the Bowmanville East Secondary Plan review which has had its first public meeting. xNew members have been appointed to the liaison group. Newcastle CIP group: xThe Building department has required the former Buster's building to have its openings be closed and heated over the winter. There is an issue with access to the basement from the sidewalk so Engineering has asked the sidewalk to be temporarily closed. xMyno Van Dyke updated the group on work to establish a heritage park adjacent to the Belmont House. Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch - The ACO hasn't met since last heritage meeting. T. Ali reported that the Doors Open subcommittee has met and are discussing plans for 2019. Newcastle Village & District Historical Society - No report from NVDHS. Museum: xThe Museum's new children's exhibit with a rural theme is almost entirely set up — the mill and general store are in place and they are just awaiting for the mill wheel. xEdwardian Christmas will take place on December 7th right after the tree lighting. xA wreath and ornament making workshop is scheduled for the end of November and beginning of December. Correspondence and Council Referrals xThe Belmont house amended by-law appeal period has expired on October 30th, no appeals were received. The By-law will be on Council's agenda in December for approval. Project Reports — No reports for this meeting New Business Heritage Committee budget — initiatives for 2019: xThe Committee discussed potential projects for 2019 and spoke to whether members were satisfied that the Committee had met their expectations over their term. It was agreed that the creation of the two Register and Outreach subcommittees had been very positive and that they allowed people to focus attention on projects they were interested in. Potential initiatives for the next Committee beginning in 2019 included: o An education component regarding the Register for real estate agents and an outreach component to identify people who might want to have their homes on register or designated; potential partnerships with other historical groups and 31 Page organizations like the ACO to bring in speakers can assist with educational component. o Education on how to distinguish architectural styles would be helpful in completing property evaluations. This might consist of guest speakers or a member(s) of the Committee presenting information with a handout. o It was noted that the Committee as a whole should go and visit sites more often to look at items of architectural significance and discuss why it is should or should not be recognized; past Committees had checklist forms that members could take when visiting homes to easily mark items of heritage significance; visiting selections of homes to identify architectural examples of what they want to focus on preserving. o A formal procedure should be developed guiding the process for identifying which homes are candidates for designation. This would include sending a letter to affected homeowners to include them fully in the process and to determine if the Committee members could tour the property with the homeowner. o The Committee might want to look into doing a Christmas heritage tour similar to one that used to be done in Tyrone; this will follow a similar format to Doors Open; partnerships might be possible. o The Committee may look into creating a book, possibly rejuvenating the barn book idea; this could be done in partnership with the Museum as they have resources to help with book layout and design. o V. Suppan has been working on the Lost Hamlets project and asked for a volunteer to help with taking photographs over the first half of 2019; K. Warren volunteered. Terms of Reference: xT. Ali noted that the Terms of Reference does not have a specific reference for a representative from the ACO to sit on the Committee as the ACO Clarington branch was formed after the CHC Terms of Reference were created. The Committee agreed to suggest amending the Terms of Reference to invite an ACO member to join the Committee. 18.37 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by M. Stanisz That the Clarington Heritage Committee recommends amending the Terms of Reference for the Committee to extend an invitation to the ACO to have a representative on the Committee. "CARRIED" Community Heritage Ontario (CHO) Membership — the Committee made the following motion relating to its membership for the 2019 year: 18.38 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by T. Taylor 41 Page That the Clarington Heritage Committee renew their Community Heritage Ontario (CHO) membership for 2019 in the amount of $75. "CARRIED" Update on Calendar project — K. Warren reported that the calendar remains on sale at the Museum and expects the highest sales to occur in December when the events take place. K. Warren provided that precise sales figures would be reported to the Committee in January by her or Museum staff. Committee Member Applications and Announcements — applications for Committee members for the next term of Council are due to the Clerk department by December 7th xT. Ali stated that she would most likely not be re -applying due to other commitments, she has enjoyed her experience on the Committee and was thanked for her contribution. A/. Suppan noted that he will re -apply but will not seek to be the Committee chair. A/. Suppan stated that Bert Duclos (MTCS) normally conducts orientation sessions for new Committee members and that this would be a good resource if it is planned for next year. xD. Addington stated that he will no longer be the staff liaison to the Committee next year as he has moved into a new role with the Municipality. xCouncillor Hooper, on behalf of the Mayor and Council, thanked the Committee for their continued dedication and hard work in advancing heritage preservation in Clarington. December 2018 meeting — the Committee chose not to hold a meeting in December. They will meet on January 15th for their last meeting before the new Committee is formed. 18.39 Moved by T. Taylor, seconded by R. Hooper That the Clarington Heritage Committee chose not to meet in December 2018. "CARRIED" Next meeting: January 15, 2019, 7:00 p.m., Clarington Municipal Offices, Room 1C 51 Page