HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-10-10 MinutesDuring M EETI NG OFTHE BOARD: October 10, 2018 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance St, Bowmanville, Ontario Present: M. Morawetz S. Elhajjeh S. Bobka S. Cooke H. Raj Regrets: H. Ridge (ED) W. Woo 1. Call to Order: C'lariiigiRm museumti S. Middleton K. Warren (Interim Executive Director) S. Cooke called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: H. Raj THAT: the agenda be approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED 3. Approval of Minutes: Moved by: S. Bobka Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: the minutes be approved as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 4. Business Arising from Minutes: None. 5. Disclosure of Interests: None. 6. Correspondence: None received. 7. Announcements: M. Morawetz announced that Eldad United Church, west of Solina, is holding their annual Beef Diner on Sunday, Nov 4 at 6 pm. And on Saturday Oct 27' Durham East 4-H members are holding a family friendly "Fun"raising & Pasta Party dinner & activity night at Maple Grove United Church hall. M. Morawetz has tickets for both. S. Elhajjeh noted the Legion is holding an Octoberfest on Oct 1 It'. 8. Reports: a) Finance: See Appendix A As H. Ridge, Executive Director, will be returning before the next Board meeting, K. Warren, Interim Executive Director, pointed out some transition information regarding banking and PCard use. Moved by: H. Raj Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: the Finance Report of October 2018 be received, and THAT: returning Executive Director, H. Ridge, be added as a signing authority on the bank account, and THAT: H. Ridge be issued a municipal PCard. MOTION CARRIED b) Membership (& Fundraising): See Appendix B Attendance & membership numbers continue to grow. Fundraising work should be planned if new initiatives like creating a child friendly "inside out" piano experience or sandbox/archaeological dig display are undertaken. Discussion followed. Moved by: S. Elhajjeh Seconded by: S. Middleton THAT: the Membership & Fundraising report of October 2018 be received. MOTION CARRIED c) Property: See Appendix C No further quotes came in on fall tree &branch pruning. Municipal staff had done some trimming and provided an additional list of recommended items for the company hired. The children's exhibit area carpet is to be installed Oct 26 or 27' and so work will start to progress on the space after that. Moved by: S. Bobka Seconded by: H. Raj THAT: the Property report of October 2018 be received. MOTION CARRIED d) Curatorial: See Appendix D "Wild Ontario" exhibit is installed and officially opens Oct 11 running until May 2019. During Applefest on Oct 13' children will be able to attend several presentations with live animals and treats of Boston Pizza. Quotes on rolling storage have been attained to prepare for the MAP grant application due November 1 st. This work will improve collection management. Co-op students from Bowmanville High School are helping out this semester. Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: the Curator report of October 2018 be received, and THAT: the 9 items highlighted on the Piano and Organ excel document that was circulated by email previously and discussed tonight, are approved to be deaccessioned. MOTION CARRIED e) Programming: See Appendix E A number of events and funded outreach projects & commitments are ongoing. The partnership with Newcastle Village & District Historic Society proved helpful again this year with shared space at Orono Fair, reducing staffing expenses. Several workshops have taken place with reasonable attendance, including one at Clarke Schoolhouse. Hosted events calendar is busy this fall. Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: S. Bobka THAT: the Program Coordinator Report of October 2018 be received. MOTION CARRIED. f) Executive Director Report: See Appendix F Cenotaph unveiling event has been postponed a week to accommodate invited veterans and politicians who were busy due to other Rememberance Day ceremonies. CMOG has been approved for the same amount as for 2018/19. Budget for next fiscal year is due to the municipality by Nov 15tH Moved by: S. Bobka Seconded by: H. Raj THAT: the Executive Directors Report of October 2018 be received. MOTION CARRIED. Moved by: H. Raj Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: interim Executive Director, Katharine Warren, be thanked for her excellent work during H. Ridge's leave. MOTION CARRIED. 9. New Business: None. 10. In Camera Moved by: H. Raj Seconded by: S. Bobka That: at 7:30 pm in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing the following matter that deals with d) labour relations or employee negotiations. MOTION CARRIED Updates on CUPE negotiations were reported. Moved by: H. Raj Seconded by: S. Bobka That: at 7:43 pm the meeting move out of camera, returning to Open Session. MOTION CARRIED For the purpose of the public record one motion to council was made as follows; Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: S. Bobka That: the Board recommends that the collective agreement be approved by Council. MOTION CARRIED 11. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting: The next meeting will be held November 14, 2018 at 7 p.m Location: Library at Town Hall Meeting Room 1 C 12. Adjournment: Moved by: S. ElhaJeh Seconded by: S. Middleton THAT: the meeting be adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives October 2018 Finance Report Overview 1.1 Ancestry account has been created and paid for 12 months in advance as approved last meeting 1.2 The Canada Cultural Spaces fund $30,000 has been deposited into our account, as is reflected in the finance figures 1.3 We have yet to receive the $2900 from Veterans Affairs but should be forthcoming 1.4 We have purchased several rolling racks for coats to be hung on during school programming as it would present a fire hazard to have it in our foyer, children will hang coats and the racks will be removed to lower level until program is done. 1.5 1 have signed the contract for Birk's landscaping for snow removal as approved by board at last meeting 1.6 Final paperwork for the summer students was submitted before last meeting but some clarification emails were sent to me and have been answered and the final payments should be forthcoming. 1.7 As this is my last week, I will be handing in my PCard to the municipality on Friday for that to be shut down, and I will need to be removed from bank account signing authority. 1.8 Heather Ridge will need a PCard issued to her as well as signing authority for cheques on the bank account Recommendations: 1. That Finance Report of October 2018 be received: 2. Motion to have Heather Ridge added as a signing authority on the bank account. 3. Motion to have Heather Ridge be issues a municipal P Card Appendix A) October 2018 Membership and Fundraising Report Overview 1.1 Attendance for year is 1.2 Membership for year is 1.3 Fundraising efforts should be looked at for creating a child friendly "inside out" piano piece as well as a possible sandbox/archaeological dig display (could be outdoors or perhaps a table on wheels that could be outside but rolled in at end of day and during winter (to be stored in lower level near stairs to still be used) This could allow us to have deaccessioned items that are broken or damaged and have on display for hands on educational purposes. Recommendations: 1. That Membership Report of October 2018 be received: Appendix B) October 2018 Property Report Overview 1.1 Quotes were asked for the tree from 2 other companies, Mr Trim and Bourne to Climb Tree services after last board meeting as of this board meeting I have had no response of a quote from either. 1.2 The children's exhibit area will start going in right after carpet in the last week of October 1.3 Home Depot Team came to clean up front of Sarah Jane and planted some mums, I had to buy a few more to fill out he garden bed, this coming week they should be coming to paint arbors and do side walkway. 1.4 Washrooms still have no install date, they have to get approval from Enabling Accessibility grant to change the scope of the project slightly, they are looking to only do one fully AODA compliant unisex washroom in between the women's and men's, as well as minor upgrades to existing washroom to make more accessible in general. 1.5 We have painted the countertop in front of the gift shop as the vinyl was in disrepair and a new counter is not likely to be budgeted for from building services until next year and we wanted it to look presentable for the 5000+ students coming this school year. Recommendations: 1. That Property Report of October 2018 be received: Appendix C) Curator Report 1.0 Exhibits 1.1 Wild Ontario exhibit is installed and officially opens on Oct 1111. It runs until May 2019. 1.2 Phase 1 of ClaringTown is set to be installed October 31s' _ November 3rd 1.3 The research area has been pared down and moved to the back area with the Clarington on the Homefront exhibit. 2.0 Collections Management 2.1 1 recommend that we send all items that have been deaccessioned to auction with Stapleton auction in January 2019. 2.2 Received a quote of $35,950 +HST for rolling storage for the phase 1 of collection reorganization (see attached). The MAP grant is due November 1s'. The proposed project will be to complete phase 1 of the re-org and get the archives area set up in the collection space. 2.3 Volunteers have finished entering accession book 1 into an excel spreadsheet. Over 8,000 items in total. Accession book 2 is almost complete. Recommendations: 1. That the 9 items highlighted on the Piano and Organ excel documented (see attached) that was circulated by email are approved to be deaccessioned. 2. That the Curator Report of October 2018 be received. APPENDIX D) Program Coordinator (October 10 2018) Report 1 Outreach Programming 1.1 We were at the Orono Fair from Thursday to Sunday at the beginning of September. This year we chose to just provide a table of information about events along with poster boards on the history of the fair and a series of our #NOWandTHENSday social media stories. This was a change from the artifact -heavy exhibits done previously which are a great strain on staff time and resources as it means we need to staff the fair throughout its entirety. Instead, we shared the space with the Newcastle Village District Historical Society as always and only staffed the booth ourselves on the Friday when the school children come. For the kids, we had a craft and wooden toys they could play with. 1.2 On October 4t" I gave the first of a series of three talks to the Oshawa Senior Citizens Centre at their John Street Branch. This is our first time presenting there and it was a great success with 16 people participating in a talk and hands-on workshop about the invention of writing. We also got a great write-up in their newsletter which will hopefully increase attendance at the next two parts of the series. The OSCC is paying us to present this series of talks. 2 In -House Events 2.1 Embroidery Workshop — On September 22 we hosted a workshop for participants to make a piece of embroidered jewelry. This was very well received with 7 participants, many of whom asked when we would hold another one. It was run by our summer intern Emily who has stayed with us as an interpreter and would willingly run another workshop in the winter or spring. 2.2 Hands -On Heritage at Clarke Schoolhouse — We once again held this day at Clarke this year during Culture Days. We had better press coverage with a nice photo in the Orono Times in advance and a good image in Clarington This Week of one of our visitors. This managed to increase our visitation by 50%. 2.3 Harvest Table Feast — This was our first attempt at a dinner event at Waverley Place following our successful Edwardian Tea ventures this summer. We charged $45.00 per ticket but didn't have a great deal of time to market the event. In the end, we had 6 people attend a dinner of stuffed quail, seasonal vegetables, Duchess potatoes, apple crumble and sparkling cider held in the parlour which looked beautiful. 3 Hosted Events 3.1 As part of the Life Through the Lens exhibit up at the Sarah Jane Williams Centre we are hosting a series of talks on the history of photography. The first was on October 13th and they will continue one per month through to December. 3.2 The Municipality again hosted their Clarington Blooms celebrations at the Sarah Jane Williams Centre with the handing out of certificates, a bouquet making activity, and a flower arranging contest between Mayor and Council members. 3.3 The Durham branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society hosted a talk on the use of the Family Tree Maker Program for creating family trees to a crowd of over 40 people at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre on September 26th 4 Upcoming Events 4.1 Wild Ontario Exhibit opening — Thursday October 11th, 5:00-8:00 Live animals from Soper Creek Wildlife Rescue will be on site at the Heritage Centre with refreshments and free pizza provided by Boston Pizza. 4.2 Applefest — Saturday, October 13th, 9:00-4:00 Soper Creek will again be providing entertainment to promote the new exhibit with live animals at our Applefest booth, a `poop detective' table in front of the Sarah Jane and animal shows inside at 10:00, 12:00, and 2:00. 4.3 Myno van Dyke lecture on "The Wilmot" — Saturday, October 20th, 1:00 4.4 Spirit Walks — October 16 -30th, 7:00, tickets must be pre -purchased in advance 4.5 Halloween Hijinks — Saturday, October 27th, 1:00-3:00 Crafts, games, costumes and treats for young and old at this fun, free Halloween event. 4.6 `The Mixing Bowl': War Recipes from the Homefront — Saturday, November 3rd, 1:00 Learn about food rationing during the war, taste some 1940s ration recipes and bake your own oat cookies. Recommendations: 1. That the Program Coordinator Report of October 2018 be received. Appendix E) October 2018 ED Report Overview 1.1 Soper Creek exhibit is in and official launch day is this Thursday night 5-8pm 1.2 Cenotaph unveiling event has been postponed a week as most veterans and politicians are unavailable due to previous engagements and we would like to have all present for ceremony. We will likely have a "soft open" of the cenotaph the weekend of Remembrance day for people to see. 1.3 CMOG has been approved for same amount $25,161 for the 2018/19 fiscal year. 1.4 Budget is due into municipality November 15, the day after the nest board meeting, so I am submitting two draft versions to you based on "no increase to service levels" as requested by municipality and the other is our "stretch goal" if we can get MAP grant Jen is now applying for plus some increases to service levels that we would like to see. I am providing these to the board tonight to review and give feedback to Heather over the next month. Recommendations: 1. That ED Report of October 2018 be received Appendix F)