HomeMy WebLinkAboutC06.Clarington Museums and Archives Board Meeting Minutes--=EDe:q) <t) -E cElo6o<D-==<.) 4 -E e<!t oE o)O - o 0) f .E c) 0) F- E Eoo =ocloo @oo C 0 6 61 G L \ /nr /? /l-lJ c> .. (.......- - BOARD MEETING December l4r2016 Clarington Town Hall 40 Temperance Street, Room 1A, Bowmanville, Ontario Present: W. Woo S. Cooke H. Ridge (Curator/Interim ED) K. Warren S. Middleton M. Morawetz Absent: S. Elhajjeh 1. Call to Order: S. Cooke called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. and welcomed everyone. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the agenda be accepted as presented. MOTION CARRIED 3. Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed. 4. Correspondence: None received. Clarington M ttscttrtrs 5. Announcements: Nothing brought forward. 6. Approval of Minutes: Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: S. Middleton THAT: the Board minutes be approved noting two corrections: Under the Executive Directors report, the Werry family donation was $ 1200 rather than $5000, and the boilers were replaced at the Bowmanville Museum site rather than the Sarah Jane Williams site. MOTION CARRIBD 7. Business Arising from Minutes: Outstanding Beech St. Theatre Invoice - K. Warren reported that the invoice of approximately S1400 was reviewed looking at costs for running the fall Spirit Walks. Traditionally this program is profitable for the museum and although some money was made again this year, the profits were considerably less with the increased expense of actors from Beech St. Theatre. Most of the time and effort in promotion, organization and set up were the responsibility of the museum staff although 70o/o of the ticket price in the end would be paid to the theatre company. No email or document regarding the agreed upon pricing could be found although the former Executive Director at the time agreed to employ three actors for the events according to the director of the theatre company. Clearly verbal agreements cannot be substantiated and therefore in a situation like this must be honoured as presented. Beech St. Theatre did not express any animosity in having to sort the invoice out with the Board and appreciated being paid out in full as anticipated. W. Woo thanked K. Warren for her work to follow up and substantiate the invoice providing due diligence in clearing this outstanding invoice. 8.Interim Executive Director's Report: . Young Canada Works (summer students) application is due Jan. 16,2017. H. Ridge will submit for 4 students as has been the practice now for a number of years. In2016, the museum was awarded2 students. H. Ridge reported that follow up paperwork as required by the grant award was not submitted. It is required within 30 days of the conclusion of the grant. She was recently notified that it was late, so will respond immediately to meet that requirement. The final payment to can then be made to the museum. o Veterans Affairs Canada grant of $5000 was awarded for the War Exhibit with date lines July 2,2016 to July 2,2017. The exhibit which was installed temporarily must be made perrnanent and also be updated to be bilingual to meet grant requirements. Panels will need to be reprinted to complete it. o OPG grant for 2016 was specific to programs/events to run June 2016-June 2017 with the focus on outreach programs and events. o Attendance numbers have been determined with improved processes in an effort to have more realistic numbers. Calls, visitors, researchers, program attendees, volunteers are all counted at each of the three sites at reception. November total was 405 and December thus far was 200 includins the Edwardian Christmas Open House. o Werry family donation for display case was confirmed and documented with purchase done in Nov. 2015,.delivery in Feb. 2016 and use throughout the year. H. Ridge will organize a name plate to recognize the donation and notiff the family. o A letter indicating our interest in Helen Schmid's collection has been sent. o Reference books in the collection and on site have been sorted; some will be donated, others kept in the collection and others offered for sale at a book sale in Jan2017. The objective is to ensure the collection remains relevant. o Data entry of Accessioned reference books has been the project of the archive volunteers. The objective was to make the collection searchable making it more efficient for museum staff to find requests. So far volunteers have reviewed 1014 books. o Program Report was provided by J. Steen, Program Coordinator, with a summary of programs for Nov/Dec 2016 including one program at Clarke, the Edwardian Christmas, Remembrance Day, House tours, and outreach. Donations to support programs by Rekker's Garden Centre & Algoma Orchards have been acknowledged with letters of thanks, as well as Tyrone Mills for greenery and all volunteers who took part. o Planning for 2017 will include budget, staffing, calendar of events which will reflect the realities of budget and staffing, with a focus on who we are and what we do best with a pause of curatorial and exhibit work. o Payments for outstanding20l6 advertising will be paid once verified. Accounts will be reassessed and renewals only made that fit the target markets appropriately in the new year. Focus will be on paid advertising, social media and signage for 2017 Marketing & Promotion plans. Moved bv: W. Woo Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Executive Director's report be received as presented. MOTION CARRIED 9. Committee Reports: a) Finance - Discussed recommendations from bookkeeper and municipal finance department to reduce unnecessary late fee expenses. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: S. Middleton THAT: autopay processes be put in place for the museum utility bills. MOTION CARRIED S. Cooke reported that K. Warren is now set up with signing authority on the accounts. The museum VISA card has been cancelled for now at the request of the bank. H. Ridge distributed the Financial Report for both Oct. and Nov. along with the proposed budget for 2017. Discussion followed. The 2017 budget was determined using actuals from previous years, downsizing of some line items where changes are possible, changes in staffing. Plans for Marketing & Promotion as well will need to reflect the new realities of the museum once staff negotiations are complete. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Middleton THAT: the 2017 budget as proposed be accepted. MOTION CARRIED b) Collections - No formal report was received but discussions followed that arose from the Executive Director's report regarding Reference books and collection volunteers. It was noted that a number of volunteers have returned to assist with the audit and other processes in Collections recently. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded bv: S. Middleton THAT: the deassession plan as presented for Reference books be accepted. MOTION CARRIED H. Ridge stated an objective for 2017 would be the development of a revised and relevant mandate for Collections. c) Membership - No formal report was submitted although it was noted that a priority in 2017 would be to start producing and sending out a regular newsletter again. A number of former and present members had expressed an interest in that stating that they missed the hardcopy edition preferring it to social media updates presently available. Special thanks was expressed to John Witheridge who volunteered again this year as Father Christmas for the Edwardian Christmas Open House. d) Property - H. Ridge reported that the municipality will be installing more exterior lighting for safety in response to staff concerns when exiting the building after dark using the back door at Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre. In the spring of 2017 , the committee and municipality will review conditions and needs at the Clarke site shed. e) Heritage - K. Warren stated the committee meets next week so she will have a full report at our next meeting (there had been no meetings since our November board meeting so nothing further to report). 10. New Business: No items brouqht forward. 11. In Camera: No items for this meetinq. 12. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting The next meeting will be held Wed. January ll, 2017 at 7 p.m. Location: Town Hall, Room lA if available 13. Adjournment: S. Middleton moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:47 p.m. Minutes for the meetins of the Clarineton Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives /- AA ic-L\_, elv BOARD MEETING November 912016 Clarington Town Hall 40 Temperance Street, Room 1A, Bowmanville, Ontario Present: W. Woo S. Cooke H. Ridge (Curator/Interim ED) K. Warren S. Middleton M. Morawetz S. Elhajjeh t. Call to Order: S. Cooke called the meeting to order at7:00 p.m. and welcomed guests. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: S. Elhajjeh Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the agenda be accepted with the change that #11 New Business and #l2In Camera be moved to the beginning of the meeting tonight only. MOTION CARRIED 3. Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed. 4. New Business: a) Resignation of Bonnie Seto - Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the resignation of Bonnie Seto be received and a letter of gratitude for her years of service on the Museum Board be sent. MOTION CARRIBD b) Appointment of new Board Chair - Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: Steven Cooke be nominated for the position of Board Chairperson. MOTION CARRIED Noted that there is now a vacancy for the position of Board Vice Chair. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: Katharine Warren be nominated for the position of Board Vice Chair. MOTION CARRIED c) Naming of third signing authority - Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: W. Woo THAT: Sami Elhajjeh will now become the third Board member to have signing authority along with S. Cooke and K. Warren. MOTION CARRIED H. Ridge was instructed to set up an appointment with TD bank, Bowmanville to transition signing authority. All three plus H. Ridge need to attend together. 5. In Camera: Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh That: at7:I4 in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing the following matter that b) deals with personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; and d) deals with labour relations or employee negotiations. MOTION CARRIED Guests of the meeting were excused. Discussion followed. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: W. Woo That: at 7: 32 pm the meeting move out of camera, returning to Open Session. MOTION CARRIED M. Morawetz excused herself from the remainder of the meetins. 6. Correspondence: None received. 7. Announcements: Nothing further brought forward. 8. Approval of Minutes: Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Board minutes as circulated be approved. MOTION CARRIED 9. Business Arising from Minutes: Nothing brought forward. 10. Delegation - Aimee Harriso Orono Horticultural Society Guest A. Harris reported that the Trillium Grant from 2013 had been applied for by the Executive Director at that time, on behalf of the Orono Horticultural Society, to create the living wall at the Clarke site. She felt it was critical that the Museum Board be made aware of the requirements of that grant including that it can be checked up on for 7 years once granted. H. Ridge, interim Executive Director and Curator, offered to meet with the Program Coordinator as soon as possible to make sure programming at Clarke would not be overlooked again by putting plans in place for the 2017 season. A. Harris was thanked for coming forward at this time, and for the ongoing work and commitment by the Orono Horticultural Society to the Clarke Museum site. She was also assured that the Board will work with the staff to ensure these concerns are'resolved quickly. 11. Municipal Financial Report: S. Cooke ensured all had copies of the recent Municipal Financial Report. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded bv: W. Woo THAT: the Board endorse all22 recommendations outlined by the municipality in Report FND-O16-16. MOTION CARRIED 12. Executive Director's Report: . A public announcement regarding the $5000 Veterans Affairs grant awarded to the museum is due as required. o A letter of support was provided by the Museum to accompany the Canada 150 grant application submitted recently by the Jury Lands Foundation. o Improved tracking of visitor numbers was needed and is now in place such that more accurdte results going forward will be possible. . The patron wall of honour has not been updated since 2074; H. Ridge will review records and remedy that as soon as possible. o Recommends re-establishing the Collections Committee. There is a large amount of artifacts.to review within the scope of our mandate. o The Werry family has contacted the museum to veriff a2015 donation of $5000 was used as requested for the purchase of cabinets. H. Ridge will confirm the donation and have a sign prepared for the cabinet purchased to acknowledge the donation. She will notiff the family as requested. Some of the Marion Farr donation has also been used for the purchase of display cabinets. o Helen Schmid, co-author of "Out of the Mists" has expressed an interest in donating many of her local historical documents, deeds, and diaries collection to the museum soon. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: H. Ridge be directed to send a letter to Helen Schmid expressing the interest of the Museum in her collection. MOTION CARRIED S. Elhajjeh excused himself from the remainder of the meeting. Reference material in the Museum is being categorized. Summer camp, Edwardian teas and fall Spirit Walks have been profitable this year. Beech St. Theatre group submitted a bill for $1400 for their performances at the Spirit Walks. So far H. Ridge has not been able to find a contract for this which was determined at $150 per perfornance. There were 9 performances. The fees charged will make the event more profitable for the theatre company than for the museum. To run the walks, the museum ran the tours, sold tickets, advertised and provided costumes. K. Warren will contact Beech St. Theatre to find out if they have any emails or paperwork to confirm the arrangement for verification. A programming overview for upcoming events was reviewed. Volunteers from the Board to assist with the Edwardian Christmas event would be appreciated. Suggestion for the Board to consider hiring an interim Curator as H. Ridge is now interim ED and is concerned that other duties may get neglected as a result. A re-launch in 2017 of the new logo was advised. A launch was never done when the logo was designed. She would like to revisit the design. Request for the Board to approach the municipality to improve signage from Hwy 401 and in Bowmanville as well. A Health and Safety Committee needs to be established with 2 representatives, one from management and one from unionized staff. a o a o There are some safety items outstanding that need to be addressed. o A plan for 2017 for the gardens is needed. The head volunteer Gail has wanted to pass on her knowledge for several years, and feels now that it is critical to do so. Guest A. Harris said perhaps some integration could help utilizing the skills and knowledge of the various community Horticultural Societies in Clarington in developing a new program of maintenance. 13. Committee Reports: . a) Finance - Discussed earlier in the meeting. Nothing further. b) Collections - No formal report was received. c) Membership - No report on membership. d) Property - Boilers have been replaced at the Sarah Jane location. Lighting updates are now being considered. ' e) Heritage - K. Warren stated that the outreach subgroup would like to join with the museum to go to schools when possible for presentations. 14. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting The next meeting will be held Wed. December 14,2016 aI7 p.m. Location: TBA 13. Adjournment: W. Woo moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives CONFIDENTIAL - IN CAMERA MEBTING MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OFTHE BOARD: Nov. 9,2016 Clarington Town Hall; 40 Temperance Street, Room 1A, Bowmanville, Ontario Present: S. Elhajjeh S. Cooke M. Morawetz W. Woo In Camera at7:14 p.m. Moved by: K. Warren S. Middleton K. Warren Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh That: at7:14 in accordance with Section 239 (2) ofthe Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing the following matter that b) deals with personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; and d) deals with labour relations or employee negotiations. MOTION CARRIED Guests of the meeting were excused. a) Update regarding union bargaining process by H. Ridge, Curator & Interim Executive Director: At the first meeting held with both the Union and the Museum representatives, on Nov. 2 2016, drafts of the collective agreement as proposed were exchanged. The Museum negotiating team has held several meetings and will meet with the union representatives againNov 10 to exchange comments on those drafts. There will be a series of meetings to continue to shape the collective agreement. A draft will be presented to the Board at the December 2016 meeting for review and discussion. Marie Marano, Director of Corp Services, as a member of the negotiating team for the Museum. will be invited to attend. ClaringLon Nluscurns Some of the items included refer to hours of operation, seniority based staffing, full and part time staff,, use of volunteers, costs associated with the negotiation process. b) H. Ridge's Remuneration: H. Ridge was asked to leave the meeting as the next item concerned expectations and remuneration for her in her new role as Interim Executive Director & Curator. Prior to the departure of Executive Director, M. Adams, H. Ridge was full time Curator, and was given management title at the start of the unionization discussion. In her new role, she is part of the union negotiation team and must fulfil all ED duties related to grant writing, budgets, marketing, staffing etc while also ensuring that the curatorial duties are performed. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: S. Middleton That: remuneration for the position of Curator is set at $50,000 effective October 13,2016; and That: effective 7 November 2016 Heather Ridge be compensated at the rate of an Executive Director at $60,000 for the interim until a new Executive Director is hired; and That: H. Ridge's cell phone expenses related to Museum business be covered retroactive to 13 Oct 2016 and going forward while in the position .of interim Executive Director. MOTION CARRIED Moved bv: K. Warren Seconded by: W. Woo That: at7:32 pm the meeting move out of camera, returning to Open Session. MOTION CARRIED t"hrnt-> kS IlknnAnne (_06. LL To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and proqrammes that inspire future qenerations and enliven our communitv Present: BOARD MEETING October 12.2016 Clarington Town Hall 40 Temperance Street, Room lA, Bowmanville, Ontario B. Seto W. Woo S. Cooke H. Ridge (Curator) 7:23 pm K. Warren S. Middleton M. Morawetz Regrets: S. Elhajjeh M. Adams (ED) 1. Call to Order: B. Seto called the meeting to order at7:77 p.m. Public guests introduced themselves and included representation from Museum volunteers and part time staff. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved bv: S. Cooke Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the agenda be accepted with the change that In Camera be moved to the final item as directed becoming standard practice. MOTION CARRIED 3. Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed. 4. Correspondence: None received. 5. Announcements: B. Seto stated that a notice of resignation had been circulated by O. Casimiro by email to all Board members: September t9,2Ot6 Dear Bonnie and Members of the Board: I am no longer able to contribute as a Board member on the Clarington Museum and Archives Board of Council. Please accept this letter as confirmation of my resignation. The Museum is a special place and I wish Michael and his team continued success. Best, Olinda Casimiro Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Board accept the resignation of O. Casimiro. MOTION CARRIBD M. Morawetz requested that we send an appropriate thank you on behalf of the Board to O. Casimiro noting appropriately her many contributions while serving on the Board. M. Morawetz announced that the annual Beef Supper that is a fundraiser for Eldad United Church in Solina is coming up on Sunday, Nov. 6th. Tickets are available through her. It was noted that many fall dinners by our local churches occur in the coming weeks. All were encouraged to support and when able attend these important events in our community. 6. Approval of Minutes: Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Middleton THAT: the minutes of Sept 12th 2016 be approved with the amendment to the first paragraph of page 7, found in Item #7 of the agenda under "Business Arising from Minutes" stating "They were concerned by what they saw and asked who signs off on expenses. It was noted that B. Seto did until the end of May..." This should correctly read "It was noted that B. Seto did until the end of April when she stated she was no longer comfortable signing. . .." MOTION CARRIBD Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Special Board minutes of the Open Session on Oct 5th 2016 be approved as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 7. Business Arising from Minutes: M. Adams prepared and circulated prior to the meeting due to his absence for a funeral this evening, the requested summary of Unbudgeted Expenses for 2015 and2016, including suggestions regarding allocations that could fall within the scope of the Marion Farr estate donation. The Finance Committee will review the document in more detail at the next meeting noting specifically items that would respectfully fall within the capacity of the Marion Farr estate donation. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: S. Cooke That: the Financial statement of Unbudgeted Expenses for 2015 and2016 had been received. MOTION CARRIED 8. Executive Director's Report: No report was submitted prior to the meeting. 9. Committee Reports: a) Finance - No report other than the Unbudgeted Expense statement discussed in Item 7 of the agenda was submitted as no committee meeting has occurred recently. b) Collections - No formal report was received. As H. Ridge, Curator, was able to attend the meeting at the last minute, she spoke to the recent work on the Collection following the plan put in place to further safeguard the items, catalogue and continue to vet the collection. She is working with a number of great volunteers. There has been no recent meeting of the committee. B. Seto asked about the flood that occurred this year atthe Clarke site. It had been discovered by a staff member visiting the location to meet with'the pest control company and do the hydrothermagraph readings. H. Ridge and M. Adams were both immediately notified and H. Ridge contacted and worked with Operations to move items and install fans after using shop vacuums to collect most of the water. When asked, H. Ridge stated that she is aware of staff routinely checking the Clarke site on the first Thursday of each month. She was not knowledgeable about other times when a staff representative might have been there. In Sept she knew of two trips, one for pest control and one to meet cleaners, and Oct 1't there was a staff event held at the site. S. Middleton asked why the .ollection items sit on the floor. H. Ridge replied that most are up on pallets to keep them off the floor but some larger and heavier items (buggies and a safe for example) have not been moved. She would like to see that happen. When asked by B. Seto, H. Ridge stated that the trip to the Clarke site from the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre and back is 38 Km. and that she does claim mileage when she makes that round trip. It was noted that the Board's understanding was that hydrothermagraph readings were required more often than once a month. S. Middleton stated during his orientation as Property Committee chair, he was told that weekly readings are required. Expense documents show two trips each week being claimed for the Clarke location. H. Ridge then explained how the information is downloaded and analysed on computer, stating that records are kept and each time that happens a dot shows on the graph. c) Membership - No report on membership. d) Property - Nothing further to the discussion after the Clarke flood notes. e) Heritage - K. Warren stated the next meeting of that committee is Tues. Oct. l8th 2016. The upcoming Durham Region Heritage Conference being hosted by Clarington Heritage Committee takes place Sat. Oct. 29th atTown Hall. One of the guest speakers will be M. Morawetz representing the Jury Lands Foundation, presenting on Camp 30. 10. New Business: a) S. Cooke reported back to the Board regarding Council's response Oct 11rt to the staff report requested regarding the Resolution#GG-443-16, September 6,2016 about possible options to deal with the Museum. A change in the composition of the Board was determined such that in future the Board will be made up of 2 Councillors and 5 members at large for a total of 7. The Board is then reduced including the removal of a position filled in the past by a member of the Newcastle Village & District Historical Society. The two representatives per Ward has been changed such that good candidates from anywhere in the Municipality can be considered. All present Board members will be grandfathered in maintaining a total of 7 with the recent resignations. It was also determined that for the present a Committee of the Whole be the operating dynamic. In future should committees be struck including an executive committee, a member of Council must sit on each committee. b) B. Seto requested an examination of the Museum bylaws for direction in handling absentee Board members in future. This item was recommended for discussion at the next meeting and will be put on the agenda. 11. In Camera Items: Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded by: K. Warren. That: at 8:05 in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing the following matter that b) deals with personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees. MOTION CARRIED Guests of the meeting were excused. Discussion followed. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: W. Woo That: at 9:10 pm the meeting move out of camera, returning to Open Session. MOTION CARRIED 12. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting The next meeting will be held Wed. November 9,2016 at7 p.m. Location: TBA 13. Adjournment: S. Middleton moved the meeting be adjourned at 9:18 p.m. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives Lo6"(L To illuminate Glarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningfulexperiences with aftifacts, exhibitions and programmes that inspire future generations and enltven our community SPXCIAL MEETI}{G OF TI{E BOARD: TJNIONIZANON IJP-DATE / ED PERFORIIANEE E.VALUATON Oet, 5,2016 ehrington Town Hall 40 Tenoperauqe Street, Roono lA, Bowuoauville, OnJario Present: B. Seto M. Adazu (ED) S, eooks K. War,ren S. Middleton M, Morarvptz Regreto! w, Woo S. Elhajjeh Guest: A. ,A.llison, Mu.nioipal Solieitor 1, Call to Order: B, Seto salled the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 2, Guest Presentation: B. Seto invited guest Andrew Allison, Municipal Solicitor, to piesent as intended on the procedures for In Camera portions of meetings, proper procedures and reporting, and appropriate use of In Camera. Before moving into that content, A. Allision corxnented on the report that would be submitted to council regarding recommendations and background in response to Resolution #GG-443-16 That Staffreport back to the Council meeting of September 19,2016 regarding possible options of dealing with the Clarington Museums and Archives Board, including: o Dissolution;. Takeover by the Municipality of Clarington; and o Any other recommendations by Staff, opening the furancial records to the internal auditor. It was noted that the report did not meet the Sept 19b date with the installation of the interim CAO but would go before council Oct 6ft. Regarding the use of "ln Camera" at meetings, A. Allison reminded that all Service Board meetings are required to operate as Open Meetings. Even when operating with that starting premise, there are circumstances when ln Camera is critical and the procedure should be used. For museum purposes that would include discussions regarding an identified person where information of a personal nature is disclosed or for anything confidential in content & requiring protection. A. Allision referenced Section 234 of the Municipal Act and will provide a check list for us that is used at municipal council meetings to help determine when the procedure should be followed. A motion to go In Camera is required in the regular minutes of the meeting, including the reason why. Minutes of the In Camera session are to be kept but not included in the regular minutes. Another example of when In Camera could be used would be during review and discussion of communications from a lawyer. As moved & carried at a recent board meeting, including an In Camera item on all meeting agendas is now considered best practice as a "place holder" should it be required. When possible, In Camera should be held until the end of the meeting. Discussion followed on alternative governance models and the value in regular review of governance structure. 3. Unionization Update: 1) M. Adams reported that he had met earlier in the day with M. Marano and L. Weller (HR) from the Municipality's Department of Corporate Services to review terms, consider process, and work to establish a draft of the board mandate for the museum union management bargaining team. M. Adams read out the draft. Discussion followed including suggestions for items to include such as handling of confidential information. Future meetings are being scheduled and a skeleton agreement will be developed anticipating what the union demands may encompass. The suggested date for the first meeting between the union and the museum union numagement bargaining team is Nov 2nd, but has not been confirmed. Prior to that meeting, M. Adams stated that the second template of that skeleton agreement will be ready Oct 19ft allowing time for the board to review. M. Adams was directed to contact A. Allison for comment on the board mandate once further developed asking for wording that includes managing confidentiality, ensuring it is ready for presentation at the next board meeting which is Wed Oct l2th. Further discussion included that Curator, H. Ridge will attend the second draft meeting with L. Weller, M. Marano and M. Adams. They will also work on developing a wage grid built to reflect the current sffucture for a start and then negotiations will shape it further. M. Adams stated he has researched others including the present Library wage grid. He has also been researching the handling of benefits. 2) Confidentiality during the union izationprocess was covered during discussion with A. Allison at the beginning of the meeting. 4. ClaringtonThis Week article: B. Seto stated that the ClaringtonThis Week article of Sept 2L 2016 was of concem as the information followrng the council meeting as reported was misleading and erroneous. It was advised to refer anyone inquiring to the minutes of the meeting Sept 19 2016. 5. Review ED Performance Evaluation: Completed by S. Middleton and S. Cooke for ED M. Adams on Wed Sept 28th, 2016.. M. Adams provided his file including the ED review reports with his signature. Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded by: K. Warren That: the meeting move In Camera for ED, M. Adams review discussion. MOTION CARRIED M. Adams left the meeting. Discussion followed. Recommendations for consideration at the next board meeting include the use of the Museum VISA card change such that purchases are paid for by the user with a process for reimbursement put in place, that the HR policy for the museum be strengthened and updated, and that for the foreseeable future, the Finance Committee be made up of the entire board. B. Seto moved that the meeting be adjourned 9:20 p.m. Ub 'LL' To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and programmes that inspire future generations and enliven our communitv BOARD MEETING September 15,2016 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present! B. Seto M. Adams (ED) W. Woo K. Warren S. Middleton M. Morawetz Regrets: S. Elhajjeh S. Cooke O. Casimiro r. Call to Order: B. Seto called the meeting to order at7:18 p.m. Public guests introduced themselves and included representation from Museum volunteers and staff, along with Andrew Allison, Municipal Solicitor, and Regional Councillor for Ward | & 2, Joe Neal. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: W. Woo THAT: the agenda be accepted with changes including withdrawal of delegation from Suzanne Reiner, and an addition in New Business, W. Woo will speak to two resolutions before council. MOTION CARRIED 3. Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed. 4. Correspondence M. Adams shared a very positive letter of congratulations from MP Erin O'Toole regarding the successes of the Canada Day event. B. Seto received two emails and asked that they be included with the minutes, from Matt Cronin, National Service Representative, CUPE, Friday, Sept 2/16 requesting information regarding posting of the September staff schedule, and a health & safety issue regarding lighting concerns in the Women's washroom. B. Seto asked for clarification from M. Adams as he as Executive Director should have received the emails and acted on the oversights, but did not appear to be available even though not on documented bereavement or vacation leave. M. Adams stated that he responded as soon as he received the emails from the union and had the light bulbs in the women's washroom replaced. He asked the Curator about the light bulb issue at the time and she did not recall any complaints from staff, although when questioned again after the issue was raised by the board chair, the. Curator did recall there had been an enquiry by the staff. M. Adams stated that the staff schedule had been posted although with unique fall schedules to accommodate fairs and outreach (offsite) events, along with vacation absences needing cover, it was not up as quickly as usual, and once posted was also marked with many change requests. M. Adams also stated that a Collective Agreement needs to be put in place and then requirements included like timelines for posting schedules, will be followed. O. Casimiro asked why B. Seto received emails froni the union to begin with. B. Seto countered that that was precisely the question. O. Casimiro requested that in future, operational emails from the union be directed.to M. Adams. W. Woo asked follow up questions to clarify including what staff members are to do if the schedule is not available and M. Adams cannot be contacted, how far in advance of each month should staffexpect to see the schedule, and what is the procedure for changes and alterations including who approves those changes. Clarification of documentation and pay practices was also requested as well as an explanation of how often regular meetings are held with staffto address items that might be considered routine to manage (like light bulbs and staffschedules). M. Adams stated that informally he meets with or contacts Heather and Jennifer most weeks, although no formal staff meeting was held in August at all and only a wrap up meeting in July following the Canada Day event. O. Casimiro noted that realistically vacations for a small staff make sunrmer meetings harder to schedule. W. Woo asked if summer is a higher demand period for staffing and M. Adams stated that demand mirrors programming requirements. Camps and events all require higher staffing levels so summer does tend to be busy. O. Casimiro asked if this was a ratio issue. M. Adams stated again that immediately following receipt of the email from the union, the light bulb situation in the Women's washroom was addressed. He added that he feels there is a greater concern in the Archives area where lighting has been an issue for a period of time. An electrician identified that ballasts may need to be replaced and estimates have been requested as he also identified that the existing lighting system is old and that soon the museum would not be able to soruce the light bulbs. M. Adams is working with Operations to address this. Staff was likely not aware this was happening. For an immediate solution, bulbs still available at the time were installed. A recent Health and Safety Inspection was done and documented by municipal staff, with no mention made of light bulbs out in that report. The Archive lighting was flagged thus prompting the involvement of the electrician. B. Seto reiterated M. Adam's email response to her follow up regarding the two emails from the CUPE representative, Sept 2od, which included the comment'.As you can see there is going to be a lot of pettiness coming down the wire (plus legitimate ones) and we need to act professionally and swiftly." M. Adams withdrew the word'lettiness" 5. Announcements: B. Seto stated that a letter of resignation from John Sturdy had been received Sept I ll16. He joined the board after the last election and sited personal challenges for his decision. He wished all well. Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded by: K. Warren That: a letter of thanks from B. Seto on behalf of the board be sent to J. Sturdy. MOTION CARRIED 6. Approval of Minutes: Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Cooke THAT: the Special Board meeting of July 27,2016 minutes be approved as submitted. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Special Board meeting of Aug. 23,2016 minutes be approved a.s submitted. MOTION CARRIED O. Casimiro asked that it be noted in the minutes that all members should be in attendance with full disclosure and all included in discussions of this magnitude. She continued stating that to be challenged with motions made during meetings when not all are in attendance is not acceptable, and refened to previous board meeting discussions regarding this behaviour. Discussion followed regarding the practioe of motions being circulated before meetings when possible. M. Adams agreed this was an acceptable process. S. Cooke disagreed with M. Adams interpretation of board governance regarding this matter, stating that motions can still be accepted from the floor even with this protocol. Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded by: S. Middleton THAT: the Board meeting of July 5,2016 minutes be approved as submitted. MOTION CARRIEI) 7. Business Arising from Minutes: B. Seto asked M. Adams for the Marion Fan estate donation sunmary as requested at the last board meeting. M. Adams stated it had not yet been prepared. S. Cooke remarked that any communication in the minutes to the ED should be enough and that a motion as well should not be necessary. He stated that this continues to be fnrsffating and inefficient, ffid that normal expectations for meetings are that directions in the minutes should be acted upon respecting time lines stipulated. Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded by: W. Woo That: the agenda be altered at this time to bring fonvard the financial report. MOTION CARRIEI) Finance Report - O. Casimiro stated there is no report as the financials had only been received this afternoon and there had been no meeting of the Finance Committee since the July board meeting. She requested that M. Adams speak to the financial details as provided. M. Adams stated that the totals for the year so far show that92% of the expected revenues have been received while 7l% of the budgeted expenses have occurred, and that the overall budget is solid given projected revenue sffeams will surpass overall budget revenue projections. M. Adams noted that there will be funds coming following the Mayor's Golf Tournament for which the Museum had been named the 2016 benefactor. It is expected to bring in well over $30,000; a record year for the fund raiser. OPG had previously confirmed the 2016 donation of $6000, and other sponsorship money has come in this year as well. Of note in the revenue section, the Gift Shop revenues have increased significantly. Events like the Awo Arow and other Night at the Museum events have been very revenue positive. Carnp numbers are not yet in so that information is not included, and facility rentals have dropped off. M. Adams said he has yet to investigate why that is happening. The annual CMOG grant has come in at S25,161.00 which is consistent with the past few years, and so the revenue side looks very good for the year. M. Adams and B. Seto have reviewed the Exhibit and Program expense allocations recently. M. Adams stated that the expense side is less accurate when comparing 2016 to past years. This is because some allocations are not consistent with the past as line items now more specific and reflecting the new chart of accounts created by the municipality. Traditionally the numbers are divided almost equally for events versus programs with both about $15,000 each adding up to $30,000. M. Adams stated that with the significant increase in funds available this year cabinet purchases (listed under Exhibition Expenses) at $16,600 have been possible. He noted that prior to his arrival the museum had not purchased display cabinets in recent memory. Specifically, funding as a result of the Mayor's Golf Tournament and the Marion Farr donation, not allocated for specific items, increased the museum's capacity to afford these purchases M. Adams read from the ED's report documented in the April t6,2016 approved board minutes regarding the direction given for the Marion Farr donation. "The board discussed the Rickard/Farr estate donation and it was agreed that the generous unconditional donation provide the museum with the capacity, in year one of its restructuring, to purchase and budget for further purchases of the following, but not limited to: exhibit cabinets, renewed and new signage, artefact climate conffol measures as they relate to conservation and highway/sfreet directional signage." Continuing with the financial statements, salaries continue to be the largest expense and are in line with the 2016 budget plan. O. Casimiro asked for a confirmation regarding the date for Budget submissions to Council. M. Adams stated November. Previously it had been suggested to schedule preliminary work by the Finance committee before proposing a budget reflecting the new chart of accounts as established to the board for approval. Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded by: W. Woo That: the Finance statements be received. MOTION CARRIED S. Cooke reported that he and W. Woo had reviewed the VISA and expense statements during the afternoon prior to this meeting for April, May, June and July. They were concerned by what they saw and asked who signs off on expenses. It was noted that B. Seto did until the end of May when she stated she was no longer comfortable signing for items she felt needed to be addressed in the new Travel & Expense Policy, which at that time had not been completed. O. Casimiro took over those duties and met with M. Adams every two weeks to review, ask questions and sign off on receipts. Specifically S. Cooke stated there were concerns over hundreds of dollars in cash advances that had been signed for. O. Casimiro stated she was always satisfied with the explanations for the advances and VISA payments, and verified receipts for gas, food and meal expenses believing all were legitimate in M. Adam's pursuit of museum business and relationship building. M. Adams gave an example of when a cash advance was needed for last minute supplies purchased from COSTCO for CanadaDay, where VISA is not accepted. S. Cooke questioned O. Casimiro's opinion on nnny of those, and she asked that the minutes reflect she felt it was inappropriate for him to question her opinion. She stated in her experience, the ED should be able to decide what to spend within the budget he is given, and that it is his call on specific items. She also stated that she believed that the process in place is fluid and ftansparent. S. Cooke responded with a clarification that the question was not about incurring expenses but rather to explain why mileage and gas were both been claimed and paid when the policy now clearly defines only mileage is acceptable and gas expenses are included in those calculations. Several examples of expenses were disclosed and discussed including gas expenses in June. M. Adams responded that the demands of the June Clarington Motorsport Expo required significant travel. The consensus was that mileage is reasonable and expected as an expense but that gas as well is not considered a typical and reasonable additional expense. B. Seto also questioned an LCBO expense to which M. Adams replied that the expense was for a liquor license for an event at the museum and not for alcohol. S. Middleton added that the bookkeeper should red flag anything that falls outside the policy. O. Casimiro stated that the bookkeeper is CPA certified. S. Cooke noted that previously that had happened when the books were in the hands of the municipality regarding the snow tire expense. In the past a revenue shorffall year after year made it challenglng to pay staff wages in the early months of each year so adjusting accounts or bonowing from reseryes was common practice . In 2016 the revenues for the museum are very good but the concern is that at any time, as a publicly funded entity, it is important to be accountable and spend responsibly so a review is felt necessary. O. Casimiro stated that it would be prudent for the Finance committee to meet as soon as possible. The committee is O. Casimiro as chair, K. Warren, S. Cooke and B. Seto along with ED, M. Adams. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: W. Woo That: a summary on the Marion Farr donation is expected at the next board meeting even if the Finance committee has been unable to meet in the interim. MOTION CARRIED 8. Executive Director's Report: M. Adams noted that "Archives" is not included in the report as this is a transition year and it was not previously listed as a target for 2016. Work assessing and developing procedure and policy around it is ongoing with the Curator; staff and volunteers are engaged. Visitor numbers are up considerably over last year surpassing all of 2015. Significant events, outreach and new initiatives including Nights at the Museum have been key. Canada Day attendance suffered slightly due to poor weather in the morning but was successful in content. M. Adams will continue to look at fraditional as well as untraditional ways to continue the upward frend. Membership continues to change with emphasis on membership drives at special events, ouffeach projects and with continual updated branding. The goal is to get members more engaged rather than joining just for access to the archives (often means only a one year commitment). Volunteer hours continue to increase as well; gardeners and archives are now included more accurately in the nurnbers. M. Adams stated customer service is a key focus; working to improve it with more face to face time with staff and the public at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Cenffe. Energy has been focused there on major exhibits, events and gift shop sales. Entry to the Bowmanville Museum is driven through the Heritage cenfre for great efficiency and exposure. Staff have been directed to revisit processes to engage local schools and increase the formal education programing. Formal education numbers so far in 2016 need to improve. The progranrme coordinator position saw 2 overlapping maternity leaves rn a 12 month period. Health and Safety fraining has been flagged. M. Adams has put in a request to the municipality to assist with naining and it will be scheduled once the new Health and Safety Committee meets. M. Adams stated concerns that successes of the museum are not being reflected in the board discussions. In an effort to have the minutes reflect the many successes of the museurn, a list of 2016 relationships will be included: Mayor's Golf Tournament, Clarington Motorsport Expo at the Bowmanville Rotary Rib and Brews event, Orono Agricultural fair exhibits (Avro Arrow & Canadian Tire Motorsport Park displays), Heritage Week walking tours and outdoor play (Beech St Theatre), Bowmanvilte Horticultural Society 50ft Anniversary celebration and lily garden project, BIA sfreet festival displays, Clarington Sports Hall of Fame display at Rickard Centre, Municipal Recreation Facility Sport Display Project to start in Courtice. Annual successes of note included the Edwardian summer teas parurering with caterers KCC that by demand were extended into September, and the summer camp program doubled in size this year thanks to a $2500 sponsorship from the Bowmanville Rotary Club to allow more children with challenges to attend. The take away was that a requirement for future success is more fraining for staff to deal well with the demands of the children and their unique needs. Lighting improvements at Sarah Jane facility will be a facilities priority. Other tasks ahead include work on a new web site plan (compatible with smartphones), formal acknowledgement of $5000 progamming grant from Veteran Affairs, and continued promotion in print and on social media. Regarding stafl a statutory freeze has been put in place during unionization process. M. Adams feels there is a noticeable difference in efficiency and morale during this transition. The municipality HR department will engage in the work and meetings ahead during negotiations and decisions as directed in the last Special Meeting of the Board, will require full board participation as the Collective Agreement is determined. Moved by: K. Waren Seconded by: S. Middleton That: the Executive Director's report be received. MOTION CARRIED Questions from the floor included clarification regarding the regularity of newsletters produced and sent to members. Some previous members have disclosed to B. Seto that they are no longer with the museum as they feel they get little value and the regular newsletters used to keep them better engaged and informed. M. Adams asked for the contact information so he could follow up and asked that with items like this, board members come to him as soon as possible so he can seek a resolution. It was also shared that other guests and members have remarked to some board members that they would like to see the ED attending more of the museum events. M. Adams replied that he has been at virtually all special events. 9. Committee Reports: B. Seto asked the board members forpermission to defer the reports from Membership, Property, and Mun. Heritage Commifiees until the next meeting of the board. Consensus to do so. 1.0. New Business: a) W. Woo presented two resolutions recently considered and carried at the General Government Commiffee meeting Sept 6,2016 of council. Moved by: Councillor Neal Seconded by: Councillor Woo Resolution#GG-442-16 That the minutes of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board, dated July 5,2016 and July 27,20t6,be received for information; And, That the Clarington Museums and Archives Board members and staffbe directed to provide access to financial records up until August 31,2016. Carried. Resolution #GG-443-16 That Staff report back to the Council meeting of September 19, 2016 regarding possible options of dealing with the Clarington Museums and Archives Board, including:. Dissolution; o Takeover by the Municipality of Clarington; and. Any other recommendations by Staff, opening the financial records to the internal auditor. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: O. Casimiro That: the board endorse these resolutions, requesting M. Adams to arrange for the financial records to the end of August 2016 be made available as requested. MOTION CARRIED Andrew Allison, Mun. Solicitor, remarked that Council is aware that the new interim CAO starts in his position on Monday, Sept 19ft and although he is aware of this request, has stated that he will not be able to report back by that date. W. Woo stated that the responsibility of the board to oversee expenses is onerous and extensive. O. Casimiro suggested a complete review of the policy with recommendations for changes. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Cooke That: from this day forward, and until further determined by the board, the museum VISA card be turned over to the chair of the board and no further capital expenses be incuned. Discussion followed in which O. Casimiro asked W. Woo if the Executive Director was being disciplined and on what grounds. W. Woo said no. MOTION DEFEATED Moved by: W. Woo Secondedby: S. Cooke That: from this day fonvard, an expenses form be filled out fully and with complete discloser of all details, submitted with the original receipts, and requiring two board member signatures. MOTION CARRIEI) Discussion followed on an appropriate form to capture all requirements. O. Casimiro stated that she had already requested the bookkeeper make recommendations on purchase requisition and dispersement forms. A significant concern raised by S. Cooke was regarding cash advances, use of VISA for ongoing purchases, and the lack of control on decisions regarding those practices. S. Cooke will provide a copy of the form used by the municipality at the next meeting of the Finance committee. W. Woo stated that the details of all transactions need to be disclosed fully on whatever form is used. O. Casimiro stated that she wanted included in the minutes that she feels it is offensive to staff, the Executive Director, and to her as Finance chair to have this motion put in place until the municipal audit is complete as it implicates significant concerns and undermines confidence in the Executive Director. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: W. Woo That: the current expenses form continue to be used for every VISA transaction and be submitted with detailed back up until a new process is determined and approved. MOTION CARRIED O. Casimiro requested that the minutes reflect that S. Cooke does not have confidence in the financials at the moment. b) M.Adams then asked that B. Seto stop using the resources of the museum and stafffor in his opinion, personal printing along with emailing of confidential unionization coffespondence to the front desk for printing. B. Seto disagreed with M. Adams stating emails and material regarding the unionization is public information. O. Casimiro asked that it be noted the fieasurers of the Board knew nothing of the request to review the VISA and expense files by W. Woo, S. Cooke, and B. Seto. K. Warren raised the fact that the board still does not have a Vice Chair. W. Woo nominated S. Cooke. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: O. Casimiro That: S. Cooke be appointed as Vice Chairman on the Board. MOTION CARRIED At the request of the Board, Andrew Allison, Mun. Solicitor, agreed to attend the next board meeting. He will address the Board regarding the Unionization process as well as process for In Camera sessions. 11. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting The next meeting will be held Wed. October 12,2016 at7 p.m. Location: Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 12. Adjournment: K. Warren moved the meeting be adjourned at 9:55 p.rn Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and proerammes that inspires future qenerations and enlivens our community SPECIAL MEETING OF TI{E BOARD: UMONIZATION UPDATE August 23,2016 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present: B. Seto M. Adams (ED) W. Woo O. Casimiro K. Warren S. Middleton S. Elhajjeh Regrets: S. Cooke M. Morawetz J. Sturdy W. Woo 1. Call to Order: B. Seto called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. 2. Unionization Update: B. Seto reviewed motion from last special meeting July 27,2016 as follows: Moved b'y: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Cooke THAT: Municipal Staff and Legal Counsel, Hicks Morley, be requested to meet with the Executive Director, and thereafter provide advice to the Clarington Museum Board respecting the implications of the Union Certification and the appropriate steps to be taken going forward; and THAT: any documentation provided to the Museum Board respecting such matters be provided to Municipal Council and the Municipal Clerk. MOTION CARRIED 7:36 pm July 27 ,2016. M. Adams read report (see Attachment) prepared by Michael S. Smyth of Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie LLP, Toronto (approved legal consultant for the unionization processes) after a 40 minute conference call that took part between M. Adams, M. Smyth (labour counsel), A. Allison (municipal legal counsel) and HR representative from the Municipality. Two key points in the report: l) A collective agreement must be negotiated which will require a team. 2) Board needs to create a mandate for the negotiating team to follow. M. Adams has started to investigate collective agreements. He is referencing the Municipality's Library one as it is most similar to the museum situation. Further discussion followed on what negotiations might look like. Anticipated negotiating team: M. Adams, ED., and H. Ridge, Curator, for the Museum; Municipality HR representative (union experience preferred); Legal Counsel when needed (due to cost, limited to meetings deemed essential; to participate in discussions after Labour meetings & at regular meetings of the team). Discussion followed on payment of legal fees that will be forthcoming. Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: Board directs ED M. Adams to send a request to council for reimbursement for lesal fees incurred towards unionization. MOTION CARRIED Further discussion on related concerns. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: Negotiating team will consist of M. Adams, ED, H. Ridge, Curator, Municipality HR Representative, and M. Smyth, Legal Counsel. MOTION CARRIED B. Seto asked about the timeline anticipated. M. Adams stated that the CUPE representative is presently on vacation as are some others, but the negotiation meeting will most likely take place this fall in September. M. Adams has been asked to propose some dates when the members of the negotiating team will be available. For the first meeting, it was decided that M. Smyth (labour counsel) will not be asked to attend as part of the team, but will be included for the discussions following. Further discussion regarding mandate and creating it. Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: The whole board will work as a committee to create the unioni zation mandate. MOTION CARRIED Motion to Adjoum by K. Warren 8:20 pm. Attached Report os Referenced in "speciol Meeting of the Boord August 23 2015 (final)" From: Michael S. Smyth lmailto:Michael-Smyth@hickmorley.com] Sent: August4,2016 12:08 PM To: Allison, Andrew; MichaelAdams Subject: Clarington Museum and Archives and CUPE ceftification - Privileged and Confidential Andrew and Michael I am writing to follow up to our discussion yesterday morning regarding the recent certification by CUPE of employees at the Clarington Museum and Archives. The conference call was arranged to comply with a Resolution passed by the Board of the Museum asking for a discussion between Municipal Staff and Michael Adams and me regarding the implications of the certification and the appropriate steps to take going forward. CUPE has been certified to represent all employees employed by the Clarington Museum and Archives in the Municipality of Clarington save and except Curator and Executive Director. The union has written to Michael Adams giving notice to bargain and requesting that he provide them with available dates to bargain a collective agreement. There are two main implications that flow from CUPE's certification. First, the Museum is now under a statutory obligation to negotiate a collective agreement with the union. TheunionhastherighttorepresentallemployeesoftheMuseum(withtheexceptionof the Curator and the Executive Director) and negotiate their terms and conditions of employment. Once the collective agreement is negotiated, all new employees will be covered by its terms and the Board will not be ableto enter into separate individual agreements outside of the terms of the collective agreement. Second, the Board is currently subject to a statutory freeze under the Labour Relations Act, 1995. Consequently, the Board cannot change terms and conditions of employment of employees without first negotiating them with the union. This does not prevent the Board from making changes in the normal course without negotiating with the union. The Ontario Labour Relations Board has applied a "business as usual" test to determine whether a particular change is something that the employer should have negotiated with the union. For example, the Board could not decide to simply close one of its locations if that was not something that it had already planned to do without notifying the union and negotiating it with them. In broad terms, this statutory freeze continues until the parties negotiate a new collective agreement, or they end up in a strike or lockout situation. In terms of the appropriate steps going forward, the main concern will be negotiating a collective agreement with CUPE. At this point, we do not know who will be negotiating for CUPE. I assume it will be a staff representative, an employee from the bargaining unit, and perhaps a representalive from a,nother CUPE local at the Municipality. The Museum will have to identify a negotiating team to meet with the union. Given that the union will have at least one and perhaps two experienced negotiators at the bargaining table, it is important that the Museum select a negotiating team that also has experience in negotiations. Michael Adams will be on the negotiating team. lf the Museum wanted someone else from operations on the team as well, then the Curator could also be part of the team. In addition, my recommendation would be that there be a Municipalstaff member either on the team or available to assist in the background. I understand that Municipal staff have extensive experience negotiating with CUPE for other bargaining units at the Municipality. Such experience would be invaluable in negotiating a first collective agreement with CUPE. The potential risk associated with having a Municipal staff member at the negotiations is that it increases the risk that the union could successfully argue (if it chose to do so) that the Municipality and the Museum are common or related efrployers for the purposes of the Labour Relations Act, L995. However, as I understand it, ultimately it is the Municipality that has responsibility for the operation of the Museum, and it would have difficulty asserting that it is not the true employer of the employees of the Museum. As a result, the benefit of having Municipal staff involved in the bargaining likely outweighs the potential risk associated with it. In addition, the Museum could have legal counsel either at the bargaining table, or in the background to assist with specific issues. Obviously, there is a cost associated with having legalcounsel directly involved. The Museum's negotiating team will take its mandate from the Board of the Museum, and will report to the Board. Ultimately the Board will have to ratify any agreement reached at the bargaining table. lt is usually advisable in such situations that the Board not appoint a Board member to the negotiating team. The Board may wish to create a small committee to whom the bargaining team can provide updates and status reports. Once the Museum has established the bargaining team, dates for negotiations can be set. At the first meeting, CUPE will likely provide its comprehensive proposals which will no doubt be similar to its other collective agreements with the Municipality. The Museum negotiating team will then have to negotiate terms and conditions which reflect its specific operation and enable it to continue to operate effectively. To that end, it may be helpful for the Museum bargaining team to obtain and review any other collective agreements that exist at other similar types of museums. In the event that the parties-are unable to negotiate a collective agreement, the parties could eventually be in a strike or lock-out situation. However, the likelihood of this occurring can only be determined once negotiations have commenced and the Museum has an understanding of the issues and demands of the union. lt is impossible to make that assessment at this stage. I trust that this is satisfactory in terms of providing a high level overview of the issues and next steps. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require clarification or if there are other issues that need to be addressed. Tha n ks Michael f!:FE€l Mrchaels. Smyrh HI*i,$S$S-q ll michael-smvth@hicksmorlev.com tltrfri"fffi,#{l Direct: 416.864.703s Hrfi#tffi$l I ri&DlllIIS'I G f ilLfF.+-|lt{l www. hicksmorlev.com Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie LLP 77 King St. W., 39th Floor, Box 371 , TD Centre Toronto, ON MsK 1KB Tel: 416.362.101 1 Fax: 416.362.9680 This E-mail contains legally privileged and confidential information intended only for the individual or entity named in the message. lf the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notifled that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited. lf this communication was received in enor, please notify us by reply E- mail and delete the original message. COG rnu To illuminate Ctarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and proqrammes that inspires future eenerations and enlivens our communitv SPECIAL MEETING OFTHE BOARD: UNIONIZATION UPDATE August 23,2016 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 T emperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present: B. Seto M. Adams (ED) W. Woo O. Casimiro K. Warren S. Middleton S. Elhajjeh Regrets: S. Cooke M. Morawetz J. Sturdy W. Woo l. Call to Order: B. Seto called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. 2. Unionization Update: B. Seto reviewed motion from last special meeting July 27,2016 as follows: Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Cooke THAT: Municipal Staff andLegal Counsel, Hicks Morley, be requested to meet with the Executive Director, and thereafter provide advice to the Clarington Museum Board respecting the implications of the Union Certification and the appropriate steps to be taken going forward; and THAT: any documentation provided to the Museum Board respecting such matters be provided to Municipal Council and the Municipal Clerk. MOTION CARRIED 7236 pm July 27,2016. M. Adams read report (see Attachment) prepared by Michael S. Smyth of Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie LLP, Toronto (approved legal consultant for the unionization processes) after a 40 minute conference call that took part between M. Adams, M. Smyth (labour counsel), A. Allison (municipal legal counsel) and HR representative from the Municipality. Two key points in the report: 1) A collective agreement must be negotiated which will require aheam. 2) Board needs to create a mandate for the negotiating team to follow. M. Adams has started to investigate collective agreements. He is referencing the Municipality's Library one as it is most similar to the museum situation. Further discussion followed on what negotiations might look like. Anticipated negotiating team: M. Adams, ED., and H. Ridge, Curator, for the Museum; Municipality HR representative (union experience preferred); Legal Counsel when needed (due to cost, limited to meetings deemed essential; to participate in discussions after Labour meetings & at regular meetings of the team). Discussion followed on payment of legal fees that will be forthcoming. Moved bv: S. Middleton Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: Board directs ED M. Adams to send a request to council for reimbursement for lesal fees incurred towards unionization. MOTION CARRIED Further discussion on related concerns. Moved by: K. Wamen Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: Negotiating team will consist of M. Adams, ED, H. Ridge, Curator, Municipality HR Representative,'and M. Smyth, Legal Counsel. MOTION CARRIED B. Seto asked about the timeline anticipated. M. Adams stated that the CUPE representative is presently on vacation as are some others, but the negotiation meeting will most likely take place this fall in September. M. Adams has been asked to propose some dates when the members of the negotiating team will be available. For the first meeting, it was decided that M. Smyth (labour counsel) will not be asked to attend as part of the team, but will be included for the discussions following. Further discussion regarding mandate and creating it. Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: The whole board will work as a committee to create the unionization mandate. MOTION CARRIED Motion to Adjourn by K. Warren 8:20 pm. Confidential Attachment to Special Meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archive Board filed in Clerk's Vault confidential cabinet Claliugtrlrt N{rrscurns To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with aftifacts, exhibitions and programmes that inspires future eenerations and enlivens our communitv SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD: UMONIZATION UPDATE July 27,2016 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present: B. Seto M. Adams (ED) W. Woo K. Warren S. Middleton Regrets: M. Morawetz O. Casimiro J. Sturdy Not Attending: S. Elhajjeh 1. Call to Order: B. Seto called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. S. Cooke 2. Unionization Update: M. Adams reported that the initial vote to unionize was held off site by staff. The consulting lawyer stated this was common practice. A 40% vote in favour is required to start moving forward with unionization and that was met. Chronologt: Wednesday, June 15 2016 before the scheduled following Monday vote, M. Adams was notified that there was a 5 pm deadline for the same day, to fill out paperwork regarding the Museum's side. Also noted by lawyer as a common strategy. M. Adams and the consulting lawyer, Michael S. Smyth of Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie LLP, Toronto, met with the union facilitator in Toronto to go over two points: l) who is considered to be part of the management of the museum? - determination: Curator is management along with Executive Director. Programmer is less clear but the lawyer advised that this position be given up to the union with the stipulation that the job description will be reworked and may not always fall into that category (the lawyer has minutes on this meeting) 2) what is the official name of the museum for paperwork reasons? - determination: Clarington Museum & Archives The process that has been followed has been accepted as the correct course by the municipal HR department. S. Cooke stated that the whole board, not just the executive, should be part of all communication regarding the union from this point forward. Consensus. B. Seto confirmed that the executive was notified promptly by M. Adams when he received notification June 15, and stated that she thought it was appropriate that a board meeting not be called until the vote of union certification took place. It was noted that O. Casimiro had requested a meeting prior to the vote. Chronologt Continued: M. Adams continued to review timeline of all activity. As noted, Wed June 15 he was notified and responded with an email to the executive and with required paperwork prior to the 5 pm deadline that day. M. Adams stated that he agreed with the discussion at this meeting that the whole board should be part of the communications regarding the unionization application and process, and in future would notify all board members along with executive regarding this matter, but had proceeded June 15th as directed by Chair, B. Seto. Monday the vote took place as prescheduled. Thursday at the regular staff meeting, M. Adams addressed what a union is in a prepared statement of facts provided to him by the consulting lawyer. Board members also received a copy of this communication by email (attached). Next Steps: Process is to have a negotiation meeting at which time the union can state what demands are being presented. Consulting lawyer advised M. Adams that he needs a mandate from the board to set up the bargaining team. No meeting date with the union has been determined at the time of this special meeting of the board. W. Woo presented a paper drawn up by the Municipality HR department in consultation with the Municipality Solicitor. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded bv: S. Cooke THAT: Municipal Staff and Legal Counsel, Hicks Morley, be requested to meet with the Executive Director, and thereafter provide advice to the Clarington Museum Board respecting the implications of the Union Certification and the appropriate steps to be taken going forward; and THAT: any documentation provided to the Museum Board respecting such matters be provided to Municipal Council and the Municipal Clerk. MOTION CARRIED 7:36 pm W. Woo circulated the OLRB Certification Notice (OLRB Case No.: 0746-16- R) (attached) that Council received but had not been informed about beforehand by M. Adams, in an effort to point out that not everyone (board members and members of Council) was apprised of the unionization. He restated that we must be more proactive in making sure all of the board and the municipality is informed at the same time on matters of this importance. W. Woo, at the request of S. Cooke, checked the bylaws to see what positions on the board also sit as the executive for the Museum Board. It was determined that there needs to be 2 members from the board appointed to the executive at this time, and also noted that vice chair is still to be elected and would also sit on the executive. Discussion followed on potential items of staff concern. B. Seto asked how frequently staff meetings are held, and when discussions regarding maternity leave coverage and expectations afterward were had. M. Adams stated that he held a meeting with staff members before any duties were altered to help cover tasks during maternity leaves, and that staff were aware that their hours and pay would return to original rates after the maternity leaves were over. They were also told that he would sit down with them asain after the term. for discussions. M. Adams reminded board members that any job description changes must be approved by the board. S. Middleton asked if part time staff have a benefit system in place or if anyone working part time might have qualified for them due to number of hours worked. His concem was if any were overlooked when or if benefits could have been awarded. M. Adams stated that he has kept assignments within allowable hours. M. Adams requested that someone from Municipality HR be at the first meeting with the union. All present agree. Upcoming Meetings and Expectations of M.Adams and of Board Members: l) M. Adams will meet with Municipality Solicitor &Legal Depart. 2)M. Adams will follow up with update to Board members. 3) A formal board meeting will be called to decide who will attend the negotiation meeting with the union. 4) Union meeting will take place with M. Adams and determined team to.hear the demands. M. Adams brought forward the bill for fees from the consulting lawyer thus far, due end of August 55179.36. Rate is $515/hour with estimated total by end of the process at $8000. M. Adams was directed to pay the current bill. M. Adams will email the board the confidential email from the lawyer and the Q&A sheet that he had drawn up for M. Adams to present to the staff at the meeting held just prior to the vote. (both attached) S. Middleton requested that the next "emergency" meeting be specified as such rather than "special" so that all members of the board are aware of the importance of attending if at all possible. Motion to adjourn by K. Warren at9:ll pm. Minutes'for the meetins of the Clarineton Museum and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives LOG.e-L To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and proqrammes that inspires future generations and enlivens our communitv SPECIAL MFTTING OF TI{E BOARD: UMONTZATION UPDATE July 27,2016 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 T emperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present: B. Seto M. Adams (ED) W. Woo K. Warren S. Middleton Regrets: M. Morawetz O. Casimiro J. Sturdy Not Attending: S. Elhajjeh t. Call to Order: B. Seto called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. S. Cooke 2. Unionization Update: M. Adams reported that the initial vote to unionize was held off site by staff. The consulting lawyer stated this was common practice. A 40% vote in favour is required to start moving forward with unionizationand that was met. Chronolog,,: Wednesday, June 15 2016 before the scheduled following Monday vote, M. Adams was notified that there was a 5 pm deadline for the same day, to fill out paperwork regarding the Museum's side. Also noted by lawyer as a common strategy. M. Adams and the consulting lawyer, Michael S. Smyth of Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie LLP, Toronto, met with the union facilitator in Toronto to go over two points: 1) who is considered to be part of the management of the museum? - determination: Curator is management along with Executive Director. Programmer is less clear but the lawyer advised that this position be given up to the union with the stipulation that the job description will be reworked and may not always fall into that category (the lawyer has minutes on this meeting) 2) what is the official name of the museum for paperwork reasons? - determination: Clarington Museum & Archives The process that has been followed has been accepted as the correct course by the municipal HR department. S. Cooke stated that the whole board, not just the executive, should be part of all communication regarding the union from this point forward. Consensus. B. Seto confirmed that the executive was notified promptly by M. Adams when he received notification June 15, and stated that she thought it was appropriate that aboard meeting not be called until the vote of union certification took place. It was noted that O. Casimiro had requested a meeting prior to the vote. Chronolog,t Continued: M. Adams continued to review timeline of all activity. As noted, Wed June 15 he was notified and responded with an email to the executive and with required paperwork prior to the 5 pm deadline that day. M. Adams stated that he agreed with the discussion at this meeting that the whole board should be part of the communications regarding the unionization application and process, and in future would notiff all board members along with executive regarding this matter, but had proceeded June 15fr as directed by Chair, B. Seto. Monday the vote took place as prescheduled. Thursday at the regular staff meeting, M. Adams addressed what a union is in a prepared statement of facts provided to him by the consulting lawyer. Board members also received a copy of this communication by email (attached). Next Steps: Process is to have a negotiation meeting at which time the union can state what demands are being presented. Consulting lawyer advised M. Adams that he needs a mandate from the board to set up the bargaining team. No meeting date with the union has been determined at the time of this special meeting of the board. W. Woo presented a paper drawn up by the Municipality HR department in consultation with the Municipality Solicitor. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Cooke THAT: Municipal Staffand Legal Counsel, Hicks Morley, be requested to meet with the Executive Director, and thereafter provide advice to the Clarington Museum Board respecting the implications of the Union Certification and the appropriate steps to be taken going forward; and THAT: any documentation provided to the Museum Board respecting such matters be provided to Municipal Council and the Municipal Clerk. MOTION CARRIED 7:36 pm W. Woo circulated the OLRB Certification Notice (OLRB Case No.: 0746-16- R) (attached) that Council received but had not been informed about beforehand by M. Adams, in an effort to point out that not everyone (board members and members of Council) was apprised of the unionization. He restated that we must be more proactive in making sure all of the board and the municipality is informed at the same time on matters of this importance. W. Woo, at the request of S. Cooke, checked the bylaws to see what positions on the board also sit as the executive for the Museum Board. It was determined that there needs to be 2 members from the board appointed to the executive at this time, and also noted that vice chair is still to be elected and would also sit on the executive. Discussion followed on potential items of staff concem. B. Seto asked how frequently staff meetings are held, and when discussions regarding matemity leave coverage and expectations afterward were had. M. Adams stated that he held a meeting with staff members before any duties were altered to help cover tasks during maternity leaves, and that staff were aware that their hours and pay would return to original rates after the matemity leaves were over. They were also told that he would sit down with them again after the term, for discussions. M. Adams reminded board members.that any job description changes must be approved by the board. S. Middleton asked if part time staff have a benefit system in place or if anyone working part time might have qualified for them due to number of hours worked. His concern was if any were overlooked when or if benefits could have been awarded. M. Adams stated that he has kept assignments within allowable hours. M. Adams requested that someone from Municipality HR be at the first meeting with the union. All present agree. Upcoming Meetings and Expectations of M. Adams and of Board Members: 1) M.Adams will meet with Municipality Solicitor &Legal Depart. 2)M. Adams will follow up with update to Board members. 3) A formal board meeting will be called to decide who will attend the negotiation meeting with the union. 4) Union meeting will take place with M. Adams and determined team to hear the demands. M. Adams brought forward the bill for fees from the consulting lawyer thus far, due end of August S5179.36.. Rate is $5l5/hour with estimated total by end of the process at,$8000. M. Adams was directed to pay the current bill. M. Adams will email the board the confidential email from the lawyer and the Q&A sheet that he had drawn up for M. Adams to present to the staff at the meeting held just prior to the vote. (both attached) S. Middleton requested that the next "emergency" meeting be specified as such rather than "special" so that all members of the board are aware of the importance of attending if at alI possible. Motion to adjourn by K. Warren at9:11 pm. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museum and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair,Executive Director, Clbrington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives L6. cL To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and programmes that inspires future generations and enlivens our communitv BOARD MEETING July 5,2016 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present: B. Seto K. Warren Regrets: M. Morawetz M. Adams (ED) W. Woo S. Middleton S. Elhajjeh S. Cooke O. Casimiro J. Sturdy (called 7:03) l. Call to Order: B. Seto called the meeting to order at7:04 p.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: S. Elhajjeh Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the agenda be accepted. Addendum: B. Seto requested the addition of item on Labour Union. Confirmed agreement with change in motion: S. Elhajjeh & K. warren. MOTION CARRIED Moved bv: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Cooke THAT: be added to the agenda routinely as item 11. "In Camera" providing an opportunity at each board meeting as needed. MOTION CARRIED 3. Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed. 4. Correspondence: No correspondence was brought forward. 5. Announcements: W. Woo gave an update on Camp 3O/Jury Lands site as an agreement with the developers has been passed by Council. The land including five of the historic buildings will be acquired by the municipality after developers Kaitlin and Fandor meet requirements including a cleanup of the property and providing security on the buildings. They will also give the municipality $500,000 for upkeep after the transition. The Jury Lands Foundation will be charged with the task of sustaining the buildings and grounds afterwards. (See attachment for Press Release from the Municipality). 6. Approval of Minutes: Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Cooke THAT: the Board meeting of June 8,2016 minutes be approved as submitted with the correction that J. Sturdy did not send regrets prior to the meeting as stated. MOTION CARRIBD 7. Business Arising from Minutes: None brought forward. 8. Executive Directoros Report: M. Adams reported (as recorded by acting secretary K. Warren): o Attendance numbers are up for this year as compared to same time last year o Canada Day was very successful, although numbers were not as high as last year due to the predicted rain for the day. The event ran much more smoothly than last year and the municipality's involvement was also much more streamlined. o Gift shop sales were great during Canada Day and overall are more cost effective than last year so financially there is more success this year . CMOG grant has been files and the audit from the municipality has come in and been sent on to CMOG. They have notified receipt of that audit . Veterans Affairs $5000 grant reported previously has come in & is in the bank account o Jen Stein is back from matemity leave o Manual ledgers have been digitized and are all backed up now. Some data from 2012 was not uploaded correctly and needs to be redone o 2000+ dolls are in the collection;50Yo have come from outside Clarington including l3 or 14 different multiple donatiohs now part of this collection. W. Woo inquired about partner events from last month including Doors Open Clarington and the Racing Expo at Garnet B. Rickard arena during Rotary Ribs N Brews. M. Adams reported that the museum did not participate in Doors Open Clarington as planned. The display was to be focused on a plow in the collection which turned out to be built at the Toronto Massey Factory rather than in Newcastle. It was decided not to provide a display because a plow from Newcastle was already on display. The museum provided access for Doors Open members to do research for the event and a staff member to assist at the Massey Building site for Doors Open on event day. The museum focused on current displays at the museum and the Clarington Racing Expo. 2800 people came through the Racing Expo; Rotary Club made money on its very successful event. Canadian Tire Motorsport was at the expo and were quite impressed with the museum display. Bowmanville Rotary event Chair, Kevin Anyan, and other Rotarians reported thoroughly enjoying the display. Moved bv: K. Warren Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: the Executive Director's report be accepted as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 9. Committee Reports: a) Finance Report - B. Seto reported as O. Casimiro was absent. $16600 has been spent out of the operating funds od new cabinets. Discussion followed on a question of why this expense did not come out of Farr funds as expected. M. Adams stated he has not yet allocated where the Farr funds will be used. S. Cooke asked for a summary of the expenses from the Farr donation and for the amount still available. Discussion diverged with no specific answer given. The discussion was tabled and will be brousht forward asain at the next meeting. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: the Finance Committee report be accepted as presented. MOTION CARRIED b) Collections Report - The doll collection has been examined and there are over 2000 in the collection. The budget for collection management needs to be set up to include money for a research section. Funds can be raised to accommodate that. M. Adams mentioned that perhaps collections could be absorbed by the curator and Executive Director instead of needing a committee. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: the Collections Committee report be accepted as presented. MOTION CARRIED c) Membership Report - M. Adams reported that numbers are up over the same time last year. Moved bv: S. Cooke Seconded bv: K. Warren THAT: the Membership Committee report be accepted as presented. MOTION CARRIED d) Facitities Report - The air conditioning at the Sarah Jane building is being replaced due to noise and noise complaints by neighbours. The assessment done showed above acceptable decibel levels. The boiler in the Bowmanville O Museum building is still to be replaced but will be done soon. Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Facility Committee report be accepted as presented. MOTION CARRIED e) Municipal Heritage Committee Report - no report given. 10. New Business: a) Expense & Travel Policy - B. Seto spoke to revisions that she drafted after reviewing the draft of 4.5 Expense & Travel Policy dealing with reimbursements distributed at the last meeting by M. Adams, and circulated them to board members. Discussion followed regarding what the CRA rate of mileage states & includes; board members agreed that the standard should be followed. 8:07 p.m. B. Seto relinquished chair to W. Woo to participate more fully in motions regarding the revisions prepared. S. Middleton offered that a possible way to handle remote display set up would be to use some sort of fine arts truck for larger event transportation to offset wear and tear on personal vehicles. B. Seto stated she is not comfortable with the additional $1500 vehicle maintenance per year addition included in the draft expense policy and CRA does not specifu one; maintenance is included in the CRA mileage calculation. S. Elhajjeh stated at times the CRA rate recommendation even decreases after a certain number of kilometers. S. Cooke suggested a budget line item be included in future for rental vehicle expenses to allow for events when bigger transportation issues, which should be evident in yearly plans, need to be managed. K. Warren agreed the CRA rate should cover expenses and noted that the CRA website states that anything paid beyond the CRA rate must be reported as taxable income. W. Woo agreed that rental vehicles would be a good strategy for handling larger event set up. Moved by: B. Seto Seconded by: S. Cooke THAT: the reimbursement rate for the 4.5 Expense & Travel Policy be set at CRA recommendations and the additional $1500 allowance recommended be removed from the policy. In addition, the presented 9 point "personal vehicle use for business" become the standard instead of the draft verbiage "use of employee owned automobile for business use". MOTION CARRIED For Reference: 9 Point "Personal Vehicle Use for Business" as presented for approval: 1 . It is the responsibility of the driver to ensure that adequate insurance is in place for the use of a personal vehicle for a Museum related activity. Coverage should be equal to or greater than the minimum specified in the Insurance Act. Drivers must satisfu themselves as to whether or not their motor vehicle insurance coverase should include business use of their vehicle. 2. Personal vehicles are not covered by the Museum insurance policy. 3. The Museum will not reimburse for cost of business use coverage or collision and liability coverage or any other costs associated with a personal vehicle, except for the car allowance allocated on a per kilometer basis or gas usage based on receipts. 4. In the event of a claim, the owner of the vehicle will be required to approach his/her own insurer for reimbursement of expenses. 5. All costs incurred as the result of a collision or other physical damage to a personal vehicle is the responsibility of the driver and are not reimbursable. Such costs may include but are not limited to: increases to premiums on driver's license, insurance costs and deductibles. ' 6. No reimbursement can be made for travel to and from an employee's residence and normal place of business. 7. The standard is that a personally owned vehicle may be used for trips up to 500km in round trip length. For longer trips a traveller may elect to use his or her own vehicle, but reimbursement for kilometrage will be limited to the equivalent least expensive mode of transportation to and from that destination. 8. All car expenses are covered by the CRA kilometrage rate including maintenance, repair, towing and fuel cost. Additional charges for parking and highway tolls while on Museum business are eligible expenses. 9. All parking, speeding and other traffic fines are ineligible expenses. Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the 9 point section for "Accommodation" provided by B. Seto replace the draft accommodation section. MOTION CARRIED For Reference: 9 Point t'Accommodationtt as presented for approval: 1. Staff should use the most economical accommodation available (generally a standard quality hotel room) that is convenient to the event being attended. 2. No reimbursement will be made for suites, executive floors, or concierge levels. 3. Staff is responsible for all room charges and must review the hotel bill carefully to ensure charses are correct. O 4. A detailed copy of the hotel bill must be attached to the expense report. 5. Staff will not be reimbursed for entertainment, valet, pay TV or movies, alcohol or special facility charges (e.g. fitness clubs). Laundry provided at the hotel is only allowable for reimbursement if the trip is longer than five or more days. 6. Long-distance business and personal calls are reimbursed, however discretion should be used in the frequency and length. Reimbursement will be made for reasonable costs for necessary personal calls home for each night away. 7. Standard tips and gratuities are reimbursable but must be documented on the expense report. 8. Additional business expenses not otherwise covered will be reimbursed, such as computer access charges, photocopying, word processing services, facsimile transmissions, provided the charges incurred are reasonable and related to Museum business. 9. The Museum expects discretion to be applied with any expenses incurred and reserves the risht to limit reimbursement to reasonable costs. Moved by: B. Seto Seconded by: S. Middleton O THAT: be added to the policy, "in cash advance" as suggested by B. Seto. Cash Advances: (as new section) Cash advances are restricted and only issued for when travel will extend longer than two days. In all cases, employees should use their corporate credit card or if a corporate card is not available, use a personal card and claim reimbursement upon their return. If there are exceptional circumstances warranting a cash advance for travel and non- travel pu{poses, cash advance is limited to $100 per day and full accounting should be provided within five business days. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: B. Seto Seconded bv: K. Warren THAT: be included in the existing automobile/vehicle rental portion of the policy, the following "only the driver authorized by the rental agency may operate the vehicle, & driver must adhere to all rules & regulations of the rental agreement". MOTION CARRIED Moved bv: K. Warren Seconded by: B. Seto THAT: be added to the "business meals" section of the policy, the 5 points provided for discussion by B. Seto. For Reference: 5 Points ooBusiness Meals'o as presented for approval: 1. It is the responsibility of the employee to ensure that there are approved funds available for expenditure on hospitality and working meals. Actual costs may be claimed for meals on Museum business related trips. Meals while attending a conference, seminar, workshop, or other appropriate business purposes may be expensed using the CRA guidelines. 2. Expenses incurred in relation to the following events are considered to be personal in nature and therefore not reimbursable: parties or meals for birthdays, weddings, births, showers, and other similar occasions. 3. If travel is a regular part of the claimant's job, meals will not normally be reimbursed unless a prior approval is obtained. 4. After-hours meals between two or more employees without a clear business purpose which ordinarily could be conducted during normal working hours are not reimbursable. 5. Employees required to work in excess of two (2) hours past their normal quitting time or when called in for more than two (2) hours, may claim meal expenses, with receipts, using the CRA guidelines. Please note that it is not permitted to claim meals when at a conference, seminar or workshop if the fees include a meal component. Reasonable gratuity usually 15% will be reimbursed. Alcohol cannot be claimed and will not be reimbursed as part of a business, travel or meal expenses. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: B. Seto THAT: be added to the hospitality section "Alcohol cannot be claimed and will not be reimbursed as part of hospitality". MOTION CARRIED Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded by: S. Middleton THAT: strike the point in the draft policy "gifts section" regarding holiday gifts for staff. MOTTON CARRIED Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: B. Seto THAT: be removed entirely the section in draft policy for "alcoholic beverages". MOTION CARRIED Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: B. Seto THAT: to accept 4.5 Expense & Travel Policy for reimbursements as amended. MOTION CARRIED O 9:11 p.m. W. Woo returns command of the chair to B. Seto. 9:1 I p.m. As per motion presented earlier in the meeting, a regular "In Camera" session was held. 9:28 p.m. End "In Camera" session after discussion on a personnel issue. b) Labour Union Update - M. Adams stated that union labour fees will be due during summer hiatus and asked for direction. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: W. Woo THAT: M. Adams continue to use the services of Michael Smyth of Hicks Morley Law Firm. MOTION CARRIED 11. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting To be determined as needed or to resume in September on Wed 14th as per usual procedures. Location to be announced. 12. Adjournment: K. Warren moved the meeting be adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, \ Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and proqrammes that inspires future qenerations and enlivens our communitv BOARD MEETING July 5,2016 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 T emperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present: B. Seto M. Adams (ED) W. Woo S. Cooke K. Warren S. Middleton S. Elhajjeh Regrets: M. Morawetz O. Casimiro J. Sturdy (called 7:03) 1. Call to Order: B. Seto called the meeting to order at7:04 p.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: S. Elhajjeh Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the agenda be accepted. Addendum: B. Seto requested the addition of item on Labour Union. Confirmed agreement with change in motion: S. Elhajjeh & K. Warren. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Cooke THAT: be added to the agenda routinely as item 11. "In Camera" providing an opportunity at each board meeting as needed. MOTION CARRIED 3. Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed. 4. Correspondence: No correspondence was brought forward. 5. Announcements: W. Woo gave an update on Camp 3O/Jury Lands site as an agreement with the developers has been passed by Council. The land including five of the historic buildings will be acquired by the municipality after developers Kaitlin and Fandor meet requirements including a cleanup of the property and providing security on the buildings. They will also give the municipality S500,000 for upkeep after the transition. The Jury Lands Foundation will be charged with the task of sustaining the buildings and grounds afterwards. (See attachment for Press Release from the Municipality). 6. Approval of Minutes: Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Cooke THAT: the Board meeting of June 8,2016 minutes be approved as submitted with the correction that J. Sturdy did not send regrets prior to the meeting as stated. MOTION CARRIED 7. Business Arising from Minutes: None brousht forward. 8. Executive Director's Report: M. Adams reported (as recorded by acting secretary K. Warren): o Attendance numbers are up for this year as compared to same time last year o CanadaDay was very successful, although numbers were not as high as last year due to the predicted rain for the day. The event ran much more smoothly than last year and the municipality's involvement was also much more streamlined. o Gift shop sales were great during Canada Day and overall are more cost effective than last year so financially there is more success this year . CMOG grant has been files and the audit from the municipality has come in and been sent on to CMOG. They have notified receipt of that audit o Veterans Affairs $5000 grant reported previously has come in & is in the bank account o Jen Stein is back from maternify leave r Manual ledgers have been digitized and are all backed up now. Some data from 2012 was not uploaded correctly and needs to be redone o 2000+ dolls are in the collection;50%o have come from outside Clarington including l3 or l4 different multiple donations now part of this collection. W. Woo inquired about partner events from last month including Doors Open Clarington and the Racing Expo at Garnet B. Rickard arena during Rotary Ribs N Brews. M. Adams reported that the museum did not participate in Doors Open Clarington as planned. The display was to be focused on a plow in the collection which tumed out to be built at the Toronto Massey Factory rather than in Newcastle. It was decided not to provide a display because a plow from Newcastle was already on display. The museum provided access for Doors Open members to do research for the event and a staff member to assist at the Massey Building site for Doors Open on event day. The museum focused on current displays at the museum and the Clarington Racing Expo. 2800 people came through the Racing Expo; Rotary Club made money on its very successful event. Canadian Tire Motorsport was at the expo and were quite impressed with the museum display. Bowmanville Rotary event Chair, Kevin Anyan, and other Rotarians reported thoroughly enjoying the display Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: the Executive Director's report be accepted as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 9. Committee Reports: a) Finance Report - B. Seto reported as O. Casimiro was absent. $16600 has been spent out of the operating funds on new cabinets. Discussion followed on a question of why this expense did not come out of Farr funds as expected. M. Adams stated he has not yet allocated where the Farr funds will be used. S. Cooke asked for a summary of the expenses from the Farr donation and for the amount still available. Discussion diverged with no specific answer given. The discussion was tabled and will be brought forward again at the next meeting. Moved bv: K. Warren Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: the Finance Committee report be accepted as presented. MOTION CARRIED b) Collections Report - The doll collection has been examined and there are over 2000 in the collection. The budget for collection management needs to be set up to include money for a research section. Funds can be raised to accommodate that. M. Adams mentioned that perhaps collections could be absorbed by the curator and Executive Director instead of needing a'committee. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: the Collections Committee report be accepted as presented. MOTION CARRIED c) Membership Report - M. Adams reported that numbers are up over the same time last year. Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Membership Committee report be accepted as presented. MOTION CARRIED d) Facilities Report - The air conditioning at the Sarah Jane building is being replaced due to noise and noise complaints by neighbours. The assessment done showed above acceptable decibel levels. The boiler in the Bowmanville Museum building is still to be replaced but will be done soon. Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Facility Committee report be accepted as presented. MOTION CARRIED e) Municipal Heritage Committee Report - no report given. 10. New Business: a) Expense & Travel Policy - B. Seto spoke to revisions that she drafted after reviewing the draft of 4.5 Expense & Travel Policy dealing with reimbursements distributed at the last meeting by M. Adams, and circulated them to board members. Discussion followed regarding what the CRA rate of mileage states & includes; board members agreed that the standard should be followed. 8:07 p.m. B. Seto relinqu.ished chair to W. Woo to participate more fully in motions regarding the revisions prepared. S. Middleton offered that a possible way to handle remote display set up would be to use some sort of fine arts truck for larger event transportation to offset wear and tear on personal vehicles. B. Seto stated she is not comfortable with the additional $1500 vehicle maintenance per year addition included in the draft expense policy and CRA does not speciff one; maintenance is included in the CRA mileage calculation. S. Elhajjeh stated at times the CRA rate recommendation even decreases after a certain number of kilometers. S. Cooke suggested a budget line item be included in future for rental vehicle expenses to allow for events when bigger transportation issues, which should be evident in yearly plans, need to be managed. K. Warren agreed the CRA rate should cover expenses and noted that the CRA website states that anything paid beyond the CRA rate must be reported as taxable income. W. Woo agreed that rental vehicles would be a good strategy for handling larger event set up. Moved bv: B. Seto Seconded bv: S. Cooke THAT: the reimbursement rate for the 4.5 Expense & Travel Policy be set at CRA recommendations and the additional S1500 allowance recommended be removed from the policy. In addition, the presented 9 point "personal vehicle use for business" become the standard instead of the draft verbiage "use of employee owned automobile for business use". MOTION CARRIED For Reference: 9 Point ttPersonal Vehicle Use for Businesst' as presented for approval: I . It is the responsibility of the driver to ensure that adequate insurance is in place for the use of a personal vehicle for a Museum related activity. Coverage should be equal to or greater than the minimum specified in the Insurance Act. Drivers must satisfy themselves as to whether or not their motor vehicle insurance coverase should include business use of their vehicle. 2. Personal vehicles are not covered by the Museum insurance policy. 3. The Museum will not reimburse for cost of business use coverage or collision and liability coverage or any other costs associated with a personal vehicle, except for the car allowance allocated on a per kilometer basis or gas usage based on receipts. 4. In the event of a claim, the owner of the vehicle will be required to approach hislher own insurer for reimbursement of expenses. 5. All costs incurred as the result of a collision or other physical damage to a personalvehicle is the responsibility of the driver and are not reimbursable. Such costs may include but are not limited to: increases to premiums on driver's license, insurance costs and deductibles. 6. No reimbursement can be made for travel to and from an employee's residence and normal place of business. 7. The standard is that a personally owned vehicle may be used for trips up to 500km in round trip length. For longer trips a traveller may elect to use his or her own vehicle, but reimbursement for kilometrage will be limited to the equivalent least expensive mode of transportation to and from that destination. 8. All car expenses are covered by the CRA kilometrage rate including maintenance, repair, towing and fuel cost. Additional charges for parking and highway tolls while on Museum business are eligible expenses. 9. All parking, speeding and other traffic fines are ineligible expenses. Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the 9 point section for."Accommodation" provided by B. Seto replace the draft accommodation section. MOTION CARRIED For Reference: 9 Point.'oAccommodationtt as presented for approval: 1 . Staff should use the most economical accommodation available (generally a standard quality hotel room) that is convenient to the event being attended. 2. No reimbursement will be made for suites, executive floors, or concierge levels. 3. Staff is responsible for all room charges and must review the hotel bill carefully to ensure charges are correct. 4. A detailed copy of the hotel bill must be attached to the expense report. 5. Staff will not be reimbursed for entertainment, valet, pay TV or movies, alcohol or special facility charges (e.g. fitness clubs). Laundry provided at the hotel is only allowable for reimbursement if the trip is longer than five or more days. 6. Long-distance business and personal calls are reimbursed, however discretion should be used in the frequency and length. Reimbursement will be made for reasonable costs for necessary personal calls home for each night away. 7. Standard tips and gratuities are reimbursable but must be documented on the expense report. 8. Additional business expenses not otherwise covered will be reimbursed, such as computer access charges, photocopying, word processing services, facsimile transmissions, provided the charges incuned are reasonable and related to Museum business. 9. The Museum expects discretion to be applied with any expenses incurred and reserves the right to limit reimbursement to reasonable costs. Moved by: B. Seto Seconded by: S. Middleton THAT: be added to the policy, "in cash advance" as suggested by B. Seto. Cash Advances: (as new section) Cash advances are restricted and only issued for when travel will extend longer than two days. In all cases, employees should use their corporate credit card or if a corporate card is not available, use a personal card and claim reimbursement upon their return. If there are exceptional circumstances warranting a cash advance for travel and non- travel pulposes, cash advance is limited to $100 per day and full accounting should be provided within five business days. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: B. Seto Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: be included in the existing automobile/vehicle rental portion of the policy, the following "only the driver authorized by the rental agency may operate the vehicle, & driver must adhere to all rules & regulations of the rental agreement". MOTION CARRIED Moved bv: K. Warren Seconded by: B. Seto THAT: be added to the "business meals" section of the policy, the 5 points provided for discussion by B. Seto. For Reference: 5 Points ttBusiness Meals" as presented for approval: l. It is the responsibility of the employee to ensure that there are approved funds available for expenditure on hospitality and working meals. Actual costs may be claimed for meals on Museum business related trips. Meals while attending a conference, seminar, workshop, or other appropriate business purposes may be expensed using the CRA guidelines. 2. Expenses incurred in relation to the following events are considered to be personal in nature and therefore not reimbursable: parties or meals for birthdays, weddings, births, showers, and other similar occasions. 3. If travel is a regular part of the claimant's job, meals will not normally be reimbursed unless a prior approval is obtained. 4. After-hours meals between two or more employees without a clear business purpose which ordinarily could be conducted during normal working hours are not reimbursable. , 5. Employees required to work in excess of two (2) hours past their normal quitting time or when called in for more than two (2) hours, may claim meal expenses, with receipts, using the CRA guidelines. Please note that it is not permitted to claim meals when at a conference, seminar or workshop if the fees include a meal component. Reasonable gratuity usually 15% will be reimbursed. Alcohol cannot be claimed and will not be reimbursed as part of a business, travel or meal expenses. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: B. Seto THAT: be added to the hospitality section "Alcohol cannot be claimed and will not be reimbursed as part of hospitality". MOTION CARRIED Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded by: S. Middleton THAT: strike the point in the draft policy "gifts section" regarding holiday gifts for staff. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: B. Seto THAT: be removed entirely the section in draft policy for "alcoholic beverages". MOTION CARRIED Moved bv: K. Warren Seconded by: B. Seto THAT: to accept 4.5 Expense & Travel Policy for reimbursements as amended. MOTION CARRIED 9:11 p.m. W. Woo returns command ofthe chair to B. Seto. 9: I I p.m. As per motion presented earlier in the meeting, a regular "In Camera" session was held. , 9:28 p.m. End "In Camera" session after discussion on a personnel issue. b) Labour Union Update - M. Adams stated that union labour fees will be due during summer hiatus and asked for direction. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: W. Woo THAT: M. Adams continue to use the services of Michael Smvth of Hicks Morley Law Firm MOTION CARRIED 11. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting To be determined as needed or to resume in September on Wed l4th as per usual procedures. Location to be announced. 12. Adjournment: K. Warren moved the meeting be adjoumed at 9:35 p.m. Minutes for the meetine of the Clarinston Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningfulexperiences with aftifacts, exhibitions and proqrammes that inspires future eenerations and enlivens our communitv SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD: Present: B. Seto K. Warren UMONIZATION UPDATE July 27,2016 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario M. Adams (ED) W. Woo S. Cooke S. Middleton Regrets: M. Morawetz O. Casimiro J. Sturdy Not Attending: S. Elhajjeh r. Call to Order: B. Seto called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. 2. Unionization Update: M. Adams reported that the initial vote to unionize was held off site by staff. The consulting lawyer stated this was common practice. A 40% vote in favour' is required to start moving forward with unionization and that was met. Chronologt: Wednesday, June 15 2016 before the scheduled following Monday vote, M. Adams was notified that there was a 5 pm deadline for the same day, to fill out paperwork regarding the Museum's side. Also noted by lawyer as a common strategy. M. Adams and the consulting lawyer, Michael S. Smyth of Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie LLP, Toronto, met with the union facilitator in Toronto to go over two points: l) who is considered to be part of the management of the museum? - determination: Curator is management along with Executive Direptor. Programmer is less clear but the lawyer advised that this position be given up to the union with the stipulation that the job description will be reworked and may not always fall into that category (the lawyer has minutes on this meeting) 2) what is the official name of the museum for paperwork reasons? - determination: Clarington Museum & Archives The process that has been followed has been accepted as the correct course by the municipal HR department. S. Cooke stated that the whole board, not just the executive, should be part of all communication regarding the union from this point forward. Consensus. B. Seto confirmed that the executive was notified promptly by M. Adams when he received notification June 15, and stated that she thought it was appropriate that aboard meeting not be called until the vote of union certification took place. It was noted that O. Casimiro had requested a meeting prior to the vote. Chronologt Continued: M. Adams continued to review timeline of all activity. As noted, Wed June 15 he was notified and responded with an email to the executive and with required paperwork prior to the 5 pm deadline that day. M. Adams stated that he agreed with the discussion at this meeting that the whole board should be part of the communications regarding the unionization application and process, and in future would notiff all board members along with executive regarding this matter, but had proceeded June 15ft as directed by Chair, B. Seto. Monday the vote took place as prescheduled. Thursday at the regular staff meeting, M. Adams addressed what a union is in a prepared statement of facts provided to him by the consulting lawyer. Board members also received a copy of this communication by email (attached). Next Steps: Process is to have a negotiation meeting at which time the union can state what demands are being presented. Consulting lawyer advised M. Adams that he needs a mandate from the board to set up the bargaining team. No meeting date with the union has been determined at the time of this special meeting of the board. W. Woo presented a paper drawn up by the Municipality HR department in consultation with the Municipality Solicitor. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Cooke THAT: Municipal Staff and Legal Counsel, Hicks Morley, be requested to meet with the Executive Director, and thereafter provide advice to the Clarington Museum Board respecting the implications of the Union Certification and the appropriate steps to be taken going forward; and THAT: any documentation provided to the Museum Board respecting such matters be provided to Municipal Council and the Municipal Clerk. MOTION CARRIED 7:36 pm W. Woo circulated the OLRB Certification Notice (OLRB Case No.: 0746-16- R) (attached) that Council received but had not been informed about beforehand by M. Adams, in an effort to point out that not everyone (board members and members of Council) was apprised of the unionization. He restated that we must be more proactive in making sure all of the board and the municipality is informed at the same time on.matters of this importance. W. Woo, at the request of S. Cooke, checked the bylaws to see what positions on the board also sit as the executive for the Museum Board. It was determined that there needs to be 2 members from the board appointed to the executive at this time, and also noted that vice chair is still to be elected and would also sit on the executive. Discussion followed on potential items of staff concern. B. Seto asked how frequently staff meetings are held, and when discussions regarding maternity leave coverage and expectations afterward were had. M. Adams stated that he held a meeting with staff members before any duties were altered to help cover tasks during maternity leaves, and that staff were aware that their hours and pay would return to original rates after the maternify leaves were over. They were also told that he would sit down with them again after the term, for discussions. M. Adams reminded board members that any job description changes must be approved by the board. S. Middleton asked if part time staff have a benefit system in place or if anyone working part time might have qualified for them due to number of hours worked. His concern was if any were overlooked when or if benefits could have been awarded. M. Adams stated that he has kept assignments within allowable hours. M. Adams requested that someone from Municipality HR be at the first meeting with the union. All present agree. Upcoming Meetings and Expectations of M. Adams and of Board Members: 1) M.Adams will meet with Municipalify Solicitor & Legal Depart. 2)M. Adams will follow up with update to Board members. 3) A formal board meeting will be called to decide who will attend the negotiation meeting with the union. 4) Union meeting will take place with M. Adams and determined team to hear the demands. M. Adams brought forward the bill for fees from the consulting lawyer thus far, due end of August Rate is /hour with estimated total by end of the process at . M. Adams was directed to pay the current bill. M. Adams will email the board the confidential email from the lawyer and the * Q&A sheet that he had drawn up for M. Adams to present to the staff at the meeting held just prior to the vote. (both attached) S. Middleton requested that the next "emergency" meeting be specified as such rather than "special" so that all members of the board are aware of the importance of affending if at all possible. Motion to adjourn by K. Warren at9:ll pm. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museum and Archives Board have been 'accepted and approved on Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board' Clarington Museums and Archives COlo,CL To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with aftifacts, exhibitions and proerammes that inspires future qenerations and enlivens our communitv BOARD MEETING June 8.2016 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 T emperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present: B. Seto K. Warren Regrets: J. Sturdy M. Adams (ED) W. Woo S. Middleton O. Casimiro M. Morawetz S. Elhajjeh S. Cooke 1. Call to Order: B. Seto called the meeting to order at7:07 p.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: W. Woo THAT: the agenda be adopted with two items under New Business added: 10. a) Draft - Expense & Travel Policy; b) Processes for Executive Director Salary & Performance Reviews. MOTION CARRIED 3. Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed 4. Correspondence: No correspondence was brought forward. 5. Announcements: M. Adams informed board members that Taullie Thompson had contacted the Municipality to resign from the board as he no longer resides in Clarington. B. Seto will request a formal letter from him for the records. O. Casimiro requested M. Adams send a thank you card on behalf of the board thanking Taullie Thompson for his service to the museum. M. Morawetz reminded board members that Doors Open Clarington was taking place Saturday, June 11th featuring Newcastle village, and that the museum was participating at the Massey Building site. O. Casimiro asked board members to recall that the Mavor's Golf Tournament will take place on Thurs, July 7th and that the museum is this year's recipient of funds raised so a presence at the event should be planned. M. Adams and staff member Dennis Jeffery had attended an organizational meeting. Tickets for a foursome have been purchased. M. Adams will play with three others. Each ticket costs $120 and after a discussion, it was decided that the three remaining tickets will be offered for purchase to museum members on a first come first served basis. Six volunteers will be needed to help at the beginning of the toumament to handle bags/caddie for participants. Museum staff will be present to man displays before, and during the banquet following M. Adams announced that Snap'd Oshawa is holding a Wine and Cheese at - the museum.Tues, June 2I't 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. to introduce the new Clarington section they are adding to their monthly publication. All invited to attend. 1 8. 6. Approval of Minutes:. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: S. Middleton THAT: the Board meeting of April 16,2016 minutes be approved as submiued, noting there was no meeting held in May due to lack of quorum. MOTION CARRIED Business Arising from Minutes: B. Seto asked M. Adams to send a card of sympathy to J. Sturdy. Executive Director's Report: M. Adams was pleased to report.that visitor numbers and earned revenue are well above the same period last year with significant increases sighting more special events and successes in outreach. Volunteer hours are up but have not been summarized yet although data will be analyzed before the end of June as reporting on that is part of the CMOG requirements for 2016. Also required for CMOG is a Social Media Plan and a Three Year Exhibit Plan. Municipal Operations department will provide by year end an updated binder on topics including Health & Safety, Accessibility Policy, Handling of Asbestos etc for Facility operations. Municipal Solicitor Andrew Allison has been working with M. Adams to review Bylaws and Policies. A new membership with the Bowmanville Legion has been established. M. Adams received a very positive response to the announcement that there is now a pennanent war exhibit on display at the museum. CBOT recently presented a 55 year award to the museum. Rotary Ribs & Brews, Doors Open Clarington and Heritage Week are all partnership events being worked on. Collaborations with both Community Services and the Jury Lands Foundation for Canada 150 grant applications are being prepared. S2500 donated by Bowmanville Rotary has doubled attendance for Summer Camps by providing funding for 25 disadvantaged children to attend. O. Casimiro suggested camps be included in the annual Recreation Guide as a way of increasing demand and making parents aware. $5000 grant from Veterans' Affairs was confirmed to support the war and the Avro exhibits. Canada Day plans are underuay; board & other volunteers are still needed. Volunteer Karen MacNeil should be thanked for a tremendous amount of work done on Collections & Archives as well as a 5 year Archive Research assessment. Collaborative work has also been completed with the Library identifuing and documenting Genealogy resources available. Two summer students have been hired and started May 30th using therCanada Summer Grants program. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: O. Casimiro THAT: the Executive Director's report be accepted as submitted. ilIOTION CARRIED W. Woo requested clarity regarding the Earned Revenue reported under Targets for 2016 in the Executive Director's report sighting confusion as numbers from previous months were greater. M. Adams explained that the difference was because numbers reported previously included CMOG 201512016 grant money while this month's reporting on revenues included only money other than from that accrued grant. After some discussion it was decided that in future Earned Revenues will not be included on the ED's report under Targets, and that moving forward any figures will stay within the Financial Report. Consensus. 9. Committee Reports: a) Finance Report - O. Casimiro stated that reports had just been received the day previous and that a meeting should be scheduled with S. Cooke, K. Warren, O. Casimiro, B. Seto'and M. Adams. Wednesday, June 22nd;7 p.m. was set. A fuIl report will be made available after that meeting. b) Collections Report, c) Membership Report and d) Facilities Report - Details were covered in M. Adams Executive Directors report. e) Municipal Heritage Committee Report - K. Warren, board representative on this committee, reported that a Durham wide annual conference hosted by Clarington's Heritage Committee is being planned at Town Hall for Oct.29th 20t6. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Middleton -t 10. THAT: the Heritage Committee report be accepted as presented. MOTION CARRIED New Business: a) Draft - Expense & Travel Policy - The draft policy was distributed. Board members are asked to come to the next meeting with questions and comments for a full discussion and further work. The basic policy used is the Municipality's. M. Adams highlighted in blue the additions he recommends for consideration. b) Processes for Executive Director Salary & Performance Reviews - Following some discussion, the Finance Committee is requested to prepare a recommended timeline leading up to the municipal November budget submission deadline such that annually time will be allocated for a full discussion on salaries and all line items. The Executive Committee will schedule a meeting to do a performance review with M. Adams. Staff salaries can be considered during those discussions and a recommendation to the board will follow for the 2017 budget. It was clarified that previously salary and wage increases have been determined using the calendar year so M. Adams, Executive Director, and H. Ridge, Curator, need to be reimbursed wages retroactive to January l't 2016 as determined in the November budget of 2015 for the 2016 year. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting The next meeting will be held Tuesday July sth,2016 at 7 p.m. Location: Sarah Jane Williams Heritase Centre Adjournment: W. Woo moved the meeting be adjoumed at9:21 p.m. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on 11. 12. Chair, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives CO{e " Cl- To iltuminate Ctarington and its heritage through tasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and proqrammes that inspires future eenerations and enlivens our communitv BOARD MEETING April L6,2016 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 T emperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present: B. Seto M. Adams (ED) W. Woo K. Warren S. Middleton T. Thompson Regrets: J. Sturdy O. Casimiro S. Elhajjeh l. Call to Order: B. Seto called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. M. Morawetz S. Cooke 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: T. Thompson Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the agenda be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED 3. Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed. 4. Correspondence: No correspondence was brought forward. 5. Announcements: M. Morawetz provided information about an upcoming church supper in Solina and offered to get tickets for those interested. The Ham & Salad supper is a tradition that many look forward to enjoying annually and to be held this year on May 1". M. Morawetz reminded board members that they are invited to the Official Opening ceremony of the Ehrenwort Trail hosted by the Jury Lands Foundation taking place on the Camp 30lBoys Training School property at 2020 Lambs Road, Bowmanviile; planned for 5:30 p.m. on Wed. May 1lth (rain date May l2'n). All welcome; fundraising BBQ; ribbon cutting 6 p.m. B. Seto requested that a card of sympathy be sent to J. Sturdy from the board members. K. Warren suggested that it would be appropriate for board members collectively to make a personal donation to the Canadian Cancer Society in memory of his daughter. Consensus. 6. Approval of Minutes: Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Board meeting of March 9,2016 minutes be approved as submitted noting that "S. Miller" should have read "S. Middleton" on both the Approval of the Minutes and the Properties Report. MOTION CARRIED 7. Business Arising from Minutes: W.Woo reported that Regional Councillor J. Neai, formerly a member of the museum board, requested that council send a letter of thanks to Susan Laing for her years of service to the community as a member of the Museum Board representing the Friends of the Museum recently disbanded as noted in the March 9,2016 minutes. 8.Erecutive Director's Report: M. Adams, Executive Director, reported that as the second Transition year proceeds, there are many good things happening at the museums. This year one primary focus is on Fundraising, Sponsorship and Marketing, plus fine-tuning updates to the Multi-Year Exhibit and Social Media plans, which are a requirement for the annual Community Museum Operating Grant. Three exhibits arc available to enjoy at this time and visitor numbers are increasing as a result. The Night at the Museum initiative has been very successful starting with the Robbie Bums event earlier this winter, followed by the Avro Arrow events now selling tickets for a third evening. Programs, outreach projects and facility rentals are all being increased to engage the public and increase numbers. Museum structure and policy review is underway. M. Adams met with Municipal Council A. Allison to review bylaws and policies. Some of the bylaws &lor issues in particular that have been highlighted include clarification of responsibilities of the municipality and of the museum as tenant for the three facilities, review of sections referring to services such as the Gift Shop, and review of wording which sounds restrictive and not in the spirit of the intent of the By Laws. The Municipal Alcohol Risk Management Policy is being developed and training is underway. Museum staff are already meeting the standards outlined including Smart Serve training. Partnerships within the community are being developed including the Sports & Leisure Show, Beach Street Theatre, Rotary Ribs & Brews (Racing Theme Exhibit), collaborations with Community Services on the Canada 150 Grant and displays in Rec Centres. M. Adams will attend along with S. Middleton, chair of the Facilities Committee, the Sat. May 28th Hall Boards meeting put on by Mun. Operations Department. A grant.application was submitted to Veteran's Affairs to enable continuing the temporary Clarington Remembers war exhibit in a new exhibit space. A permanent War theme will be developed through revolving displays/themes with increased programming and signage to interpret, promote and develop it. Recognition was given for generous donations received from St. Marys, OPG and Hydro One, as well as the Municipal Grant approved at $282K which is a 2Yo inqease over last year. The Young Canada Works Grant has approved 2 students for the museum this summer. The board discussed the Rickard/Tarr estate donation and it was asreed that the eenerous unconditional donation provide the museum with the capacity, in year one of its restructuring, to purchase and budget for further purchases of the foiiowing, but not limited to: exhibit cabinets, renewed and new signage, artefact climate control measures as they relate to conservation and highway/street directional signage. Regarding staffing updates, hiring of a new Bookkeeper is underway with interviews being conducted. New volunteers continue to signup and a spring recognition event wili be planned as has been done in the past. As this is National Volunteer Week, acknowledgements have been posted on Facebook and appreciation letters will be sent out. The 8 week Administration Intern will finish April 15th, a university student intern will start April 18th, and museum staff have recently enjoyed working with a Seneca College student team researching the archives on Camp 30 & Boys Training School. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: T. Thompson THAT: the Executive Director's report be accepted as submitted. MOTION CARRIED B. Seto initiated discussion leading to board request that the dnticipated Travel and Expense Policy be presented before the end of the second quarter. M. Adams stated that he reviewed the master policy manual with Mun. Council A. Allison, who now has a copy of it, and will propose revisions. Many administrative policies developed in January 2015 mimic those of the municipality. Consensus. 9. Committee Reports: a) Finance Report - K. Warren presented in O. Casimiro's absence, reviewing the 2015 Actuals received just prior to the March board meeting. Discussion followed on some details including 2015 budgeted amounts for grants & programs that in the end were not offered. M. Adams noted that the Reserve Account balance is $1 18,203 and will be included in the flext report. Moved by: T. Thompson Seconded by: W. Woo THAT: the Financial report be accepted as presented. MOTION CARRIED b) Collections Report - T. Thompson reported that no meeting had been held since the March board meeting but requested Curator, H. Ridge, prepare a 10. 11. report which was ciriulated. It was noted that M. Adams held a review with H. Ridge after 90 days in the position and is satisfied with work and progress in this new role. Moved by: S. Middleton Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Curator's Report be accepted as submitted. MOTION CARRIED c) Membership Report - defer to the Executive Director's report regarding memberships and sponsorship progress noting that the renewal process is ongoing and membership is increasing. d) Facilities Report - S. Middleton and M. Adams will attend an upcoming municipal meeting hosted by Operations. M. Adams has'completed Smart Serve and museum staff members are fully trained as well to meet requirements for alcohol service at museum events. No other report at this time. e) Municipal Heritage Committee Report - K. Warren, board representative on this committee, reported that an unscheduled meeting had been called out of which a recommendation for designation of 6 of the Camp 30 buildings now on the Municipai Register will be made to Council. Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: T. Thompson THAT: the verbal reports of the Membership, Facilities and Heritage Committees be accepted as presented and discussed. MOTIOI{ CARRIED New Business: S. Middleton offered congratulations to M. Adams and the museum staff for the exceptional work and ultimate success of the Avro Arrow Night at the Museum events. The third event is now planned for Friday, April29'n. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting The next meeting will be held Wednesday May 1 lth,20I6at 7 p.m. Location: Clarke Museum site. It was noted that Council representatives to the Museum Board and M. Morawetz, Secretary , ndy be late as a result of attending the Official Opening event of the public trail at thq Camp 30 / Boys Training school, 2020 Lambs Road property. 12. ddjournment: K. Warren moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:49 p.m. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museum5 and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives cov'c,t- To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and programmes that inspires future qenerations and enlivens our communitv BOARD MEETING March 9,2016 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present: B. Seto (7:55) M. Adams (ED) O. Casimiro W. Woo K. Warren S. ElhajjehS. Cooke M. Morawetz T. Thompson S. Middleton Regrets: J. Sturdy Absent with Notification: S. Laing (Friends of the Museum Representative) t. CalI to Order: T. Thompson called the meeting to order at7:03 p.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: W. Woo Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT:the agenda be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED 3. Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed. 4. Correspondence: No correspondence was brought forward. 5. Announcements: M. Adams, Executive Director (ED), announced that B. Seto had received a letter of resignation from Susan Laing, the Friends of the Museum Representative to the Board, after The Friends had had a meeting and decided to disband. With diminishing numbers and other challenges, the group felt it was appropriate at this time and recognized that they would always be welcome as volunteers with the museum. The Board asked that an exit interview be conducted and that Susan Laing be invited to the next board meeting to share the history of The Friends. Further, a recorded history of The Friends would be appreciated for the archives to document the significant contributions of this group. M. Adams was asked to determine an appropriate thank you event where due recognition to all Friends members can be made following a discussion regarding the existence of The Friends in future and what role the group might serve. 6. Approval of Minutes: Moved by: S. Miller Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Board meeting of February I0,2016 minutes be approved as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 7. Business Arising from Minutes: M. Morawetz asked that Board members check committee positions carefully to ensure accuracy as recorded in the minutes. It was noted that J. Sturdv had not committed to anv committee thus far. Committee designation is determined by the expressed interest of each Board member. 8. Executive Directoros Report: M. Adams, Executive Director (ED), reviewed the report noting that 2016 is Transition Year 2. Targets are raised to 12,000 visitors having had a successful increase in2015 due to sponsored education programs, focus on marketing including social media, new branding, community engagement, great staff and a welcoming atmosphere all providing positive customer experiences. Both sponsorships & memberships are expectedto be impacted positively as a result. Volunteer hours are now better monitored with the improvements made to the program developed using the grant funding, and have doubled since 2014. The goal increases funher for 2016 from 3140 to 3300 as new volunteers come on board. Events, Exhibits, Programs and Outreach opportunities are all being expanded including a commitment to work with Rotary "Ribs N Brews" creating a racing themed display at the Richard Centre. The trending focus'is on entertainment. The Visual Arts Centre and museum are in discussions regarding the Bowman portrait and a possible partnered event about the "art of the Bowman painting". March break camp will be held as always. Ideas to increase attendance are being considered including finding funding to support disadvantaged families. The CMOG requirements for this year include a 3 year exhibit budgeted/detailed plan which the curator is now working on. Travel & Expense policy is being developed for review. The "Night at the Museum" events have been very well received with good attendance at the first which was a Robbie Burns dinner, and a second planned for March 24th aboutthe new Avro Arrow exhibit. The exhibit opens March 23'd andwill run allyear and through next winter. The War exhibit is being moved to the basement display area. Plans are in place to share the Clarington Sports exhibit in local recreational facilities to continue to allow people to enjoy it and increase awareness of the museum. A collaborative effort with Community Services has been undertaken to submit a grant application for Canada 150 for several events including "Paint the Town Red", drama circles programming, and a workshop series at the library and museum. The Bookkeeper position advertisement is to be in the Clarington This Week and on the museum website starting the week of March 14th. An eight week administration intern will be working at the museum shortly, and a university student intern will start next month. Durham College and Trent University are willing participants. Moved by: K. Warren Secondedby: S. Cooke THAT: the Executive Director's report be accepted as submitted MOTION CARRIED 9. Committee Reports: a) Finance Report - O. Casimiro stated that the interim bookkeeper is working with Quick Books and the new chart of accounts, the municipality ' and M. Adams. March 8th was the committee meeting (day prior) so a more detailed report will be presented at the next board meeting. S. Cooke asked for more information regarding Salaries, Wages & Benefits as outlined in the 2016 plan including the base line for projections and the impact of changes in staffing. Moved bv: O. Casimiro Seconded by: T. Thompson THAT:the board accepts the Financial report as presented, anticipating further discussion and recommendations at the April board meeting. MOTION CARRIED b) Collections Report - T. Thompson presented the report and will now act as chair with S. Laing's departure from the board. Tax receipts were issued and mailed out by end of Feb. The largest one was for the Bowman painting which was professionally appraised (invoice not yet received but wilt be less than $1000). Any donated items that are valued at under S600 are within the abilities of the curator to appraise after seeking data to substantiate the determined value. O. Casimiro asked about the museum's ability to provide a Cultural Property Status tax receipt should it be requested. M. Adams stated that presently the museum does not apply to issue those because of climate controlled storage requirements. It would be something that should be looked at for future significant donations. The current procedures and policies for donations, accession, and de-accessioning of donated items is under review by the committee and recommendations will be presented to the Board in future. The list presented in the report included all outstanding 2015 donations that had not yet been documented and for which no tax receipts had been requested. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: the Collections Report be accepted as submitted. MOTION CARRIED c) Membership Report - S. Elhajjeh stated no report yet for 2016 but asked M. Adams if advocating for memberships is an ongoing process (for example at March break camps and other events and programs). M. Adams said that work presently done could be improved upon and looks forward to recommendations from thecommittee. The traditional Spring Volunteer Thank You event as well as a formal opportunity to thank The Friends will be part of the Membership Committee discussions at the next meeting. There was some discussion about creating guidelines for expectations and possible funding when event attendance is expected by board members. d) Property Report - S. Miller as new chair has not called a meeting yet although was able to have a tour with M. Adams of the Clarke site. There remains the need to document and quantiff the capital expenses expected to be managed by the municipality regarding the Porch and pillar repairs at the Bowmanville Museum house as well as the Boys Bedroom there. New boilers are included in the 2016 budget at the same site, and the sidewalks have become uneven and so there is a health and safety liability making them a priority as well. The boilers were updated at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre in 2015. e) Municipal Heritage Committee Report - K. Warren, board representative on this committee, reported that the outreach and education subcommittee work is underway. With no budget allotment for this committee, a proposal for a fundraiser based on a photo calendar is being considered to create some operating funds. Moved by: T. Thompson Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: the verbal reports of the Membership, Property and Heritage Committees be accepted as presented and discussed. MOTION CARRIED 10. New Business: a) Travel & Expense Policy - M. Adams stated that it is being worked on and will be presented at the next board meeting. b) Friends of the Museum & Newcastle Village and District Historical Society - S. Cooke shared thoughts regarding the two positions included in the museum bylaws that no longer have representation attending board meetings. This item was tabled until next board meeting with a request of M. Adams to research options and the history of the relationships in particular the Friends of the Museum as stated previously. c) Jury Lands Foundation and Museum partnerships - M. Morawetz stated several schools in the Oshawa area ure working with the museum to provide educational tours this spring using the Ehrenwort Trail which is to be opened officially on Wed May llth. The ribbon cutting ceremony is scheduled for 6 p.m. at the Camp 30 site. The schools approached Clarington Museums through the Oshawa Museum. All board members are encouraged to attend the opening event. Museum staff will continue to play a significant role in the ongoing education and tour delivery as well as in maintaining and developing the official archives. 11. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting The next meeting will be held Wednesday April 13th, 20I6at7 p.^. Location: Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre The May 11th board meeting is tentatively planned to take place at the Clarke Museum site. 12. Adjournment: K. Warren moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:46 p.m. Minutes for the meeting of the Claringlon Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives To illuminate Clarington and its heritage through lasting and meaningful experiences with artifacts, exhibitions and proerammes that inspires future qenerations and enlivens our communitv BOARD MEETING February 10,2016 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Presenti B. Seto K. Warren Regrets: W. Woo 2. Adoption of Agenda: Moved by: K. Warren THAT: the agenda be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED 3. Disclosure of Interests: No interests were disclosed M. Adams (ED) O. Casimiro M. Morawetz S. Elhajjeh S. Cooke S. Laing S. Middleton T. Thompson J. Sturdy Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh 1. Call to Order: M. Adams (Executive Director) called the meeting to order at7:04 p.m. 4. Correspondence: No correspondence was,brought forward. 5.' Announcements: M. Adams, Executive Director (ED), announced that there will be a formal reception to recognize the donation from Marion Farr who passed away in 2002. It will be held Fri. Feb. 19,2016 from 2 until 3:30 p.m. at the Sarah Jane Williams Herit'age Centre. Speeches will commence at 2:15 and Marion Farr's family, the Richards, will be in attendance. Board members are encouraged to attend. The generous donation was approximately $71,000. 6. Election of Officers M. Adams, Executive Director (ED), declared all positions open. ED called for nominations for Chairperson. Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: O. Casimiro That: nominations for chairperson be closed with one name brought forward. ED congratulated B. Seto as Chairperson ED called for nominations for Vice Chairperson. Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh That: nominations for vice chairperson be closed with one name brought forward. ED declared T. Thompson as Vice Chairperson ED called for nominations for Finance Chairperson. Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded by: S. Laing That: nominations for finance chairperson be closed with one name brought forward. ED declared O. Casimiro as Finance Chairperson ED called for nominations for Collections Chairperson. Moved by: M. Morawetz Seconded by: K. Warren That: nominations for collections chairperson be closed with one name brought forward. ED declared S. Laing as Collections Chairperson ED called for nominations for Membership Chairperson. Moved by: O. Casimiro Seconded by: S. Cooke That: nominations for collections chairperson be closed with one name brought forward. ED declared S. Elhajjeh as Membership Chairperson ED called for nominations for Properly Chairperson. Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: K. Warren That: nominations for property chairperson be closed with two names brought forward. K. Warren declined to stand. ED declared S. Middleton as Property Chairperson Moved by: M. Morawetz Seconded by: S. Laing That: all nominations be closed, new slate of officers be accepted, and ballots be destroyed. MOTIONS CARRIED Chairperson B. Seto took the remainder of the meeting 7. Approval of Minutes: Note - January meeting was cancelled due to lack of quorum. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: S. Elhajjeh THAT: the Board meeting of December 9, 2015 minutes be approved as submitted. MOTION CARRTED 8. Business Arising from Minutes: O. Casimiro asked if the plan to provide the first year of museum membership for free to new board members had been accomplished. M. Adams stated that all new board members had received their membership prior to the start of the meeting. ,r 9. Executive Director's Report: M. Adams, Executive Director (ED), reviewed the report noting that20l6 will build on the progress made in 201 5 and be another year of transition. Overall visitor numbers doubled in 2015 compared to 2014largely due to more engaging programming and greater focus on outreach programs. Fundraising/sponsorship and marketing will be high priorities this year. .Community Museum Operating Grant (CMOG) requirements for this year requires a focus on long term exhibit planning and exhibit budgeting. Of note, volunteer hours are being captured more accurately and are reflected in reporting. Numbers also include garden volunteers. Visitor numbers continue to improve and community engagement efforts are key to those successes which are expected expand to include outreach projects like extension of our Sports Exhibit to municipal recreation centres with new display cases. Plus involvement in Ribs and Brews with a Racing theme. The War exhibit is going to continue with dedicated display space in the new dedicated display space on the lower floor of Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre. There are many local heroes to continue to recognize. The board/meeting room will function as a children's program area with related activities featuring "friendly" heroes. Work is being done on policy updates and will include a proposed Travel and Expense Policy. O. Casimiro reminded all that the bylaws and current policies are often contradictory and so new policies need to work within the bylaws which supersede the policies. Bowmanville Rotarians have made a significant donation of $2,500 to the museum after a presentation there by M. Adams. M. Adams also made a presentation to the Bowmanville Men's Canadian Club that was well received. The 2016 event calendar is full of exciting and well planned events. The year kicked off with a very successful "Night at the Museum" on Jan. 22 to celebrate Robbie Burns. 54 attended and Kings Court Catering provided the food service. The second will be held March24'h to kick off the Avro Arrow exhibit which opens March 23'd. The March Break camp is being organized and promoted. Bill Calver became a Life Time Member of the museum making the total now three. CMOG rated the museum's grant at I5l15 for the 2015 application, which was excellent news and will impact funding positively. OPG has increased their support of the education program by $1,000 for 2016 and St Marys has been approached to continue their support of the museums. M.Adams will attend the March l8n Council meeting to present the Municipal Grant application for 2016. Board members are encouraged to attend. The Marketing and Outreach Plan continues to evolve around programming and events, With the year already listed in tourism and community calendars. Heather Ridge is our new Curator and has just returned from parental leave. Exhibit Planning and Coordination is one of her main focuses. Dennis Jeffrey moved into the position of Education Coordinator, and Paul Bobier continues as the Events, Marketing and Development Specialist in a 3 month contract. Irene Locke has taken on the role of interim bookkeeper working with Quickbooks and the new Chart of Accounts implemented during the past year when the municipality staff managed the books. The board would like to thank council and municipal staff for their support during this transition and their guidance moving the museum into a better process for managing finances. A permanent hire for a new Bookkeeper is the next step in that process. M. Adams has applied to Young Canada Works for four students for this summer;2 for archives and2 for education programs. Moved by: S. Cooke Seconded bv: K. Warren THAT: the Executive Director's report be accepted as submitted. MOTION CARRIED 10. Committee Reports: a) Executive Committee Report - The Executive of O. Casimiro, S. Laing, B. Seto (Regrets: S. Elhajjeh) along with M. Adams met on Feb I't,2016. Minutes are attached with a recommendation for the board to approve and implement an updated Travel & Expense Policy reflecting the use of personal vehicles setting a reasonable allowance for cover of expenses referencing CRA recommendations. M. Adams will develop a procedure for the documentation of expenses and pre-approval of cash advances limited to emergency use only. Moved by: S. Elhajjeh Seconded by: K. Warren THAT: the Executive Committee report minutes and recommendations be accepted as presented. MOTION CARRIED. b) Finance Report - O. Casimiro circulated the recent Finance Report and asked the board to acknowledge it stating that any report regarding the information would be tabled until after the Finance Committee has had the opportunity to meet. A date for that meeting will be set with the agenda to review the yearend report and make recommendations back to the board at the March meeting. O. Casimiro asked that the minutes reflect our appreciation to the municipal staff for the work done on our behalf. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: S. Laing THAT: the board accepts the Financial report as circulated, anticipating fuither discussion and recommendations at the March board meeting. MOTION CARRIED c) Collections Report - Committee members S. Laing and T. Thompson met with M. Adams and H. Ridge to review collections and prepare the report. They will meet again in one month with the new committee set at this meeting to review processes and discuss items to be considered for assessioning. O. Casimiro asked for further information on the appraisal of the Charles Bowman painting.,The appraisal was done by StephenMcCanse Canadian Art with the recorfirfrendation not to do image restoration work as it is in great "aged" condition and it could diminish its value. Presently it is in excellent condition for its age and history. It was valued at $20,000. Moved by: K. Warren Seconded by: O. Casimiro THAT: the Collections Report be accepted as submiued. MOTION CARRIED d) Membership Report - M. Adams noted there are 82 members including now three lifetime members. New volunteers are coming forward working in genealogy and collection management and have been a real asset to the museum. The new chair and committee will report in future. O. Casimiro asked the board to consider a free one year membership for volunteers as well. It was decided to refer this item to the membership committee along with other strategies like reduced membership fees for certain contributors, implications for OMA & CMA membeiships, and a review of the membership process. e) Property Report - O. Casimiro noted there had been no meeting recently but could report that Health and Safety inspections have been done by the municipality at all three locations and recommendations will be forthcoming. Capital expenses will be discussed at the first Property Committee meeting. f) Heritage Committee Report - no report at this time. 1L. New Business: Committee members were determined by those present as follows: Executive Committee: B. Seto, T. Thompson, O. Casimiro, S. Laing, S. Elhajjeh, S. Middleton. Finance Committee: O. Casimiro (Chair), S. Cooke, K. Warren, B. Seto Collections Committee: S. Laing (Chair), T. Thompson, B. Seto Membership Committee: S. Elhajjeh (Chair), K. Warren, B. Seto Property Committee: S. Middleton (Chair), S. Elhajjeh, W. Woo, B. Seto It should be noted that these appointments were determined with some input from J. Sturdy, W. Woo and T. Thompson who were not able to attend, and will be confirmed at the next board meeting: Moved by: S. Laing Secondedby: S. Cooke THAT: M. Morawetz continue as Secretary on behalf of the board for 2016. MOTION CARRIED. l2.Date and Place of Next Board Meeting The next meeting will be held Wednesday March 9, 2016 at 7 p.m. Location to be determined. Recommendation at Dec. meeting was to hold the February meeting at Robert Mclaughlin Gallery after a tour of the facility. Still under consideration after the January meeting was cancelled with tasks realiened. 13. Adjournment: S. Laing moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair, Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Clarington Museums and Archives Executive Committee Meeting Date: Monday, 1 February 2016 Present: O. Casimiro, S. Laing, B. Seto. Staff: M. Adams. Regrets: S. Elhajjeh The Executive Committee met to discuss information provided by Catherine Carr, Manager of Internal Audit, Finance, Municipality of Clarington regarding Museum VISA and Expense. The Committee discussed the need for updated policy and procedures. With 2015 as a year of transition, the Museums are better positioned to make informed decisions to assist in the understanding of organizational capacity. It was agreed that M. Adams would update the Travel and Expense policy and procedures to reflect the CRA recommendation and present update for Board approval at the next Board Meeting, February I0, 2016. M. Adams was requested to research and present information for board approval on t organizational capacity of use of vehicles. Although, the intent of using a personal vehicle for operation purposes and directly related to facility monitoring at Clarke Museum which is a requirement set by Museum Standards, it is recommended the Board implement a policy to reflect the use of personal vehicles and set a reasonable allowance for cover expenses. It was agreed that M. Adams reimburse the Museums for minor auto repair and snow tires in the amount of $1,486.45. It was agreed that M. Adams would develop a procedure for documentation of expenses and the requirement of receipts for reimbursement and that pre-approved cash advances on VISA continue limited to emergency use only. M. Adams was conunended for his progress in community engagement and development of new relations.