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WgI . ,: yaL , r. Tr -:�s r <�. ;.. � amamwn,�.,.�,;. ._. :.f�:. �:.:.�,.,,.,..a�..wa�r;w+tuuw:�..���.,W .,. ..I SO.. :. ,f. e y .. �.. �.,. s.,,,.r:.� ...r.r. � .. , .� �„.hsms ad .a„�5`. .k ✓„'in?S, 3� d2. - 1 Lm K,......o-�e..dYLG'W' ., a"!F ... v � ���,...++, .fii $k` ..Y' Y ♦.. v. �. s ex � .... :.�.�y _.. � 'a,. x .., I Y _,. _ ._..-._.w..�.....�.y-u.d..y-...rw...-.r,._.. �-... ,..w.—._...ate.....-.. .. _.. a. x kx ' .�" f.u.. .s ,\ ...;.: t :i t... :r" % '�.., G �.. ,,, . � ^•, $e`t . 3± A .A .4, t �::. f.... VOLUM t .- .,. eye-s, 7 ;x-`..-.. g. ..:: d�:-_��K- ..'?- a.x 'f a. 1 ;4 o 4. Y T r .4. r � �4av„ •.� f Y I Oil flit ' ^"^�' ,�witYnMMvww d+M+naMN'�"'M^' 4wr �. `.. g �- a++1�M'ez N.weFewPM•^WWM�wha N*4Mo' ehY Pw"'1b�_a"y"�•r,l�,y _ ,� L 3 yr. t -....ry.......mr..++cfa.s,w.:++WXrArilWww+Mr.+"wA"'.Arr=Rer-M voL - , �'�" t ti. n i- A -P a x t -mr win ,..t . ...�.. } � ,.,...:., ,... � f •, i ,. 4.., `� "# �, fi .� `1`.'�3�Y'%�'3' r�.� `�''�f ,„•._ �" � `.'. .;e,#.:� a>�,. ;�'� v��±=�:_� •"..... �,,: '.� � `?. -.. a _ �^�'szS'= m�,� '^a_ ro �.�.^^�^�?¢• `M-;;» -r+�K �'�:����aa.: ,- � a�.+�i:. � �"� ... ,..� 5M a c 2'a.,-m#j' ,a.. �+� �''.•,-'.w.,'w?;## s, .'.'`4'^3k.?.,`r:'.1_n..�,.':'rg45'.* ur ''.'-�-r n • .. s Yxs". i. t ...,. �.,>.. �.-�'lv =., ..,„. �r .+.jai_ r•'+-, , ._,_:7-w, ,..�F _..-. ,ar , -; �} „,Y. ”. ,,. >. .`z+..,rx 'K5. - t. ct. (�ly�!►it��:E�i��1��ni�dMFY�►ia��+�e�rs�.�.�..,- t;nf�lax��i#r�Ari� VM 7. �II•I iI MM „= z l 21 VVY 7 s y .. m° .SYS%c " � -.., f a - : � , aa4'..--L•,.r.' ,. y� -:; r t. _ YA ..41 , �xkt S: •. r F 5^ s3 eYxUP OR dz� .b: S "h;. ".';._:. S"�R sem' �:"e'i �.7ks �m ! .,t+� °il'a''�«$.• u::rc .,,� i.% ,, ,:£'a, aa•®�` iX.«u..' f ,,�"�„,t +'z$a�x ;.: �a.Y-iu.. , ... f m � 4'i �,, :9' . ,. " , �f? _, .., .,. . ; .i.. A � ,tq .: �. v .>r.�= iFxi ...: ,:�"S+i, . M[ .k_ 3•`... �. ,3�£''� �, '.:r tYi � - $i� e 3 .. ,.;r � � .. d tt � ,Fy Y � r� � � y...t :. ,.- �,� i � +f�%F lf.��Cyi�'�iili�l�fr ly ix �y< 1 '..� $M tb +' �; *tet =`1mt ,�tsa a � i '�� k tC' � �. � h ,�.... y� .,, ._ t ..; R„ R t I. �~. ��, r �: .X �_ � .: .. � ..s.-.. . . ., -. ..s .. wa^ .,, .. -- t ;sss i5✓.* z' .A�"' �. .h i,�s. .>^ r. x''�:S^�_�.a: a: .g }.- .y � r � a r �a.Y-iu.. , ... f m � 4'i �,, :9' . ,. " , �f? _, .., .,. . ; .i.. A � ,tq .: �. v .>r.�= iFxi ...: ,:�"S+i, . M[ .k_ 3•`... �. ,3�£''� �, '.:r tYi � - $i� e 3 .. ,.;r � � .. d tt � ,Fy Y � r� � � y...t :. ,.- �,� i � +f�%F lf.��Cyi�'�iili�l�fr ly ix �y< 1 '..� $M tb +' �; *tet =`1mt ,�tsa a � i '�� k tC' � �. � h ,�.... y� .,, ._ t ..; R„ R t I. OF TH C 0 a COUNCIL E ORP R 3 hP V -, s d 911 _aw- �� l l 73 A by-law to appoint int a Clerk and Treasurer and Tax Collector '' t. , rat ion � of the Township_of � Cil of the Corpo of the Municipal Coup ,.. Clarke.�►.� • c i al Council of. the . Township , of e Now .Therefore The . Muni p Cl' ' e, hereby enacts that He rnan Edward Mill son of the V i 1 ag • Clarke be and he is hereby of Orono in the said Tozansh�p .o Treasurer a.nd- Tax Collector of the _ ti: Y appointed Clerk and oration of the Towb'ship of Municipal Council of the Corgi e of Ir N 1 have an office in the said iiige8surer Clarke; that he shat ��► g on of his duties. as Clerk and Twenty- Orono f or the carrying id .the su n. of Tax Collector;. and that he shall be paid. othy, the said ,and T a a able m I is y er ann for him a suitable offiCe for the one Hundred iso liar s , p e f o rovid Municipal Council t o p • Clerk and Treasurer and 'Tax . carrying ,ou of his duties a er that 1 remiUMS. on whatever bond they require Collector and to pay al P l and , furt, e L'ti or. o SLlpp 9 nd Coil s i t a Tax co st 1 ar n ...... _ w ....::,.,.., : x. r e all or . a� - �,.y-•laws p this by-law be and they' ark with the provisions of o f the final da s: repealed . take effect. on the y ;�. This By-law shall assing thereof 50January A• l y ofPFinallyPassed this 3rdda •. ._. _-.._.__. the.,Township'.f.- '" n A Road �npe intendEnV in#, • t A By-law to Appoint m• • the County of Durha o f Clarke in on Whereat it is des 1rable that • the ley ing out Wand supe ry i Sion roVement and maintenai1Ce a, Wher _ enditure upon imp f , all work and exP ic'tion of this, Council shoul �.. o ur i sdunder roads, within the exclus lve J acting • a, road superintendent, be under the � .supervision of .._.._. . 4 ci.l, to take .d its direction; a desire of this Coun • ` the And Whereas �t . is the movement Act and to rete zve ., .l advantage of The Highway -Improvement the said Act ; l,: rant as ,provided Government g the Council of t11e Municipa Be It Therefore Enacted b3' and it is hereby enacted: ' �.,�.,..�.._...._.._ cor oration of the said townshNewcastle, is appointed road „ P , Dickinson, i�1e , ..._.., ._..�w l.. That Ross shi to act as- aforesaid in erintendent in the said town the said Act f rom the 3rd ...�_... sup rovisions of ordance with the p e Leasure of the said Counti •, act 1 O and during the P t the r da of r January 9.5 tendent shall be paid a to Y super so employed : �..,...�...�...._. 2 . That the road suP such time as he may be 2 lOO.00 .per annum for erintendent to lay , rate of of the sup. That it shall be the duty cure on roads w�.thin the 3• ends super all work and exp cordanCe out and sup s township council in a e1cclusive jurisdiction of,this Improvement Act . revisions of the Highway _ with the p parts the and all and any That all by-laws or p hereto, or inconsistent • ons of said count it contrarya Baled ,.' ,,�.,...•.�.._..� re aolut i be, and the same are hereby Y" P law be forwarded herewith ed copies of this by' . That two cert if i trict off ice of the 5• � to the dis b the clerk without delay Department of Highways . i • y Roads .Branch, Dep ' 'Mun i e i pal all not come into f or ce unt•, this by-law sh Provided in the Highay • That er o f Highways# s 6 s a P�' k he Mini 19 , approved by t anuary 950. .� improvement Acte d Psssed' this 3rd day of J Read a Third T ime an ,,•,._. Viewers, in the Keepers and Fence vie . A By-law to appoint Pound' p0. ' ,...... y for the year 195 Townahip of Clarke an...,. Cor orat ion of the Town P# r Ci & l Council of the C p Muni p l The of ]gown x A .., of Clarke enacts as r 1. , # } ,+ 0 . 1 r go rlr'j `�i' } t P f 4r y s- ll 1 — s r , t'k,•u, r l y: fl, t,6,:,,i ti Cl if a _ J f k ,. .,.,. ..r •... , .:: _.. ,.. ,.<.... ,. ., ,.. 5..... ..,. .r. x.. ... a. �AP`} v r ter into an Cor or,at ion o en r io_.� A B -law to "authori.ze the is Power Commission of Onta ' y 'th The Hydro EleCtr agr a ement w i i kiting. t freeholders according..-.- _MY: for street 1 g. , t of the residen AS a ma�ori y residing within the' area ;WH ERE v. sed assessment roll the •Council of the to the last nevi et ition haVe Petitioned the p of Clarke tO P roc:ure* from the • described in ht ing r oration of the Township Ontario, street lig Co P wer Commission of a.ccompanie by" the P o was Hydro -Electric d the said petition a 'was an that � it ri the said area, o f the Township stating cafe of the Clerk fi ' d resident fre+eholderS , the cert i • t o f the sa b a �or� y h petition the Council of S. • Y S ursuant to. sup tris Power . Commission AND WHEREAS P _ •' ur ose.; have requested The Hy4r for that P P ower or energy said Township electrical p - . ario has furnish ..ed. of . pntario to supply Con�nission : of .Ont H dro-El6ctric Power . and The Y cost thereof ; etitioners, e st imat es of the given to each of the P would, _. AND notice was duly Council o f the Tow+�nshiP id et it ion that th • the said P that purpose consider the sa ;;( signing called for ata Speoia.l meeting Town at snob meeting _...,. �: R} e st mast e s ; Council of the said _z -d e st imat $ � AN D EItEAS the delivery of say. e�.,s id , Abe t.h • h aft _ - . _.. .. .�: ..,•,.. .,_ ..., .:,.. ; ._.:• : , :,..hen .:., � .. ... l� a, w�.t :e ��� .:�� •... O, held of'cbr _ tJh day ' name on the et it iflners ; - there were est imat e s , and' heard the P --- AND WHEREAS, at the close of the said meetingnames .to t nunh e r o remaining on the' 'he tition a suffic1en 'freeholders within. the ....,,.►_E • •` of the resident' • tute a ma�or�t YIE T0�1NHI�..... const *. - re,a ; L OF THE C ORPORAT ION OF sa�:d a NOW THEREFORE THE COUNC follows-. of Clarke do enter, OF CLARKE enacts as t mon o f the Townshi p ora Commission of �.. 'THAT. the, Comp Power. The. Hydro-Electri•c co of which . . `. reement with the said area, a PY into an ag et lighting in his By'-law; Ontario for str.e ached and forms part of , oration be and they a reement is 'he.reto attar Corp. g reement {, e Reeve and. Clerk °f theecute the said ag 20 THAT the aired to ex orate Seal- ereby authorized and red Corp Hydro e h on and to of f ix the t •o The Y .. are the Corporati on. behalf of ch agreement when execute thereto and , to deliver su Ontario . , fission of •recurred.under said Electric Power Corte Cost of the cost i O era.ting area therein described be 3 That P ht irig in - the t for street lig n annual special rate. upon , agreemen .. ed and collected by '�' said area; id raised s Levi within theA lying incurre& under the sa the taXe`Ule propertyCost of the cost .,.__..._.. Capital ea therein described be, �, • That ap 'COs �ht ine in the ar alitY o•, . or street , g cable to the mun1 c l p �. agreement f .'Corporation and b e char g ti the of June paid y ed, this s 6th day I as a whole • no and f in.ally Pas s d t Oro Date � a- A.D. 1950. r hway s at r1 Th ough H,ig..;.� Clarke Design-- of The. Highway Township of Clar th+ section 39 . x` S subsection 3 of $$ } provides that --- EREA 2 f an .. WH R.5.0. 1937, L Chap •, . Act � every vehicle or, • car , • hrou:gh Traffic or driver of r crossing a t ' The operator ediately all before entering St electric i�rom lectric railway ski a or car to full e. in the vehi cl walk ; and f h i ghw!ay highway br g the nearest croa8 highway or part o _.._ ore entering �, 11 mean any of a Manic ipaltY , before �� Highway shall by-law •. ' Through the Minister or .by highway shall be �designated as such by and every such , -"" Department Department; .... ved by the . o _ e ulat ions "of the of the Tov�nshl'p, r with the r g orat ion aPPked to' compl3r uracil of the Carp ... r mar O µ= NOW TUEREFORE t e the Town,sh. ip hway s in ' e: enacts as f o11owe� s_ d arts o f hig _f of Clam lowing highways an p highways i The follow as"throughCe Village of Orono e to , �of Clarke are north part) Poli Sabra Street th r; Church Street ( as being from ate esi (north Par g Street) through h streets of Church to thr g *V'.; north Limit of uls by-lgvs relating } ' ].]. or ,any pr ereb repealed. roved by • ` 164 shi pf Clarke are h e effect i.ve ant it app reCted and the 18LW shall not becam shave been e • o tmen't Thi 8 by _ s and until sign on of the De par {:1 De rtme of Highway e h the regal at i k .. ...... 2`,< ,the pa m coin► ].i.a'sc with ane 19 50 y of e are on dispysY ass®d thi 6th da i ted c and P ` y„„,,.m+.., . � �w,,,w,,;...„..,....«,.,,,...,,.......w....:,..:...+..r.w^...,".^"".,"""'”"` "'^"".'"""" { 9(i��ttwn'1#�'� ,�:?. '`t , ;'a•, ;. to t;1ys ' p�.r ° �c .<. a ran : • i ...._ .,.. _ _ .c Mr UM `x Unlz,.y ,.. .r1. .. c , ,.. V.. ,.,.✓. .,'..7, `..1 a .. 5'. .,v.,#:. ,..:"T xr , ti k. s° Y ,ci. a S*P w ., .. ' r • VA r118 A By-law Restricting Parkin in the -Village o:f o , r ' g g.rano. -- r o po n the Clarke n The Council of the C r ratio of r. r -....,.... Township s h i p o f C 1' a r � '_...,. enacts as follows:"4 r „i _ .. �_.,� D e- the u s e this by-law .--, . fan - _ µ t r�na For p rpo of is by aw; in of mean the stand a -vehicle, Nether h ` g � v i ;l e : w o c e or not .. -. .. , _ ...._..�._ _._..�. R otherwise s e t ha e . upie w__. _._....... °t than'temporarily mporarily fpr the pur ose and w all e P Q hile actu y ngaged in loadin •" f g' or unloa.din�. H, hwa includes s a _ ' incl public - _ common or u � highway,, . • street, avenue, parkway, driveway., square, lace brill ;. viaduct or trestle _ tle, de i.gned, ,and intended for,� 'ed bridge, _.._..,tp o r u S e b i the general public for the passage of 'vehicles. r . _ .12 means every hi h r device in, upon or by w c any person 'N .._.., .... ...... © r .-' property is or may. be transported ' or drawn upon e x c e c p h.i ghway ,. ...., ww . pt devi �e s moved byr . human power, a �`.L'ki11� RAc_ri rti Dact..el1 • r . u , properly w orded" si beg en and are on display person shall' on the _ _ { folloWing 'desigiiated streets or parts of streets in the Village,,,� ' o'f or . ono -,�. North - . side Certre Street between Main and Church Street''Orono.. j sin' thepoliceala eo#Orono . .; _ 777. n"Y .. W, aye, shall _ 11 be yr� subject. penalty, r , � to ,... ..::s �o b.y .ons a Pe o f no t store � s aw ,. � .� t h�[ of a�s _ 0 „ ) for the first s�pyi ywi�iyY ' ,.. fence .and not more thane T�erity-F ` _ ..... oilDollars' ($25-00):for' for asubsequent subse ` : very quem offence Ap 'exclusive of copt $, .and all such penalties s sh pens t all be recoverable under the ; Ontario 5unmary . Convictions Act ..W .. ` This by law shall not become effect i`e until approved by the Department of Highways 4x ;, '_.._ ays and until the signs referred to herein x e . 0-0 h r in have been y i n erected and are on display., ` Enacted and , se as d this +6 day• of June 150 ` _ r _. __ ....... ..: ' , Vt Bv-- `t. ABY -law authorizing the Treasurer: to borrow :necessar, s y mont s for the carrying,' cil on of -Township Business The` C�autn of the Corporation of the .Township. of Clarke enacts as follow 'the treasurer i s he authorized to borrow '$10, 000. 00 s which is . to be in excess of the By No . 1177` passed in regular meeting of , . r Council of' .. _...., v_...; .....,..r...._. ....,.... _..._....:,..w......._..... , . January 3rd, , 1950 Passed this 6 day of July 19500 A By --law to raise necessary' ' Townshipof,ratesintheClarke . for the,year 1950. ' w+ , The Municipal Council of the Cor oraati p on of the Township; of Clarke enacts 'as' f ollows r That ' ,the several rates 'heraein mentioned be levied,, assessed and collected on the, rateable ro ert p p the Town for the e y in hip of 'Clarke' arks ?� .�r M� - r, year 1950 and the. several rates shall . all be levied, collected + .. and paid 'to the proper officer . of thFe Municipality in the manner and. at, such times as the Statutes- of the Province of Ontario and the , By-laws of the Corporation require ., ,,� ,_ ,.....�.,,;ar.�r....:.�.,�y._„�;��r......_......... Provided however that on all taxes remaining unpaid after the . fifteenth day of December next an additional charge' of two, _. ... " o...�.�o,....W..._.,per cent for non-payment shall be added and paid b wa of +u, penalty.,y way.,of r.1:3 rat AeL Z_ A roe to, be levied for purposes County' pur ofor,. . e � � . ��,.. ' ..e'' .�..t'.�►•... .., .., of 16 mills made P the y $r 1950 up of County Rate 13.4 mills and County School : Rate of 2.6 milds on the dollar. A► rate to be levied for Township purposes year .._......'.099*41% `.,�w....._�_.._.... r , 1950 of 1 mill p far the y r 3 s on the dollar which by reason of the Provinc .t S ' Subsidy Act,. now cancelled, is reduced by one mill on 'the doll,et: ` . . r.... _.... ... ..,.._ .. r and will be made up in the , form of a grant by the Province Ontario. of r • rr 1 A rate to be levied for Township School ' p purposes f th+e,.,, - year or 1' r y 9501 as r Bill o ...,,,,.• ��' ].+9 cited in the Consolidated Fub]ac school . 4 Act 1920 And amendments thereto of 6 mill' n n the dollar. ' l { IMw1.+M11.•.i. kv A -rate tck be levied for Bownu,nvill+e Memorial Hos italper By law No. ll of 1 mills on thedollar. � 1 age f, r t ltlt� {1.. , t} yl. x �r:,a,;;:uulkllv�t4�it8rk'SiYiiii�ii�Z 'ltk1 ,vii(. , #' d rau�uu _ : - ., r,;r, ,n -. _ u tea':,.. - ;, 1'<c', , � 4211 •': 11 :; ': e:,,,.- - :.;,-, ,, ._.:M .:.e x f ox.. t ,. <•..., . , a .. ,. _ :: .. . s :..,_.�, . , ., :.. - .:,,:r.,, .� ;1,.-�,..� _,.-« n;.l. n - ,- ...,. . • . .>_ - µ5: r: sr . .. 'tirt s;k � .+3,11 x•; v,z tat $""•; - .,... » r a}s• ' ,.�, a` f ' J'` -, ,¢.'.'f' �` � t �. ,P iT. I YFi llf bE' '� k±de'1'.=� , n r'4'rv•r+Ne+$g*s �'• .2s:bi '�+ , - . ' - ;a . . - . _. • }_ t # ° ,. _ .,.• .. _ w l� 1 l U O „H i s . . 2' n Th r outgh 1111 h�aa :. . w� I.Illd w Desi pati g f The Hig y B la g t on 39 k . . q e sec i.. . 1.f the k. t i 0 n o . bse t ,' , u a , h , . S s t ....., ,_ ., _: a 11 ov es , o - ! . R S 0 19�?, Chap 2�g pr c � n � .. Act cle or ar -_._.. f i c . v eh i r y T of of every h. .`� , , driver throng r o a or n _� .,t� ti ,,� _.. __ .,M . • tering 1 fi; nn,z ,., L. - , ,! .. :. r erat or crossi g s a more The op .. H___aw., lwa . I . . _ ) h 11 before eii .; 1. _ _-..�.� '� ,electric rai �' to a full sto}� i diately , $. . __.- 1 �6. 1.,,... to Y i hway s swa k an 11' . .,- b r in 1. vehicle g g the or . cr ca d , _A_e� Q ____. r_ _„�. _.. , - e'ore t� n an high ay ...,... _. b enter n g i the nearest e � part o f �..K, -._ w 811 - g o f sh m w . . _ or i --` rou' igh er or... ITh gh H ay the ist by by ,,. ._ _ Min 1 a �,�� . _._.. - des a s su an u ch , ..'. _._.,_...igh�way iat ch yDe artment , , d every s _ } ed hig way f ,rl.�s� , i e 1 _- . �...�..�,-...-.,.�. _... a��..,�.►- - Muni 1Pa Phe regu at ions c 1 aPP �� t rove by Y d the the I 1P th .. .� Wi - 0 ,o rn�rke c� , _,�»_., _. _._..,.a -*- 1 b e d t o shat c xraaly �' -�' #_. , -- at i o e a .., ...._ or n bf _..,._». t w�� _ --. , __ , f the C p --� ,. , _,.._ . __r_,..::.-.,.,.__ _ die e.r _ P toren �, cil o or th .; �. _ - Cour .� ' _ the -� .� __ _._T- HES£ _ _ ,. �_ 11 �111111111111 '_ _�� c o l ' O e - W T � ,Hii4 __ s - s 1-1 ,' - o f Clarke ena i s h 1 hway s 1n th #_ _. : :r �;r - ,- -10 - �. Y.�._._ .�~ Township wa s and parts of g �� , _ _ Y _ R w �-- � .. owin high y ,t hi hway s . ..�._......s.. . ou . I I . i _ � . I . .._....� .-.-----�w ie .�. -� --� - r 1 1. 1. ke ,are des' gna e a � o :.1 • .,..- To sh P of �Clar �'ol e village ©f ron t . __,�w _A_� .. et in the is 11 Sta 1.11reet St . . -- �:�,_.. , Orono r Centre r e i� e of -Orono Pari Street �.n tie •P�o�.�.ce vii. g to through h tre'ets 11 . _. �«...__... ,...., -----! _..,.r_.... -7 - r e .at in g g - -.__ vas 1. . . r __ _._.� , 1. I � .�._ -_ ,. I.. . - I. 1. - .t: .• . ,v T_. , w� nee are hereby repL'a . . '1. .All o r 'any pr e v i ° k led b ��. ,� - Y, i roved r . T 0 a A s ti P ... . :. .: .... a .own - P n©t be -come effect ve un ted and , . 1.}� law been - _• of the . _ . r ri r - 1 4- _ v e c r< Yea e r ...", s , :.,. a : - This ha ,: . 4 a. $FUS,}','Yaw7,,b: rxw.tNi, oe�"i'I r..H�!weoaxunr nra�Vaw �,: � •..., r. ,a y ofs of ti S i e p, ». r,, �r x. .w, ,ri g y and un the .; r, a �. Jm numx ,,..,l.r }} .�. b 0 n n, «.,w, „ . ,, ...T r F >c „ 1 „� ,... .,. ,. ... ...._,,. _._ .r 4ei.. ,t__trLrr..n.,:,,. rtia ......,., r'<. ..r .. .._ ¢_«... �..n e.>: - ..,, Fes...: .,,. t10': ,.. �� So7A,,t: �H,� ....♦...,,..'.�.•:,'. ,.v.n�_.., u -u. ',. a w.... ,, ,, .,,nn ux lnexum.arav, n...pst,N,uli.u.x.rCmwl.W.•n ¢¢,mm..nw ,r.u�.e.•..v,:.n+� r,,. ,.M -.... ,. .x.e... r... /� ._. _- ... _ ver _. ._ . � _. 1 '« h .. . •,. .,�,_ .._- , .-.. _ ._. .._ _I,.r_ z..a�,�._._x.x .amu r ..�, ,. _....... _.._ .,., "-.'^t. r:.1- ._. _ _._.. r nM .r.., - s.w.. .,..,dr,,. ,,, ... :- ., .. :., :,:, ... - ,..__ • ..__._. ,:.. , .. .., , ,_�,:., - ...+s4 .• Cil, .,.:,• r_... :,,..:..... ., nr oa�,...-....... a -. r. s :-..r .. , ..: .:: „- ��' .Y ., , +- .-. _ _,. .» ac,n .,_ ,. ,t. .< .-......:: . .. .... , ,. ,•,.. uu r, r �l_. .. r :.. n ._ .... .(:r _ , , ,.,u„W:. �«iei. G- Y' 1 ' P- _ .. .. ... .,.. , . , wu ., .,. r. r.o._,• .. _ :.. ..... ,,..�.. nri ,, � . y'y x. •�- •, .. ,�. ,.. _,.:.,.. l..wn .a. 5 .4:::!3fr ..M:�•vv .8J',N n,}rplt'FiP _. .. :_....__ 'v .: ..cX 1M.. 2 f, A 'YA1 , �, �. w a .w.. ,. .b _._.a4i Y \ .. ....-__. __ ,.... 'T..ia' 7c- fiM.. "^f %n 'r':4 eU.t fdr:Yf.. r .. :: '_ ...._,», 1YiJfK./dN.. M,}N W ••. �y , ., • ' • , -:. .. ...... ,,...,.,.i..-... °rT .. ...�}`1 ,. ?? � 0.YCl�Re,'1V.•TF `Tn 1. .. , x -. �,� +. ,, T° I � 5 f r :. a _. ,,,,,.y,yryzi:'..,«,.. z. ..._ ...;. ,...: � V i1S - - �._.... la in P �. .......� -... _ are 'On p •11 I 1.,.De artmen . Au u�st 9 5 of a sed 1 g r ed and p 11 , 1... Enact s th�.s 3� 7.�'`1. � . __ . 1 1 - !, .. , 1- _ - tion. - - -sr.�r Cor or - : �-� _ of 1 A, B law t+e p ., !T NQ- f-' S ]1I7 ,, • _ of '° v :3 he lice illage sono yor the Establishment and . . .l _ ..._. _ _ T rovide. f -5„ { _....v _.-___ - k e t o P .. 1.1. „ _. � _. C1ar ' .1. 3 ,_T :� r - wns.h i o f - �., LL w __ , it Y r.? - 'w. __� .o- .v... _._.........rnrry-, .•IC' _ , • . - .,. t '�.r.....w.�,,....ro.r.n 1 �, Lunt e e r F zr' a par rke enacts as I . a f Cla • of the To e D tore n ;f, Re ulation of Vo a Township o • t - - , g al Co it ofr h - The Munici.p '_ . ..._ or f th porst - r.._ . , - ' . ounc3l x; __ ---�-; follows �� ns the C of e r C ion - ea , s'.. M' I : x _., _ -- ftp . ._ I 1 „ IN THIS ACT ou e: x..� _, . • 1. 1. 1. 2. % ..._ .. e it la , r. • lg e. V g ..9 . , - f• t ° Tr s tees of °�- fa, M_ p e _. lic . . • � _ e .� hip the . f he P i,c . • � ; he Towns t o u t � , _...w t�Trus . ,f' tees means ed under , F 11 • ! �_�_ ..,. reb establish ,. Orono . t i s he Y . . ., p. . 1 e . _ , , un . a e _-_ =x ° m pe,, fire Par m no s the Orono I. I'll I 11- • • .� �._� 1 A isi a,al Act to bQ. k1. r11L _...�'`s�,1.,_...d .w the auth city of ThE' °�Nlunic�-P ]Departments . , .. - - „ . ° ee r Fire. De ut y fi .� ,: t .. tic �.� z .�/.�- llag a , t ._ . __._. Po a Vi a tment shall consist of no less than v 4 ,. _.. . _._� �_..� _ w .. w _� . _. 2 The de pa . s t 8nt ung ine a r d .-�.._..._,_,. s • C i _ ... _r.�._.,_ .. .s'r.�-�.- _._ s Z .11 .� / -F ..._. Chief , h of Engineer A 4-----� ,J/• ,tt1J2 " tars . e s hysically fit r • I; c .s,.w._.,.. _.f..».� eight fire f igh the brigade shall b P nd �g , 11�% ,-.:-. Every meYnber of of ood reputation, a _-.....-. .1111 �.- �' -�~.' --�-�.... 3 • the municipality , g searenty years , . ,W . }` �.: ,�,w,.�,�.- .- ' ,r �...,.. - ale resid e or and not other cars,11 _ ,,,�,. ...� Qo ant of more than 1. ....�._. �_ _ ears of a6 over , of age for of f i �� ao �'_�<� •.. . • eighteen y t -five ye8rs bar of, the 3� 40•-� _ ---- chief , sig Y every -mem , ' .14 _..._ w. ---'- for the ters and i , s .11� ...,y.._,M...._,...�.�._.�--.�.-' e ,. • _ /�._ -�_..._.,,. �: ° �` � ears of age for fire g r °�' • , ;:� �0 3 and s ixty Y red to bass a medical examinrea.fter . ,, _� _ z.Al. _._..._, . _ _ shall b e e e . r s .q _ _;� _ �. _ �. - requ thr yea the _ , department ssed by ......qw a and at least office every b bylaw pa - - ' to admittance, . • Tl be appointed Y .. resci.ndl0 .�6..✓a. -- l) The chief aha unt it such by law i s e r hall hold off ice f i htersr shall b. t` 11 ... . . "'IV' �°' _ .- . ���0-'0'�'.... _ ��__.._ ..� w ,r�.�_::_ �� the council an'd S full•'t ime officers and fire O o the chief ,, _ _.. »w. .: �.�__nzos_s, (2) All hr e c omme nd at i ': IT., � ;,�-....�....ees u on t e hs bef ore11 I I I : N __-� . e b the Trust P od of three mont ,y�,__.E,?'..%.w appoint d y obat ionary Peri d ._ • _.� . _.�'�r' a �.� hall Serve a pY' _ I", _`1.1. _..- s o f r o her f e s, whoI. :.. ..�•.� and �11 ��� .r w� �_,a_.....-� rm;enent a p ntment - ° t o ���t�'''".�aR.•..! «,�_.�.........._ �.. pe t chief , captain the a proval of • }, J���-.--.-''a`� _ �... � n The depu y hief with P 4 ..w.r,� ._�;:._.. t3 shat be named by the c ri °f three „�,. �,. olunteers p 1 obationary Pe °d 1 r p �,a, ra_. T- ' � ac's v sha]..l serve a Pr 4 ' �-�• �, tees and ___�; _� - the Trus a e�rm�nent appointment' shall be appointed by _•....�.�.. k: mon fir g write g111. I .. the bef:or P e fi liters �- _..fit ) The volunteer lication to be in n , ;;' ll req every app after ultation �, _,».......;, *, , ,� -- u3re n cons 1 ow ,, _ -. -- the chief who aha t an appliCBt iO ' ear fire11 I , ..,,,,��t._ t or re jec Y r volunt and he Ynay� ac+CeP rovided however that eve y months beforei. I * _, ._.., M -. ,, .:. .. w.-� th his officers, P nar period of six „,.. w3. er nhall erne ,e px-obat io y to 11 :_..•_ _ • .. - .�_� ., .., . . - fight $ r fire f i6h r 11 I, �.�b_... .a �_ _ _..a.,-;��. acCeptance . .Pend any off icer o ted eA.W*AW__,e__..._�_. final a chief maY su$ conduct, or Ips';.. .. �_....� ,: ��'., .�.>.. .�Z10.11�.-.*,O!!:1111:::::;;:���-""- .� _. ._. � � . � l� Th efficiency, gross oris ,,r,•..,,.,....,.. i 1�i �1-1. . tion in 4' • �, ,.- -. r for ine�ubo?C"dina d rmct3.ceB or f area . f 1-t iRe '' {,,,> fe�lil-ur® to �eltten P er or fir® f igh'ter i.s a his µ.._.~ a • �,,L. ,.......,_ �) If fic 1 pa,r the offe i n such of re nce t _..,---,-.... ;; i n as „� .�,, a ire Thal ac • �. ,. a the f chief shat tb►ke such t ° ¢,,�:.�.�.. .,... �... e w .._ -", employee th Truitt , "' ."� # `" t iapt t o ee 8 0 1 1 e . � reiCo endo lri a w. ., , ,: �yrrwNR« a.. , - de ad v �` . . « „. • « • } r % ,, ift 00#10 vool ' , - „1n........r..r«.a.. I - -w• Ali ,�'"""""r"I -. ' '� ; - a I . ` • , i 11 11 I 1 ; ,e ';I I .1 $ x ,,. n+»-,.ewra.,rY,i +a•* y �. on0#0 , ,. .� rI Ir „- r, i. , '.,� . " i e z 'Ax 1 �.,,r..I 1111, ., _ ,, t, t f. u,.«, 01 il a: ,^. . � . *a»_rw.ew...,r...„.,. I. _.,w...r+...w•..»:ca.w....,»+w11N.ir«»w^."'r"." .•w.w.... } e 1 a�"•-^�+k.""�.a'""' `:.aw.«w.. w,ee,..,..,y.».aw,t+-(w».,.wn,.rwa.•p...aw / _ , ,ql .».,.., �^.., x .,,w..... .-r 11 v.. -F -...,,. .-z '.« .. E,?s>'.& rri..., ,,,, .,.... .,i ..-..: .. ,. -„''1 -i .YEY'.. .. ... vsf, ..r+'< .{.E N. ' .„ i z.. .'," -1 I n, ,Y•. wm:. ,, i . e:;` # .... .::. %:,�^" t4T ,":. . „ :,: fir, �, w.� _.._ _,: '..' �<aeSw.tifss .i�i+�Sailau,.'eian i _. - ,,✓,_... e any ' u of au . T: ,person shah. age a�n a�P thoria .:.. „ . _..........,.. , �• ut to' any se n d by tie chief 1� ent andsupplies •. � person s • r. equ s s apparatus) r = i� e , ,.,.nisi on of the pro of. this ,, - _... person contravening any _!:._ 3.$ . Any Pe f Ine. not. . _ • therefor,, be liable to. a: - .._..._. _ conviction - ;,._•.... - laj++� shall, upon th • �e .of costs } by not exceeding X50 O exc.us3v.. „ w_ , ,�.- r-- less than X10;00 and •went -one days,. -ele r t ex C e di � y e alp r.soxment for any term not K or. - invd,rw..r,Ymnmfrou:».ww.r.wrM1rrrrmv.awFrnwwrrrrwvwr._ -__ „?., .!! .M M Yah Lt ,. _. n• Yi' a> ww. aar'n.1 .. i> w♦ y x I. Gtr. .. .' aYw 'ns +. n. <•rn,r. t,u :,xv..,..'♦xx,u,.i • .. •• ..aa,:r.i•,.urm,n..rww„o®r,,,.-,n>,».m� N�, Y . _ ..,. F 41M KI , - n..w...,v . ,_. .w :.;+ !. 7 ., .. ,.. -_.-...... .._ .,.. ... ._.. rtn .. 4,. K.56n 1.s ,ut4 n.., x.. u . . .... ,,SS .,. .. ... ._._ ..z ..:....,G�... • __.,.. .._ ., Y .. .. V N i+n r ,. x..:ura. ... ,r-IV.. LL{.. . ,.L .' 4T n � "•'r! \'.,n.> _'.ul 'V• '...1 X21•. v„r 4.rHd..i.1 'Y, rYt- ..... 11At1:+1.4.+1 i. 00 Rr- .. ` .. "-____._.„v.._.._..--,...-__...-_._,_ _ _• - _., h_. f r, , ,. ... .. u!"r.M:f kJNAldSI'J:ri /t0...- ,.iCO. AI. he.n — �, of this by law conflic with se the pro }1'9. 3n ca P cions of` this:.. by pr,ov i -. a the provis- ions he prow of any other w, kt ; i l • by-lawsteal 't u , , �. r 9t eva • , OF .. r,«, of September, 1950 4�(>< } „ t Fif day • as, T_ P ed this-Fifth a(' , , - , , of the Orono Police •TM _ . - w to a oint a Fire Ch�.ef A By 1a PP k • De artment--- r Fi e p ntee e. __. e Volu a V� llag , Village f o P is Vii of e , Wh the office of Fire Chi. f Orono , , 1 , • ereas e vacant �o • _... becom orat ' f ' haS e C pa EREFORE the .Muni i l �Counc it of the 'Corp _. NOW, TH enacts that F • Oliver Cooper of the Township of Clarke hereby Township be and he is hereby. Fire, r .he Village of Orono . in the sa�.d To p e ,'iTolunteer tth no ce Vi11ag Poli .:__4.�•-__..� _._- - oint ed Fire . Chief of a Oro are hereby ./.�.� ap Trustees P Orono Police Tr ees Department ; and that the f a for this office . 4 o a. _ . n .._,_�__._ ..,_._. annual _ ' �__ �. the �..� :• ,- .� -� _.. __ r ate contrar _. t o' . $e t an rate laws Y• or, inconsistent'. b - All by-laws or parts of Y are hereby, . oe ..:IY,d�.�/.�id_ - -law be and they .” �� w _.,..__ �,.__. f�.�'--..� w• th the provisions of this by fF} / ,►__./oo .�.. -__��� _.__..:.._:., repealed of September 1954 • {; .eGFinally passed this . 5 day p - N 119 1 9 , �� W .._._ .,.,�..,.__....._...... ._ t� e :additional 50 nd it r , , ao- ' v ure , y. vide for add t io 1 exile W 03 - _ - J.�. A By-law to pr, vi • n the County of Durham. .w -Clarke i , roads in the Township of Chapter 6 R:S Oe , he Hi Impr nt P S T Highway oveme Acts 5 WHEREAS y t the exile on tha total nditure • ...% ...? and amendments requires b township s. 1937 ded.for annually y township roads and bridges b e Prov i .... . ,00 ...- by law tion of the said E F pori TH RE ORE the council of the cot town folio : r rioted from Hies shi enacts as follow hereby appropriated P ino 00 io he y PP �.AWs • „�y,�.,..�,....._..,.._.....,,,xrThe sum o f � � 5 , 500. for additioriel .�._�,u•'"',�a„�,.! ove rnme nt subsidy ..._.. ,._••,..., _.:. _ debentures and gand' 1 , , b len ce of ds raised y ys road rid maintenance Hari . tie De expenditure upon construction a asp follows: ... during the year 1950 di t iotz r bridges, under its juris c Y. ti �, r BRIDGES ROADS�> ”' �5 500 00 .f Construction � � Maintenance r New Machinery t ....r _.._... Machinery Repo, t N Miscellaneous ... be • ex nded under the directioxi of ..�.► The said xnori3.es aha]. Pe ent and on work .... M �' h i. rad a'upe r i nt a rid .. th+� duly., ta►wn►s P Hi hwa Improvemex��► Act.�.._,.....,. . - - in aecordance with 'The � y performed , , r _ { r : f ' f }ut x`° s ifa t c f t� . .. .. - ...': .,. ... .. .. _ -... : .. a....- ,,..•... ..N ,.,.. 412 � v,E.; v*f+i'_5ni sA. •,^xe„Y Ya.•E,� u'�"tfi..�'-�'�. .r fix. �.+YN-8 s.asw C, �= ,. 3.maim. .. :.i C:.a"y � � '' xf � }. '1.w? � ,:... .... : . . «VOLIM M MhMA✓�MM�W^*^'4a' -a.•a gill1 vi.'x u 4 t S S' t.^. �r , R PMM R12,51.y-fid „, " }; -, � F's, k sop_ SwwMii4wisArl� , ' .rr+w..++wriw.r•w+M+..a�M11N�� ... .......,n.�_ t ' .. .. ........A Ar Alp DN%N~ m ....:... ,<�%Y33�m�i w 4M«+..4 Moog= Ws. ,. 00, r �,. ... ^'z,. "•,�...��¢" v,r '"h � � n `"';�.'G� F 1 Fy �,fl ?,� � r f• F s #�: ,;'-� F 3 t a� u,+ r- 7 z - _. ,. ,-._.. .. t,.,;r .':Y. , aop?. g,..8."s4:�k : .;.. -.: :...:. : �'; a<. .. . Y..xi3' - £#5u% v -. ,r .•....wJ".-'i. ^% . f f.'y✓�x 1�.. •`..�_: .p`n-" ..Y. t a ':' .�.+ T« -.v v' -i' x 6' y rPiq 'A� s .4 t � ' do 44 _ i5 i v r is t moi w. rt. .._ ..r� nw.+.r•.-----"_ .ate t k ? t z Wy'ass" Kw .3i' i> ..•w ..«+wr, hF'a _. � � _ } . r �� «MwMYrr.An+en"�+'a".+•✓ z w r . l NM�w'1" T*w•w^T.^� ,...✓+p•WawM nw.+.r•.-----"_ .ate t k ? t �a .^ ..•w ..«+wr, hF'a _. � � _ . r �� «MwMYrr.An+en"�+'a".+•✓ z . l NM�w'1" T*w•w^T.^� ,...✓+p•WawM �r .... • F 7 F VTLM .,- ..... ..,. .:,.:.. . ...s 'l, 93"M . : .:. i i f� �,.. ;•., i� A,. .. ,,. ,.. „ .....,/k'se .... > :_., s, ..... , _ . . *� � g � �,�-( �,n r5..,�et ✓ � y F'�` rr°r r"�r ._. nw.+.r•.-----"_ .ate t k ? .,t*c � z l� s $, 271 v t' rrmUM 7 Y t _. _... ._. , .. � i .. ... -.'»f... .... v:. ,. ..... ... ....:,. -.. _ ., ....____... k '"�.:§�s ^��e•.. �.....ea::sa_r. a, ,... �.._,..... .. ......_. _�::-t�'. s_'".S.t_..A'�-r1..�.-t. ..a r.::..:�,.,....,.,<r....a.�.��.,...........__..��,.r_._ ......�.<.�_... C,r�x,.:��.,. � ,_„ .,, ,,:�- ..,.mss., � . .,._. -_ . ... x. ...... __. .. _. t. ,.� ,-...2 -c�-: ..z.� x - - r I.. I• ��• : . ... .4✓i1lMYMIIIMa f4 x� a r r i f. V r t .•r Mw+w,whlrN,rdr.iN1 "f 3 , voLUML 7 ....... .... sv „".yam; S• s'v..`.'a..:M:�mn..-r`+.� {+. 1��,.� ,I, "^= s rc .'n1=�' }!. � «>�. ...5 �. ,. ,. f ,�.. __.. �.,.Jdfw.a�. nR ,C� . ,. .��e.. - ..._ .. _ - I AV ILACAWACooP r 01. w lire �4 -24 x >. n , ... ;�. +3=,. .::,, , r r _ ., '70 ..- a 9... ,.., _ .. .e. ':: -.a r. ,r ., < .. -. .::- r .. a. ....... ,.Ka ... :. - i� ✓�- .. ::::�.c,.. «...., r.:c y.,.�aasrys:�suxs-.�aa+ „ .. >.:h.- .,.. ,•. _ - _ - t�.> _ - ,n.... i „� w r _ ,_, �., ... .. .. __. .._ -, is ,-�=a,<:z .. ........ ; ...�.. i ....... 4 ..,:.... :. x�.... � i i r5+ .. �. .� ..x .., ... .. : ,. _ ._ .... .. .,:, .x..,. _ ..: ,u� ... �.,2...c, � ss i t ,...iw fie, ... ,... .. .. ..., .1., � .: .. . .. �.. .. sr s -. .. .. $*... � .. .. ... _.. ,.. ,. y.z,�.�:... sw ".r a �..:__.. .. _-,n.. �_. a. .:., .rz ,a=,. .. ,. 'maa�kawr..rne�' }v-9.�.'.�'.c-f�": f.'fit -azf i5z 'ih' r+o-n w.,, u=-........:� _.>..�: .h. t .,', . r., „.�+r�y ` • - ssP . x�,” .:.. ._. .� „ _.. .. ,.:...s+.,.,snaAeevL+.:. vW ...... ...,... ... .wvr..es�+..x.arm.xxvrwww�iwW .....�......vM.-:.,.vr.w..,e.+�.,w-e..w,...�-a.—.,.�.,...,`...v...w�.....,m.�w.r.......>,..Xa«... ...a.., a...�,_':i, & `Y`wy +''.+r rtM a.r. ,k.-''4.tir.,€E5_4:s' e i-•�> .?u'+, a.,.a �5. '' ...Aml.- 9.aa'kw �J w i` nr'